3 minute read
Illus. by S. Ellis

Large Construct (Cold) Hit Dice: 11d10+30 (60 hp) Initiative: –1 Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), swim 30 ft. Armor Class: 20 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +12 natural), touch 8, fl atfooted 20 Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+19 Attack: Slam +14 melee (2d10+7) Full Attack: 4 slams +14 melee (2d10+7) Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft. Special Attacks: Engulf, improved grab, wall of ice Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 10/—, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to acid, immunity to cold, lowlight vision, vulnerability to fi re, watery concealment Saves: Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3 Abilities: Str 25, Dex 9, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1 Skills: — Feats: — Environment: Underground Organization: Solitary or gang (2–4) Challenge Rating: 10 Treasure: None Alignment: Always neutral Advancement: 12–22 HD (Large); 23–33 HD (Huge) Level Adjustment: —
A pool of seething fl uid piles up on itself, forming an undulant mass of four large tentacles joined to a central mound of thick, syrupy liquid.
Shaboaths are constructs created by powerful aboleths to guard their cities and perform various errands. They have bodies made of thick, transparent fl uid—water tainted with the slime exuded by a savant aboleth. A shaboath is a shapeless creature that resembles a sphere or pool of water when at rest. When it attacks, it creates four large pseudopods. A shaboath is about 10 feet wide, with 10-foot-long tentacles. It weighs about 12,000 pounds. A shaboath cannot speak nor make any vocal noise. The creature carries with it a distinctive musty smell, like that of mildew or swamp water. On land, it moves with a sloshing, undulant coiling, and leaves a trail of moisture in its wake.
Shaboaths are relentless combatants. They are diffi cult to harm with weaponry and are immune to many spells and energy types; only fi re is guaranteed to be effective against them. They attack by forming four large tentacles, which they use to slam any targets in reach (other than aboleths).
Engulf (Ex): A shaboath can attempt to engulf a grabbed opponent that is equal to or smaller than its size category by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 2d10+10 points of crushing damage per round. If the opponent cannot breathe water, it must hold its breath or begin to drown. An engulfed creature can escape by making a successful grapple check or Escape Artist check. The amount of time a creature can hold its breath if it takes a standard action is reduced by 1 round. A shaboath can engulf 1 Large creature, 2 Medium creatures, 4 Small creatures, 8 Tiny creatures, 16 Diminutive creatures, or 32 Fine creatures at one time.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a shaboath must hit with a slam attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it can attempt to engulf the target in the following round.
Wall of Ice (Su): A shaboath can generate a wall of ice (as the spell, caster level 20th) once per minute as a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Construct Traits: A shaboath has immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, necromancy effects, mind-affecting spells and abilities (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless it also works on objects or is harmless. It is not subject to extra damage from critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain. It cannot heal damage, but it can be repaired. It has darkvision out to 60 feet and low-light vision.
Watery Concealment (Ex): A shaboath that is completely underwater is diffi cult to see. Its form constantly shifts and blends with the surrounding water, granting the creature concealment.
Shaboath golem