Youth perceptions of Australian experiences: international research conducted by Tourism Australia

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Youth travellers find Nature and Coastal lifestyle experiences appealing!


Youth Market In 2008 Tourism Australia conducted

research into the international youth

market’s perception of Australia and the various experiences on offer. The research was conducted with youth travellers aged between 18 and 29 in the UK, France, China and New Zealand, who are yet to visit Australia and do not have dependent children.

Travel provides the youth market with a sense of discovery and growth through fun and adventure. This overall premise provides a natural fit for youth travellers and the Australian holiday experience. Youth travellers seek to develop confidence and life skills through travel and the sense of achievement deriving from this. There are however subtle differences per market: New Zealand Travel expands youth travellers’ knowledge and is a rite of passage to adulthood. It is about personal growth. UK Exploring new cultures revitalises and transforms youth travellers. It provides a means for self development and time to recharge. They seek opportunities for self indulgence and this has become a core driver behind their travel patterns.

France Travel provides youth travellers with an alternative view and outlook on life. It is about personal growth. China Travel satisfies Chinese youth’s sense of curiosity for the wider world, particularly the western world. It is about progression in life and in their own culture. Imagery The imagery used to promote Australia to youth travellers needs to reflect the authenticity and interactive opportunities they find most appealing. A range of images were found to appeal to the target segment when the imagery portrayed: • Learning through active involvement and participation • Authentic, hands on and unique experiences • Fun and active experiences in a natural environment



Nature is the most appealing experience to youth travellers with high appeal in all markets other than New Zealand where it has moderate appeal. Australia’s nature is seen as more than a backdrop; a place to experience natural beauty in an authentic, refreshing environment that provides a sense of vitality. For youth travellers, Nature provides a refreshing and fun component to an Australian holiday. It offers the opportunity to revitalise through outdoor activities, explore new landscapes and interact with iconic animals. Imagery: Nature is one of the most appealing experiences for youth travellers and imagery needs to convey authentic, pristine environments where they can interact with nature; flora and fauna. Images demonstrating the vastness of Australia and the clean environment are more appealing while ‘staged’ settings lack authenticity and do not appeal in the same manner.


The Coastal Lifestyle experience is also very appealing to youth travellers, however is only moderately appealing to Chinese youth. It depicts the classic and recognisable Aussie outdoors lifestyle and provides a fun and active experience for them through a broad range of activities. It is about meeting people, interacting with the locals and their lifestyle, the stunning locations and a relaxed, fun environment. Imagery: They respond to images that show like minded travellers participating in a range of active and energetic activities. Specifically, experiences that differ greatly from what they know and those that demonstrate youth exploring natural wonders along the coastline, in and out of the water are favourable.


Australia’s vibrant cities have high levels of appeal among youth travellers in New Zealand, however only moderate appeal in other markets. In general, cities are perceived as being fun, but familiar. This experience provides youth travellers with the opportunity to interact with the locals, enjoy the city nightlife, it’s active lifestyle and immerse themselves in a range of experiences in one place. However the perception is that cities do not differ greatly to what they have at home, or can experience at other destinations. New Zealand youth are more likely to be drawn to this experience as Australian cities


are perceived as more exciting than their own. They are less likely to have experienced the city lifestyle as an adult; they are looking for the active nightlife aspect that they could not fully appreciate when travelling with their parents in a location with more diversity and excitement than their home. Imagery: Select images that convey a sense of vibrant cities with a wide range of activities. Images that combine cities with nature and coastal lifestyle appeal to the youth market.

Aboriginal Aboriginal Australia is of moderate appeal to youth travellers, with higher levels of appeal among New Zealand and Chinese youth. For some the exposure to this historical culture is fascinating, while others are less interested by this experience and are concerned that they will not understand it. Awareness of this experience is limited and therefore there is an opportunity to better promote the interactive and fun elements of this experience.

Chinese youth are motivated by this experience as the potential for learning and ‘becoming wiser’ is of interest. Similarly, New Zealand youth felt this experience could be selfenriching; there is the potential for a greater understanding of the world in which they live in through an exposure to this ancient culture. Imagery: Images that portray learning in a fun and authentic environment. Hands on activities involving traditional people are appealing.

Journeys Australian Journeys are a highly appealing experience for French youth and are perceived as being unique to Australia. UK youth also consider it to be unique, however find it less appealing than the French and it is lower down the list of travel priorities for Chinese youth. An Australian journey combines the sense of fun and challenge that youth travellers are seeking from a holiday and provides a unique setting for meeting new people and sharing experiences. French youth particularly respond to this, they like the idea of a unique adventure to ‘get away from it all’ in an environment that provides a complete contrast to what they are familiar with.

Imagery: Imagery conveying the unique and vast nature of Australia. It is also an experience that they are looking to share with friends, new and old. Images that depict other likeminded travellers, and that portray a sense that you can travel at your own pace, appeal.

Outback and Food & Wine Outback Australia and Food & Wine are less appealing to youth travellers and are not currently perceived as being unique to Australia.

Youth are less motivated by Outback Australia than they are by other Australian experiences. Youth travellers who have not yet visited Australia may perceive the Outback as slow and isolated and therefore there is the opportunity to promote the exciting activities that they can not experience in the city. Similarly, Food & Wine is less appealing to youth travellers. While the outdoor, relaxed nature of this experience has appeal, in general it is seen as an expected element of a holiday.

food & wine experiences to the youth market. Through fresh produce and the outdoor lifestyle Australia can offer this experience as a point of differentiation compared with our competitors. There are opportunities to reposition these experiences for the youth market to make them more relevant to this segment. Imagery: Images containing active experiences that you cannot have in the city are more likely to motivate them toward the Outback experience. The aspects that appeal for Food & Wine are the casual/informal nature of Australian experiences and the fresh produce that Australia can offer, to be enjoyed in unique settings.

There is an opportunity for Australia to promote accessible and affordable quality

For more information on the seven key Australian Experiences visit


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