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Stormfeather’s Fletchery

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Blue Flame Inn

City Guide I Stormfeather Fletchery

Stormfeather Fletchery


O h , a-lookin’ for a bowyer an’ fletcher are ye? Well, ye’d be hard pressed to find a finer one than Stormfeather, rest assured. Craftsmen so fine, they say there’s elven blood in their family tree somewhere – and I can believe it by lookin’ at that Elisa, let me tell ye! Haw! Erm, ahem. Good day, sir.

Stormfeather Fletchers is a shop well known for its goods. Rangers and other hunters come from miles around to buy quivers of their fine work. The Stormfeather family is best known for its fletching and arrow-craft, though their bows are quite fine. More than this, however, the Stormfeathers are known for their willingness to teach nearly anyone who comes to them the use of the bow – adventurers have been known to make extensive trips to see old Carneg.

Shop Exterior

The storefront of Stormfeather Fletchery is nicely whitewashed, with blue-gray painted accents on shutters and jambs. The sign above the door is done up as a thundercloud with an arrow arching downwards, zigzagged like a bolt of lightning, its fletching bearing the distinctive gray and white markings of Stormfeather work.

The door is a stout pine door fitted with a bell that rings merrily as someone enters it; the door and shutters are kept well locked at night. Good wooden door: Hardness 5; Hit Points 15; Break DC 18; Open Lock DC 30.

1)Shop Floor

The interior of this building is rather old, though the wooden surfaces are kept waxed and oiled by Thea. Multiple display items hang from the wall, notably a number of the fine bows that Silin has crafted over the years that he has never sold.

Also hanging from the walls are individual examples of Silin’s fletchery and arrow-crafting work, from the wickedly barbed warhead arrows used in short and long bows, to bulb arrows used to hunt fowl and other small game with. The fletching all bears the distinct gray and white markings used on all Stormfeather arrows.

The shop floor is divided in half by a wall and hearth on one side, and the business counter on the other. Behind the business counter, Silin keeps several quivers of his arrows. This provides a little nook behind the wall where Silin normally does small detail work on bows by the light of lamps and the hearth and provides significant warmth during the winter.


The goods to be had at Stormfeather Fletchers are, as the name suggests, primarily arrows and bolts. The fletchings of Stormfeather arrows are marked with a distinctive gray and white pattern, painted on by Silin as part of his work.

Silin always has a number arrows on hand – indeed, he tends to have a great number of them, quivered and all ready to be sold. (See the sidebar “Store Contents” for exact details.) But Silin doesn’t only sell standard hunting arrows – he also sells his custom-made bulb-arrows, the favored tip for those who are hunting small game or birds. (These bulb arrows have the same statistics as standard arrows, but inflict subdual damage.)


City Guide I Stormfeather Fletchery

At any one time, Silin has the following goods in the store: Shortbow: 1d6 – 1 Shortbow, composite: 1d4 –1 Shortbow arrows: 2d6 + 10 quivers (1d8 – 4) Shortbow bulb arrows: 1d4 + 5 quivers (1d4 –2) Longbow: 1d4 –1 Longbow, composite: none (request only) Longbow arrows: 1d6 + 5 quivers (1d6 – 4) Longbow bulb arrows: 1d4 + 3 quivers (1d4 –2) Light crossbow: 1d4-1 Light crossbow bolts: 2d4 + 5 cases (1d4 –2) Heavy crossbow: 1d3-1 Heavy crossbow bolts: 1d4 + 5 cases (1d4 –2)

A quiver holds 20 arrows; a case holds 10 bolts. The numbers after the parenthesis are the number of those containers of ammunition available that are masterwork. If a number results in a sum less than 1, there are none to be had. There are never masterwork bows or crossbows on hand – these must always be made to order.


This is the workshop where Silin does most of his major work while either Thea or Elisa tends the shop. The tables and counters back here are littered with feathers, wooden shafts in various stages of stages of straightening, sanding and smoothing, various pots of wax and glue. One entire side of the workshop is dedicated to the bows he is working on at any given moment.

A door from this room leads to the alley outside and is normally locked. This is the door where most folk selling Silin his raw goods come to. Those looking to sell Silin glue, good pieces of wood (for either arrow shafts or bows) and sinew for strings or bags of feathers often come by this door.


City Guide I


This simple room contains a number of crates, barrels and other containers filled with the basic goods that Silin uses to make his wares. This room is kept neat and tidy, with all of the materials of a single type placed together – pots of glue, blocks of wax, sacks of feathers, a large chest with small bits of wood for use in arrows and composite bows, larger pieces in a barrel for bowyering and a small locked chest with metal arrowheads purchased from local weaponsmiths.

floor. There is also a staircase that leads up to the second

4)Carneg’s Room

Carneg’s room is invariably a cluttered mess of adventuring gear (most of it too old to be of real use anymore) and memorabilia. At the foot of his bed, he keeps a locked, trapped chest with a number of his magical items within – his family has been warned not to touch the chest and they know enough about his skills in crafting traps to avoid doing so. He normally keeps his magical items locked in the chest.

There is a single dusty window in the room, as well as a brass lantern that has been enchanted with continual flame, a relic of Carneg’s adventuring days. The bed is always mussed and the room is rarely clean – only when Carneg is out of the house for more than a day at a time is Elisa able to clean it up and restore order to the room, much to Carneg’s irritation, usually.

Simple Wooden Door: Hardness: 5, Hit Points: 10, Break DC 13, Open Lock DC 25; Chest: Hardness: 5, Hit Points: 15, Break DC 23, Open Lock DC 30.

Poison Needle Trap: CR 2; +8 ranged (1, plus greenblood oil poison); Search (DC 22); Disable Device (DC 20).

Stormfeather Fletchery

5) Elisa’s Room

It would seem that Elisa idolizes her grandfather in more ways than one. Like Carneg’s, her room, too, is usually quite cluttered. At least, it is as cluttered as her incredibly fastidious mother will permit. The furniture in the room is quite nice – a nice straw-stuffed mattress and oaken frame, a cupboard for her clothing and a table and chair.

Around the room hang the accoutrements that Elisa has gathered in the hopes of becoming an adventurer one day. These include an outfit of explorer’s leathers, a well-stitched backpack, her bow and two quivers, a hunting knife and sundry other things.

Simple Wooden Door: Hardness: 5, Hit Poin ts: 10, Break DC 13, Open Lock DC 25; Chest: Hardness: 5, Hit Points: 15, Break DC 23, Open Lock DC 30.

6)Family Room

This is the large hallway that the family has turned into a gathering room for themselves. Though it is somewhat cramped with furniture, making navigation through it somewhat difficult, it certainly does provide comfort. The seats here are all very soft and overstuffed (though some of them are thread-bare). After a day of work, Silin and Thea prefer their seats near the fire, where they can talk with one another and work on small hand-chores (such as detailing and sewing), and Elisa can sometimes be found with them. Other times, however, she is over with her grandfather in the seats near the large double windows, looking out at the night and listening to his tales.


This room is meticulously clean and done in dark stained wood. Thea can often be found in here, tending baking bread or some stew or another over the hearth. There are a number of pots and pans located in here, as well as dry goods in ample quantity. There are two windows here that look out onto the street below, from which Thea often watches the goings-on in the neighborhood.


City Guide I Stormfeather Fletchery

Simple Wooden Door: Hardness: 5, Hit Points: 10, Break DC 13, Open Lock DC 25; Chest: Hardness: 5, Hit Points: 15, Break DC 23, Open Lock DC 30.

8)Master Quarters

Silin and Thea’s bedroom is always very orderly and airy. Thea often throws open the windows in this room during the day, hanging bouquets of aromatic herbs and flowers from the sill so that the air blowing into the room is scented. There is a bowl of rosewater kept near the door, where Silin likes to wash up after a day of work. The couple’s bed is large and has fine lace curtains that cost Silin several months of income to afford. Silin keeps the small coffer of money and valuables his shop earns up here in a secret compartment constructed for him in the bottom of a chest by Carneg.

Simple Wooden Door: Hardness: 5, Hit Points: 10, Break DC 13, Open Lock DC 25; Chest: Hardness: 5, Hit Points: 15, Break DC 23, Open Lock DC 30.


Silin Stormfeather: The blonde-haired owner of Stormfeather Fletchers, Silin is a skilled craftsman known for his fine arrows. He learned his art during his apprenticeship with his father; indeed, it was in his father’s shop that he met Thea. After his apprenticeship, he proposed to her and she accepted. Since that time, her father Carneg has come to live with them and has proven no end of frustration for Silin, especially now that Elisa seems intent on following in her grandfather’s footsteps. Silin and Carneg are usually at odds over one things or another. (Silin is a LN Exp4, with Appraise +8, Craft +10 due to Skill Focus.)

Thea Stormfeather: Silin’s wife, Thea is an attractive woman of middling years. Thea grew up mainly in the care of relatives while her father adventured, though he always made sure to stop in and see her. She always looked forward to these times and followed him everywhere when he was in town –including to his normal stop at Stormfeather Fletchers in order to purchase more arrows. It was during these trips that she met Silin and the two fell in love. She was quite taken with his staunch and dedicated frame of mind, so unlike her father’s somewhat willy-nilly approach to life. She now tries to play mediator between Silin and Carneg, but often becomes very frustrated with her father herself. (Thea is a NG Cmm1.)

Elisa: female human Rgr1: CR 1; Medium-sized humanoid (5 ft., 10 in. tall); HD 1d10; hp 10; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (+3 studded leather, +2 Dex); Attack +1 melee (1d6, short sword), or –1/-1 melee (1d6/1d4, shortsword/dagger), or +4 ranged (1d8, masterwork long bow); AL CG ; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 16.

Skills: Animal Empathy +5, Climb +3, Craft (bowyer/fletcher) +4, Handle Animal +5, Hide +4, Intuit Direction +3, Jump +1, Knowledge (nature) +3, Move Silently +4, Ride +4, Wilderness Lore +4;

Feats: Point blank shot, Precise shot, Track.

Special Attacks: favored enemy (+1 vs. goblinoids), human traits, light armor fighting (as though possessed Ambidexterity and Two-weapon Fighting feats); Special Qualities: human qualities, track.

Possessions: traveler’s clothes, masterwork longbow, studded leather, matched short sword and dagger set.

Personality: Elisa is the young, fiery tempered daughter of Silin and Thea. She is bent on becoming a “great adventurer” like her grandfather, whom she loved dearly growing up. She often looked forward to his coming home with trinkets and tales of his adventures. When he stopped adventuring and moved in with them, it was the best day of her life, thus far. She always accompanies him when he goes out to help someone sharpen their bow skills and is becoming quite the shot herself. She has even helped him fend off a small patrol of bugbears during one such trip into the wilderness – ever since then, she has been covertly looking around for an adventuring group to join.


City Guide I

Carneg: male human Rgr5; CR 5; Size M (5 ft., 9 in. tall); HD 5d10-10; hp 29; Init +4 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 16 (+2 Dex, +4 studded leather +1); Attack +7 melee (1d6+1, shortsword), or +5/+5 (1d6+1/1d4+1, shortsword/dagger), or +8 ranged (1d8+1, composite longbow +1); SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5; AL CG; Str 12, Dex 15, Con 7, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 14.

Skills: Animal Empathy +6, Climb +6, Concentration -1, Craft (traps) +5. Handle Animal +4, Heal +5, Hide +8, Intuit Direction +6, Jump +6, Knowledge (nature) +6, Listen +6, Move Silently +8, Search +5, Spot +5, Swim +3, Wilderness Lore +9.

Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Track.

Special Attacks: favored enemy (+2 vs goblinoids, +1 vs. shapechangers), human traits, light armor fighting (as though possessed Ambidexterity and Two-weapon Fighting feats); Special Qualities: human qualities, track.

Possessions: composite longbow +1 (mighty +2), studded leather +1, masterwork shortsword, masterwork dagger, traveler’s outfits, 2 potions of cure light wounds.

Spells Prepared (1): 1st – alarm.

Personality: Carneg was a happily married forester when he lost his wife to a wasting sickness. Sick with grief, he left his five year-old daughter with his sister and set out into the forest to help him lose himself for a while. He joined up with a some-time adventuring band, but often spent his money gained on such expeditions drinking heavily in other cities. He would stop by and visit his daughter, who was being raised in a loving, nurturing environment that he could never provide alone.

Eventually, though, he became older and began losing his edge. He finally returned to the city and settled down with his daughter’s family. He is utterly enchanted with his granddaughter and her rebellious ways that remind him so much of himself. He has sworn off the drink and has dedicated the rest of his life to making Elisa happy the way he never got the chance to make Thea.

Stormfeather Fletchery

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