3 minute read
Soulbound Weapon
Chakra Suggested Effects
Hands +2 insight bonus on Disable Device, Forgery, Heal, Open Lock, Perform (keyboard instruments, percussion instruments, or string instruments), Sleight of Hand, or Use Rope checks +1 insight bonus on attack rolls for attacks of opportunity +1 insight bonus on damage rolls when attacking flat-footed opponent +1 insight bonus on save DC of stunning attacks +4 insight bonus on checks or rolls made to avoid being disarmed or held weapon or shield being sundered Gain 1 extra stunning attack per day
Heart +4 insight bonus on saves against fear effects +1 insight bonus to spell resistance (must have SR 5 or better) +1 insight bonus to existing DR of any type (must have DR 3 or better) Gain 1 extra rage per day
Shoulders +2 insight bonus to AC against rolls made to confirm critical threats +4 insight bonus on Fortitude saves against death and energy drain attacks +4 insight bonus on Fortitude saves against paralysis and stunning attacks +1 insight bonus to DR/adamantine, DR/cold iron, or DR/silver (must have DR 5 or better) +5-foot insight bonus to fly speed (must have fly speed of 30 feet or better) +5 insight bonus to existing resistance to particular energy type (must have resistance to energy type of 10 or better)
Soul +1 insight bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance +1 insight bonus to caster level on spells of a particular alignment +4 insight bonus on saves against spells of a particular alignment +2 insight bonus on turn/rebuke checks Gain 1 extra turn/rebuke attempt per day Gain 1 extra smite attempt per day Damage reduction 1/(chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) or +1 insight bonus to existing DR/alignment
Throat +2 insight bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, or Perform (act, comedy, oratory, wind instruments, or sing) checks +2 insight bonus on Fortitude saves against ingested or inhaled poisons Gain 1 extra bardic music use per day
Waist +2 insight bonus on Constitution checks +2 insight bonus on Escape Artist checks +2 insight bonus on Fortitude saves against injury poisons +4 insight bonus on Fortitude saves against disease +1 insight bonus to fast healing (must have fast healing 5 or better) +1 insight bonus to regeneration (must have regeneration 5 or better) Gain 1 hp per 2 HD
Weight: As normal for armor or shield. Price: +1 bonus (lesser) or +3 bonus (greater).
A weapon with a special ability must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus.
A soulbound weapon allows its wearer to invest essentia to improve his ability to hit and deal damage.
Description: Soulbound weapons have no special appearance except when essentia is invested in them, at which point they crackle with faintly visible blue sparks.
Prerequisite: Anyone can wield a soulbound weapon, though only those with an essentia pool can take advantage of its full benefi t.
Activation: Investing essentia in or reallocating essentia invested in a soulbound weapon is part of the swift action required to invest or reallocate essentia.
Effect: A soulbound weapon serves as a receptacle for the wearer’s essentia much like a soulmeld. Every point of essentia invested in the weapon increases its enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls by 1, up to a maximum of +5. Soulbound weapons have an essentia capacity. Lesser soulbound weapons have a maximum essentia capacity of 2, while greater soulbound weapons have a maximum essentia capacity of 4. The maximum value of essentia that can be invested in the weapon is equal to this capacity or the character’s normal essentia capacity (see Table 2–1: Essentia Capacity), whichever is less.
Chakra Bind: A soulbound weapon grants extra power if you bind it to your arms, brow, or hands chakra. Each day, you must choose one of the following benefi ts for which you qualify; you cannot change your decision until 24 hours have passed.
Arms: The wearer gains a +2 insight bonus on rolls made to confi rm critical hits with the weapon.
Brow: Once per round, if you miss because of concealment, you can reroll your miss chance percentile roll one time to see if you actually hit.