Enemy Forces: To reach the trebuchet, the group must fight through a squad of defenders and then take on the catapult’s crew. They must then deal 200 points of damage to the trebuchet to destroy it.
Terrain Features: The terrain around the duke’s keep is rolling fields dotted by clumps of trees. A river flowing down from the distant hills stands between the battalion and the horde. Tactics: The general’s troops keep the majority of the humanoid army occupied while the PCs and the elite infantry squad try to get to the trebuchet. Alternatively, the PCs could attempt to use stealth if they arrive at night or decide to wait until after dark to make their attack. The general will advise against waiting, however, and there is a 5% cumulative chance per hour that the trebuchet will breach the keep walls before nightfall. The defenders will fight to the death to protect the trebuchet. If the general’s troops begin to lose ground, more squads can come to the aid of the siege engine.
Squad: • 8 bugbears (Monster Manual page 29) • 8 ogres (Monster Manual page 199) • 2 ogre brutes (page 146) Trebuchet Crew: • 4 bugbears (Monster Manual page 29) • 2 ogres (Monster Manual page 199) • 2 ogre brutes (page 146)
Aftermath: If the group succeeds in destroying the trebuchet, they can then help the general rout the rest of the enemy forces (with the aid of the duke’s soldiers, who can mount a sortie from the keep once the threat to the walls has been eliminated). If the PCs fail, the trebuchet smashes a hole in the wall of the keep and the horde pours through, taking the keep, massacring the defenders, and capturing the duke quickly thereafter. The general might be forced to withdraw, and the duke will have to be ransomed back (see Get ’em Out Alive, below, and scale as necessary). Alternatively, the PCs might be able to talk the general into letting them try to take the keep back through subterfuge, using a secret entrance situated within a grove of trees nearby to infiltrate the fallen keep. Scaling This Encounter: For a 2nd-level group, the general provides a small infantry squad of 5 human regulars (page 142) and 1 human cleric corporal (page 142). The enemy horde is protecting a light mangonel, which takes 100 points of damage to destroy. Defenders: 6 goblins (Monster Manual page 133), 6 hobgoblins (Monster Manual page 153), 2 bugbears (Monster Manual page 29). Mangonel Crew: 2 hobgoblins (Monster Manual page 153), 1 bugbear (Monster Manual page 29), For a 5th-level group, the general provides a small squad of elite troops: 5 human elite soldiers (page 143) and 1 human cleric lieutenant of 4th level (page 142). The enemy is protecting a heavy mangonel, which takes 150 points of damage to destroy. Defenders: 8 bugbears (Monster Manual page 29) and 4 ogres (Monster Manual page 199). Mangonel Crew: 4 ogres (Monster Manual page 199) and 1 ogre brute (page 146) For an 11th-level group, the general provides a small elite officer unit made up of some of her best soldiers: 5 human sniper majors (page 143) and 1 human soldier colonel (page 144). The enemy is protecting a great trebuchet, which takes 300 points of damage to destroy. Squad: 10 ogres (Monster Manual page 199), 4 ogre brutes (page 146), 2 ogre mages (Monster Manual page 200). Great Trebuchet Crew: 8 ogres (Monster Manual page 199) and 3 ogre brutes (page 146).
Intelligence has determined that the duke and a small number of POWs are being held in a makeshift enemy camp in the hills on the other side of a nearby forest. It is believed the duke will soon be moved to a more secure location, so the PCs must act now if they wish to rescue him. To further entice the characters to perform this mission, let it be known that one of the PC’s siblings was with the prince when he was taken prisoner. Character Level: This encounter is designed for characters of 10th level.