1 minute read
If you can - Jonathan Labao
from The Voice: Literature and Critical Theory Student's Union Journal 2020
by Literature and Critical Theory Student Union @University of Toronto
Jonathan Labao
Teach me the names of mga matandang dios The ones that were wiped by the Spaniards In the name of their dios verdadero
Teach me how to make sinigang and kaldareta Without measuring cups and hardcopy recipes So that it becomes more natural than breathing
Teach me to dance the tinikling To weave through the dancing bamboo As they drum and clap a song of resistance
Teach me to speak Tagalog So that I can tell you how With every sound that leaves my lips With every breath that enters my lungs And every word I don’t understand in your lullabies I want to cry
And it hurts so much more When hindi ko marunong mag sabihin an entire sentence Because the words slip from my mind
or maybe they were never there