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Enigma Helm
of all alignments fi nd acidic spittle a useful weapon against a variety of opponents. As a standard action, you can spit a glob of acid at a target within 30 feet. This requires a ranged touch attack to hit and deals 1d6 points of acid damage. Using dissolving spittle provokes attacks of opportunity.
Essentia: Every point of essentia you invest in your dissolving spittle increases the damage dealt by 1d6 points.
Chakra Bind (Throat)
Instead of a torc around your neck, the writhing shape of a twoheaded dragon arcs around your throat in blue-green scales. Tendrils of midnight blue extend up your neck and down into your shoulders like diseased veins.
When you use your ability to spit acid at an opponent, the target takes normal damage in the round you spit acid. You also roll again for damage 1 round later.
Descriptors: None Classes: Totemist Chakra: Arms, feet, or heart (totem) Saving Throw: See text
Incarnum forms into a heavy, caramel-brown carapace covering your back. Short spines protrude from this shell, and light gleams from its surface. Though it has no actual protective value (unless you bind it to your heart chakra), the carapace fi lls you with the destructive power of the tarrasque.

Possibly the most dreaded of all magical beasts, the tarrasque is also the only magical beast whose power is channeled and embodied in two different soulmelds—dread carapace and totem avatar. Totemists who shape dread carapace can emulate a variety of the tarrasque’s many aspects—primary among them its sheer power in melee combat. While your dread carapace is shaped, you gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls when you are using a bite attack, or a +1 bonus when you are using a claw or other natural attack. In exchange, you take a –1 penalty on attack rolls with natural weapons.
Essentia: Every point of essentia you invest in your dread carapace increases your attack penalty by 1 and your damage bonus by 2 (for bite attacks) or 1 (for other natural weapons). Thus, if you invest 5 points of essentia in this soulmeld, you take a –6 penalty on attack rolls and gain a +12 bonus on damage rolls with a bite, or +6 with a different natural weapon.

Chakra Bind (Arms)
While the appearance of your dread carapace is unchanged, your upper arms manifest scaly plates, while spikes emerge from your elbows. At the same time, any natural weapons you possess become more deadly—sharper, longer, better able to slice through skin and armor to tear at vulnerable fl esh.
The threat range of any natural attacks you possess (either naturally or as a result of another soulmeld) is doubled. This doesn’t stack with any other effect that increases the threat range of your natural weapon.
This halfl ing incarnate wears airstep sandals and bluesteel bracers
Chakra Bind (Feet)
While the appearance of your dread carapace is unchanged, your legs become increasingly muscular, and their shape alters slightly so that you more naturally move on just your toes and the balls of your feet.
Once per minute, you can add an enhancement bonus of +60 feet to your speed for 1 round. This enhancement bonus is increased by 10 feet for every point of essentia invested in your dread carapace.
Illus. by F. Vohwinkel