5 minute read
Rock Ape
Medium Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 4d10+16 (38 hp),dying/dead –5/–18 Initiative: +1 Speed: 30 feet AC: 26 (+1 Dexterity,+15 natural),touch 11,flat-footed 25 Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+9 Attack: Slam +9 melee (1d6+5) Full Attack: 2 slams +9 melee (1d6+5) and bite +4 melee (1d4+2),or stone +5 ranged (1d8+5) Space/Reach: 5 feet/5 feet (Face/Reach:5 feet by 5 feet/5 feet) Special Attacks: Slow gaze,throw stones Special Qualities: Spell immunities,darkvision 60 feet Saves: Fort +8,Ref+5,Will +1 Abilities: Str 21,Dex 12,Con 18,Int 3,Wis 11,Cha 10 Skills: Sneak* +13,Spot +1 Feats: Cleave,Power Attack,Power Charge
Environment: Any land or underground Organization: Solitary or band (3–8) Challenge Rating: 4 Treasure: Standard Advancement: 5–8 HD (Medium);9–16 HD (Large) Level Adjustment: +3
“The rock ape is the epitome ofquiet contemplation. Surely these are some ofthe most thoughtful and secretly ingenious creatures known to exist.” So stated the explorer and archivist Zaron Whelm.Whelm was one ofthe first people in modern times to encounter the rock ape,a rare creature that haunts only the most secluded areas.He was fascinated with the creatures and exaggerated their attributes.The truth is,although quiet and peaceful (except when threatened or hunting),rock apes have no greater intellect than most beasts.While cunning,they are not ingenious by most standards.Compared to animals,however,they are quite smart, and their societies can become fairly intricate.
Rock apes are hulking brutes that stand almost 7 feet tall, although most ofthe time they remain hunched over or on all fours,making them seem more like 5 feet tall.They possess massive arms and broad physiques,but their most distinguishing feature is the rocklike flesh which gives them their name.These creatures’ skin serves as a natural armor that protects them from most harm.Few predators prey upon the rock apes for this reason.
One thing Zaron Whelm found particularly interesting about rock apes is their predilection toward hunting other predators.They seem drawn toward preying upon creatures otherwise designed to be the aggressor.Whelm believed that in this way the rock apes were avenging lesser creatures,carrying out some kind ofnatural justice.This seems unlikely, however—it is far more likely that the practice simply arose from the rock ape finding a particular niche.Their armored flesh makes its difficult for another predator to harm them, so the hunter becomes the hunted.
Rock apes are found in many locales,but particularly in thick forests,jungles,and swamps.Their dark grey,black,or dark green flesh blends in well in dark,wooded areas.Those found underground are usually exclusively subterranean. Their flesh is light grey or white.When not moving,rock apes appear to be chiseled from stone.They may even be distantly related to gargoyles.Some speculate that a long-ago ancestor was an earth elemental creature or that they are natives ofan earth elemental plane who came to this world and prospered.Ifthis latter thought is true,rock apes did not come via the planar gates in Thartholan,because ancient Devanian records mention the beasts,calling them the “stone brutes ofthe woods.”
Dwelling in small communities,rock apes make only temporary lairs where the young and infirm can rest and the strong can most easily provide protection.Most who encounter a solitary hunting rock ape meet a female,for the males (usually fewer in number) remain behind to protect the lair.
Over time,some rock apes grow moss and lichen over their flesh,which gives them an even rockier appearance.A few develop a special lichen that interacts with their unique flesh and gives them a resistance to magic (SR 18).Such individuals are quite rare,however.
Rock apes are vulnerable to the domineering wishes ofa strong master.Sometimes this master is a more intelligent, advanced rock ape (see next page).Other times,this master is a human who has captured some rock apes and trained them to be guards.Other creatures,such as medusas (rock apes are immune to petrification),also enjoy mastering a band ofrock apes to use as guards and servants.
These creatures do not speak but can understand a variety ofwords iftrained to do so.
Cunning combatants,rock apes employ all sorts oftricks and strategies when attacking a foe.They set ambushes and sometimes even crude traps,such as luring opponents into quicksand,a tar pit,or a quagmire,driving them up against a cliff,or starting a landslide.They work well in a group and coordinate their actions to flank opponents,aid one another, and cover the retreat oftheir wounded. * Skills (Ex): Rock apes gain a +6 racial bonus to Sneak checks.
Slow Gaze (Su): 1/day for 1 round,60-foot range,save DC 12.Victims are affected as described in the slow spell, caster level 5th.The saving throw DC is Charisma based.
Throw Stones (Ex): Accomplished rock throwers,rock apes receive a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls when throwing
rocks.A rock ape can hurl stones weighing 20 to 30 lbs.each (Small objects) up to five 40-foot range increments.
Spell Immunities (Su): Rock apes are immune to slow, drain away speed, gaze ofpetrification, vitrification, and similar movement-prohibiting or -limiting spells,as well as all petrification effects (such as a medusa’s gaze).
Advanced Rock Ape
Rarely,a rock ape is born with the capacity for much greater than normal intellect.These may choose to learn to use weapons,develop their skills,and even cast spells. Such rock apes have an Intelligence score of11 (or higher), with the following skills:Sneak +15*,Spot +3,and Wilderness Survival +4.Advanced rock apes either become the leaders oftheir band or leave their fellows to seek out more intelligent company.Bands led by an intelligent rock ape end up virtually ruling their hunting grounds like lords.Sometimes,an advanced rock ape will lead the band to complete some beneficial but complex task,such as running offthe nearby chorrim or building a rock dam.The band ofrock apes look upon the advanced leader as a god and carve his or her likeness on cliff walls. Advanced rock apes are usually gentle,thoughtful,and careful individuals.A few ofthem allow their superiority to get to them and become violent despots that exploit their fellow rock apes. Advanced rock apes learn to give other rock apes unique verbal commands,which they are trained to follow. Ifgiven the opportunity,an advanced rock ape can learn to speak a real language,most often Common.Advanced rock apes that adopt classes tend to be warriors or experts, but those trained by members ofother races sometimes end up becoming mage blades,witches,or warmains instead.
Rock Ape Encounter (EL 4)
As the player characters travel through the wilderness,they inadvertently head toward a rock ape lair.A hunting female sees them and suspects they are a threat.She attempts to stop them or drive them offby hurling stones at them from a distance.Ifshe can,she’ll even attempt to start a rockslide as she waits in ambush.The slide inflicts 8d6 points of damage (Reflex save,DC 15,for half).For more information on landslides,see Chapter Three:Adventures in the DMG. Ifthat doesn’t stop them,she attempts a more direct approach and attacks,first using her slow gaze.The lair the PCs head toward has many more apes,as well as a number ofyoung.