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Ankheg Breastplate
Table 4–2: Soulborn Soulmelds
Chakra Soulmeld Basic Effect*
Crown Crystal Helm +2 resistance bonus on Will saves against charm and compulsion Diadem of Purelight Create a constant source of light Enigma Helm Protection from divinations Hunter’s Circlet +2 bonus on Heal and Survival checks Necrocarnum Circlet Detect undead within 30 feet Soulspark Familiar Create soulspark creature Soulspeaker Circlet Understand a spoken language
Feet Cerulean Sandals Walk on water Impulse Boots Uncanny dodge (retain Dex bonus to AC when fl at-footed) Thunderstep Boots Deal 1d4 sonic damage as part of charge attack
Hands Gloves of the Poisoned Soul Touch poisons target Lucky Dice +1 luck bonus on chosen rolls Mauling Gauntlets +2 bonus on Strength checks Necrocarnum Weapon Chosen weapon bypasses DR as if evil-aligned Sighting Gloves +1 bonus on ranged damage rolls
Arms Armguards of Disruption 1d6 points of damage to undead with melee touch attack Bluesteel Bracers +2 bonus on initiative checks Mauling Gauntlets +2 bonus on Strength checks Necrocarnum Touch +4 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks and on Bluff checks to feint in combat Riding Bracers +4 bonus on Handle Animal and Ride checks Sailor’s Bracers +4 bonus on Swim, Profession (sailor), and Use Rope checks
Brow Fearsome Mask +2 bonus on Intimidate checks Illusion Veil +1 bonus on illusion spell DCs Silvertongue Mask +2 bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks Soulspark Familiar Create soulspark creature Truthseeker Goggles +2 bonus on Gather Information, Search, and Sense Motive checks
Shoulders Pauldrons of Health Immunity to disease and to being sickened or nauseated Therapeutic Mantle Enhances the effect of healing spells Wind Cloak Damage reduction 2/magic against ranged attacks
Throat Arcane Focus +1 bonus on spell damage Necrocarnum Mantle Immunity to disease Silvertongue Mask +2 bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks Soulspark Familiar Create soulspark creature Soulspeaker Circlet Understand a spoken language
Waist Flame Cincture Resistance to fire 10 Necrocarnum Shroud +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls when adjacent creature takes damage Necrocarnum Vestments Resistance to cold 5 Strongheart Vest Reduce ability damage by 1 point
Heart† Necrocarnum Vestments Resistance to cold 5 Spellward Shirt Spell Resistance 5 Strongheart Vest Reduce ability damage by 1 point
Soul† Necrocarnum Shroud +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls when adjacent creature takes damage
* See full soulmeld descriptions for effects of essentia investment and chakra binds. † Chakra binds for these soulmelds accessible to soulborns with the Open Heart Chakra and Open Soul Chakra epic feats.
Essentia: Every point of essentia you invest in your airstep sandals increases the distance you can fl y by 10 feet.
Chakra Bind (Feet)
Your airstep sandals merge into your feet, turning your legs sky blue from your knees down to your toes. You become capable of aerial acrobatics, turning on a dime in midair with a soft burst of pale blue mist. You fl y with perfect maneuverability. In practical terms, this means that you can reverse direction without paying a movement cost, you can turn freely without spending any extra movement, and you can ascend at full speed.
Descriptors: Acid Classes: Totemist Chakra: Throat (totem)