Embroidery and ribbon knitting

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Embroidery and Ribbon knit ing

Hi there,

I have put together this little book to keep record of samples from my latest project at university. I would ideally like it to inspire others to experiment with different materials and techniques to produce lots of beautiful creations. All images and designs are copyright to Louise Collier x

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For my latest project I have experiemented with knitting lace and embroidery techniques, silk painting and beading. I have selected a few of my samples demonstrating different techniques and effects.

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row 1. k1 p1 k1 p1 row 2 p1 k1 p1 k1 continue..

here I have used approximately 5m of beautiful ribbon from John Lewis. knitted on 10mm knitting needles using a combination of knit and pearl

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Plain knitted embroidery thread using 10mm needles and plenty of patience..

Firstly I experimented with knitting machine thread ..but that ended in a disaster.

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Hand painted and heat pressed fabric using my own fair hands. a combination of french knot embroidery and improvised "stem-stitch"

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Silk painting using clear gutta and watered down silk paints, hand beading in grape and stem design.

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Machine embroidery using embroidery hoop and tight zig zag stitch. free-hand design



Another sample I produced using the same technique, but cutting and fraying the edges creating a beautiful lace effect.

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Plain knit ribbon for 2 rows, pull off the needle and secure the stitches/loops to the fabric, inspired by the vines I saw at a Eglantine vineyard in Nottinghamshire I decided to overlap and secure the ends of the knitted sample.

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french knots create a simplified grape design, A combination of embroidery threads have been used to create the vines in my improvised vine stitch.

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