13 minute read
Topaz Guardian
No evil that crawls on or below the face of the earth is the equal of our true and righteous wrath. Be resolute, be determined, be relentless in your pursuit of creatures that enslave or devour human beings. This is a war of extermination, and failure is unthinkable. —Jasminder Aree, Grand Sunwarden
The Holy Order of the Supernal Topaz Defenders (or the Topaz Order, for short) is an organization of righteous knights, clerics, and champions united in the defense of humankind and its allies from the threat of unhuman monstrosities. While it opposes all intelligent races that prey on humanity, the order reserves its special hatred for creatures that use mind-affecting magic to dominate and enslave humans and other good-aligned humanoids. Followers of Heironeous, members of the order comprise an elite band of warriors. Resolute crusaders, the topaz guardians are the elite initiates of the order. They boldly confront unhuman predators such as mind fl ayers, beholders, aboleths, and neogi, their spies and agents, and any beings allied with the monsters, seeking to exterminate the creatures at every opportunity. Other aberrations with similarly monstrous and evil schemes also have the enmity of the Topaz Order. If mind fl ayers or aboleths aren’t close at hand, topaz guardians are more than willing to seek out and destroy the outposts of aboleths, beholders, tsochari, and like creatures. The Topaz Order is so named because its emblem is a brilliant oval yellow topaz on a fi eld of cobalt blue. The topaz symbolizes protection, resolve, and the sun, and is always used in the creation of the topaz diadems for which the order is renowned.
While the Topaz Order includes a number of good-aligned fi ghters, clerics, monks, and paladins, only a few of these stalwarts pursue the path of the topaz guardian. Most topaz guardians are paladins, monks, or fi ghter/clerics. A human paladin with a decent Intelligence score has the easiest time qualifying for the class. An applicant must be a skillful warrior, strong of will, with keen perception, experience in underground exploration and movement, and the ability to shake off effects that would leave other characters stunned and unable to act. As with any combat-oriented character, he’ll fi nd that high Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity serve him well in this prestige class. In addition, he’ll most likely want at least one exceptional mental characteristic: Intelligence for the skill points, Wisdom for perception and mental resistance, or Charisma to obtain the best benefi t of divine grace (if he is a paladin).
Entry Requirements Alignment: Any good. Base Attack Bonus: +5. Base Will Save: +3 OR divine grace class feature. Skills: Knowledge (dungeoneering) 4 ranks, Sense Motive 4 ranks, Spot 2 ranks. Feat: Quick Recovery†. Special: Must be sponsored by an existing member and approved by a High Sunwarden of the order. † New feat described on page 181.
All of the following are class features of the topaz guardian prestige class.
Spellcasting: At 2nd, 4th, and 5th levels, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefi t a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a topaz guardian, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.
Topaz Diadem: All topaz guardians are given a topaz diadem as a symbol of their devotion and a shield against their foes. The diadem is a sturdy headband of fi nely tooled leather, with a large yellow topaz set in its center. See the sidebar on this page for a description of the topaz diadem’s effects. At 3rd level, the sacred bonuses offered by the diadem increase to +2. At 5th level, the bonuses increase to +3. Topaz diadems function only for members of the topaz guardian prestige class. If your diadem is lost or destroyed, you can obtain another one from the order at a cost of 6,000 gp and after a wait of twelve days.
Smite Aberration (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, you can attempt to smite an aberration once per day with one normal melee attack. You add your Charisma bonus (if any) to your attack roll and deal an extra 2 points of damage per topaz guardian class level. If you smite a creature that is not an
Table 9 –9: The Topaz Guardian Hit Die: d8 Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Spellcasting 1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Topaz diadem +1 — 2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Smite aberration 1/day +1 level of existing spellcasting class 3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Topaz diadem +2, hard to hold — 4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Smite aberration 2/day +1 level of existing spellcasting class 5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Topaz diadem +3 +1 level of existing spellcasting class
Class Skills (2 + Int modif ier per level): Climb, Concentration, Craft, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (dungeoneering),
Knowledge (religion), Profession, Sense Motive, and Spot.
aberration, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for the day. At 4th level, you can attempt to smite aberrations twice per day.
Hard to Hold (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, you learn how to wriggle free of the deadly tentacles that are so common among aberrations and other psionics-using creatures. You gain a bonus equal to your class level on all grapple checks to resist or escape from a grapple.
You are a courageous and honorable defender of your people. Compassion, piety, and love for your people have inspired you to dedicate yourself to the unending battle against the darkest and most terrible of foes. While other warriors facing such enemies become grim and cynical, your faith in the righteousness of your cause shields you from such disillusionment. You are fi ghting the good fi ght, and your certainty helps to anchor you against the foul darkness and mind-numbing horrors you must face. While you embody the virtues of compassion and love for your fellows, you understand that your enemies—aboleths, mind fl ayers, and other unhuman monstrosities—are creatures of irredeemable evil, deserving of nothing but the swiftest and most thorough destruction you can deliver. You are an implacable foe, and when you confront your sworn enemies, you burn with a brilliant and righteous wrath that few can withstand. By your courage and dedication you hope to set an unforgettable example, so that your zeal might serve to ignite in others the will to combat evil.
You live for the opportunity to bring aberrations and other such abominations within reach of your sword or fi sts. Thanks to your training and your diadem, you can resist the insidious mental attacks of such monsters. Your superior combat skills provide you with an uncanny ability to oppose the hordes of minions employed by master aberrations. While you possess no shortage of physical courage and zeal for your cause, you are not a witless thug. It’s true that you are inclined to surprise your aberration foes by battering through their defenses with speed and determination, but you will not recklessly throw away your life if you can help it. The best weapon against an aberration outpost is a well-coordinated team of heroes with a variety of skills and strengths, not a solitary avenger whose only alternatives are to conquer or die. Therefore, you look for opportunities to strip away the advantages of your enemies by the clever use of your companions’ magic and skills so you can face them as you were meant to: holy steel against writhing tentacles, righteous zeal versus unhuman evil.
Qualifying for the topaz guardian prestige class requires forfeiting at least one feat that you are likely to miss. As you gain levels, you will probably want to catch up on the good combat feats you missed earlier. Weapon Focus and Improved Critical are quick ways to improve your combat ability. Power Attack and Cleave are also good choices. Don’t overlook Improved Sunder; some creatures that attack with tentacles can be literally disarmed by a determined attack against their natural weapons. If you want to multiclass while advancing as a topaz guardian, consider taking fi ghter levels. You want to gain a lot of feats quickly, and the fi ghter class is simply the best for that. A level or two of cleric is not bad, either, since it helps your Will save even more and gives you some spellcasting ability.
The Topaz Order is naturally strongest and most well established in lands that face serious aberration threats. The church of Heironeous does all it can to support the order in such places. In general, a topaz guardian can obtain healing (or other spellcasting services) from a cleric of Heironeous at 25% of the normal cost, and his companions can obtain healing at 75% the normal cost. The church also goes to some trouble to provide topaz guardians with the magical fi repower they need to fi ght their sworn enemies. A topaz guardian with a reputation for success can borrow specifi c items necessary for his expeditions. If the item is expended, the guardian is expected to compensate the church accordingly. The specifi c items available are left to the
DM’s discretion, but in general, an item or items totaling no more than 10% of the wealth guidelines given on Table 5–1 in the Dungeon Master’s Guide is not unreasonable. For example, a 6th-level paladin/4th-level topaz guardian is a 10th-level character, so items up to 4,900 gp in value (10% of 49,000) could be borrowed. To borrow items, a topaz guardian must establish a good personal relationship with the locally presiding cleric of Heironeous, and he must possess a reputation for successful adventuring and personal integrity. Of course, it might take time to obtain unusual or specifi c items.
The Topaz Order remains constantly vigilant for signs of aberration incursions—specifi cally, aboleth raids, grell hunts, neogi slaving raids, and mind fl ayer attacks. Individual members of the order seek out adventuring companies going into aberration-held areas and ask them to bring back news of mind fl ayer sightings or similar threats. Order members also organize elite bands or companies (including adventurers) to raze aberration outposts and drive them back into the underground depths.
The Holy Order of the Supernal Topaz Defenders is divided into a number of relatively small chapters. Each chapter includes anywhere from fi ve to twenty clerics, paladins, fi ghters, monks, and topaz guardians, all of whom share a chapter house or base of operations in a good-sized temple to Heironeous. The members of a chapter make an effort to assemble once a month to share news, install new members, and recognize notable achievements. It’s not at all uncommon
for the chapter house to be virtually deserted at most other times. The order members have other duties and responsibilities scattered all over the region, and even those who don’t have other duties are frequently engaged in efforts to ferret out the secret strongholds of their sworn enemies. The order recognizes four ranks: Brother (or Sister), Guardian, Sunwarden, and High Sunwarden. Brothers and Sisters make up about two-thirds of the membership; these are the fi ghters, clerics, paladins, and others who have sworn allegiance to the Topaz Order, but who have not actually taken levels in the topaz guardian prestige class. Brothers and Sisters are the foot soldiers of the society, called upon to join companies attacking aberration strongholds, but otherwise left to their own devices. Guardians have taken levels in the prestige class. They are champions, commanders, and agents who have no other duties in the church of Heironeous. The most experienced guardian in a chapter is appointed the chapter’s Sunwarden, or leader. A Sunwarden is considered equal in rank to the high priest of a temple of Heironeous, but defers to the ranking cleric of the temple that hosts his chapter house. Sunwardens who lead chapters of more than twelve members, or who have been especially recognized by the head of the order, are referred to as High Sunwardens. The leader of the Topaz Order is Grand Sunwarden Jasminder Aree (LG female human paladin 7/topaz guardian 10), who governs the Hall of the Supernal Topaz, a fortifi ed abbey located near Verbobonc. NPC Reactions
The knights who serve in the Topaz Order form only one of the knightly orders, martial societies, and dedicated fellowships to be found in a typical human kingdom. Not many common folk know the specifi c cause or composition of the Topaz Order, and so commoners view topaz guardians in much the same way that they would view any temple-sworn knight or paladin in the service of Heironeous. Good-aligned people look upon topaz guardians as valorous defenders of the common good—a little overzealous or aristocratic to be really likable, perhaps, but admirable nonetheless. Evil-aligned creatures detest the crusading zeal of the order, and regard topaz guardians as selfrighteous inquisitors who insist on making others adhere to their ridiculous standards of conduct and morality. The topaz guardians get on well with the abolishers of the Circle of the True; members of the Circle hold a helpful attitude toward topaz guardians, even if they sometimes think that the guardians are a little too focused on master aberrations as opposed to the entire abominable class of monsters. Keepers of the Cerulean Sign are also friendly toward members of the Topaz Order. While they believe that the guardians have an overly simple notion about how to go about opposing the machinations of aberrations, the keepers certainly respect the topaz guardians’ determination and zeal. Naturally, any master aberration aware of the order’s existence views its adherents in the worst possible light. Aboleths, mind fl ayers, and other such aberrations are without fail hostile to the topaz guardians and all who travel with them.
All topaz guardians wear a magic headband known as a topaz diadem. A diadem confers a +1 sacred bonus to AC and a +1 sacred bonus on saving throws against attacks made by or effects created by evil creatures. It also blocks any attempt to possess the wearer or to exercise mental control over the wearer by means of enchantment (charm) or enchantment (compulsion) effects, as described in the spell protection from evil. (Some enchantment spells, such as hold person, do not require the caster to actively exercise mental control, and therefore still
work against the wearer of a diadem.) Unlike the spell, a diadem offers no protection against summoned creatures. Diadems are created for members of the Topaz Order, and function only for characters of the topaz guardian prestige class. As a wearer gains levels in the topaz guardian prestige class, his topaz diadem likewise grows more powerful; see the topaz guardian prestige class description. Moderate abjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, bless, magic circle against evil, creator must be a member of the Topaz Order; Price 12,000 gp. pqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqrs
Illus. by M. Phillippi