Circuit Players

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Start at exercise 1. Do each station for 1 min and take a break for 30 sec. between each station. 5 min Break Start at exercise 1. Do each station for 45 Sec and take a break for 15 sec. between each station. 5 min Break Start at exercise 1. Do each station for 30 Sec and no break between each station.

Body Weight Squats

Begin by standing tall with your spine long, core engaged, and feet about shoulder width apart. Try to keep your feet straight and parallel, but don’t worry if you can’t. Turning up to 15 degrees to the outside is okay, just make sure your knees track in the same direction as your feet when you squat. Break at the waist first, pretend you’re sitting back in an imaginary chair. Your back should remain neutral throughout. Squat to the point where you can maintain a flat back. That’s your current range.Press through your heels to return to standing

Toe Touch Crunches

Lying on your back, extend your legs straight up, keeping them as straight at possible. You will keep them in this position for the entire set. Perform a crunch with your arms extended touching your toes at the top of each repetition.


Place your feet approximately at shoulder width and step forward with the right foot. Inhale as you flex your right hip and knee while keeping your knee pointed in the same direction as your foot. Keep your torso upright as you continue to bend your right knee until it forms a right angle and your left knee is almost touching the floor. Ensure that your right knee does not extend beyond your toes. Pause briefly in this position and exhale as your extend your right hip and knee forcibly to return to a standing position. Alternate legs for endurance.

Bicycle Crunch

Lay flat on your back as if doing a crunch. Lift your legs up with the upper leg being parallel to the floor but not resting on it. Start the exercise just like a normal crunch whereby you lift your upper shoulders off the floor but in a twisting motion. Performa a "one shoulder at a time" crunch and in a bicycle fashion, bring the left knee and your right shoulder off the floor towards the centre of your body. Next repetition, switch your crunch so that your left shoulder and your right knee come closer together.


With good posture--your head up and your back supported by pulling your navel in toward your spine-place your right foot on the step in a heel-toe motion. Make sure your entire foot is on the step; your heel should never dangle off the end. Remain straight, never shifting your weight forward at the waist. Follow with your left foot. Your step is a light movement, not a stomp. Step off the platform onto the ground and relatively close to the back of the step, landing on the ball of the foot, then the heel. Repeat

Lying Leg Raises

Lie flat on Floor. Place hands behind head to hold on to something or under lower buttock on each side to support pelvis. Keeping knees straight, raise legs by flexing hips until hips are completely flexed. Return until hips and knees are extended. Dont allow feet to touch floor.

Jogging On Spot

Jog for a count of 10, sprint flat out for a count of ten, Repeat

Push Ups

Kneel down on the floor and place your hands on the floor in front of you at around shoulder width apart. Now take your knees off the floor and step back with your feet until your legs are outstretched and your toes are on the floor. Your body should be straight from head to toe. This is the starting position for the push up. Keeping your body straight, slowly lower your torso as low as possible without touching the floor. Pause, the raise back to the starting position. Do not lock your elbows out!

Jump Burpees

Stand with your feet together and hands at your sides. Make sure there is plenty of room behind you and keep your feet on the floor. Bend and place your hands palms down on the mat and jump your feet back so you are in the push-up position. Jump your feet back in and jump up to your starting position as high as you can.

Plank with leg raise

Assume raised plank position, Keeping body in straight line, raise left leg 12 inches off floor, Lower left leg then raise right leg, Repeat.

Vertical Jump

Before the jump, stand as tall as possible once or twice by rising up onto toes and raising arms overhead. This increases the distance covered in the downward phase of the jump so the lower body can store more energy during the stretch-shortening cycle. Forcefully swings arms down and back, and drop hips into quarter-squat position. Explosively extend hips, knees and ankles, and propel off balls of feet to jump straight up.

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