thESource Unplugged

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thESource unPlugged Summer 2011

Youth Ministry...

Is centered in Jesus Christ...given in baptism...nurtured through the proclamation and study of God’s Word...strengthened through participation in the Lord’s Supper. Supports young people as full members of the church today as well as the church of the future. Challenges young people to take a role in shaping the church’s mission to the world. Is a part of and not apart from the congregation’s life and mission. Equips youth to utilize their God-given gifts as faithful disciples. Speaks to the full range of life issues of youth in the congregation and the community. Is person oriented. Is family inclusive. Is congregation based. Is outward focused. Is ministry to, by, with, through, and for youth. During the summer of 2011, thESource featured articles on each of these statements. Read several of those articles in this issue and ¿QG PRUH RQOLQH DW ZZZ \RXWK(6RXUFH FRP Connect with LCMS Youth Ministry online: Web sites Social Media Follow us on Twitter: @lcmsyouth @lcmsnyg @lcmservantevent @lcmsyoungadults @youthESource Like us on Facebook: LCMSYouthMinistry LCMSNYG LCMSServantEvents LCMSyam LCMSyouthESource

Photos on the cover and above were taken by Rebecca Rutan at the 2010 National LCMS Youth Gathering. Photos on page 7, 19, and 20 were taken by Amanda Singer at the 2010 National LCMS Youth Gathering.



Summer 2011


How to Stay in Touch with thESource: For feedback, article ideas, submission guidelines, and queries, contact the editor by sending an email to


A Part of, Not Apart From


Life Issues and Youth Ministry


The Prepositions of Youth Ministry


Equipping the (Young) Saints


Ministry to One


blogs Servin’ Lovin’ Praisin’


Snark, Crackle, Pop Culture


Game Guru


Betwixt: Middle School Ministry


tools & resources Girls Bible Study


Guys Bible Study


A Prayer Litany for Youth


Can I Use It? Book Review




Visit thESource online at: Follow thESource on Twitter and Facebook: Mailing Address: The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod thESource for Youth Ministry 1333 South Kirkwood Road Saint Louis, MO 63122 Phone: 314.996.1155

thESource unPlugged is published annually E\ 7KH <RXWK 0LQLVWU\ 2I¿FH RI 7KH /XWKHUDQ Church—Missouri Synod. 7KH <RXWK 0LQLVWU\ 2I¿FH RI 7KH /Xtheran Church—Missouri Synod

7KH <RXWK 0LQLVWU\ 2I¿FH LV Rev. Dr. Terry K. Dittmer, Director Rev. Mark Kiessling, Associate Director— National Youth Gathering Jim Lohman, Associate Director— Servant Events/Gathering Arrangements Krista Miller, Associate Director— Gathering Registrar/Operations Jeannie Smithson, Coordinator— Financial and Clerical Support Contracted Resource Personnel: Sherrah Behrens, thESource Editor Jessica Bordeleau, Lutheran Youth Fellowship/ Young Adult Ministry Consultant

Servin’ Lovin’ Praisin’

Cans for Jesus by Brian Steward

We are very blessed at our congregation to have a food pantry. Each year we feed over 10,000 people out of our pantry...that’s right...more than 10,000 people each year come into our church and receive a grocery sack full of food as well as the Gospel message of Jesus Christ! Every day the pantry is open, guests come in and meet with our Care Ministry Director. She discusses with them where they are at both in their life and their walk with the Lord. She shares with them Jesus’ words of love and forgiveness and also reads Scripture and prays with them. When appropriate, we gift them with a Bible or devotional book. So, not only are we feeding the hungry, we are feeding the Spiritually hungry as well! Our pantry is supported by donations from our generous members and friends. It is also supported by other organizations that either donate food to us or sell it at a very deep discount. One of those organizations is Foodshare, and every year they do a community-wide event called Can-a-thon.


The Can-a-thon is promoted by many of the major businesses in the community, including the television and radio stations as well as the newspaper and grocery stores. One Sunday a year, youth groups, church groups, and individuals go into the community and collect non-perishable food items that in turn are donated to the local food pantries. I bring this up because I have found that some of the greatest servant projects you can do are the ones right in your community! No matter where you live, there are people who can’t afford as much food as they need. Wherever you live, there are people who have fallen on hard times and they need help. Our youth group not only participates in the Can-a-thon, but we also go into the community a few other times in the year to collect food from our neighbors for our pantry. This not only gets our kids and our congregation out in the community, but it lets our kids know that there are many people in the world who have very little. It’s a great lesson for them because they are learning that they have been given much, so they should give much as well! Whether it’s collecting cans for the needy, or another project or cause, I encourage you to go into your community and help. There are so many people who need help and encouragement, and you can be the one who brings hope to them, and that is the certain hope we have in Jesus! Today He is calling us to serve, love, and praise Him in our communities! Get more ideas on how serve, love, and praise at Brian Steward grew up in DeWitt, Iowa, and graduated from Concordia University Chicago. He has served as DCE at Zion Lutheran in Naperville, IL, and currently serves as Director of Youth Ministries at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Peoria, IL. Brian has been on the 2010 and 2013 LCMS National Youth Gathering Mass Event Teams. He has a heart for the lost and a strong passion for youth ministry, which started after he DWWHQGHG KLV ¿UVW <RXWK *DWKHULQJ LQ 6DQ $QWRQLR in 1995. Brian loves his Lord, his wife Nicole, his puppy Lily, his family and friends, and he cheers hard for the Iowa Hawkeyes, Chicago Bears, %XOOV &XEV DQG :KLWH 6R[ $QG FRPLQJ ODWH LQ October, Brian and Nicole will welcome into the ZRUOG WKHLU ¿UVW FKLOG

Bible Study

For Girls: Opposites Attract by Lauren Nietubicz

Opening: Option 1: Men vs. Women: 1. A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants, empty the garbage, answer the phone, get the mail‌ A man will dress up for weddings and funerals. 2. A woman will do laundry every couple of days. A man will wear every single article of clothing he owns before he will do his laundry. 3. If Gloria, Suzanne, Debra, and Michelle go out for lunch, they will call each other Gloria, Suzanne, Debra and Michelle. But if Mike, Phil, Rob, and Jack go out for a beer‌ they will affectionately refer to each other as fat boy, Godzilla, peanut-head, and useless. 4. A man has six items in his bathroom: a toothbrush and tooth paste, shaving cream, razor, bar of soap, and a towel from a hotel. The average number of items in a typical woman’s bathroom is 437. A man would not be able to identify most of those items. Option 2: Download the PDF of this study at to see option 2. Study There are obvious differences in men and women. One of the most important things, in any relationship, is to understand the other person and honor how they recognize love. Dealing with Women Ask the group: in general, what are some ways that women feel loved? After a few thoughts are shared, discuss the following‌ Openness²ZH ZDQW PHQ WR VKDUH WKHLU IHHOLQJV WKHLU GLIÂżFXOWLHVÂŤ ‡ We want full responses (not random grunting while watching TV) Understanding²³GRQÂśW WU\ WR Âż[ XV MXVW OLVWHQ ´ +XVEDQGV JHQHUDOO\ DUH EHWWHU EXLOW WR DQDO\]H JLYH DQVZHUV DQG XOWLPDWHO\ ³¿[´ WKH VLWXDWLRQ DW KDQG ‡ :H ZDQW WKHP WR QRW GLVPLVV RXU IHHOLQJV QRW LQWHUUXSW XV DQG WR QRW WU\ WR ³¿[ RXU SUREOHPV´ XQOHVV ZH DVN IRU D VROXWLRQ Esteem²$VN ZKDW GRHV WKLV PHDQÂŤ WR EH ÂłHVWHHPHG´" ‡ To feel honored and cherished. ‡ We want a husband to speak highly of us in front of others. We want encouragement, praise, and kindness. We want someone who notices something different about our hair or clothes. Dealing with Men Ask the group: what do you think are some characteristics of men (dealing with how they feel loved)? A woman who completes him—Ask the group: Why do you think that’s important? Read Genesis 2:18. ‡ 7KH ZRUG ÂłKHOSHU´ FDQ DOVR EH WUDQVODWHG WR ÂłFRPSOHWHU´ ‡ The differences in men and women are intended to complete each other‌ ‡ For example: a wife may be better at scheduling, while the husband relies on spontaneity. ‡ Another example: a wife may be more social and talkative, while the man is more serious and reserved. ‡ To complete someone also includes accountability. ‡ How do you think the two go together? Read Ecclesiastes 4:9-10. ‡ :KHWKHU LWÂśV D VSLULWXDO VWUXJJOH D PRUDO WHPSWDWLRQ RU D GLIÂżFXOW WLPH KDYLQJ WKH RWKHU person present and willing to understand and support is crucial.


A woman who admires him—Ask the group: why do you think this is important for a man? Although he brings into the relationship his own talents and weaknesses, success as the head of his family depends largely on what KH QHHGV IURP KLV ZLIH FRQ¿GHQFH While women want esteem and honor, for a man, little is more devastating than to be viewed as incompetent by the woman in his life. No matter how successful or FRQ¿GHQW D PDQ PD\ VHHP KH VWLOO desperately needs the appreciation and support of his wife. Show him you need him—Ask the group: how can a woman show she needs her husband?

Read Galatians 6:2. ‡ Scripture reminds us of the importance of having someone come alongside to help. ‡ We all want to be and feel needed. ‡ ,WÂśV LPSRUWDQW WKDW D PDQ IHHOV WKDW KH IXOÂżOOV D SXUSRVH LQ \RXU OLIH 7KDW KH VRPHKRZ makes the woman in his life feel safer, better, and more beautiful than she was before. He needs to know that his masculine presence makes a difference. Read Genesis 2:18-25. ‡ 0HQ DQG ZRPHQ DUH GLIIHUHQW²WKDW LV FRQÂżUPHG HYHU\ GD\ RI RXU OLYHV ‡ God forms and equips us both for various tasks, but all these tasks lead to the same goalhonoring God. ‡ As discussed earlier, it’s important in any relationship to see the others’ gifts and needs and learn to respect those.


Closing Pray as a group—asking God for guidance in all relationships—that we might learn to recognize and honor the needs of the other. Further discussion possibilities: ‡ Finding the hero in your husband: ‡ $VN WKH JURXS ZKDW GRHV LW PHDQ WR ¿QG WKH KHUR LQ \RXU KXVEDQG" ‡ The hero in your husband is only his ability to imitate God’s attributes. ‡ 7R ¿QG WKH KHUR LQ \RXU KXVEDQG \RX PXVW NQRZ WKH *RG \RXU KXVEDQG ZDV FUHDWHG WR LPLWDWH ‡ $VN WKH JURXS ZKDW GR \RX WKLQN KDSSHQV LQ D UHODWLRQVKLS ZKHQ D ZRPDQ GRHVQœW ¿QG WKH hero in her husband? ‡ 7KHUH LV D WHQGHQF\ IRU D ZRPDQ WR HLWKHU ¿QG LW HOVHZKHUH RU WR EHFRPH KHU RZQ (LWKHU causes distance and can greatly weaken a marriage. ‡ Spend some time reading or summarizing the story of Esther. ‡ $VN KRZ GLG VKH ¿QG WKH KHUR LQ KHU KXVEDQG" :KDW VSHFL¿F WKLQJV GLG VKH GR WR VKRZ VKH respected him? ‡ She completed him by giving him a different perspective. ‡ She also admired him by showing respect in the way she approached him in front of others. ‡ Read Proverbs 14:1 ‡ Just as Esther, a woman is to use the gifts God has granted her to empower and uplift her husband. Lauren Nietubicz was born and raised in Texas and graduated from Concordia University Texas in 2005. Lauren and her husband Chris are blessed to live in Houston where she serves as the High 6FKRRO <RXWK 0LQLVWHU DW 7ULQLW\ /XWKHUDQ &KXUFK LQ .OHLQ 7; 6KH SXUVXHG '&( PLQLVWU\ WR IXO¿OO her desire to serve and honor God by helping teens learn about the love and grace of our Lord and Savior.

Bible Study

For Guys: Godly Men E\ $GDP *ULIÂżQ

Opening: ‡ Who is it harder to be patient with...your mom or your best friend? ‡ Why do men often fail to treat women with respect? ‡ Why aren’t we braver and more honorable when it comes to pursuing, romancing, or breaking up with a girl? ‡ Biblically every Christian woman is your sister (even your girlfriend) unless she is your wife. If that is true, how are you doing at treating women the way you are supposed to treat them? Rank these manly responsibilities. 1 being easiest for you, 10 being hardest. As it pertains to his sisters (women), a man should‌ BBB SURWHFW KHU IURP VHOÂżVK DQG SHUYHUVH PHQ ___ defend and build up her public and private reputation. ___ assure that she has what she needs and if she doesn’t, provide it. ___ encourage her in her relationship with the Lord. ___ set for her, an example of a Godly man. ___ build her up as a woman of God. ___ get to know her heart and encourage her Godly desires. ___ treat her with respect. ___ gently correct and assist her when she is in the wrong. ___ be honest and open about your care and concern for her. Discuss. Study Read 1 Peter 3:7. ‡ How are we supposed to treat women? ‡ :K\ GRHV WKH VFULSWXUH VD\ WR WUHDW WKHP OLNH D ÂłZHDNHU YHVVHO´ RU ÂłOLNH SRUFHODLQ´" ‡ Is it calling them weak? ‡ Is it calling them precious? Read John 12:1-8. Christ is the ultimate example of manliness. ‡ When someone started picking on Mary what were Jesus’ words? ‡ How does Jesus treat women? ‡ Share a moment when you should have told another man who was not respecting a woman to ÂłOHDYH KHU DORQH´" The difference between a man and a boy is that a boy is selfcentered and is more concerned with his RZQ ZHOIDUH WKDQ WKDW RI DQ\RQH HOVH $ PDQ RQ WKH RWKHUKDQG LV VHOĂ€HVV DQG KHURLF +LV FRQFHUQ LV DOZD\V ÂżUVW IRU WKRVH DURXQG KLP DQG KH OLYHV ZLWK PDWXULW\ LQWHJULW\ FKLYDOU\ DQG GLVFLSOLQH Look through this list of dating situations and label whether these are the activities of a boy or a man. Some of these may seem ridiculous, and I agree. But they do happen and so the question is then, why? As you go through this list as a group, discuss the motivations for why a man or boy might act WKLV ZD\ 7DNH QRWH RI KRZ PDQ\ RI RXU ER\LVK EHKDYLRUV DUH VHOÂżVK DQG FRZDUGO\ In the pursuit of a godly woman’s heart... ______ meet her face to face and ask her if you can take her out to get to know her better. ______ tell her a dirty joke to try to make her laugh. BBBBBB VORZO\ ÂżQG RSSRUWXQLWLHV WR VHH ZKDW VKH LV OLNH BBBBBB SLFN RQ KHU LQ D VDUFDVWLF EXW Ă€LUW\ ZD\ ______ get her number off facebook and send her a sext. ______ read every piece of information about her that’s available online, look through all her pictures, and fantasize about dating her.


______ come up with creative ways to let her know you think she is interesting and worthy of being pursued with care. ______ talk about how other guys she knows are jerks. When dating a Godly woman… ______ let her set the boundaries on ³KRZ IDU LV WRR IDU´ DQG WKHQ test the limits. ______ set the standard for purity and talk about it openly. ______ avoid meeting or hanging out with her parents. ______ seek opportunities to ask her questions about things she cares about and encourage her in things she’s gifted at. ______ if she asks you to, go to church with her or pray with her. BBBBBB ¿QG DQ ROGHU PDQ WKDW \RX WUXVW WR KROG \RX DFFRXQWDEOH WR EHLQJ VHOÀHVV DQG SXUH LQ \RXU relationship. ______ tease her about things that she is sensitive about. ______ be quick to apologize when something has gone wrong. ______ if she’s ready for sex, you’re ready. ______ keep your eyes open for someone hotter who might be interested in you. ______ don’t let her talk to other guys. ______ talk to your guy friends about her physical attributes. BBBBBB WU\ WR ¿QG RSSRUWXQLWLHV WR VHUYH KHU ZHOO When breaking up… ______ just stop talking to her. ______ sit down with her face to face and explain the situation. ______ tell a friend to tell her. ______ text her that it’s over. ______ leave her a voicemail. ______ blame her and hold a grudge for how you were wronged. ______ tell your friends what a great girl she is and how unfortunate it is that it didn’t work out. ______ even after you’re broken up, check in from time to time to see how she is doing, if it is okay with her. ______ warn her new boyfriend how terrible she was as a girlfriend. Closing 2IIHU *RG SUD\HUV IRU WKH JURXS DERXW EHLQJ PRUH OLNH &KULVW DQG OHVV RI D VHO¿VK ER\ 7KDQN *RG IRU His forgiveness for your past mistakes. 0DNH \RXU FRPPLWPHQWV WR ³KRZ´ \RX ZLOO EH PRUH OLNH &KULVW $GDP *ULI¿Q OLYHV LQ 7H[DV ZLWK KLV ZLIH &KHOVHD DQG WKHLU GRJ &KDUOLH +H KDV EHHQ OHDGLQJ PLQLVWU\ with teenagers professionally and as a volunteer for more than a decade. He attended Concordia University Wisconsin and Fuller Theological Seminary. He served for 6 years as the Director of Youth Ministry at Lamb of God Lutheran Church. He is currently a public high school teacher and a volunteer leader in the student ministry at the Village Church in Flower Mound Texas.


A Part of, Not Apart From by Will Hanke

As a kid I couldn’t wait to be part of the church. I saw what adults did and anticipated the day when my chance would come. I knew my time then was to go to church and Sunday School with my family. During my college years, when I returned home, I got involved in TNT (Tuesday Night at Timothy). It was a Tuesday night youth event that I designed and helped run. This was the ¿UVW WLPH , ZDV DEOH WR OHDG D FKXUFK SURJUDP $V , ZDWFKHG LW SURJUHVV \RXWK began to attach to the event itself. A drama was created with a high level of interest and participation.


a youth leadership team. The value of a leadership team in youth ministry lies in watching youth grow in leadership, utilizing their creativity and energy in a positive ZD\ WR EHQHÂżW \RXWK PLQLVWU\ DQG the church at large. This takes the heart trained in Sunday School and FRPPLWWHG DW &RQÂżUPDWLRQ WR D QHZ level of outreach and evangelism. Begin watching for those youth during the middle school years who you can see and develop as potential leaders. Creating a connection and encouraging their faith commitment will help them stay involved in youth ministry, not to mention increasing the number of those who hear about Christ as they bring their friends along.


A cultural switch was taking place. Youth who once wanted to be entertained by programs were beginning to be a part of running and leading those same programs. The youth appeared to care about making a difference in the world. The years of simply watching as adults taught and being forced to wait to lead was over. Not using the youth was a waste of valuable resources. Our culture was beginning to accept that youth wanted to make a difference right now. If the church would not allow youth to KHOS LQ VRPH SDUW WKH\ ZRXOG ÂżQG somewhere else they would be valued. The youth made a mental switch from wanting to listen and wait for another program, to being a part of developing it. Church leaders watched it happen across the country with a renewed heart for missions, and teams committed to helping others. The rise of the Servant nature was taking over. Church leaders should take note and see this new heart as a great way to move forward by developing

Youth Ministry is... apart of and not apart from the congregation’s life and mission. If the mission of the church is to save the lost and strengthen those who know Jesus already, then providing the opportunity for youth to get involved in this mission and YLVLRQ HDUO\ ZLOO EHQHÂżW HYHU\RQH ,W opens the youth’s eyes to the needs of the grocery checker or the guy behind the fast food counter and provides the training and events geared to ask, “Do you know my -HVXV"´ ,I \RXWK FDQ VWHS RXW GXULQJ these early years, imagine where the church can be as they move toward adulthood. The world is hungry to devour our youth with corrupt and unhealthy practices during their high school years. The fast paced world can distract them and demand their time, keeping them outside the main focus of Jesus as their Savior. &RQÂżUPDWLRQ SURYLGLQJ D ÂżUP

IRXQGDWLRQ LV WKH ÂżUVW VWHS WR putting them on track. High school ministry, sometimes viewed as a youth night, develops relationships formed around the growth of faith and the desire to share that faith. This will help them to put LQ OLIHORQJ Âł+RO\ +DELWV ´ 6RPH RI the greatest habits of addiction are created in those teen years when pain and insecurity surrounds them. By encouraging Christian youth to strengthen their faith, they can know a security that will never go away or cause them the pain other unhealthy habits create. This newfound heart can be a thriving ministry for the church. Seeing your youth involved in bringing people to Jesus and watching as they strengthen those who know him already is amazing. 7KHLU KHDUWV DUH RQ ÂżUH WR KHOS WKH world change. That servant heart is the heart of Christ. Christ’s overwhelming love for others, when they least expect it, is amazing. In a culture where youth are questioned because of their age and challenged about almost everything they do, the church can be the place to embrace them. Our opening event to a high school ministry is a red carpet event. The leadership team has worked to plan this event and create a welcoming atmosphere for high school youth. While the world discounts youth and makes fun of them or tells them they are too young, we embrace them. We remind them they are loved and teach them the love of Jesus and how to share it. Jesus continued to love all ages. The heart of Christ was to guide all people to follow him and share his mission. When the youth are incorporated into the mission of the church, they potentially help guide those older than themselves to see a new vibrancy and way to share Jesus. It is a life-changing picture that encourages everyone. Rev. Will Hanke serves as a pastor at St. John Lutheran Church in Ellisville, MO.


A Prayer Litany for Youth by Terry Dittmer

Leader: As we pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus and for all people according to their needs, we pray especially, dear Lord, for young people, for those who know You and for those who don't, for those with whom You have blessed our church community and for those not yet a part of Your family. Let us pray to the Lord . . . Left side: That our teens and their friends would know Your love, Your grace, and Your mercy; Right side: That they would be equipped to live whole and hopeful lives; Left side: That they would be encouraged and cared for; 5LJKW VLGH 7KDW WKHLU OLYHV ZRXOG EH 多OOHG ZLWK the love of family, friends, neighbors, teachers, and others who genuinely care about what is best for them. Left side: Cause their families to be strong, supportive, caring, and loving. Right side: And bless them with mentors and guides who help them negotiate the challenges of life. Leader: Lord, bless the young people in this faith community with an abundant measure of Your grace and equip us as church to be a faithful conduit of Your grace and love to them:


/HIW VLGH 7KDW WKH\ ZRXOG EH IDLWK 多OOHG DQG faithful by the power of Your Spirit; Right side: That they would live each day blessed and renewed in the assurance of their baptism; Left side: That they would know Your truth and the freedom that comes with it; Right Side: That they would grow in Your Word and in its power for life and salvation; Left side: That these young people would be equipped in sharing and caring for each other within the congregation and out in the broader community; Right side: Bless them in their love for each other in Christ and through them, cause them to be a blessing with others. Leader: We pray, Lord, for Your people everywhere: Men: For the young and the old, for men and women; Women: For those who know you and for those who don't; Men: For those who labor and for those without work; Women: For the education and training of children and young people growing toward maturity; Men: For those with homes and for the homeless; Women: For the well and for the well-being of those who are sick; Men: For those who celebrate with friends and for the lonely and those who mourn, that they would be comforted. Women: For the well fed and for the hungry; Men: For the rich and for the poor; Women: For victims of abuse and for those bound up in the terrors of addiction; Men: For those who celebrate freedom and for those who dream of being free; Women: For people here and for people everywhere; ALL: For children, youth, young adults, the middle aged, and the old. Dear God, have mercy and grant all people Your peace for Jesus' sake. Amen. Leader: Into Your hands, O Lord, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in Your mercy, through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. ALL: Amen.

Can I Use It? Book Review

Follow: Walk in the Rhythm of Jesus reviewed by Katie Thomas If you are looking for a practical, in-depth Bible study that will encourage high school youth to XQGHUVWDQG WKH VLJQL¿FDQFH RI GHYHORSLQJ D FORVH intimate relationship with their Lord and Savior, then Follow: Walk in the Rhythm of Jesus by Kevin Johnson (Zondervan/Youth Specialties 2009) is an effective resource for you. Follow contains 20 Bible-based lessons which help draw teenagers deeper into God’s Word, offering an insightful look at who Jesus really is and what it truly means to take up your cross and follow Jesus in your everyday life. (DFK VWXG\ LQFOXGHV ¿YH VHFWLRQV VSHFL¿FDOO\ intended to guide you, beginning with Scripture DQG FRQFOXGLQJ ZLWK UHÀHFWLYH VXJJHVWLRQV RQ how to apply what you have learned to your daily life. These sections include: Start, Read, Think, Live, and Wrap. At the beginning of the lessons, \RX ZLOO ¿QG D FRQFLVH %LEOH YHUVH RQ D VLQJOH SDJH designed to sum up the main point of each lesson. Start introduces the topic and begins to paint a picture of a personal, loving Savior with the hope of instilling this image in your mind. Read includes the Scripture passage, giving you the option to incorporate this into your lesson for teenagers to follow along or just for your convenience. Think includes contemplative questions designed to provoke the teenager to further examine the topic. Live offers questions to motivate youth to live out what they have learned about Jesus. Wrap draws all points together and attempts to unite them with the Gospel. After Wrap, each lesson includes supplementary sections titled, More Thoughts to Mull and More Scriptures to Dig. These sections provide additional questions and passages that help the participants dig deeper into Scripture. One of the most intriguing aspects of this FXUULFXOXP LV WKDW LW LV VSHFL¿FDOO\ GHVLJQHG to challenge high school students to delve deeper into Scripture and creatively challenges the participants to examine their personal relationship with Jesus. This curriculum shifts your perspective, transforming biblical text into D YLYLG SLFWXUH ¿OOHG ZLWK OLIH DQG D QHZ IRXQG appreciation and understanding of Christ’s life and His teaching.

I recommend using this curriculum with spiritually mature high school youth as the content is rather deep in nature. To gain insight into Christ and to grow spiritually by connecting with Christ on a real level, this material is effective, especially if taught in a home, smallgroup setting led by adult mentors or the DCE. 7KLV FXUULFXOXP ZRXOG DOVR EH EHQH¿FLDO WR D high school student who is ready to take their relationship with Christ to a new level and is searching for a Bible study to explore on their own. Overall, I did not see a need for extensive PRGL¿FDWLRQV LQ RUGHU IRU XVH LQ 7KH /XWKHUDQ Church—Missouri Synod. Some of the questions tend to be a bit law-heavy and need to be rephrased to integrate a better balance of law and Gospel. This would require very little time and minimal preparation for those leading the study. I liked this study because it is very careful in ensuring that its topics are useable in all denominational settings. It is also applicable in addressing the questions all postmodern high school teenagers have concerning Christ. One addition that could be incorporated into the curriculum would be to include technology based off the discussion questions in the curriculum. Depending on the church, this could be done in a variety of ways. Due to this generation’s love for Facebook and Twitter, I WKLQN LW ZRXOG EH EHQH¿FLDO WR SRVW D TXHVWLRQ based off the curriculum for them to tweet about and share with their friends. This curriculum will help high school youth better know Christ, and will encourage a closer walk with Him while helping them to understand the importance of walking in step with their Lord and Savior. You will not skip a beat teaching this FXUULFXOXP DQG , WKLQN \RX ZLOO ¿QG WKDW LW LV LQ perfect harmony with Biblical teaching and the message of the Gospel. Find more book and curriculum reviews at


Snark, Crackle, Pop Culture

Emotional vs. Physical Pain by Julianna Shults

My friend walked up to me at recess with the news. The look on her face was a mixture of sympathy and reluctance as she explained that P\ ¿UVW ER\IULHQG RI RYHU D PRQWK KDG GHFLGHG to break up with me. As a seventh grader, it was P\ ¿UVW KHDUWEUHDN DQG LW ZDV GHYDVWDWLQJ 1R , didn’t really talk to him outside of school, except to sit next to him when our group of friends went to movies. Okay, I didn’t really talk to him in school either. Our relationship consisted of passing notes, talking in a few stolen minutes after school, and telling other people we were dating while actually interacting very little. Yet somehow the month felt like a lifetime, and I remember crying over his loss. As an adult, I look back and wonder what hurt so badly. What we had could hardly be construed as a serious relationship. We barely knew each other. Yet, I still remember the hurt just as vividly as any other physical pain I’ve experienced. The HPRWLRQDO KXUWV SHRSOH LQÀLFW RQ XV DOZD\V KXUW just as much as the physical ones. Now research is showing us why and how. Columbia University recently published new research suggesting the emotional pain of a breakup may trigger the same parts of the brain as physical pain. In the study, 40 people who had been intensely rejected received brain scans while shown pictures of friends and then pictures of their exes. While they looked at pictures of their friends they were directed to think of a happy memory, but while they looked at their exes, they were directed to think about the breakup. Then the participants underwent the same scan while their forearms were exposed to heat, similar to


the pain felt while holding a hot cup of coffee. What they found was that the same area of the brain became active when the participants felt the physical pain as when they felt the emotional pain. In fact, these two types of pain shared more regions of the brain than previously thought. The researchers believe studies like these can help to devise ways to help people who have gone through a serious loss or rejection and help us understand how that kind of emotional stress affects people physically. As I read the study, my thoughts went to how very differently I treat my teen’s breakups from their physical pains. When someone comes in with a broken wrist or stitches, I immediately show my concern and compassion. I provide medicine to those who need it, and would never ignore an injured student’s cries for help. Yet, I have been guilty of treating my teen’s breakups as something petty and inconsequential. I may ask them what happened and listen as they share their story. Yet, I am more dismissive and likely to throw a meaningless platitude their way than I should be. This study speaks to how painful a broken relationship can be, and I should be as eager to show concern and compassion when they are dealing with a breakup as I am a broken bone. Teaching students to deal with emotional pain is just as important as teaching them to deal with physical pain. One is not more serious than the other. We live in a sinful world and that brings with it a host of broken relationships. Our bodies are clearly wired to feel the pain of those broken relationships. God gave the answer to the sin and brokenness in our relationships when he sent Jesus to die on the cross. Finding healthy, God-pleasing ways to comfort and reconcile the emotional pain of those broken relationships is just as important as dealing with physical pain. Perhaps next time a junior high student talks with me about a breakup, I will be more aware of just how painful a broken heart can be. Read more pop culture articles at www. Julianna Shults is a DCE currently serving in children and youth ministry at St. Paul Lutheran in Chicago. She drinks entirely too much coffee, only does her dishes when absolutely necessary, knits, writes, and is unapologetically nerdy. <RX FDQ ¿QG KHU RQ )DFHERRN RU 7ZLWWHU # dutchnotgerman.

Life Issues and

Youth Ministry by Emily Norman

In my brief time in youth ministry I have learned an abundance regarding youth culture and ministering within it. Communication is constantly changing because of the advances in technology. Families are broken in more ways than ever EHIRUH ZLWK WKH PDJQL多FDWLRQ RI VRFLDO LVVXHV WKDW DUH EHFRPLQJ PRUH SUHYDOHQW and common place in our society. But the one thing that has not changed is the way that we minister, that is, in building relationships. In order to gain a better perspective on this subject, and to provide a wellrounded discussion, I interviewed three DCEs: one with years of experience and great insight, and two who are just starting out, but offer fresh outlooks shaped by their varied immersions.


Upcoming Youth Ministry Events Youth Ministry 2012 At the Foot of the Cross? January 5-7, 2012 Irvine, CA Registration opens on-line, Fall 2011 A symposium for tackling tough youth ministry issues in an intensive way. Join Dr. Andrew Root (Luther Seminary–St. Paul, MN), Rev. Dr. John Oberdeck (Concordia University–Wisconsin), and facilitator Dr. Craig Oldenburg (Mt. Cross Ministries–Felton, CA) for a challenging look at helping youth understand the theology behind a living, loving, genuine, sustainable relationship with Jesus Christ. The symposium is January 5-7, 2012, in Irvine, CA. Check the LCMS Youth Ministry Web page for more information and registration this fall. NATIONAL Lutheran Youth Workers Conference 2012 July 12-15, 2012 San Antonio, Texas Registration opens on-line, Fall 2011 Join youth workers and youth from across the LCMS for days of practical workshops, inspirational and challenging speakers, Bible Study, and community building opportunities. Youth are also invited to attend with their youth leaders and participate in a leadership training module. This will also be an opportunity to get a sneak peek at the 2013 National Youth Gathering and the host city of San Antonio. Keep posted at http://www.nlywc. com/. Follow both events and LCMS Youth Ministry: (#NLYWC; #LCMSYMS) LCMSYouthMinistry


Interviewees: Scott Rauch, Trinity Lutheran Church in Peoria, Illinois - 25 years plus one year of internship Rebekah Freed, First Trinity Lutheran Church in Tonawanda, New York - DCE Intern Julia Mueller – Currently serves in internship placement and as a missionary in Riga, Latvia, with LCMS World Mission :KDW LV \RXU GHÂżQLWLRQ RI \RXWK PLQLVWU\" ,I \RX KDYH VHUYHG PRUH WKDQ ÂżYH \HDUV KDV \RXU GHÂżQLWLRQ FKDQJHG" Why or why not? Scott: “Youth and adults serving together for the glory of *RG´ Âą KDVQÂśW FKDQJHG EHFDXVH it encompasses everything I understand our lives in Christ to be about just from a youth ministry viewpoint. -XOLD , ZRXOG GHÂżQH \RXWK ministry as the investment in the lives of young people in the name of Jesus Christ. It is not just spiritually guiding, or providing activities for them to do. It is walking with people as they journey through this time in life referred to as 'youth'. Do you agree with the VWDWHPHQW Âł<RXWK 0LQLVWU\ VSHDNV WR WKH IXOO UDQJH RI OLIH LVVXHV RI \RXWK LQ WKH congregation and communityâ€?? Why or why not? Scott: I understand the premise and agree but would maybe add ÂłIDPLO\´ LQ IURQW RI FRQJUHJDWLRQ DQG community. My context here as I write is that I had a conversation with two sets of parents this week

about the relationship their teens have with each other. I do not plan to have the same conversation with the youth because their parents will. So adding family to the statement would be an important word for me. Rebekah: Yes, I agree with this statement. It seems that one of the biggest parts of youth ministry is really just meeting students right where they are... and often times it seems that most of the doors into true life-changing ministry happen WKURXJK WKRVH ÂłLVVXHV ´ )RU H[DPSOH this past week there was a student at an area school who committed suicide and earlier this year a teacher at another area school was killed in a car accident. Through those issues and situations I had a chance to interact and share Christ with some students who would never show up on a Sunday morning. But on the other end, youth ministry is also about celebrating the high points in students’ lives and doing things like showing up at a student’s musical to encourage and support them. It really is about the whole range, good and bad. Julia: Yes. Youth ministry can and even should be made fuller by including generations outside of their own in the ministry that is purposed for them. Faith life is not just something that should be encouraged at church or on high school mission trips where it is easy to see God and live faith. I think we are doing more of a service to God’s children by being aware of reality and facing it with young people, instead of leaving them hanging to

discern the world with whatever tools they can come up with. We can provide a safe and educated setting for discussion and action in regard to the full range of life issues. ³<RXWK 0LQLVWU\´ FRYHUV D EURDG VWURNH RI VWXGHQWV KRZ do you manage this? Rebekah: I have had the joy this year on internship to explore what it looks like to work with both high school students and young adults. While a lot of places seem to group middle school and high school together (at least in a job description) it’s been fun to see VRPH RI WKH EHQH¿WV RI KDYLQJ KLJK school and young adult ministry as the focus. It has shaped the way I look at high school ministry in the sense of realizing more of what the high school graduates will face once they are out of high school. It puts a higher focus in my mind to be using the years they are in high school ministry as a time to prepare them for what’s next in their lives and their faith. Julia: With my limited exposure to working in youth ministry I have been pleasantly surprised to ¿QG WKDW ³\RXWK´ LV DFWXDOO\ D OLWWOH different from place to place. Here in Latvia our youth ministry ranges from seventh or eighth grade to people in their 30’s... basically anyone who is not married. While some could say it is bad to have such a huge age range, I think it has been a blessing here. It provides opportunity for the younger people to see older people they admire and look up to living out their faith. We

have small groups that are divided by age, which is good for discussion (eighth graders are working with a whole different level of development, not to mention life experiences). There is also a mentoring of sorts that happens as the older youth are leaders and they help the younger RQHV ¿QG WKHLU DUHDV RI LQWHUHVW and a place to contribute and serve.

Youth Ministry... speaks to the full range of life issues of youth in the congregation and the community. :KHQ , ¿UVW IRXQG RXW WKDW \RXWK ministry here was so widespread I thought it could never work out. Now as I am more involved and seeing things as they play out, I see that it is a very natural thing. I think intergenerational ministry is very important, and this is one way that I see it happening; it may not be from age 1 to 100, but I still think it is an important and valuable way of being intergenerational. How does Scripture play a role in how you minister WR WHHQDJHUV" /LVW RQH RI \RXU IDYRULWH SDVVDJHV IRU ministering and what it means

to you in engaging students in *RG¶V PHVVDJH RI ORYH DQG KRSH Scott: Ephesians 2:8-10 helps me remember that it is by God’s graceful work in Jesus that I get to participate in His mission and ministry of restoring His creation to what it was meant to be. It is His workmanship in the lives of youth that needs to be focused on. He is the One who is to be bragged about as I see youth struggle, survive and thrive this side of heaven. Rebekah: As I think about using Scripture as I interact with students, I love the theme verse that has been used for our high school ministry, Crossroads, since before I came, from Jeremiah 6:16, “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will ¿QG UHVW IRU \RXU VRXOV ´ ,W VHHPV that there aren’t a lot of places to VLPSO\ ¿QG ³UHVW´ LQ RXU ZRUOG DQG especially in the high school years, it VHHPV \RXWK ¿QG WKHPVHOYHV RIWHQ DW D ³FURVVURDGV´ WU\LQJ WR ¿JXUH RXW where faith and real life intersect. To be able to continually point VWXGHQWV EDFN WR *RG¶V ZRUG WR ¿QG ³WKH JRRG ZD\´ LV D SRZHUIXO WKLQJ I pray for each of you, as your continue to minister to youth in whatever setting God has called you, WR WXUQ WR *RG¶V :RUG ¿UVW DQG EH PLQGIXO LQ KRZ \RX UHÀHFW WKH ORYH of Jesus Christ with youth and their families. Emily Norman is a DCE at Grace Lutheran Fellowship in Romeo, MI.


The Prepositions of

Youth Ministry by Jay Reed

³3DVWDK -D\ \RX JRW D UDFLVW FKXUFK :K\ GRQœW \RX OLNH EODFN SHRSOH KHUH"´ The kid asking me the question was Cliff, a seventeen-year-old African American teen who showed up at our church one Sunday. He and his two brothers had been attending off and on for a month or two. I listened as he explained the charge: the lack of people of color in our church, RXU ³ZKLWH SHRSOH´ PXVLF WKH ZD\ VRPH RI RXU FRQJUHJDWLRQ H\HG WKHP ZKHQ they were going through the cookie line after service and a few other things he noticed that I had never thought of. Looking at our church through his eyes, I realized he had a point. Not that we were intentionally racist, but that to people ³QRW OLNH XV ´ RXU FRQJUHJDWLRQDO FXOWXUH ZDV PRUH FORVHG WKDQ RSHQ



For a lot of youth, many Lutheran FKXUFKHV SUHVHQW D FXOWXUH WKH\ ÂżQG LQFUHDVLQJO\ GLIÂżFXOW WR UHODWH WR OHW alone embrace and become part of. The question Cliff was posing to me is the same one we often face from youth in our congregations: Is there D VLJQLÂżFDQW SODFH KHUH IRU PH" &DQ , ÂżW DQG EHORQJ KHUH" My encounter with Cliff sent our church on a journey to answer that question. If you are challenged by that question from youth both within and outside of the church, I have a SUHSRVLWLRQ IRU \RX $FWXDOO\ ÂżYH prepositions that helped us re-focus how we do ministry. I heard these kicked around in my early days as a DCE and used them off and on in mission and purpose statements. But as a result of my discussion with Cliff, they took on fresh meaning and purpose. <RXWK PLQLVWU\ LV PLQLVWU\ WR DQG IRU \RXWK 2QH RI P\ ÂżUVW YLVLWV WR &OLIIÂśV home revealed a household of nine kids being raised by his aunt and his grandma. When I asked the aunt how our church could help, her response was, “Help me raise these ER\V ´ 7KURXJK KHU WKH /RUG JDYH XV D WDUJHW UHDO VSHFLÂżF SHRSOH ZKR He wanted us to communicate the Gospel to and care for. We had to get into where they lived and hear WKHLU VWRU\ WR ÂżJXUH RXW KRZ WKH Lord wanted to minister to Cliff and his family. Over the next weeks and months we started to understand the world from their point of view. What we learned was that our traditional summer programs would QRW ÂżW WKHLU QHHGV 6R ZH VFUDSSHG our VBS and a few other programs, directed funds toward getting a couple of summer interns and came XS ZLWK D SODQ GHVLJQHG VSHFLÂżFDOO\ for Cliff and his family. Too many times ministry is not geared to and for youth. Our churches and leaders don’t take the time to see things from their point of view and so our “Gospel delivery V\VWHPV´ DSSHDU WR \RXWK WR EHORQJ to a different culture and for other people.

Ministry to and for youth means that we have to learn their language and how Jesus needs to be received and heard in their culture.

Ministry with youth means connecting youth with Christian adults they can watch, learn from DQG JHW WR NQRZ LQ VLJQLÂżFDQW ZD\V <RXWK PLQLVWU\ LV WKURXJK and by youth. “Pastah Jay, I want you to see my SUHVHQWDWLRQ ´ ,W ZDV &OLII DJDLQ D little over a year later. He sat me down to show me a PowerPoint presentation he had created for the upcoming summer. It was titled Âł&OLIIÂśV 6XPPHU 3URJUDP ´ ,W ZDV God’s plan, he said, to use him to help stop segregation, and he wanted to do it through our church. To be sure, it was a little rough <RXWK PLQLVWU\ LV ZLWK \RXWK DURXQG WKH HGJHV WKH EE JXQ ÂżJKW As a DCE I spent a lot of time PLJKW QRW Ă€\ DORQJ ZLWK WKH ELNLQL sweating how to keep kids interested FRQWHVW ÂłHYHQ IRU IDW SHRSOH´ EXW and challenged. I saw them Cliff’s plan was about reaching kids mostly as consumers and me as of all cultures through fun activities the provider. Our student intern and then let the Spirit change their Jordan was more insightful than hearts as they learned and studied I was. “Why don’t we just do stuff God’s Word together. with them and see what God does Ministry through and by youth ZLWK WKDW"´ 6R WKDW ÂżUVW VXPPHU means they see themselves in light program took shape with “Jordan of the Gifts God has given them and DQG WKH 'XGHV´ ZRUNLQJ ZLWK VRPH use those gifts in service to others. men in our church to prepare a This summer Jordan is back as ÂżHOG DQG SODQW D SXPSNLQ SDWFK ,W our intern and Cliff, now a senior looked like them walking around in high school, will be his intern. KDQGLQJ RXW Ă€\HUV WR RXU Âł)DQWDVWLF Together they are designing a )UHH )ULGD\V´ ZKHUH WKH\ ZRXOG summer youth ministry program; cook hotdogs, sponsor games, ministry to, for, with, through and and show movies as part of our by youth. Why? To intentionally community outreach program. The connect more people to Jesus Christ ministry to and for them evolved and the life He gives. to connecting these youth with a Pastor Jay Reed serves at Light number of people in the church in a of the Valley Lutheran Church variety of ways. LQ (ON *URYH &$ :KHQ DVNHG about his passion for youth and youth ministry, Pastor Reed shares, “To see kids connected to Christ Monday through Saturday as well as Sunday. See them living, breathing and walking in Him every moment.â€?

Youth Ministry is... ministry to, by, with, through, and for youth.

Pictured: Cliff and Jordan in front RI WKHLU ³RI¿FH ´

Equipping the

(Young) Saints

by Steve Jorgensen

One of the core practices of a congregation is to equip the saints for faithful service in the church and in the Great Commission. Paul reminds us of our calling in Ephesians 4:12: “to equip his people for works of VHUYLFH VR WKDW WKH ERG\ RI &KULVW PD\ EH EXLOW XS´ 7KLV HTXLSSLQJ LV QRW limited to just what we might consider mature adult believers but to all who are called into God’s family, including youth and children.


Why is This Important? Being equipped to serve is extremely important for adolescents as they journey into adulthood and solidify their identity and values that will shape how they live. The state of adolescent culture contributes to the urgency of this task as it constantly UHLQIRUFHV D ÂłPH´ RULHQWDWLRQ (YHQ the psychological development process that a teen experiences tends to make youth self-focused as they begin to differentiate from their SDUHQWV DQG ÂżJXUH RXW ZKR WKH\ DUH The best thing we can give our youth during this stage in life is the opportunity to connect with something bigger than themselves. Our task is to engage them in a life that serves God and others, using the gifts that God has given them. A Biblical Basis Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:10, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for XV WR GR ´ +H PDNHV LW FOHDU WKDW since we are redeemed in Christ, God empowers us to do these good works. It’s important that we remember that serving or good works are not just something on our ÂłWR GR OLVW´ EXW UDWKHU DUH D UHVXOW RI being created in Christ. Some Practical Ideas So how do we encourage this to happen? How do we equip the young saints?


Connect Bible lessons with action. When you teach on a particular topic RU 6FULSWXUH JLYH WKHP D VSHFL¿F way to practice it. For example, when teaching on a parable of Jesus such as the sheep and the goats (Matthew 25) or the Good Samaritan (Luke 10), give them a practical way to serve those in need. Take them to help serve a meal at a community soup kitchen, collect coats and blankets for the homeless and deliver them to a shelter, or visit someone in a nursing home. This can be an effective teaching tool as it’s very important for an adolescent to connect life with Bible truth.

Youth Ministry... equips youth to utilize their God-given gifts as faithful disciples. $YRLG WKH WHPSWDWLRQ IRU \RXU ministry to be entertainment-based. Sometimes it feels like we have to compete for a student's time. It is true we can attract students with fun games and attractive events (and these can serve well as an “open

GRRU´ IRU IULHQGV RU XQFKXUFKHG DV well as create opportunities to build relationships). However, if that’s the focus of our ministry, we run the risk of communicating to the kids that church and Christianity are just additional venues in which the purpose is to be amused. Make sure your ministry has regular opportunities for mission and service. The fact that you regularly do mission trips, servant events, or service projects communicates what your church values. They also help students discover their giftedness and skills in practical ways. Involve them in congregational ministry. Volunteering in the church isn’t just for adults. Youth can regularly serve in areas such as Sunday School or VBS as well as greeters, lectors, and musicians. This can be a powerful experience as they learn about what it takes to work in a ministry, and it provides an inter-generational experience where they can witness to others using their gifts in service. Building the Future A congregation that values its youth in these ways will help them discover who they are as God’s handiwork and help develop the gifts given to them. This can, in turn, cultivate in them a desire to serve God and His people rather than revert to the culturally dominant mindset that focuses on self. Finally, this will also help them stay involved in church as they transition into adulthood. The Augsburg Youth and Family Institute found that youth who developed and practiced their giftedness by being involved in service and assimilated into leadership during their youth were more likely to be involved in church and have a vibrant faith life into adulthood. Steve Jorgensen has been in youth ministry in Lutheran congregations for over 20 years and currently serves at Pointe of Hope Lutheran Church in Blue Springs, MO. He has been married to his wife Nancy for 21 years and they have two WHHQDJH GDXJKWHUV (PLO\ DQG $P\

Game Guru

Marble Muchness by Sean Cramer


There’s a certain sweetness in keeping games simple. Sure, there are groups of people who love strategy games, and will take hours to do so (I’m a Settlers fan myself), but when planning activities for a large (more than four) group of people, simple is always sweeter. Lots of rules can bog down momentum, and frustration can occur when the same questions are asked repeatedly. In addition to all this, complex games take more setup, props, and time to prepare. For these reasons, this game is very simplistic in inspiration. Enjoy! Props: Marbles of varying sizes (look online if \RX FDQœW ¿QG WKHVH ORFDOO\

Set-Up: 6HFWLRQ RII D ÂłVDIH ]RQH ´ EH LW D WDEOH or a couple of chairs/cones forming an area. Play: Give each player a marble, and have them immediately close their hand over it. Tell participants that they are free to go to the safe ]RQH ZKHQ WKH\ DUH FRQÂżGHQW WKH\ KDYH WKH largest possible marble. If they want to trade, however, they may walk XS WR DQRWKHU SOD\HU VD\ ÂłVZDS ´ DQG H[WHQG WKHLU FORVHG ÂżVW :LWK WKH RWKHU KDQG WKH\ VKRXOG extend an open palm. The other player has to oblige, and coordinate their hands with their SDUWQHU RSHQLQJ WKHLU SDOP XQGHU WKH ÂżVW DQG SODFLQJ WKHLU ÂżVW RYHU WKH RSHQ SDOP 2Q WKH FRXQW of three, players swap marbles, quickly closing WKHLU ÂżVWV RYHU WKH PDUEOHV DQG FRQWLQXLQJ XQWLO they feel they can go to the safe zone. Continue play until everyone is in the safe zone, or until most of the players are. Possible discussion questions: ‡ What was the experience of swapping marbles like? ‡ How did you rationalize taking a risk to swap? ‡ What did it take for you to decide to enter the safe zone? ‡ What does taking a risk look like in life? ‡ How does transitioning to high school or college compare/contrast with this activity? Extra Ideas: ‡ If time or resources dissuade you from using marbles, consider using three or four decks of playing cards. Only use 4’s through 8’s, and on each of the cards, rank them. Gather all the 4’s and number them 1 - 12, etc. Tell players that if they swap the same card as another, the higher the written number, the higher the value (so a 4 with a 10 on it beats

a 4 with a 3 on it, etc...) Continue play in a similar fashion. ‡ After play, have players arrange themselves in order of smallest marble to largest. Then have them get into groups by color, or pattern, or size, etc. ‡ Get paper towel tubes, magnets, and glue. Cut the tubes in sections length and width ZLVH DQG FUHDWH ÂłSLSHOLQHV´ IRU WKH PDUEOHV WR travel. Hang magnet glued tubes on a fridge or other magnetic surface, to have an activity that will remain in your youth room. ‡ Have a marble themed party: ‡ Take some marbles and make “bowling SLQV ´ 8VH D VKRRWHU PDUEOH WR VFDWWHU WKHP ‡ Guess how many marbles in the jar. ‡ Teach a classic game of marbles, and play chinese checkers. ‡ For younger kids, get cups of paint. Put a piece of paper in the bottom of a shoe box, and roll color coated marbles in it to create works of art. ‡ Marble cake! Get more game ideas at www.youthESource. com/GameGuru. Sean Cramer graduated as a DCE from Concordia University, River Forest and served DV D 3URJUDP $VVLVWDQW $VVRFLDWH DW &DPS /RQH 6WDU LQ /D *UDQJH 7; $IWHU PRYLQJ EDFN WR KLV hometown near Rockford, IL, Sean currently works with developmentally dsabled individuals. $VLGH IURP DZDLWLQJ D &DOO LQ SURIHVVLRQDO ministry again, Sean enjoys volunteering, reading, playing games, exercising, and observing his dog be absolutely resistant to any new tricks.

Ministry to One by Derek Broten

How many people are in our youth group? Well…Just one! How many times have we engaged in conversations with other youth ministers, pastors, or church members trying to determine the effectiveness of our ministry by the number of kids who came to our last event? How do you get so many to come to your Bible Study? Why did only four people come to your four-day fasting event, and where was the pastor’s kid? Did you know that the church across town has 5,000 NLGV FRPLQJ DQG WKH\ IHHG WKHP ZLWK RQO\ WZR SL]]DV DQG ¿YH 0RXQWDLQ Dews? These types of conversations can be haunting, frustrating, and keep you awake at night, and they are misplaced.


In our youth ministry we have wrestled with these questions and with what we believe is a culture shift changing the way ministry should be perceived. The hard thing about any shift is changing the mindset of a culture. It reminds me of my youngest daughter who seeks great comfort in her stuffed elephant that she calls Elle. The more scared she gets as things change around her the more she seeks that Elle for comfort. In youth ministry we can be the same way, clinging to the things we have always done, and despite the shift in culture, clinging even tighter to our Elle’s. I was brought up and trained in the youth group mentality that doing dynamic programs to attract large numbers and forming strong relationships create a great youth group. Even the questions we ZRXOG DVN HDFK RWKHU UHĂ€HFWHG WKDW “How many people are coming to \RXU \RXWK JURXS"´ 0DQ\ RI WKH experiences that we set up seemed to connect with youth and their


friends with one event feeding the next, and we couldn’t have enough events on the calendar because kids were engaged. As I look back I notice a key difference between then and now.

Youth Ministry is... person oriented. Youth didn’t have as many other things going on in their lives that I had to compete with. It’s easier to attract youth when they have a choice between coming to the juggling lawn dart outreach event or going to a movie with friends. Today, they have eight to ten other things that are competing with the church event. “What do you mean you are choosing your choir trip that is

taking a ten-day cruise to Alaska to sing to orphaned penguins over our VLOHQW UHWUHDW"´ It was in light of this cultural shift that we started to change our perspective on ministry to maximize opportunity. We felt like the days of youth group were slowly fading and thus with much prayer changed our mindset to a Ministry of One’s. We have a ministry to this one, to that one, and don’t forget about that one who doesn’t come a lot. Each of our one’s has such different needs that it is not possible to meet them all with a single program and a few random events. This type of thinking has a lot of push back in our corporate mindset where numbers reign and serve as proof of how effective we are. However, that doesn’t always translate well into ministry. We are trying to change the scorecard as Reggie McNeal suggests in The Present Future. When someone asks us how many people came to our three night lock-out we simply UHVSRQG Âł-XVW RQH ´

There was this one whose family is splitting and doesn’t have a strong PDOH LQÀXHQFH LQ KLV OLIH There was that one who is struggling with self worth and identity. There was that one who is being transformed by the Holy Spirit in the midst of her deep questions and searching. We can’t forget that one who gave up his 127-hour streak of playing Call of Duty to be at this event. I love that this one who was forced to come by his parents actually cracked a smile and felt cared for by the end of the second day of no sleep. However there were some we missed with this event: We had that one who is gone again this weekend with traveling baseball. There was this one with no desire to be in this church and is wrestling with some major life questions. There was that one who typically comes to everything but according to her facebook status broke up with her boyfriend this week. This type of thinking has shifted our mindset from numbers to individual needs and crafting ministry opportunities around those needs. Our focus is not on having the biggest youth group in our community, but on meeting

needs and connecting with youth where they are. Our main goal is not to have them feel a part of the youth group community, but to have them feel a part of the Kingdom community. It reminds us when our attendance is low at an event that we have more time to spend meeting youth where they are at and creating deeper relationships. The more we can connect with them, the more their needs are revealed to us. It changes our mindset from trying to determine what events bring them to our turf (youth group) to how we meet their needs on their turf. How do we minister to the one’s that drop RXW DIWHU FRQ¿UPDWLRQ DQG UDUHO\ step back into the church? This has led us to spending more time on Facebook, sending text messages, making phone calls, and focusing intentionally on a ministry to one. It causes us to equip and recruit other adults to join us in that ministry to one’s so that we can be more effective and readily available when needs arise. This week we only had eight youth at Bible study, but I connected with eight others on Facebook, prayed with ten others through text messages, and commented on nine other status updates.

With all that said we have not eliminated our programs as they do connect with a certain group of individuals who need that safe place. Programs are part of ministering to the ones, but in shifting our focus to Ministry to One’s we are reminded that God’s Kingdom is much bigger than the youth group. I wonder if our church council would ask Jesus, “How many people are in Your .LQJGRP"´ “Well, there is this one, and there is that one, and this one here...all ZKRP , GLHG IRU DQG ORYH GHDUO\ ´ 'HUHN LV DQ $VVRFLDWH 3DVWRU with an emphasis on Senior High Ministry at Woodbury Lutheran Church in Woodbury, MN. He enjoys the variation of Youth Ministry and creating caring community inside and outside of the church walls. He loves spending time with his wife and three kids, playing most sports and sitting on his deck with a good book. One of Derek’s great joys is having coffee with people talking about life and our walk with Jesus.



The ABCs of God the Father by Mark Englehardt

(1 and 2 are talking to one another, playing a letter association game, 3 walks in on them) 1:

All-powerful – as in He can control the wind and the waves, you know, like when Jesus calmed the storms.

2: Good. How about this one? Breath – as in He gave the breath of life to Adam at creation. 1:

That’s creative. Oh, hey, creative – as in He’d have to be creative to create the platypus – what is that a duck, a beaver, an otter? Did you know the platypus is also poisonous? It’s got a self-defense button on its foot that shoots venom into its predators! How creative is that?!

2: No kidding? That’s cool. Okay I’ve got an easy one – death defying – as in you can’t keep Jesus in the tomb; He’s God! 1:

I’ve got an easy one too – eternal – He was, is, and always will be.

(3 enters and hears 1 and 2 talking) 3: What are you guys doing? 1:


Oh we’re just messing around. We’re going through the alphabet and trying to think of words to describe God, and then you have to give an example to back up your description.

For all this it is my duty to thank and praise, serve and obey Him. This is most certainly true. 2: Show-off.

2: Yeah. Right now we’re on F.


3: Oh, well that’s not hard; how about Father– as in Maker of heaven and earth, He has made me and all creatures; He has given me my body and soul, eyes, ears, and all my members, my reason and all my senses, and still takes care of them. He also gives me clothing and shoes, food and drink, house and home, wife and children, land, animals, and all I have. He richly and daily provides me with all that I need to support this body and life. He defends me against all danger and guards and protects me from all evil. All this He does only out of fatherly, divine goodness and mercy, without any merit or worthiness in me.

:KDW" 7KDW , NQRZ WKH PHDQLQJ WR WKH ¿UVW article of the Apostle’s Creed? 1:

Wow, I didn’t know that about you.

No, I didn’t know you were a family man, with house and home, wife and children.

(2 laughs with 1) 3: Very funny. 1:

No really, I think that’s pretty cool actually, that you’ve got that memorized. 3: It’s no big deal; we had to do it for FRQ¿UPDWLRQ , MXVW UHPHPEHUHG LW WKDWœV DOO

2: I think it’s amazing! I have a hard time memorizing anything! Now, ask me what God the Father does for us, and I can tell you that in my own words, but I could never rattle off the meaning like that. 1:

Okay, what does God the Father do for us?

2: Huh?

it simply because He loves us. I know that I can trust God’s promises to me. He is an awesome, amazing, incredible God. 1:

Wow, that was a great statement of your faith!

3: Yeah, that was awesome! Now who’s the show-off?

3: Go ahead. Put it in your own words.

2: Whatever. Come on, we’re on letter G. Whose turn is it?

2: What, now?



Yeah, sure. Why not?

2: Well, okay, here goes. God the Father is just one part of the Triune God. In fact, the Apostles’ Creed talks about all three parts of the Triune God. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God the Father is our creator. He created each one of us. Not only did He create us, but He also created everything! As our Father, He takes care of us. He gives us everything we need and more, emphasis RQ ³HYHU\WKLQJ´ +H JLYHV XV IHHOLQJV DQG emotions, He gives us our brain to be creative with, He gives us family and friends; did I mention He gives us everything? The cool thing is that He doesn’t do this because He has to; He’s not obligated to, He does

I got this one! G. Grace! Because of God’s grace we don’t get what we deserve, instead we get all the cool things you were just talking about, AND, best of all, we get eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.

3: Nice!

(all three begin to exit on the following line.) 2: Very cool. Okay, I’ve got H!...

(all three are off stage now) End scene. Find more skits at


Betwixt: Middle School Ministry

They Think I’m Crazy by Cassie Moore


When I tell people that I work full-time with middle school students, the most common response I get is this: “Oh, geez, I don’t know how you could possibly do that. Middle school kids are ZD\ WRR FUD]\ IRU PH ´ I’m never quite sure if I should be offended by that statement or not. If you think about it, LW GHÂżQLWHO\ LPSOLHV WKDW , DP WKH FUD]\ RQH IRU ZRUNLQJ ZLWK WKHP ,ÂśP FRQÂżGHQW WKDW VRPHGD\ I’ll come up with a good comeback. Anyway, I recently spent an entire weekend with over eighty middle school students at a retreat. I learned some valuable lessons—like the fact that I can no longer function on just a few hours of sleep, and that you should never PHQWLRQ WKH ZRUG ÂłSUDQN´ WR PLGGOH VFKRRO NLGV , woke up the next morning to a hallway bedecked with toilet paper, shaving cream messages on the wall, and couches piled on top of each other. Watching these boisterous kids climb over furniture and scream like hyenas prompted me to step back and think about them seriously. I vividly remember what it was like to be in middle school. You’re squarely caught between an adult world and a child world, and you know you don’t TXLWH ÂżW LQWR HLWKHU RQH , UHPHPEHU OLNH LW ZDV last week the struggles I had with friends, parents, VFKRRO DQG VSRUWV RQ WRS RI WU\LQJ WR ÂżJXUH RXW who I was and where my life was headed. It’s daunting. As youth leaders, we need to know everything we can about our kids, so we can best learn how to work with them and help them grow in their faith. Here’s a quick glimpse of what exactly we’re dealing with when we talk about your average middle school student: Physically: Middle schoolers are dealing with the headaches of growth spurts and puberty. Muscle development is just starting, and along with that is a budding interest in the opposite sex. They’re starting to become more aware of their physical appearance, and the frustrations of acne are just becoming reality for many of them. I like to play a fun game in my head, called “Wait-And-See-HowMany-Kids-With-Glasses-Get-Contacts-Before7KH\ *HW 7R +LJK 6FKRRO´²VR IDU ,ÂśYH SUHGLFWHG correctly nearly every time. Socially: This is the time in their lives that friends

are often the sole focus of living (in their own minds, that is). Popularity and acceptance are huge issues every young teen deals with. The LQĂ€XHQFH RI WKHLU SHHUV LQFUHDVHV EXW DW WKH VDPH time, the desire to be more independent kicks in. 7KH UHVXOW LV D FRQĂ€LFWHG DQJVW ULGGHQ PLGGOH schooler. They want to be trusted and considered responsible by their parents and other leaders, but they haven’t yet mastered the art of selfdiscipline. Intellectually: This is one of the biggest challenges of middle school ministry, because not all kids are advancing intellectually at the same pace. Kids at this age are transitioning from concrete to abstract thinking. For instance, concrete WKLQNLQJ ZRXOG VD\ Âł5RFNV VLQN ´ ZKLOH ZDWFKLQJ a rock fall to the bottom of a lake, while abstract thinking would reason, “Rocks sink because WKHLU GHQVLW\ LV JUHDWHU WKDQ WKH GHQVLW\ RI ZDWHU ´ Most middle schoolers are idealistic, and are just starting to develop more complex problemsolving skills. They soak up knowledge like a sponge, and are hungry to learn as much as SRVVLEOH +RZHYHU WKH\ÂśUH GHÂżQLWHO\ VWDUWLQJ to question what they’ve been taught, and need rational explanations for why they do what they do in order to keep doing it. Emotionally: Middle school is an emotional roller coaster— they regularly vacillate between being giddy, expressive, moody, sad, melancholy, excited, and a whole slew of emotions in between. They are more expressive about their emotions, especially as they relate to their struggles with self-esteem, friends, and other frustrations. Most kids are so excited to have an adult taking an interest in them that they’ll blab just about anything without much prompting, so it doesn’t take a whole lot to get students sharing their emotions quite openly. Spiritually: Personally, this is one of the biggest joys I have in working with middle school ministry. These kids are just starting to apply spiritual principles to daily life, and they’re rearing to act on what they’ve been taught. They’re constantly looking for ways to tie what they’ve learned together, and often I’ll hear kids relating what they’ve experienced at school that day to the Biblical principles we’re talking about. At the same time,

they’re beginning to question the faith of their FKLOGKRRG DQG PDNH LW ÂłWKHLU RZQ´ IDLWK ,WÂśV D ELW of a scary time for adults, because these kids are often full of questions and doubts—sometimes things we can’t even really answer—but it’s important to let them wrestle and reason through this season in their lives. So, how can we best work with these complicated but amazing young teenagers? I have a few suggestions for effective middle school ministry: Set boundaries early, and stick to them. Middle schoolers will always try to test your boundaries, to see how far they can push you. Set clear expectations and rules, share them with your students, and keep them—don’t let their constant nagging change your decisions. I’ve been on trips where students nagged me for days about the same things, but my refusal to cave in and cater to their whims makes a bold statement about who I am: I’m the adult in charge, who loves them enough to do what’s truly best for them—not what’s going to make them happy at the moment. They see that, and will respect you for that. Since kids are growing and changing very rapidly (and at varying rates), an activity that one student might like is one that another might hate. Keep your activities varied, and try to include some kinesthetic activities, where the kids are DFWXDOO\ GRLQJ WKLQJV Âł/LYLQJ OHVVRQV´ DUH PXFK more effective than any lecture. Additionally, keep things moving rapidly. Generally, students have a minute of solid focus per year old they are—so a 12-year-old can focus well for 12 minutes. That doesn’t mean switching activities—it means breaking up the routine with music, conversation, handouts, getting kids up and out of their chairs, doing a game, adding some auditory or visual elements, a song, moving around in the room—anything to keep the kids out of a routine. And, try your hardest to avoid pauses, since thirty seconds of dead time means you’ll spend several minutes trying to get them re-focused. Middle schoolers need to feel safe and unthreatened. Since they are dealing with a lot of physical and emotional changes, they don’t tend to like games or activities that single them out. Avoid doing things that draw attention to individuals, deal with speed or strength, or make kids nervous beforehand. Try to plan things where all the kids participate, instead of just one kid. Also, kids in this age range respond well to a diverse mix of leaders: parents, high school and college students, young adults, and older adults. Don’t be afraid to have a lot of variety in your

leaders and volunteers. And, don’t be discouraged if your middle schoolers laugh at you. They’ll relate to you better when you’re in a humble posture, and they’ll appreciate that you’re willing to share some of your embarrassing moments, not just your accomplishments. The time that you and your leaders spend with the kids is what they’ll really remember. They realize that you’re investing time and energy in them, and they appreciate that—even if they GRQÂśW HYHU WHOO \RX WKDW <RXÂśOO IXOÂżOO D ORW RI UROHV as a leader—a friend, a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, an advice-giver, and sometimes a disciplinarian. Through all of that, remember that your primary role is to love your middle schoolers and help them grow in their faith in Christ. As 1 3HWHU WHOOV XV Âł%H VKHSKHUGV RI *RGÂśV Ă€RFN that is under your care, watching over them—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not pursuing dishonest gain, but eager to serve; not lording it over those HQWUXVWHG WR \RX EXW EHLQJ H[DPSOHV WR WKH Ă€RFN And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade DZD\ ´ Read more about middle school ministry at Cassie Moore is a Director of Christian Education overseeing middle school ministry at Faith Lutheran Church in St. Louis, Missouri. She lives with her husband, Tyler, a seminary student at Concordia Seminary St. Louis, and WZR $XVWUDOLDQ 6KHSKHUG SXSSLHV


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