4 minute read
Silken Dreams
City Guide I Gizzele’s
Shop Exterior:
The shop is a plain wooden structure, two stories high, with several windows around the exterior. The front door is made of fine oak shod in steel with what looks like a pretty sturdy lock. Although the sign above the door emblazoned with a needle and thread and flowing elven texts gives the feeling of home with the tiny vines of ivy growing upon it.
The exterior windows are shut at night with shutters on the outside of the building as well as the inside.
Latched Window: Hardness 5, Hit Points: 17, Break DC 22, Open Lock DC 30. Adriana, Female Human Adept1: CR1; Medium-Size Humanoid (5 ft. 6 in. tall); HD 1d6-1; hp 5; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 13 (+3 Dex); Attack -2 melee, or +3 ranged; AL LN; SV Fort -1, Ref +3, Will +5; Str 6, Dex 17, Con 9, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 16. Languages Spoken: Common, Dwarven, Goblin, Elven.
Skills: craft (tailor) +8, Concentration +3, Hide +3, Knowledge +6, Listen +3, Move silently +3, Pick pocket +5, appraise +8, Sense motive +5, Spellcraft +6, Spot +3, Use rope +5.
Feats: Dodge, Heighten spell.
Adept Spells Per Day: 3/2.
Possessions: 2 throwing daggers, +2 cloak of protection, an masterwork tailors tools, and a pouch containing 32 gp, 22 sp, and 8 cp.
1)Front Room:
The back wall of the front room has a variety of different dresses and dress wear hanging from a wooden rack. The designs show the styles of various countries and elaborate designs. The majority of the room is filled with bins of fabric and cases full of thread. A small series of benches are made out of ornately carved wood and covered with velvet cushions.
A desk covered with several parchments of draft designs sits in the right hand corner of the room, under an flickering magical torchlight. Somewhere near the back left corner of the room sits a second desk.
City Guide I Gizzele’s
Description: Adriana’s beauty is slowly fading as she ages, yet unlike others that choose to hide the fact they are aging, she tends to enhance that feel. She constantly wears things that make her look less beautiful, perhaps as a means to let her customers outshine her. Her black hair is tied up in a bun, which generally is held in place by a simple hair netting. Her eyes are sharp and piecing as she is usually squinting to keep track of the needles and find the proper placement of a piece of cloth. But her face is always smiling, even when she stabs her finger with a needle.
Personality: Adriana is able to properly hob knob with the nobility to get the better customers, and yet can carry on a conversation with merchants alike. And generally cares for her assistant. She is a joyful person that almost never has a frown on her face, even when the worst of situations happen. She uses her magical skills to enhance some of her products, but will not utilize them to influence a sale, trusting on her skill with a needle to do the talking for her.
Shiela, Female Human Exp1: CR1; Medium-Size Humanoid (5 ft. 2 in. tall); HD 1d6; hp 6; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack -1 melee, or +2 ranged; AL NG; SV Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +2; Str 9, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 9.
Languages Spoken: Common, Dwarven.
Skills: Balance +4, Gather information +4, appraise +3, Hide +4, craft (tailor) +4, craft (cobbler) +2, Move silently +2, Open lock +4, Read lips +3, Spot +4, search +3, ride +2, swimming +3, listen+4, knowledge (heraldry) +2.
Feats: Alertness, Skill focus [craft(tailor)].
Possessions: silver dagger, silver dragon hair barret (50g), tailors tools, and a pouch containing 15 gp, 42 sp, and 28 cp.
Description: Sheila is rather on the plain mousy side. Long straight blond hair streams down her back, barely held in place by a silver dragon hair barrette. Her eyes are a startling green, almost an emerald green with brilliance and intelligence evident in her gaze. She dresses rather plainly, but keeps her garments in such a clean and intact state, that everything she wears looks like it is brand new. Personality: She’s very happy where she is. Having a home over her head, reasonable incoming from working, and a mentor who treats her like a daughter. She is therefore very pleasant to deal with customers and will bend over backwards to treat them like nobility, even if they obviously aren’t. It will take a lot to shake her. She has woken several times in the middle of the night to burglars and has dealt with them with the tools allotted to her, so a simple threat during the day isn’t likely to cause her to stumble in her daily activities.
Men’s Clothing
Noble’s shirts [Fine Cloth] 5 gp Noble’s shirts [Velvet] 10 gp Noble’s shirts [Silk] 20 gp Entertainer’s Shirts [Good] 1 gp Entertainer’s Shirts [Excellent] 5 gp Noble’s Doublet [Fine Cloth] 25 gp Noble’s Doublet [Velvet] 75 gp Noble’s Vest [Fine Cloth] 10 gp Noble’s Vest [Velvet] 25 gp Entertainer’s Vest 1 gp Noble’s Pants [Fine Cloth] 5 gp Noble’s Pants [Fine Leather] 25 gp Full Noble’s Velvet Outfit 200 gp
Lady’s Clothing
Noble’s Short Chemise [Cloth] 5 gp Noble’s Short Chemise [silk] 26 gp Noble’s Long Chemise [Cloth] 7 gp Noble’s Long Chemise [silk] 40 gp Noble’s Skirt [Fine Cloth] 25 gp Noble’s Skirt [Velvet] 75 gp Noble’s Bodice [Cloth] 26 gp Noble’s Bodice [Velvet] 50 gp Noble’s Bodice [Fine leather] 100 gp Full Noble’s Silk & velvet Outfit 175 gp
Note: Fine leather clothing acts as padded armor for protection.