Nathalie Vatinet
“CHECKERBOARD“ NECKLACE Materials & Tools: • Pasta machine / Roller • Blades / Scalpel • Tool for making a hole (here hand chuck) • Cookie cutters of your choice (here circles 5cm / 2″ and 2.3 cm / 0.9″) • Black and white clay, a brand of your choice • Strong glue / scissors • Sponge for texturing • LC Czextruder and LC Disk 7 • 1 LC Microstencil of your choice • Half-sphere metal baking mould • Graph paper / baking paper • Various pearls (according to your taste) • Pliers for bending and cutting • Sandpaper 320, 600 and 1000 • Stainless steel memory wire for a bracelet • Chain (here black) • Black copper wire (here 0.5mm/0.19″)
Nathalie Vatinet Handy since forever (knitting, sewing, scrapbooking, quilling ...) I was fascinated by polymer clay, discovered by chance with one of my sisters during our meetings “DIY family holidays”. Seeing all its possibilities and unexpected results, I call it a “magic clay”!! I have more and more fun working with it and improving my technique at workshops. Combining clay with other media, imitating materials, creating new colors ... all that fascinates me. And I love to create unique pieces. I get inspired by everything around me… the seasons, the wishes, the moods... My greatest pleasure is to see that people enjoy wearing my creations... I had fun creating them. |
Condition the clay, extrude through the Disk 7 first white, then black clay. Cut in short pieces (here 5 cm / 2″).
“Fit” the pieces as in the photo, press gently with the fingers to “seal” pieces without distorting them.
Cut in thin slices (about 1 mm) with the blade.
“Fit” the slices to get a sheet. Gently flatten with baking paper and roller, if necessary cut with a flexible blade so that the whole sheet is at the same level.
Cut with a bigger cutter (here 5cm / 2″), place on the metal baking mould, then make a hole with a smaller cutter (here 2.3 cm / 0.9″) in the desired place.
Bake according to the instructions.
Cut the Microstencil according to the shape of the central hole and glue it with strong glue.
Run a sheet of white clay through the pasta machine at a medium thickness (here Atlas setting 4), texture it with a sponge by pressing it well with a roller.
Turn the sheet over (textured side on the work surface), place the baked part on the sheet, but do not press and cut out using a scalpel.
Glue the 2 parts with liquid polymer.
Press well the edges using the sponge until it is pretty. Bake in the oven (according to the manufacturer’s instructions).
On the graph paper, mark points and drill 2 holes for memory wire. Using a drill, drill holes slightly larger than the diameter of the memory wire.
[If you want a nice shine, sand your piece with grains 320, 600 and 1000 then polish with flannel], here I sanded but I didn’t want too shiny so I covered with a thin layer of hand cream.
Pass the memory wire through the holes, string the pearls up to your taste.
With your pliers, make a loop on each side, and hook the opposite ends.
Decorate with the black copper wire according to your taste, string a black charm in the centre. Here you are! The pendant is ready!
CZEXTRUDER LC Czextruder is the most robust and reliable extruder on the market. It was designed by polymer clay artists in cooperation with engineers, that is why LC Czextruder is the best tool for extruding polymer clay. It offers easy and smoothe extruding, robust and well-engineered construction, hand-free mode and a broad range of extensions for LC Czextruder - LC Disks. LC Czextruder will bring your polymer projects to a whole new level. Discover LC Czextruder and enjoy claying.