Youth worker prayer book 2nd edition
INDEX LITURGICAL PRAYERS Luther’s Morning Prayer 1 Luther’s Evening Prayer 1 Prayer for Life 1 THE CHURCH YEAR Advent 2 Christmas 2 Lent 2 Easter 3 Pentecost 3 Trinity 3 Reformation 4 Thanksgiving 4 FAITH MATTERS Baptism 5 The Lord’s Supper 5 Forgiveness of Sins 5 Grace 6 Faith 5 Nature and God’s Creation 6 Teens to Be Good Stewards 7 Witnessing Opportunities 7 Witnessing to Non-Christian Faiths 7 Non-Christian Youth 8 For Unchurched Friends 8 RELATIONSHIPS Men in Youth Group 9 Women in Youth Group 9 For Junior High Youth 10 Strong Christian Parents 10 Pastor 10 Sibling Relationships 11 Teens and Divorce 11 For Healthy Friendships 11 Healthy Relationships 12 Enemies 12 LIFE SITUATIONS Teens who are Ill 13 Addictions 13 Guilt 13 Youth in Conflict 14 Teens and Sexuality 14 Struggling w/Homosexuality 15
Death of a Friend Girls Who Are Pregnant Stress Apathetic Youth LIFE’S PASSAGES Decision Making Driver’s License Homecoming/Prom Graduation Youth as Leaders Considering Church Careers Confirmation Young Adult Ministry Priorities Youth in the Arts Athletes Youth in the Military OTHER LIFE STUFF Media Influences Money YOUTH ACTIVITIES Opening Youth Group Meetings Opening Youth Bible Study Servant Events Traveling Together Lockins and Retreats Traveling on a Bus Tip Outdoor Ministry Before a Game or Event For Chaperones With Chaperones YOUTH WORKER CONCERNS Youth Ministry Youth Worker Burnout Youth Worker’s Spouse Women in Youth Ministry Adult Struggles with Youth Worker Considering a Call Congregational Leaders THE CHURCH Support of Congregation Synod/District A Church that Cares for Youth In
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With thanks to the following authors who are indicated in the prayer copy with their initials in parenthesis: (WB) Dr. Wally Becker, Director of Ministerial Recruitment, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO (JB) Jessica Bordeleau, WYF & Young Adult Ministry Consultant, St. Louis, MO (DB) Rev. Derek Broten, Woodbury Lutheran Church, Edina, MN (TD) Rev. Terry Dittmer, Director of Youth Ministry, The Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod, St. Louis, MO (JH) Jill Hasstedt, Director of Christian Education, Zion Lutheran Church, Belleville, IL (TL) Rev. Todd Liefer, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Wentzville, MO (JM) Jeffrey Meinz, Director of Christian Education, Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, CO (AM) Abigail Miller, 2006 Graduate from Concordia University, River Forest, IL (PN) Dr. Peter Nafzger, New Life Lutheran Church, Hugo, MN (RR) Rev. Ron Roma, Guidance Counselor, Lutheran High South, St. Louis, MO (JS) Jolene Siebarth, Director of Christian Education, Glendale Lutheran Church, Glendale, MO (MS) Micah Steiner, Director of Christian Education, Peace Lutheran Church, New Berlin, WI (GW) Rev. Greg Wismar , Pastor, Christ the King Lutheran Church, Newtown, CT THE YOUTH MINISTRY STAFF THE LUTHERAN CHURCH — MISSOURI SYNOD Rev. Terry K. Dittmer, Director Rev. Mark Kiessling, Associate Director, National Youth Gathering James Lohman, DCE, Associate Director, Servant Events Krista Miller, Associate Director, Gathering Registration & Operations Amy Gray, Project Coordinator Jeannie Smithson, Coordinator, Financial & Clerical Support YOUTH WORKER PRAYER BOOK. Copyright © 2012 The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Office of National Mission—Youth Ministry 1333 South Kirkwood Road, St. Louis, MO 63122.
LITURGICAL PRAYERS Luther’s Morning Prayer I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please You. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen. Luther’s Evening Prayer I thank You, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You graciously kept me this day; and I pray that You would forgive me all my sins where I have done wrong and graciously keep me this night. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foes may have no power over me. Amen. Prayer for Life Lord God, You have called Your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go but only that Your hand is leading us and Your love supporting us; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
THE CHURCH YEAR Advent Lord of all Creation, You hold time in Your hands and have already begun our eternity. Help us, Your people, young and old, to wait for Your coming with patience and to look for the signs of Your presence that are in our world today. May the Holy Spirit shape our prayer and praise in Advent lives of love that reach far beyond ourselves as we prepare for the coming of Jesus among us both in His birth at Christmas and in this glorious appearing when time on earth ends and we are given the ultimate gift of life in His et e rna l K in g do m. In Je su s’ n a me. A me n . (GW) Christmas Gracious God, as Your youth and adults, thank You for the resounding joy of this Holy Season. Let the message of Your coming to earth in the Babe of Bethlehem as our Redeemer give shape and meaning to these days. Grant that the true brightness of Christmas may enlighten our hearts and that the echo of the angels’ announcement: “For unto you is born a Savior” may be the words we welcome the most. By the working of the Spirit make this a truly holy time for us. In Jesus’ name. Amen. (GW) Lent Loving Lord, taking time for reflection and repentance does not always easily become part of our days. Yet, youth or adult, we know our need to confront our sinfulness and to comprehend the greatness of Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross for our sin. By Your Spirit, direct us again in this Lenten season to realize the gift of Your mercy and to rejoice in the grace of Your forgiving love. In Jesus’ name. Amen. (GW) 2
Easter Blessed God, we rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus our Lord from the tomb. Although the thought of death may not always be on our minds, we know that it is real and that only by Your power is its fearfulness overcome. Grant us the sense of newness of life which comes through the working of Your spirit so that the joy of the Easter victory is heard in our words and shared through our deeds whether we be youth or adult. In Jesus’ name. Amen. (GW) Pentecost Holy Spirit, You call us, youth and adults, to live out the faith that we confess. Give each of us an abiding sense of Your presence within us as we live out each day in our baptismal grace. When being less than faithful to Christ tempts us, remind us that You are with us now as You have been with Christian people ever since the time of the first Pentecost. Make the words of our witness and the deeds of our days a blessing in all of our lives and grant us Your eternal peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen. (GW) Trinity Eternal Lord, understanding the fullness of who You are is both a challenge and a joy. We worship You as the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Spirit, assured that You are in our lives. Bless us in every season, that we may continue to grow in faith and in the knowledge of Your love for us and for all people. In Jesus’ name. Amen. (GW)
Reformation Glorious Lord, in each generation Your spirit has guided the faithful to confess the truth of the Gospel and to witness to Your saving grace with dedication and self-sacrifice. Keep before us the vision of what Your Church is to be on earth that we may aspire not only to greatness but also to faithfulness. Help us, whether we be young or old, to be Your devoted people in our time, grounded in Your Word, sustained by the Sacraments and secure in the strength of Your power and love. In Jesus’ name. Amen. (GW)
Thanksgiving Almighty God, in Your Grace You give us all that we truly need both physically and spiritually. Your blessings do not know an age limit but are showered on all your people, on all generations. Guide us daily to realize that sometimes what we think we want may not be in Your loving plan for our lives. Grant each of us a grateful heart and a true appreciation for the blessings that come from Your hand for us to share. In Jesus’ name. Amen. (GW)
FAITH MATTERS Baptism Heavenly Father, for many of us our baptism was a long time ago. And sometimes it is hard to see its significance in our day to day lives. But in that simple act You united each of us with Christ. As these young Christians struggle with their identity, and as they try to figure out who they are and who they want to become, remind them of their Baptism. Remind them of the Name that was given to them when the water was sprinkled on their heads. Remind them everyday that they are Yours. In Jesus’ name, Amen. (PN) The Lord’s Supper Heavenly Father, We all feel alone at times – isolated from our friends, detached from our family, separated from Your presence. Yet You offer Yourself to us in bread and wine, and You bring us to Your table as a community of believers. Help each young person who comes to this holy meal to know Your forgiving presence, and enable them to find support in their brothers and sisters who gather around Your altar with them. In the name of Jesus, Amen. (PN) Forgiveness of Sins Gracious Father, It is hard to move on when you know you have failed. Even those youth who hear each Sunday that they are forgiven do not always feel it in their hearts. Convince them with Your Holy Spirit that You have removed their sins as far as the east is from the west and that each day is a new day blessed in Your grace and mercy. Help them to see themselves as You see them – perfect in Christ. In his holy name, Amen. (PN) 5
Grace Merciful Father, Your grace is sufficient. It is sufficient for my ministry. It is sufficient for the well-being of our young people. It is sufficient for all that we need in this life. In a world that is governed by greed and selfpreservation, enable our youth to understand the depth of your undeserved love. Teach them to rely on You and to trust Your promise to work all things together for their good. In Jesus’ name, Amen. (PN) Faith Gracious God, The faith of Your people is constantly under attack. Not only does the devil tempt and confuse Your young Christians, but their own sinful flesh betrays them by creating doubt in their hearts. Despite these assaults, You have promised that no one will be able to snatch them out of Your hand. Defend them with Your Spirit from all that challenges their faith and keep them safe in Your loving protection. In Jesus’ name, Amen. (PN) Nature and God's Creation Heavenly Father, You made everything out of nothing and it is so awesome, so amazing! You designed, planned and built the universe and every living thing. Thank You for creating such beauty for us to enjoy. Your creation shows us Your artistic creativity, scientific organization and majestic power! Please help us to care for Your natural world and wildlife in a way that pleases You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. (JB)
For Teens to Be Good Stewards Heavenly Father, All good gifts come from You. Thank You for entrusting us with talents, abilities and assets. You challenge us to use them wisely. Please help all of us, children, teens and adults, to recognize the gifts You have given each of us and enable us to be good stewards of those gifts. Show us how to bring out the best in each other and rejoice in who You made us to be. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen. (JB) For Witnessing Opportunities Lord God, You have blessed us, youth and adults, with Your love and mercy. Help us share these great gifts with those around us, believers and unbelievers. Help us, youth and adults, to be a reflection of the love You have for us, Your people. Guide all that we do that what we do would point to You. Continually teach us. Keep us humble and genuine. Take away our fear and inhibition when the opportunity to share You and Your love arise. May my desire to share Your love with others be sincere and bold but never cause offense. Bless us each with confidence, wisdom and understanding as we pray in Your name. Amen. (AM) For Youth Witnessing to Youth of Non-Christian Faiths, in an Age of Tolerance Lord, we lay before You our hearts and our desire to see all of our friends know the one true Way. Help us to love those who do not know You, that the Holy Spirit may draw them to You, their Savior. Help us see each of them as Your unique and wonderful creation. Lord, help remove the scales from their eyes, as You did for Paul, so that they can see that You are the only Way, the only Truth, and, through belief in You, their eternal life. (John 14:6). Lord, help us to stand up for the Truth and to love all those You have placed in our path. Amen. (DB)
For Youth of Non-Christian Faiths in an Age of Tolerance God of truth I thank you for name and the time you have given me to spend with him/her. This world is filled with many people telling us many different things. I ask that You would give name the wisdom of truth and that it would bring him/her peace. Lord be with name in his/her struggle through life and show him/her who You truly are. I ask for Your Spirit of truth to come and the faith for him/her to trust in Your promise that He will guide him/her into all truth (John 16:13). Amen. (DB) For Unchurched Friends Lord, I lift to you name(s) and ask that you would surround name(s) with people who love You and will share that love with them. Lord, help name(s) to know that they are not alone in their lives’ journey and that you have sent people like me to love and care for them. Lord, help my life to reflect You, that the Holy Spirit would draw them closer to belief in You. Help me to be a witness of Your great love and grace for each of us. Help me be truthful in sharing my story and my need for a Savior. Lord, work in their lives, that they would call on Your name and be saved (Romans 10:13). Amen. (DB)
RELATIONSHIPS For the Young Men in the Youth Group Dear Father in Heaven, I lift up these young men to You and place them in Your care. There is a lot of “stuff” in the world that keeps boys from becoming mature men. Please send godly friends and mentors into their lives. Lord, please guard and protect them from temptations and the struggles of the world as they go into each day. Guide them on the path to godly manhood. Above all, Lord, may they always realize Your unending love in their lives and that You are their God. In Your Name, Amen. (JS) For the Young Women in the Youth Group Lord Heavenly Father, I come to You in prayer today for this group of young women. Lord, guide their thoughts, words and actions as they strive to live their lives for You. Assure them of Your great love, Lord. May they have peace in knowing that You created them to be who they are, and that You love them with an everlasting love. Guide them on the path to godly womanhood. And grant them godly friends and mentors in their lives. Please bless them and surround them with Your holy armor as they go out each day into the world. In Jesus’ name, Amen. (JS)
For Junior High Youth Dear Lord, Life is full of interesting times and changes. Junior High can be a tough time of transition. And so we pray for our junior high (middle school) students. Pull them close to You and guide them to be aware of Your presence in their lives. Surround them with adults that can be role models and mentors and support them. And Lord, help me to also be one of those people. Help me to be aware of and sensitive to their needs and help me reflect Your love to them in a genuine, sincere way. Thank you for these young people, their energy, curiosity, and enthusiasm no matter how much they may challenge us. Bless their life journeys, Lord. Amen. (AM) For Strong Christian Parents in Support of their Teens Dear Heavenly Father, I admit that I cannot do ministry on my own. My desire is that every one of the youth I have been called to serve would be Your life-long disciple. For this reason, I pray that You would bless the parents of these teens with the wisdom, guidance, and patience to faithfully carry out their responsibilities. Help me equip them with the resources to aid them in this process. In Your name I pray. Amen. (MS) For the Pastor Lord God, Thank You for blessing this church and ministry with a Pastor who loves and serves You. Please guide him as he mentors and shepherds the congregation, families, youth and volunteers. Lord, I ask Your blessing on him today as he reaches out to the teenagers, not only in our congregation, but in our neighborhood and community. Please bless those opportunities You give him in ministering to the teens and their needs. Please encourage him as he lives his life in ministry for You. In Your Name, Amen. (JS) 10
For Sibling Relationships: Dear God, thank You for giving us our brothers and sisters but You know, sometimes we just don't understand them. We don't always get along, but You know that we still love them. Sometimes we yell and beg them to leave us alone. We scream and tell them to be quiet. We shout and tell them to go away, far away. When we yell, Lord, You forgive. God, we repent of the way we treat our brothers and sisters. We admit that we are sometimes wrong and we commit to loving them. Help us to see them as You do. We want better relationships with our brothers and sisters and only You can guide us in that journey. We give our relationships to You, O God. Amen. (JM) For Teens Dealing With Divorce Lord God, wrap Your arms around the youth (may insert specific names) who are hurting because of divorce. As they struggle through this brokenness, give them strength, courage and an open heart to forgive. Send comfort and courage to face obstacles and remove barriers of hurt. Restore love and, according to Your grace, calm any conflicts and tensions that may linger. May their home be or become now a place of peace, purity, love, labor and faith, through Jesus Christ my Savior. Amen. (RR) A Prayer for Healthy Friendships Dearest Jesus, You know our desire for honest friendships where we can be ourselves without fear of rejection. You promise that if we ask You for anything according to Your will, You will grant it. Lord, grant us the faith to believe this promise, as well as the patience to wait for Your perfect timing. We pray that You would bless us with good friends whom we can trust and care for. We also pray for those of us who may be in unhealthy relationships, those which take us away from You. We pray that You would help us to put You first in our lives... 11
By Your grace, give us the strength to break off these relationships, and make new ones that will encourage us and lift us up in our walk with You. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. (MS) A Prayer for Healthy Relationships (Dating) Dear heavenly Father, a lot of teens, some of them in my youth group, are blessed with relationships and I praise You for that. Yet, sometimes I know they struggle to keep Your will for them and the relationships ahead of their own natural desires. I pray, Lord, that You would bless them with wisdom to know if these relationships are ones that honor You, to strive for relationships that please You, and to have the courage to end the relationship if it is not. Grant these youth the self-control to avoid temptation and have mercy on them if You are not honored by their actions. Comfort them in Your forgiveness and renew them in Your love as they model their relationship with each other on their relationship with You, through Jesus Christ. Amen. (MS) For Enemies Jesus, it is so hard to love someone who hates me. How did You do it? You walked on this earth as a human, yet still God. So many people hated You and yet You still loved them. They nailed You to a cross, yet You still died for them. Remind me often, Jesus, to repeat Your prayer, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Help me to understand what my enemies are going through and help them to understand me. Help us to resolve our conflict and find peace in You alone. I don't want to give up on this relationship. Give me the strength to forgive and to love. Amen. (JM)
LIFE SITUATIONS For Teens who are Ill Dear Lord, be with (name) in this time of struggle and illness. We don’t always understand why things happen and why we get sick. So, now, attend (name) as he/she struggles. Bless the doctors and nurses and all who attend him/her. Encourage him/her with Your love, grace and presence. Let (name) know that You care about him/her. And according to Your will, grant healing. But in all things help us all to know that You are powerfully present in our lives, that You give courage, faithfulness and support through all the challenges of life through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. (TD) For Teens Dealing with Addictions (Insert specific names where appropriate) Lord, I come to You as an open book, as You know every struggle in our lives. You have seen the struggles of addiction in our group. Help me to walk alongside each of them through failed attempts and desperate moments. Help them to surrender all of it to You. Send Your Holy Spirit to change their desires and trust Your Word, that You will help them fight and overcome. Help them, Lord, to open up to me and others who can help walk along side them through Christ, our Lord. Amen. (1 Corinthians 10:13) (DB) For Teens Struggling with Guilt Lord we have fallen short of Your expectations (Romans 3:23) in so many areas of our life. You know the struggles of youth even better than I do. So many try and reflect You in their lives, but carry the guilt of falling short in so many ways…. 13
Free them from the guilt of failed attempts and help them live life one day and one choice at a time. Help them to live with the knowledge that You took their guilt to the Cross and have given them the opportunity to live this life in freedom and thankfulness for Your grace. Heavenly Father, help them to focus on the plans You have for them in the future, that they would receive Your eternal prize (Philippians 3:13-14) through Christ, our Lord. Amen. (DB) For Youth in Conflict with Each Other Lord, thank You for sticking by name(s) and helping them through the tough times in life. Lord, You have blessed them with different people in their lives and they need Your help to restore their relationship(s) with each other. I know Your desire for all of us is to love and support each other. Help them to be one, just as You and the Father are one (John 17:21). Lord, help them be more concerned about restoring their relationship, than being right. Open my eyes to see the opportunities You give me to help them reconcile. Amen. (DB) For Teens and Sexuality Heavenly Father, You created sex as a beautiful and wonderful expression of intimacy and love. Help the youth around me know that the best place to show the beauty of sex is in marriage. Direct them in the truth of Your Word and help me and others to give guidance and support as they struggle with temptations and decisions about their sexuality. In all they do, let them honor You. Enable them to see the temple that You have created them to be. Forgive when boundaries are crossed and lives are vulnerable through the grace of Jesus; I pray in His name. Amen. (RR)
For Youth Struggling with Homosexual Feelings Dear heavenly Father, You know (name)’s heart. You know that he/she has been frustrated, confused and sometimes angry about the feelings that he/ she has been having. The world says these feelings are normal. He/She hears many voices telling him/her how he/she should feel and what they should think but the more they listen the more confused they get. Have mercy on (name) Lord! Guide (name) to a loving Christian adult to whom they can talk and who will not judge them but love them as You love them. And, Lord, if that person is me, I pray You grant me the wisdom and words I need to be Your encourager and helper to them. I pray that (name) would listen to Your voice above all others and that You would help him/her to know Your truth and self-control to follow Your will no matter what. In the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen. (MS) For Teens Dealing with Friends who have Died (Insert specific names if appropriate) Dear Lord, these people are hurting! A friend has died. Help them find comfort from Your Word, through Your community of faith, and from the fact that Your Son conquered death. Cause them to remember in confidence that because of Your grace this painful separation is temporary, not permanent, for those who believe in Your Son. Let them see beyond this life, this death and find true life in You. Give them the assurance that life with You in heaven is so joyful that sin and death has been swallowed up forever. In the name of the risen Christ I pray. Amen. (RR)
For Girls who are Pregnant Dear God, I pray for (name). She knows a new life exists inside her, but feels like her life is over. She cries, “Why did this happen to me? What should I do? Where will I go? Who will I turn to?” Dear God, please send someone into her life to be her support. God, You are enough, but I pray too that You would give her someone to talk to. She needs someone to walk with her through this. She needs that person now more than ever! She struggles with her mistake. Encourage her with Your forgiveness. And as You can use me, so lead me in Your mercy to be her friend, her confident and support through Jesus Christ. Amen. (JM) For Teens Dealing with Stress (Insert specific names where appropriate) Lord, send calm to my young friends struggling with stress. Remembering the words of the Psalmist, Lord, lead them beside still waters. Help them to be strong and unwavering in Your love. Help them to depend upon You and Your mercy to overcome any difficulties that come along. Guide them in peace, the peace that passes all understanding, peace that the world cannot give. Help them not to be troubled and not give in to fear. Instead, by Your peace, Lord, show them Your love through Jesus. In His name I pray. Amen. (RR) For Apathetic, Non-Connected Youth Dear Jesus, It is so difficult to connect with some students! I fear that they will be alone, on the fringe, and vulnerable. Lord, You love them so much more than I do. You know their hearts. Surround and protect them with Your holy angels. Call to them with a shepherd’s voice. If it is Your will, then show me how to reach them or how to find the person who can. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. (JH) 16
LIFE’S PASSAGES For Decision Making Dear Lord, Life is full of challenges and decisions. Our youth are confronted with choices every day, some as simple as what they are going to have for lunch and some as important as whether they will do drugs or have sex. Lord, our youth need Your discerning Spirit, Your wisdom and Your guidance as they put their lives together. Help them make wise and God-pleasing choices. Encourage them in Your forgiveness when they mess up. But as a first line of defense, show them the way to good decisions. As You can use me, help me support them, guide and encourage them in the process. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. (AM) For Teens who are new Drivers (Insert specific names where appropriate) Lord, my friend(s) ___ is/are nervous; his/her/their parents are nervous; I’m nervous! But Your promise is true! You give Your angels charge, and I ask that Your angels go with these young people as they get their license to drive. Keep them safe from harm and danger. Let them go in peace, knowing that Your preserving power accompanies them everywhere they go. Steady nerves; calm fears and give wisdom and discernment in this new chapter of life. May the freedom that comes with driving also be a call to responsibility and an opportunity to celebrate another milestone in life. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen. (RR)
For Homecoming / Prom Lord, tonight is a great night for a lot of my young people. It’s (Homecoming)/(Prom) and it’s an important night for my youth. It’s a night to get dressed up, gather together for celebration, a night to party and have a good time. Lord, be with my students. Keep them safe before, during and after the event. May their “partying” be pleasing to You and may they be a reflection of Your love to each other. Be fully a part of their celebration in Jesus’ name. Amen. (TD) For Teens at Graduation Dear Lord, these young people are about to have a new door in their life opened to many opportunities and challenges. We celebrate with them and give You thanks for their accomplishments in school as they are about to move on to new schools, endeavors and efforts. With all the pressures at this time in their lives, let them see the solid foundation and truth of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Guide them in their decisions and send Your Holy Spirit to comfort when stressed, strengthen when weary, and encourage when tested. In Christ Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. (RR) For Developing Youth as Leaders Scripture Connection: 1Timothy 4:12 Father, Timothy was young too. His mentor, Paul, taught him not to let anyone look down on him because of his youth. He told Timothy to, “Set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.” What a powerful reminder! I thank You for this model. Paul affirmed Timothy as a young man. When I am tempted to underestimate the leadership potential of young people, help me to remember Timothy and to encourage and believe in them as Paul did with Timothy. In Jesus’ name, Amen. (JH) 18
For Youth Considering a Church Career (May insert the names of specific youth where appropriate) Lord Jesus, You have given gifts and talents to each of us, to be used in service to You, through our love and service to others. As these young people consider their future and the career they should pursue, lead them to seek Your plan and purpose for their lives. Lead them to consider service to You and Your people by a vocation of full time church work. Guide them as they consider colleges and universities and their major and minor courses of study. Keep them close to You, in love with You and Your Word. Help them to use their gifts and abilities in ways that will help others come to love You also. In Your Name we pray. Amen. (WB) Confirmation Lord Jesus, You've watched over these youth throughout their whole lives. You've helped them grow in faith. You've nurtured them. As they are about to be confirmed, I thank You for this day where they can confirm that they believe You are their Savior! But don't let them see today as the end of their spiritual journey. Let Your Holy Spirit strengthen them through Your Body and Blood so they will see today as confirming that they will spend the rest of their lives serving You, witnessing to others about Your saving grace. Amen. (TL) Young Adult Ministry Heavenly Father, so many young adults need You. They are so wrapped up in building careers, going to school, and having fun that they keep pushing You away or simply forget that You are even around. Bless our ministry with young adults to reach out to them. Help us find them and talk to them! Help us show them that You and Your Word are relevant in their lives, even when their schedules are packed with so many other things... 19
Help us be Your encouragement, Your support and Your friends to them. Give us the determination to keep doing Your will in this ministry. Amen. (TL) To Help Youth Set Their Priorities Jesus Christ, You lived a human life. You were a youth once Yourself! So You know their lives can be stressful. They have money to earn, homework to finish, sports to play, relationships to nurture, families to attend to. They try their best to juggle all of this, but meanwhile they forget to keep You as their first priority. Give them balance in their lives; help them manage their energy. Let them grow in Your Word and lead them to have an active prayer life, things that will give them more lasting peace than a good report card or a paycheck ever could. In Your name, Amen. (TL) For Youth Involved in the Arts Heavenly Father, You fill the earth with music, art, drama, and dance. The arts are Yours and You are glorified through them. You give Your children many gifts and talents, and today I especially thank You for the talent You have given our youth. They have so many unique opportunities to serve You: singing, playing an instrument, drawing, painting, acting, dancing, crafting, building, and so many others. Help them to keep using their talents and bless them so that they flourish. Always let them remember, though, to not give glory to themselves, but to always give glory to You! Amen. (TL)
A Prayer for Athletes and Good Sportsmanship (Specific names may be inserted where appropriate; could be used prior to a game) Heavenly Father, I thank You for the athletes in my church. They are people with gifts and energy. I pray that You would bless them with courage, strength and stamina that they may use their abilities to their fullest potential. Grant them humility to give You all the glory for their success and the grace to handle loss if they should fail. Above all, I pray, that win or lose, Your name will be praised by their performance. Amen. (MS) For Youth/Young Adults Serving in the Military (May include specific names as appropriate) It’s a scary world we live in, Lord, with people fighting, hurting, and killing each other. There is violence and terrorism, not just out there, but sometimes close to home as well. And it really gets close to home when someone we love, someone in our congregation, someone from our youth group, or from our family, is away, serving in the military. We thank You for those who serve us and our country, to keep us safe and to protect our freedom. We pray for their safety and protection. We thank You for the young people that we know who are serving in the military. Keep them safe! Help them to trust You, to live out their faith in You and to share Your Word of hope with those with whom they serve. Help them to be a witness of Your love to all people where ever they serve until You bring them home again. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. (WB)
OTHER LIFE STUFF Regarding the Influence of the Media in Teen Lives God, almost everything that today's media says is different than You proclaim. Television, movie, magazines and music want us to think their way. The media certainly calls to adults but it calls to young people in very graphic ways. But You call us to think a different way, a Godly way. Thank You for Your voice, though it may only be a whisper compared to the noise of this world. Help us to hear You, clearly. Help us to see ourselves the way You created us to be. We are your treasured possessions. Help us to be strong and assured in the way You would have us to live. The world's influence is great in our lives, but You, God, are greater! Help us to no longer “conform . . . to the pattern of this world (Romans 12:2).” Transform our minds and “create in (us) pure hearts, O God (Psalm 51:10). Amen. (JM) Money Dear Jesus, thank You for giving us our daily bread. You have provided for all of our basic needs. We all admit, money seems so important. No matter how much we have, the greed in our lives tells me that we need more, so much more. Help us to glorify You in the money You provide to us and our families. Give us the strength to not make money or possessions a god in our lives. Give us the wisdom we need to use money in a mature way, not a selfish way. Jesus, we know that we cannot serve both God and money (Matthew 6:24). Your Word, the Bible, is clear. Give us the power to serve only You! Amen. (JM)
YOUTH ACTIVITIES To Open a Youth Group Meeting Good Lord, meetings aren’t always our first thought when it comes to a great idea. They are places where we do business, where we figure out the activities that we want to, the places we want to go to, where we consider how we can do these things. We have to think about calendars, fund raising, planning, promotion . . . all those kinds of thing. So, now, as we begin our meeting, we ask You to be with us, to guide and direct us, to keep our meeting running smoothly, to give us a sense of community and help us to focus what do we should do for You and for the building up of our group. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. (TD) To Open a Youth Bible Study Dear God, here we are gathered to study Your Word. Open Your truth to us through the pages of Scripture. May our hearing and discussion be a blessing to us, that we may learn what You would have us know about Your love through Christ and how to live as Your people in this world. May this study be a blessing to each of us through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. (TD) To Begin an Opportunity for Serving or a Servant Event Jesus, Thank You for being our servant. You lived a life of service and then died for those You served. With Your love as our motivation, enable us to imitate You and give of ourselves. Bless those we serve and help us to meet their needs with Your love. Please send Your Holy Spirit to guide our acts of service to Your glory. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. (JB)
For Those Traveling Together Heavenly Father, Thank You for giving us the opportunity to travel. Please watch over us and protect us on our journey. Enable us to make wise choices while we are away from home and to show Your love to all those we encounter. Please bring us home safe and sound with a new sense of Your mission in our world. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen. (JB) For Lockins and Retreats Dear Lord, Thank You for this opportunity to step outside the everyday and have the opportunity to truly focus on You. Be with the leaders and chaperones and everybody involved in making this event happen. Give us the strength we will need spiritually and physically to do Your work with our students. And please be with our students. Work in and through this experience so that it will be fun and our youth will grow. May we all come away from this retreat with great memories and renewed strength and commitment to You. Thank You for this community of faith as it focuses on You. In Your name we pray. Amen. (AM) For Those Traveling on a Bus Dear Lord, Thank You so much for the trip before us. We have been anxiously waiting to go and now is the time. As we get on the bus, we pray, be with our driver and keep us safe on our journey. Protect those we have left at home. Bless the experiences we will have and the relationships we will strengthen. Keep us focused on You and the purpose of our trip. And when our trip is over, bring us home safely and enable us to carry what we’ve learned back into our lives. Thank You again for this opportunity to grow and be Your people. In Jesus’ name. Amen. (AM)
To Begin an Outdoor Ministry Experience Creator of the universe, of trees and mountains, lakes and oceans, stars and sun, rocks and plants of every variety, creatures big and small. We are about to step into an outdoor, natural world that we may not often experience and we ask You to guide and bless our outdoor ministry experience. Please help us to learn about You from Your creation, and about our relationship with You from Your Word. Help us to return to our homes having experienced what it means to live as a part of Your body, in community with others and in Your world. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen. (JB) Before an Athletic Game or Event Jesus Christ, You are the giver of power, of strength, of courage, of persistence. Thank You for the athletic talents You have given these youth! Unite them with Your Spirit, and let them put their many hours of practicing to use. In all their actions, let them serve You and give glory to Your Name. Amen. (TL) For Chaperones Thank You, Father, for chaperones who volunteer their time to be a caring presence at our youth events. Thank You for every last one of them! In their supporting roles, give them a spirit of kindness and patience, of fun and encouragement. Give them the energy they need to do their part. Help these adults to connect with our students, to participate with them in activities and to enjoy our fellowship together. Help them enjoy and savor their time with Your precious young people. Amen. (JH)
A Prayer with Chaperones Father, I thank You for those who are gathered with me here tonight as we seek to love, guide, and care for the students who will soon arrive. Give each person here a measure of Your wisdom, discernment, joyful love, and, should it be needed, mercy. Lord, make us mindful of the opportunities we will have tonight to bring a young person closer to You and to develop relationships that will allow us to speak about You with credibility. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen. (JH)
“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep praying for all the saints.” Ephesians 6:18 NIV
YOUTH WORKER CONCERNS For Youth Ministry Lord, Thank You for calling me into this ministry with the youth of this place. Lord, You promised to determine my steps and to instruct and teach me in the right ways. I ask You to bless my actions and speech and give me the words to say as I minister to these young people. Please continue to guide the vision and ministry of this place and to provide godly mentors to partner with the youth. Please bless this ministry that You have placed in my care. Amen. (JS)
For Youth Worker Burnout Scripture Connection: Matt. 11:28-30 I read it in scripture, Jesus, “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” That’s how I feel. Weary and burdened. I’m just plain tired. So, tonight, Lord Jesus, I come to You for rest. I lay my burdens at Your feet trusting in Your wisdom and Your strength to care for all of them and for me. Thank You. I know it all might still be there in the morning and so I ask that You could help me out with insight and the power to overcome. With all my appreciation. Amen. (JH)
For the Youth Worker’s Spouse Lord, The husband or wife of a youth worker must be a patient and independent partner. I confess to You that I have sometimes put my spouse lower on my list of priorities than I should. Forgive me. I thank You for the gift of (husband/wife’s name) who supports my role and puts up so often with the sacrifice of time together made because of my job. I am thankful for my spouse’s hours of unwitting volunteer support, and for a willingness to share so much of me and of our lives with students. Lord, don’t ever let me just “expect” that support or take it for granted. Help me to clearly show how much I appreciate such caring devotion even as I seek to balance both my call to marriage and to ministry. In Jesus’ name, Amen. (JH) 27
For Women in Youth Ministry Lord of the Church, You have given different gifts to each of Your people, gifts and abilities to help and serve others. We thank You for the gifts You have given to women for service in Your Kingdom, and especially for those women You have led to serve in youth ministry. Bless the lay women who care about the young in each of their congregations, who work to guide them into Your Word, and encourage them to live their lives rooted in You, Jesus. Bless the women who have followed Your leading in their lives to prepare for and to serve in full time ministry to and with youth, as directors of Christian education, deaconesses, teachers, directors of Christian outreach, and family life ministers. Continue to bless the work that they do and the people whose lives they touch with Your love. Amen. (WB) For Adult Leaders Who Struggle in Relating to Youth Heavenly Father, You are the Great Provider! I thank You for calling me to work in youth ministry, yet I have to admit that I am frustrated. I am questioning my calling because I don’t feel that I relate well to the youth I am called to serve. Yet You promise that in Your Name, I can do all things. Please bless me with the resources that will help me to understand the needs of these teens and grant me the courage to be uncomfortable in order to share the love of our Savior with them. I pray that You would speak through me by Your Holy Spirit. Amen. (MS)
For a Youth Worker Considering a Call Lord God, Your plan and purpose for my life is not always clear or easy to understand. You have called me to serve You in this place and You have blessed my service to Your people here. Now You have given me another call, to consider service to You and Your people in another location. Help me to consider where I can best use the gifts and abilities You have given me for the service and care of Your people. Help me to consider the needs of Your people in both places of ministry. Help me to consider also the needs of my family. Don’t let me be self- centered or tempted to choose what is easy or comfortable. Instead, instill in me a passion for ministry and an excitement about service to Your people. Lead me to a decision. Confirm that decision, and give me a peace as I seek to follow You. In Jesus’ Name! Amen. (WB) For Congregational Leadership & Support for Youth Ministry Scripture Connection: Ephesians 3:20-21 Triune God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit, I have often seen this phrase…”through-out all generations” as I read Your Word. I pray for the coming generations now, dear God. Give those who lead our congregation a passion for young people, for youth ministry, and especially for sharing their faith in their own homes. Help us all to see that our children and youth are precious gifts You have given us and that investing in these young lives has a vital purpose: so that You will be “glorified in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever, Amen.” (JH)
THE CHURCH For Support of the Congregation Heavenly Father, I lift up this congregation and their partnership in ministry. Lord, You promised that “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6). I ask Your blessing on the youth ministry at this place, Lord, and for the support of the congregation for its youth, that we can work together in Your name. Please bless us with unity in both mind and spirit as we serve and support one another in ministry. In Your Name, Amen. (JS) For Synod and District Support Heavenly Father, You gather us into Your family, adopting us as Your sons and daughters in Holy Baptism, so that we can care for and encourage each other. You have led our congregations to “walk together,” to help and support each other in the work that You have given us to do in this world. We thank You for our church body and ask that You continue to bless us and our leaders, and that You keep us faithful to You and to Your Word. Help the leaders at the national level, as well as at the district level, to support and encourage the work and ministry that takes place in the local congregation. Help them to recognize that the young people of the church are not just the church of tomorrow, but that they are already the church today, serving You with the gifts You have given them. Help us to walk together and to work together to bring Your Word and the saving work of Jesus to others. In His Name. Amen. (WB)
To Be a Church that Cares for Young People Lord, our teens are struggling. They feel abandoned. Study after study shows that teens are being failed by all the institutions that are supposed to support them be those family, government, schools, and even the church. Lord, make us a church that cares about children, youth and young adults. Help us to encourage and support them in Your Love. Help us show them that they are not abandoned to the wiles of the world but that our church is a haven of caring for them. These are precious gifts You have given us. Help us, Lord, to be good stewards of these students that they may grow in the faith, be nurtured in Your ways and live as Your celebrating people of God wherever their lives may take them for Jesus’ sake. Amen. (TD)
Prayer Journal
Prayer Journal
Prayer Journal
A Publication of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Office of National Mission — Youth Ministry