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Tainted Raver
use its other natural weapons (if it has any). If armed with a weapon, it usually uses the weapon as its primary attack, along with a claw or other natural weapon as a natural secondary attack.
Damage: Tainted minions have claw attacks. If the base creature does not have this attack form, use the appropriate damage value from the table below according to the tainted minion’s size. Creatures that have other kinds of natural weapons retain their old damage values or use the appropriate value from the table below, whichever is higher.
Size Damage
Fine 1 Diminutive 1 Tiny 1d2 Small 1d3 Medium 1d4 Large 1d6 Huge 1d8 Gargantuan 2d6 Colossal 2d8
A tainted minion’s natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Special Attacks: A tainted minion retains all the special attacks of the base creature and gains an aura of fear.
Fear Aura (Su): Tainted minions are shrouded in a constant aura of terror and evil. Creatures within a 30-foot radius of a tainted minion must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 1/2 the tainted minion’s level its Cha modifi er) or become shaken. Shaken creatures take a –2 morale penalty on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and saving throws.
Special Qualities: A tainted minion retains all the special qualities of the base creature and gains those described below.
Change Shape (Su): A tainted minion can assume the form of any humanoid creature. See page 306 of the Monster Manual for details.
Damage Reduction (Ex): A tainted minion gains damage reduction according to its character level:
Character Level Damage Reduction
1st–3rd 5/magic or silver 4th–7th 10/magic 8th–11th 10/good 12th+ 15/magic and silver
Fast Healing (Ex): A tainted minion heals 3 hit points per round so long as it has least 1 hit point.
Undead Traits: A tainted minion is immune to mindaffecting spells and abilities, poison, magical sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless it also works on objects or is harmless. It is not subject to extra damage from critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage to its physical ability scores, ability drain, energy drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or death from massive damage. It cannot be raised, and resurrection works only if it is willing. It has darkvision out to 60 feet.
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str 4, Dex 2, Cha 4. As an undead creature, a tainted minion has no Constitution score.
Taint: A tainted minion no longer acquires taint. For purposes of special abilities, its corruption and depravity scores are both considered to be equal to half its Charisma score 1.
Environment: Any, usually same as base creature.
Organization: Solitary or gang (2–5).
Challenge Rating: As base creature 1.
Treasure: Double standard.
Alignment: Always evil (any).
Advancement: By character class.
Level Adjustment: Tainted minions cannot be player characters.
A tainted raver is a character whose mind has been utterly shattered by the taint of depravity.
The warrior before you swings a spiked chain wildly through the air. Beneath his helm, you see eyes wide with madness. A sadistic grin contorts his features.
This example uses a 5th-level human fi ghter as the base creature.
Tainted Raver, 5th-Level Human Fighter Medium Humanoid (Human) Hit Dice: 5d1015 (42 hp) Initiative: 1 Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) AC: 13 (1 Dex, 4 masterwork chain shirt, –2 rage), touch 9, fl at-footed 12 Base Attack/Grapple: 5/10 Attack: +1 spiked chain 12 melee (2d410) or masterwork shortbow 7 ranged (1d6/×3) Full Attack: +1 spiked chain 12 melee (2d410) or masterwork shortbow 7 ranged (1d6/×3) Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft. (spiked chain up to 10 ft.) Special Attacks: Perpetual rage Special Qualities: Fast healing 3, madness Saves: Fort 7, Ref 2, Will 5 Abilities: Str 20, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14 Skills: Climb 9, Listen 3, Spot 3 Feats: Blind-Fight, Combat Refl exes, Exotic Weapon Profi ciency (spiked chain), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (spiked chain), Weapon Specialization (spiked chain) Environment: Any Organization: Solitary or gang (2–5) Challenge Rating: 5 Treasure: Double standard Alignment: Always evil (any) Advancement: By character class Level Adjustment: Tainted ravers cannot be player characters. Possessions: +1 spiked chain, masterwork chain shirt, masterwork shortbow with 10 arrows, potion of haste.
“Tainted raver” is an acquired template that can be added to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid creature with at least mild