6 minute read
Navver’s Curse
Large Fey
Hit Dice: 9d6+18 (49 hp),dying/dead –3/–14 Initiative: +4 Speed: 30 feet AC: 27 (–1 size,+4 Dexterity,+5 natural,+9 armor), touch 13,flat-footed 23 Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+11 Attack: Greatsword +7 melee (2d6+4) Full Attack: Greatsword +7 melee (2d6+4) and short sword +7 melee (1d6+2) Space/Reach: 10 feet/10 feet (Face/Reach:5 feet by 5 feet/10 feet) Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities,curses Special Qualities: Low-light vision,SR 20,DR 10/magic (or 10/+1) Saves: Fort +5,Ref+9,Will +7 Abilities: Str 17,Dex 19,Con 14,Int 15,Wis 12,Cha 19 Skills: Climb +14,Concentration +10,Sneak +12,Spot +11 Feats: Ambidexterity,Iron Will,Natural Swordsman,Skill
Focus (Sneak),Two-Weapon Fighting
Environment: Temperate or cold woods Organization: Solitary or pair Challenge Rating: 6 Treasure: Standard Advancement: By character class Level Adjustment: +1
The faerie creatures known as Navver’s curse are tall,lithe beings ofan awkward grace,clad in dragonscale armor and wielding Devanian weapons.To understand these forestdwelling creatures,one must first know the story ofNavver.
Navver was a loresong faen living in the Harrowdeep who wanted to engage in the metamorphosis unique to his people and transform himselfinto a spryte. He wandered deep within the dangerous woods that were his home to find a place he thought appropriate. As he tried to create his chrysalis, however, he was attacked by the murderous faen known as darklings (see “Beyond the Diamond Throne” in Chapter One of The Diamond Throne). They destroyed his partially created chrysalis and wounded him grievously, leaving him for dead. When his friends came to check on him days later, he still lay unconscious. However, the psychotic darklings remained nearby and ambushed Navver’s friends, slaying them all. When Navver awoke, days later still, he expected to find himselftransformed, for a terrible head wound had destroyed his memory ofthe attack. Instead, he found his chrysalis destroyed and everyone he had ever loved dead all around him.
First Navver thought he had acquired some dreaded curse or disease, like vampirism, and became convinced that he had killed his friends. He wandered the Harrowdeep engulfed in sorrow, contemplating suicide. Finally, he decided to complete the metamorphosis, hoping the transformation into a spryte would not only cure him ofhis affliction but would ease his conscience as well. Alas, he found he could no longer create a chrysalis—the ability was lost to him in the trauma he had suffered.
At that point, the young faen lost all hope and faith. When he found a nearby faen village, he thought to give in to the murderous curse that gripped him. He began murdering the faen villagers one by one, whenever he could find one alone. He thought these acts would ease the terrible feelings inside him, convinced as he was that he had become some kind ofvampire or cursed killer. This not being the case, ofcourse, his actions only made things much worse. Finally, he left the village he had preyed upon, just as the villagers were readying to mobilize against him.
Deeper in the woods, Navver encountered another band of darklings. As they swarmed around him, his memories came rushing back. He realized it was the darklings who had killed his friends, not he. The horror ofwhat he had done in the village crashed upon him in a wave far worse than the physical attacks of his assailants. He did not struggle or defend himself. He took each blow and each lash as a mark ofshame, justice, and as a testament to the cruel whims offate. As he took his deathblow, Navver spoke a terrible curse, bequeathing his soul to the Harrowdeep if that dark forest would in turn manifest itselfas a force ofterror that reflected the horrors perpetrated upon him.
Thus, the creatures known as Navver’s curse rose from the forest and have been a bane in that region ever since.
Also called “dread slayers,” the creatures collectively known as Navver’s curse not only wield their weapons with prowess, but also have a number ofspell-like abilities enabling them to wreak havoc.They live only to stalk and kill those they find in the forest,particularly faen.And—perhaps due to Navver’s quest to become one—they hold a special hatred for sprytes. Navver’s curse are malicious creatures ofhatred and spite.
A Navver’s curse stands 9 feet tall but weighs only 300 lbs. (without armor).Its flesh is pale,its body gaunt.The eyes ofa Navver’s curse are pits ofchurning darkness and seething spite. Their armor and weapons—said to be items lost within the Harrowdeep or worn by those who died there and were never recovered—are always ornate and well cared for.These creatures do no reproduce normally;their numbers are finite.When they are finally all slain,the world will be free from the curse.
Navver’s curse speak Faen.
A Navver’s curse attacks when it is ready,and not before.It almost always knows the surrounding terrain and makes use ofit ifpossible.With its spell-like abilities it sneaks up on unwary victims,then strikes without mercy.Once it enters combat,it does not flee—except to maneuver for a more advantageous position or to lure foes into a trap.
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): A Navver’s curse can cast the following spells as a 7th-level magister:3/day—gusting wind, mind stab, touch ofpain, veil ofdarkness;1/day—bind with plants, cloak ofdarkness, scream, silent sheath, woodland prison. The save DC against these spells is DC 12 + spell level.
Curses (Su): Once per day,a Navver’s curse can attempt a touch attack that carries with it a terrible curse.Those touched should make a Will saving throw (DC 18).Ifthey fail,they begin to lose their will and succumb to lethargy and despair.It starts slowly.Immediately after the curse takes effect,victims simply suffer a –2 morale penalty on attack rolls,saving throws,and checks.After 24 hours, they suffer 1d3 points oftemporary Wisdom damage,and suffer a like amount each day.After three days,the cursed victims must make a Will saving throw (DC 18) every six hours or spend the next six hours doing nothing,unwilling to take any action except to defend themselves.After three weeks (assuming the victim has not completely succumbed to the Wisdom damage),victims lose all will to live and fall into catatonia,punctuated by a daily suicide attempt (a victim can stave offthe suicidal urge with another Will save,DC 18,but not the catatonia).
Further,when a Navver’s curse dies,it inflicts a curse on all within 30 feet.Those within range must make Will saves (DC 18) or earn the enmity ofthe land itself.For most characters,this curse imposes a –2 circumstance penalty on attack rolls,saving throws,and checks whenever they touch the ground.For greenbonds, however,it means a loss ofall supernatural and spell-like class abilities and all spellcasting ability.
Both curses last until removed.
Navver’s Curse Characters
A few Navver’s curse have gained levels in mage blade, using their Devanian greatswords as their athames.
Navver’s Curse Encounter (EL 5)
The PCs make their way through the Harrowdeep,experiencing all ofits dangers and mystery.Those who succeed at appropriate Listen or Spot checks realize they are being followed.A Navver’s curse is after them—but they do not know it yet.Ifthey try to find out what’s behind them,it flees under cloak ofdarkness and uses silent sheath as well.Only when they reach a river gully with rocky walls rising up on either side (known to the curse,but not to the characters), does the creature strike.It seeks to trap them in this gully, for it knows that,unless they wade into the river,the ravine is a dead end.The shore on either side ofthe river eventually disappears.PCs that enter the river must make Balance checks (DC 18) or be knocked offtheir feet and carried offby the surprisingly strong current.They must make Swim checks (DC 20) just to keep their heads above water.Worse yet,the river carries them to a waterfall,where they tumble down 40 feet onto the rocks below (4d6 points ofdamage). Should the Navver’s curse survive the encounter,it follows them down the river in an attempt to finish them off.