13 minute read
Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Hit Dice: 3d8+6 (19 hp),dying/dead –2/–12 Initiative: +1 Speed: 40 feet AC: 15 (+1 Dexterity,+2 natural,+2 enhancement),touch 11, flat-footed 12 Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+3 Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d4) or staff+3 melee (1d6) Full Attack: Bite +3 melee (1d4) or staff+3 melee (1d6) Space/Reach: 5 feet/5 feet (Face/Reach:5 feet by 5 feet/5 feet) Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities,spells,charm sets Special Qualities: Magic sight Saves: Fort +2,Ref+4,Will +7 Abilities: Str 11,Dex 13,Con 12,Int 17,Wis 13,Cha 12 Skills: Alchemy* +12,Concentration +5,Knowledge (magic)* +12, Knowledge (runes)* +12,Spellcraft* +12,Spot +7 Feats: Attune to Magic Item,Create Charm Set†B , Iron
Will,Power ofthe Name
Environment: Any land Organization: Solitary,pair,band (3–6 and 1 nystra), or clan (7–18 and 1–2 nystra and 1 milnystra) Challenge Rating: 2 Treasure: Standard Advancement: By character class Level Adjustment: +2
Grynlocs (also called gryhnlocks or even drynlocs in some older texts) sense magic the way other creatures sense light. In other words,where there is magic,they can see. Fortunately for them,the magic ofthe land extends almost everywhere.
In ancient times,grynlocs were allies and companions of the mysterious crystal weavers (see Chapter Two of The Diamond Throne).A few,it is said,still retain the crystal weaving ability they learned from their long-lost companions.Iftrue,they keep this secret to themselves. Nevertheless,the grynlocs are some ofthe best links that remain to the time when the crystal weavers roamed the land,and thus they know much about those ancient days.
Most people look at grynlocs as the source for potent magical lore and,truth be told,this assumption is rarely wrong.Still,these creatures usually like to keep to themselves and avoid other peoples’ cities except in groups,and then only for short periods.Grynloc caravans are known to cross the land collecting and selling minor magical items and bits oflore.The grynlocs find themselves welcome in most places,although they never remain long enough to truly engender any trust from the locals.
Grynlocs are only vaguely humanoid.Their tall,lanky bodies stand just short of7 feet.Their oddly angled legs are positioned well for speed.The flesh on a grynloc’s body runs from ivory to a dark,creamy brown.They have no hair,and their heads are long and angular.A typical individual weighs about 250 lbs.They cover themselves with magical charms and various fetish items (see “Charm Sets,” page 48).
Despite their somewhat fierce appearance and strange manner ofdress,grynlocs are gentle,peaceful creatures.They do not eat meat.They dislike fighting and those who make war,but they do what they must to defend themselves,their possessions,and their secrets.Rarely,a certain magic item or morsel ofmagical knowledge will corrupt a grynloc. Corrupted individuals become more aggressive,selfish,and belligerent.They are cast out from the clan and live their lives stealing magic items,books,and secrets wherever they can find them.
Grynlocs live to be more than 200 years old,and some, enhanced by magic,enjoy far longer life spans.Their young are rare and are very fragile as well—most do not survive to adulthood.This keeps the grynloc population at a flat level.
Chorrim (see Chapter Four of The Diamond Throne) hate grynlocs,and the feeling is quite mutual.Grynlocs still do not really know what to make ofthe faradians (see page 42), once their close allies.Grynlocs revere arcane rune manifests (see page 78) as near demigods and worship Vekik the Runegod in a very formal but secretive way—usually in hidden chapels or ancient stone circles atop lonely hills or in concealed caves.Traditionally,they enjoy the company of faen more than that the other major races.They like verrik the least,and sibeccai usually seem far too bestial and unpredictable for their tastes.
Grynlocs speak their own extremely complex language (it is similar to Faradian,but not the same).Even though they “see” magic,they hear,feel,smell,and taste normally.
The stats for the above grynloc assume it has a warding charm set activated.Grynlocs are never Unbound.
Grynlocs retain a fairly powerful bite—a vestige ofa much earlier time when they lived more primitive and savage lives. Many carry staves or daggers as weapons.However,in combat, they prefer to rely on their spell-like abilities and their charm sets.A common tactic is to use distraction, then animate their staffor dagger to fight for them while they back away.Most grynlocs would prefer not to fight;they always consider flight a viable option.They see no shame in prudence. *Skills (Ex): All grynlocs gain a +4 racial bonus to Alchemy,Knowledge (magic),Knowledge (runes),and Spellcraft.
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): A grynloc can cast the following spells as a 2nd-level magister 1/day—analyze, animate weapon, distraction, and read magic. The save DC against these spells is DC 13 + spell level.
Spells (Sp): In addition to the above spell-like abilities,all grynlocs can ready and cast three simple or complex cantrips each day as a 2nd-level magister.The save DC against these cantrips is DC 13 + spell level.
Charm Sets (Sp): See separate section,page 48.
Magic Sight (Su): Grynlocs see magic,viewing objects and creatures only as the ambient magic ofthe land reflects offthem (in the way that normal creatures see objects only as light reflects offthem).They see active spells as brilliant halos and can tell a magic item from a mundane one without a second glance.In almost every way,this functions as blindsight.This means,then,that a grynloc can see creatures that are invisible—in fact,ifthey are magically invisible,their glowing magical aura actually makes them easier to see. Likewise,a creature with a magic item that grants a bonus to Sneak actually suffers the bonus as a penalty to Sneak rolls opposed by a grynloc’s Spot check.Grynlocs are never fooled into thinking that illusions are real,and they can even track creatures with magic items or active spells.
Grynlocs can tell a spellcaster from a nonspellcaster and can even gauge a spellcaster’s level just by looking.Similarly, they can tell the level ofan active (or residual) spell and sense the potency ofa magic item.They can determine spell schools by the color and shape ofthe auras they see.
Grynlocs are blind in a null magic zone and stunned the first round they spend within it (no save).A dispel magic spell cast on them stuns them for 1d3 rounds,unless they succeed at a Fortitude save to resist it.
Shape Magic (Su): Grynlocs can create an aura ofmagical energy around themselves or other objects.The aura lasts a number ofdays equal to the grynloc’s Hit Dice.This ability has two main uses.First,the grynlocs create beautifully shaped,often amazingly elaborate magical raiment for themselves that only members oftheir race can see.They use these auras to identify themselves to one another.The other use allows them to leave briefsymbolic messages for others oftheir kind to see.While their precision is not such that they can spell out words,they can leave magical symbols of warning or welcome,or convey similar,simplistic meanings for one another.
A detect magic spell,a see invisibility spell,or similar magic can perceive the auras the grynlocs create.Someone who speaks Grynloc or makes a Knowledge (runes) check (DC 15) can understand them.
Grynloc Society
Grynlocs live in small familial groups called clans.Some clans keep a nomadic lifestyle,traveling across the land in strangely shaped wagons pulled by horses,mules,or oxen. The nomadic clans stop at villages and towns to sell crystalwoven items or minor magical trinkets that they collect in their travels or create themselves.These grynlocs seek knowledge ofgreat spells,artifacts,or power cysts.Sometimes they follow black streams or travel lines in their journeys (see Chapter One of The Diamond Throne for more on cysts, blacks streams,and travel lines).Members ofnon-nomadic clans usually live as farmers and gatherers.They enjoy an even simpler existence,concerning themselves mainly with safety and maintaining the peace.
All grynloc clans are led by spellcasters called nystra in their own tongue.Nystra are usually magisters or runethanes of1st to 5th level.Nystra who surpass their fellows become milnystra: spellcasters ofat least 6th level who lead the clan.Nystra and milnystra usually prepare spells
and runes that are defensive in nature,to protect their clan against raiders,magic thieves,and those who would try otherwise to take advantage ofthe creatures’ gentle nature.
Grynloc young are guarded very closely—most nongrynlocs never get to see one at all.They are taught various lores and secrets ofmagic from a young age;their entire development is steeped in spells,runes,and magic.When they reach maturity (at about age 25),they must go on an individual spirit-quest.During this quest they learn their truename and often have some kind ofpersonal revelation about the nature ofmagic—the possibility ofa previously unknown spell,the location ofa magical power cyst,a potential new rune,or the like.
Grynlocs make little distinction toward gender and do not value physical appearance or beauty—at least,not the way other creatures perceive such.They value only magic,both for its raw power and for its delicate applications.
Grynloc Characters
Grynlocs are always spellcasters,usually magisters or runethanes.Very rarely,a militant or corrupted individual will become a mage blade,or a reticent one will become a greenbond (almost always leaving the clan to live alone in the wild).Curiously,grynlocs are never witches.
Charm Sets
Grynlocs have access to a number ofminor magical items, but none more interesting than what they call charm sets. These consist ofcollections ofvarious strange fetish items and charms,gathered together in a precise manner and activated with a minor spell.They produce a variety ofeffects, only a few ofwhich are described here.
The key to the charm sets lies with the items and ingredients that comprise them.Such items include skulls (often small animal skulls),bones,bits offlesh,teeth,small bags ofherbs,string soaked in an herbal brew,slivers ofprecious metal,leaves,stalks ofplants,blood,bat wings,animal claws,colored stones,feathers,locks ofhair,bark,eggshell, seeds,acorns,nuts,dried mud (often with herbs mixed in), paint,tiny clay figurines,nails or pins,wood splinters, scratched shards ofglass,and so on.When the proper charms are assembled in a specific manner and chanted over for an hour (using the Create Charm Set† feat,next page),the charm set is ready.It does not activate until a user intentionally casts a cantrip into it (ignoring the cantrip’s normal effect),at which point the charm set takes on the property it was designed for.The effect lasts for one hour. When the effect ends,the components and charms become useless and cannot be used as part ofa charm set again.A spell more powerful than a cantrip can activate the charm set, but the user gains no enhanced benefit from doing so. Once created,a charm set can be used by the creator or by someone else.
With a caster level of0, charm sets are simple to dispel. Their effects are always treated as 0-level effects (even when the potency ofthe effect would suggest otherwise).
A few example charm sets include the following:
Avoidance: The creator must assemble the following ingredients upon a headband,hat,helmet,or headdress: three clear crystals tied with leather cords and sprinkled with powdered hemlock,a metal strip etched with special symbols,and four claws ofa badger.When activated,the charm set forces anyone wishing to attack the wearer to make a Will saving throw (DC 11).Those who succeed can attack normally.Those failing the saving throw cannot make successful attack rolls against the wearer and cannot cast offensive spells at her for 10 rounds.Once the saving throw is attempted,successful or not,a creature need make no further saves against this specific charm set. Cost ofcomponents: 230 gp. Time to create: 11 hours.
Devilry: The creator must assemble the following ingredients upon a wooden staff:three jagged bits ofmetal,16 teeth from monstrous humanoids,a 6-foot leather cord soaked in rhodin sweat (cut into pieces to tie the other components to the staff),and a smattering ofhuman blood.When activated,the charm set grants the wielder a +2 bonus to the saving throw DCs ofher negative energy spells. Cost ofcomponents: 450 gp. Time to create: nine hours.
Grace: The creator must assemble the following ingredients upon a belt:a rabbit’s foot painted red,three teeth from a gazelle,a silver thread 12 inches long,and five leaves from a rosebush.The creator wraps the leaves in a piece ofparchment that bears special symbols drawn in ink made from the blood ofa cockatrice,then ties offeach end ofthe rolled parchment with pieces ofstring exactly 4 inches long.When activated,the charm set grants the belt’s wearer a +4 competence bonus to Balance,Climb,Escape Artist,Jump,and Tumble checks. Cost ofcomponents: 120 gp. Time to create: 10 hours.
Might: The creator must assemble the following ingredients upon a bracer or armband:2 feet ofmetal wire,an iron circular plate set with a red stone,and a leather pouch made from the flesh ofa bull and containing a shard ofglass soaked in bear’s blood and inscribed with a special symbol. When activated,the charm set provides a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength. Cost ofcomponents: 200 gp. Time to create: 16 hours.
Personality: The creator must assemble the following ingredients on an individual’s person:two cloth pouches filled with rose petals and powdered rhino horn,a strap of
cloth rubbed with sea salt and bearing three gold circular charms,and a broken dagger hilt.When activated,the charm set provides a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma. Cost of components: 200 gp. Time to create: 12 hours.
Resistance: The creator must assemble the following ingredients upon a vest,cloak,robe,or shirt:a small iron orb filled with incense,a bit ofmelted tallow with a pair ofnails pushed through in a cross shape,and three coiled rat tails in a pouch made ofa folded bit ofchainmail and tied with a piece ofpurple string.When activated,the charm set provides a +1 resistance bonus to saving throws. Cost ofcomponents: 75 gp. Time to create: seven hours.
Speed: The creator must assemble the following ingredients upon a pair ofboots or on bands meant to be wrapped around a creature’s legs:three feathers from a giant eagle (or the wings from a spryte),a silver charm made to look like a horse’s head,a 1-inch circle ofcloth with the claw ofa lizard pinned to it with a bronze pin,and two 2-foot-long pieces of leather cord soaked in urine and vinegar.When activated, the charm set provides a +10 bonus to speed. Cost ofcomponents: 300 gp. Time to create: 14 hours.
Striking: The creator must assemble the following ingredients upon a melee weapon:a small animal bone carved with a special symbol and a bag containing three beans,a handful ofcopper dust,iron filings,and ground terrifin root (found in any humid climate).The bag and bone are affixed tightly to the melee weapon’s haft,handle,or pommel.When activated,the charm set provides a +2 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls. Cost ofcomponents: 150 gp. Time to create: eight hours.
Warding: The creator must assemble the following ingredients upon a shield or on an individual’s person:two small animal skulls marked with special symbols,a patch ofanimal flesh from a paw or claw (or flesh from a humanoid’s hand) painted with blue symbols,a muddy paste mixed with ground garlic and festril leaves (found only in the Harrowdeep),and at least 3 feet ofcord soaked in water boiled with lizard eggs.The cord is used to affix all ofthe other bits to the shield or other subject,but it must remain uncut.When activated,the charm set provides a +2 enhancement bonus to Armor Class. Cost ofcomponents: 200 gp. Time to create: 10 hours.
New Feat
Create Charm Set†
You can create charm sets with the proper ingredients.
Prerequisites: Caster level 1st,Wisdom 13
Benefit: You have the ability and knowledge to assemble the needed components for a charm set, as described above.
Part One: Monsters of the DiamondThrone 49 When creating a charm set, you must gather the required ingredients and items first,then spend the listed time putting them together in specific,prescribed ways.The time spent must be uninterrupted and in a comfortable,quiet location,or the effort (and ingredients) is ruined.As always, a spell must activate the charm set, but you do not have to be the caster.
Grynloc Encounter (EL 7)
The PCs,on their way to explore an old ruin,encounter a band offive grynlocs and a 2nd-level runethane nystra.The grynlocs are also headed for the ruin;they’re after a specific magical item there called the three spectrum crystal†. While at the ruin,the grynlocs attempt to avoid the characters,neither helping nor harming them.Ifthe PCs leave them alone, everything goes fairly smoothly—until someone uncovers the three spectrum crystal.
Ifthe grynlocs find it,they attempt to make offwith it.All the PCs will know is that their mysterious “competitors” exploring the ruin found something and are leaving with it in their possession.Ifthe PCs are greedy,or ifthey came to the ruin looking for something in particular,they’re going to want to investigate.Ifthey are also after the three spectrum crystal (or ifthey’re just greedy),they may have a fight on their hands.The grynlocs want nothing but to escape with their treasure.
Should the characters find the item,the grynlocs try to get it,but they won’t simply attack them outright.They may try to trade for it,and eventually may resort to thievery ifthey have to.
New Magic Item
Three Spectrum Crystal†: This clear prism is halfthe size of a man’s fist.When held up to sunlight,it creates three rainbow patterns.Any lock the prism’s light falls upon instantly opens,as long as the Open Lock DC is 25 or less.
Faint transmutation;Caster Level 1st;Craft Constant Item, open lock; Price 2,000 gp;Weight 1 lb.