Banner of Law: Order reigns supreme under this can invoke a prayer to the depicted gods. The prayer banner, and all nonchaotic allies within 30 feet are progrants allies within 30 feet a +1 luck bonus on attack tected as if by a protection from chaos spell. Similar banners rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks for protect against law, evil, or good. 5 rounds. Moderate abjuration; CL 6th; Craft Wondrous Item, Faint enchantment; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, prayer; magic circle against chaos; Price 8,000 gp. Price 16,200 gp. Banner of the Goblin’s Bane: Those with a mutual Standard of the Galloping Steed: This banner, loathing of goblins march under this banner, which usuemblazoned with the mark of a charging horse, is typically mounted on the end of a spear or lance; colorful streamers ally depicts the hated foe in some manner of death or dire injury. Allies within 30 feet gain a +2 bonus on damage unfurl during a charge. When charging, the bearer and rolls against goblinoids. any charging allies within 30 feet receive a +2 bonus on Other banners exist that designate foes of a different their attack rolls. Moderate evocation; CL 8th; Craft Wondrous Item, type or subtype. Common foes include orcs, giants, and mount; Price 8,000 gp. undead. Faint conjuration; CL 5th, Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster I; Price 8,000 gp. Banner of the Unliving: Depicting a bone-white skeleton on a field of midnight blue, this flag provides Siege engines can be enhanced by magic through the +2 turn resistance to any undead allies within 30 feet. use of the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat. Magic siege This turn resistance stacks with any turn resistance the engines and siege ammunition can have enhancement undead might already have. bonuses ranging from +1 to +5. These bonuses apply Moderate necromancy; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous on attack rolls, as well as on skill checks for operatItem, desecrate; Price 12,000 gp. ing a catapult. All magic siege engines are Forgehome Standard: Dwarves are the typical followers of this also masterwork siege engines. The banner—particularly when they enhancement bonus from the mastermarch to war against giantkind— work quality does not stack with any but its benefits apply to all allies magical enhancement bonus. within 30 feet. This banner In addition to an enhancegrants a +2 dodge bonus to ment bonus, siege engines can Armor Class against attacks have special abilities. Special abilmade by giants; this bonus ities count as additional bonuses stacks with the dodge bonus for determining the market value all dwarves gain when fighting of the item, but they do not modgiants. The banner also gives ify attack bonuses or skill check a +2 bonus to morale checks modifiers (except where noted). A made when at least one enemy single siege engine may not have giant is visible. a modified bonus (enhancement bonus plus special ability bonus Moderate enchantment; CL equivalents) higher than +10. In 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, order to have a special ability, an creator must be a dwarf; Price 4,000 gp. engine must have at least a +1 enhanceHealer’s Standard: This flag dement bonus. Siege Weapon Ammunition: Unnotes the noncombative nature of its bearer and her comrades, typically like normal ammunition, magic siege healers or combat medics. The weapon ammunition is priced indibearer and any unarmed allies vidually (not in lots of 50). Left to right: Sign of the favored, within 30 feet receive the effects The enhancement bonus from of a sanctuary spell (see Player’s Handbook standard of the galloping steed, a siege weapon does not stack with the healer’s standard page 274); any opponent that attempts enhancement bonus from ammunition. Only to attack them must make a DC 16 Will the higher of the two bonuses applies. Ammunition fired from a siege weapon with an save or be unable to attack. enhancement bonus or an alignment is treated as a Moderate abjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Heighten Spell, sanctuary; Price 14,000 gp. magic weapon or an aligned weapon for the purpose Sign of the Favored: This banner is of relatively simple of overcoming damage reduction, just as with other ammunition. design, usually in the colors of the nation or entity it After a piece of magic siege ammunition has been represents and adorned with symbols for the gods of luck, valor, or war. Three times per day, the standard-bearer used, it loses any magical powers it had, regardless of
Illus. by W. England