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Aboleth Characters

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The Topaz Order

Aboleths often advance in character classes. In particular, they favor the fi ghter, monk, rogue, sorcerer, and wizard classes. Aboleth wizard spellbooks consist of stone tablets or metal sheaves; they might even record their spells on the inner walls of their lair. Aboleths almost never gain levels in divine spellcasting classes; clerics of Ghaunadaur, the Patient One, and Tharizdun are rare exceptions to this rule. As for prestige classes, aboleth characters take levels of archmage, assassin, eldritch knight, and loremaster. Dragon disciple aboleths are rumored to exist as well, and of course, the majestic and dangerous savant aboleths rule their kind.



The savant aboleth Iltharshub is a member of a council of four savant aboleths that rule the deep city of Yolinithili. Well served by ample slaves and loyal aboleth mages, Iltharshub spent large portions of its time sifting through the ancient memories of its ancestors. It was thus with great shock that it stumbled upon a memory of an ancient ruin from the primal empire—an aboleth laboratory located only a few dozen miles away in a forgotten section of deep underground waterways. Iltharshub pondered its memories of the ruins for several more days and came to realize that the building was constructed well enough that it likely survived the passage of eons. It decided there and then to claim the ruins and the fantastic treasures lost within for its own. It did not want to share any discoveries with its rivals on Yolinithili’s council, so it took only a single assistant and its most loyal and powerful bodyguard, a greater stone golem. It then set off to fi nd the nameless ruins.

Encounter (EL 20): The PCs can encounter Iltharshub and its golem and assistant in any number of ways. They might stumble across the aboleths while exploring the fl ooded underground. They might be seeking out the same ruins, not realizing that the site is an ancient aboleth laboratory. They might also be hired by a powerful wizard who has learned that one of the leaders of the nearby city of Yolinithili passed by recently. The fact that a savant aboleth left the city intrigues the wizard greatly, and he sends the PCs to investigate in return for information, items, or spells they seek.

Greater Stone Golem: hp 271; Monster Manual page 136.

Aboleth Assistant: hp 76; Monster Manual page 8.

Iltharshub: Aboleth wizard 13/savant aboleth 2; CR 19; Huge aberration (aquatic); HD 10d8+70 plus 13d4+91; hp 238; Init +3; Spd 10 ft., swim 60 ft.; AC 30, touch 15, fl at-footed 27; Base Atk +13; Grp +30; Atk +20 melee (1d8+9 plus slime, tentacle); Full Atk +20 melee (1d8+9 plus slime, 4 tentacles); Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.; SA enlarged enslave, glyph mastery, psionics, slime; SQ darkvision 60 ft., mucus cloud, recrudescent memories; AL LE; SV Fort +16, Ref +9, Will +20; Str 28, Dex 16, Con 24, Int 29, Wis 16, Cha 14.

Skills and Feats: Concentration +33, Decipher Script +34, Knowledge (arcana) +32, Knowledge (geography) +32, Knowledge (history) +32, Listen +14, Spellcraft +34, Spot +14, Swim +17; Ability Focus (enlarged enslave), Ability Focus (slime), Craft Aboleth Glyph†, Death Frenzy†, Diehard, Endurance, Eschew Materials, Maximize SpellB, Quicken SpellB, Quickslime†, Scribe ScrollB . † New feat described on page 22.

Languages: Aboleth, Aquan, Undercommon, Common, Draconic, Infernal, Terran.

Enlarged Enslave (Su): Iltharshub’s enslave special attack extends to a range of 60 feet and can be resisted with a DC 25 Will save.

Glyph Mastery (Sp): When Iltharshub creates an aboleth glyph, multiply the base cost of the glyph by 75% to determine its cost in XP and raw materials. Additionally, Iltharshub can cast glyph of warding twice per day as a spell-like ability at a cost of 200 gp in raw materials or 8 XP.

Psionics (Sp): At will—hypnotic pattern (DC 14), illusory wall (DC 16), mirage arcana (DC 17), persistent image (DC 17), programmed image (DC 18), project image (DC 19), veil (DC 18). Caster level 16th.

Slime (Ex): Iltharshub’s slime special attack can be resisted with a DC 30 Fortitude save.

Mucus Cloud (Ex): The effect of Iltharshub’s mucus cloud can be resisted with a DC 28 Fortitude save.

Recrudescent Memories (Ex): Iltharshub increased its Intelligence score by 2 points upon reaching 2nd level as a savant aboleth.

Wizard Spells Prepared (caster level 15th): 0 —arcane mark, detect magic (2), resistance (DC 19); 1st—comprehend languages, identify, magic missile (2), ray of enfeeblement (2) (+14 ranged touch), shield; 2nd—false life, invisibility, knock, mirror image, spectral hand, touch of idiocy (+20 melee touch); 3rd—arcane sight, clairaudience/clairvoyance, dispel magic, displacement, haste, vampiric touch (+20 melee touch); 4th—arcane eye, dimension door (2), lesser geas (DC 23), phantasmal killer (DC 23), wall of ice (DC 23); 5th—break enchantment, passwall, prying eyes, Rary’s telepathic bond, teleport, wall of force; 6th—analyze dweomer, disintegrate (+14 ranged touch, DC 25), greater dispel magic, legend lore; 7th—fi nger of death (DC 26), limited wish, greater scrying (DC 26); 8th—horrid wilting (DC 27), temporal stasis (+20 melee touch, DC 27). Spellbook: as above plus 0 —all others; 1st—detect secret doors, erase, mage armor, protection from good; 2nd—arcane lock, command undead, protection from arrows, web; 3rd—hold person, nondetection, protection from energy, summon monster III; 4th—confusion, dimensional anchor, lesser globe of invulnerability, solid fog; 5th—cone of cold, dismissal, permanency, summon monster V, symbol of pain; 6th—control water, mass suggestion, repulsion, true seeing; 7th—banishment, greater arcane sight, symbol of weakness; 8th—discern location, mind blank, symbol of insanity.

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