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from Ghostwalk - 3.5e
affects one of the slayer’s limbs). This aura makes the weapon act as if it had the ghost touch property. A slayer may use this ability at will.
Ghost Bane Fires (Su): As a free action, a 5th-level ghost slayer may invoke blue flames upon his weapon that last for 1 round (if unarmed strike is the weapon chosen, the aura affects all of the slayer’s limbs, allowing all unarmed strikes by the slayer to be affected). These flames grant the weapon the ghost bane property. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to the slayer’s class level + his Charisma modifier.
In addition to the uses for skills described in the Player’s Handbook, skills have the following additional uses in a Ghostwalk campaign.
Alchemy (Int)
Several new alchemical items can be made in a Ghostwalk campaign.
Task DC Notes
Recognize wraithweed 20 Costs 1 sp per attempt Create wraithweed powder 25 See Craft skill* Make soul venom 20 See Craft skill Make dark ectoplasm 25 See Craft skill Make ectoplasmic stabilizer 15 See Craft skill Make ghost disguise kit 15 See Craft skill * Use the rules in the Craft skill to determine time and cost.
Animal Empathy (Cha)
You may use this skill on animals that have been transformed into ghosts (by use of the ghost companion spell), but there is an additional –4 penalty to do so.
Climb (Str)
A character with sticky ectoplasm on her hands and feet gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Climb checks (this bonus does not stack with similar circumstance bonuses to climbing, such as from a climber’s kit).
Craft (Int)
The gnomes of the Ghostwalk campaign have created a type of wood and metal manikin in the shape of a body that any incorporeal ghost can enter and manipulate as if it were a physical body. This is handy for times when a ghost is forced to be incorporeal (such as outside the
Manifest Ward) or cannot access a physical body. Shellcraft (as it is known) is a respected but uncommon
Craft skill in Manifest. The Craft DC to make a shellcraft manikin is 20.
Disguise (Cha)
A ghost (which is normally semitransparent) can disguise itself as a living creature if it is manifested fully (and can therefore use conventional makeup) or if it has access to ghost touch disguise equipment. This sort of disguise incurs a –10 penalty on the check. A ghost with the Solid Visage feat does not have this penalty.
A living creature can only disguise itself as a ghost with the help of magic or alchemy (such as a ghost disguise kit, described in the Equipment section), since it is impossible to make a physical body appear transparent with mundane materials. With the proper equipment, this sort of disguise incurs a –10 penalty on the check. Of course, disguising a physical body as a ghost with the Solid Visage feat has no penalty.
Escape Artist (Dex)
A character covered in slippery ectoplasm (10 pounds for a Medium-sized creature, 5 pounds for a Small creature) gains a +4 circumstance bonus on Escape Artist checks.
Heal (Wis)
A character with the Heal skill can use it on a ghost just as easily as she could on a living creature. A character using the skill untrained takes a –2 penalty on
Heal checks on ghosts. A corporeal creature cannot use the Heal skill on an incorporeal creature without magic of some kind. A character with the Ectoplasm feat gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Heal checks made to treat ghosts.
Hide (Dex)
A ghost receives a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks. This bonus stacks with any racial or size bonuses the ghost had while alive.
Intuit Direction (Wis)
A ghost can sense the general direction of her physical body with an Intuit Direction check (DC 15). She can retry once per round and never takes a misdirection penalty if she rolls a 1 when trying to find her body.
A ghost can also use this skill to determine the direction of the Veil of Souls, gaining a +1 bonus for each of her eidolon levels. She may retry once per round and never takes a misdirection penalty if she rolls a 1.
Even if the ghost is untrained in this skill, she may instead attempt a Wisdom check (DC 15) for either of the uses described above.
Knowledge (Int)
In the Ghostwalk campaign, a new Knowledge category is available: Ghost lore (the paths, weaknesses, ghost powers, the Calling).
This category of the Knowledge skill is a class skill for bards, clerics, and wizards.
Move Silently (Dex)
A character with slippery ectoplasm on her feet gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Move Silently checks. If she moves more than half her speed in a round, she must succeed on a Balance check (DC 10) in each round of movement or fall. If she moves more than her