9 minute read
Golem, Cadaver
• With every additional Hit Die, the dusk giant gains 1
Strength. • With every 2 additional Hit Dice, the dusk giant gains 1
Constitution and 1 natural armor.
This special benefi t is in addition to the benefi t the dusk giant gains when changing category (least to lesser, lesser to greater), to the benefi t all creatures gain when increasing in size, and the standard benefi t for increasing Hit Dice (extra hit points, improved base attack bonus and saves, and additional feats). All these changes have already been taken into account in the stats for different dusk giant categories presented above. When a least dusk giant’s Hit Dice reach 12, it becomes a lesser dusk giant. Its size increases from Medium to Large (with the usual size adjustments; see page 314 of the Monster Manual), it grows stronger of purpose and will (represented in an increase to Charisma), and it gains several potent new abilities. A similar advancement occurs at 18 Hit Dice, when a lesser dusk giant becomes a greater dusk giant and its size increases from Large to Huge. Dusk giants never grow larger than Huge, but they can continue to gain Hit Dice, and the benefi t that comes with them, to a maximum of 24 Hit Dice. Unfortunately for the giant, these gains are not permanent. A dusk giant must continue to consume the fl esh of other creatures to maintain its current status. For every day that passes in which a dusk giant does not consume at least 2 Hit Dice worth of sentient creatures, or 8 Hit Dice-worth of nonsentient creatures, its own Hit Dice decrease by 1, with a corresponding loss of all associated benefi ts. Thus, even the most potent greater giant can weaken and revert to a least giant in times of hardship. Dusk giants hate being weak, and losing Hit Dice is a painful process to them, so they do whatever they must to avoid this circumstance. They cannot weaken beyond 6 Hit Dice; any further starvation beyond that follows normal starvation rules. Note that the stats presented here represent the weakest form of dusk giant in each given category. Rend (Ex): If a dusk giant hits with both claw attacks, it latches onto its target’s body and tears the fl esh. This attack automatically deals extra damage equal to two claw attacks plus 1-1/2 times the giant’s Strength modifi er. Rock Throwing (Ex): A lesser dusk giant can hurl rocks weighing 40 to 50 pounds each (Small objects), and a greater dusk giant can hurl rocks of 60 to 80 pounds (Medium objects) out to a distance of up to fi ve range increments. A dusk giant has a 1 racial bonus on attack rolls when throwing rocks. The range increment for a lesser dusk giant’s thrown rocks is 120 feet, or 140 feet for a greater dusk giant. Pall of Twilight (Su): A dusk giant is constantly surrounded by an aura of gloom that darkens bright light and casts an equal pallor upon the spirits of its enemies. In a 10foot radius around a least dusk giant, bright light is treated as shadowy illumination, although creatures with low-light vision (or darkvision) suffer no penalties in this area. In addition, enemies within this area take a –2 penalty on all saving throws because of the despair it elicits. The radius of a dusk giant’s pall of twilight expands as it grows. A lesser dusk giant’s aura has a radius of 20 feet, and a greater dusk giant’s aura has a 30-foot radius.
Rock Catching (Ex): A lesser dusk giant or a greater dusk giant can catch Small, Medium, or Large rocks (or projectiles of similar shape). Once per round, if the giant would normally be hit by a rock, it can make a Refl ex save to catch the rock as a free action. The DC is 15 for a Small rock, 20 for a Medium one, and 25 for a Large one. (If the projectile provides a magical bonus on attack rolls, the DC increases by that amount.) The giant must be ready for and aware of the attack in order to make a rock catching attempt. Spell-Like Abilities: Caster level equals the dusk giant’s current Hit Dice total. The save DCs are Charisma-based. Lesser dusk giant: 1/day—enervation, ray of enfeeblement.
Greater dusk giant: 1/day—dimension door, energy drain (DC 23); 2/day—shield, slow (DC 17); 3/day—enervation, ray of enfeeblement.
Large Construct Hit Dice: 10d1030 (85 hp) Initiative: 1 Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) Armor Class: 20 (–1 size, 1 Dex, 10 natural), touch 10, fl at-footed 19 Base Attack/Grapple: 7/16 Attack: Slam 11 melee (2d85) or large bastard sword 11 melee (2d87) Full Attack: 2 slams 11 melee (2d85) or large bastard sword 11/6 melee (2d87) Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks: See below Special Qualities: Assimilate fl esh, construct traits, damage reduction 5/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic, low-light vision Saves: Fort 3, Ref 4, Will 3 Abilities: Str 21, Dex 13, Con —, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 10 Skills: Cadaver golems’ skills not only vary from golem to golem, but the skill ranks of a specifi c golem change as the golem assimilates new body parts. A standard cadaver golem (Int 12) has 39 skill points. Sample skill set: Jump 12,
Hide 8, Intimidate 7, Move Silently 7, Spot 7 Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Sunder, Power Attack Environment: Any Organization: Solitary or gang (2–4) Challenge Rating: 8 Treasure: 50 coins; no goods; 1/10th items Alignment: Always neutral or chaotic, usually evil Advancement: 11–20 HD (Large); 21–30 HD (Huge) Level Adjustment: —
A humanoid form, but far larger than any human, shambles forward. It smells faintly of decay and appears to be stitched together from the remains of multiple bodies. A malevolent intelligence burns in its eyes, and it surveys the area with remarkable intensity.
The so-called cadaver golem is easily mistaken for a standard fl esh golem, but it is more intelligent—indeed, sentient—and far more dangerous. Capable of making use of the skills and abilities of those who contributed to its body, the cadaver golem constantly seeks out humanoids who boast talents that it wishes to possess. The first cadaver golem is believed to have been the result of a mistake during the creation of a flesh golem.
Illus. by Daarken
They usually wear whatever clothes they can find or steal that will fi t their massive forms. A cadaver golem stands 8 feet tall and weighs around 500 pounds. They speak Common and any other single language, depending on race and region, and they can learn other languages in the course of their existence.
Cadaver golems do not hesitate to destroy anyone or anything that threatens them or stands between them and their goals. Some develop ambitions for power or wealth, while others simply wish to be left alone. All are murderous. Cadaver golems seek out humanoids who possess abilities they want in order to kill their targets and steal those abilities. A cadaver golem tends not to use its Power Attack feat on the fi rst few attacks, instead calling it into play once it is certain that it has a good chance to hit its chosen target(s). Assimilate Flesh (Ex): A cadaver golem can choose to replace one of its limbs, sense organs, or other parts with a similar part taken from a living or recently deceased humanoid. Doing so grants the golem skills and abilities associated with that particular body part. The golem cannot, however, gain skill points in excess of its HD 3. Thus, if the golem acquires the hands of a rogue and wishes to assimilate some of the rogue’s Open Lock skill ranks, the golem will have to lose some of its current skill ranks. The golem can never gain more ranks from a body part than that individual possessed; thus, if the rogue had 4 ranks in Open Lock, the golem can gain no more than 4 ranks from his hands, even if it’s willing to lose more than 4 previously acquired skill points. Additionally, the golem can acquire certain extraordinary and supernatural abilities, if it takes body parts from members of the proper classes or races. It can only have one such ability at a time and can choose when assimilating parts if it wishes to keep its current ability or gain the new one. The following table shows some possible skills and abilities the golem can acquire; the DM can add additional skills and abilities to the list as she sees fi t. Finally, a cadaver golem heals 2d85 points of damage anytime it acquires a new part. Adding a new body part is a full-round action.
Body Possible
Possible Part New Skills New Abilities1
Eyes Search, Spot Darkvision (if better than golem’s own) Ears Listen Blindsense Tongue Diplomacy, Perform — (sing), Speak Language Hands Climb, Open Lock, Favored enemy, flurry Sleight of Hand of blows, smite, sneak attack Brain2 Knowledge (any) — Heart — Rage Legs Hide, Jump, Evasion, fast Move Silently movement 1 The part must come from a character or race that possesses this ability. A cadaver golem can have only one such ability at any time. 2 A cadaver golem’s personality is mystically bound to its form. Switching brains does not alter the golem’s identity. Cadaver golem
Construct Traits: A cadaver golem has immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, necromancy effects, mind-affecting spells and abilities (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless it also works on objects or is harmless. It is not subject to extra damage from critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, energy drain, or death from massive damage. It cannot heal damage (except as noted above), but it can be repaired. It has darkvision out to 60 feet and low-light vision. Immunity to Magic (Ex): A cadaver golem is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects function differently against the creature, as noted below. A cure or heal spell affects a cadaver golem as if a slow spell had been cast upon it, with a duration in rounds equal to twice the spell level. An infl ict or harm spell dispels any such slow effect. Regenerate deals damage equal to 4d8 plus caster level, as the golem’s body battles against recently assimilated parts. It also prevents the golem from making use of any special abilities gained from acquiring parts for 2d4 rounds. The golem can attempt a Fortitude save to halve the damage and maintain its special ability.
The pieces of a cadaver golem must come from normal humanoid corpses that have not decayed significantly. Assembly requires a minimum of six different bodies—