8 minute read
Complicating Factors
Tulmercy,stuck with Fortitude Intuition +2 (his resting mode) because ofbeing surprised—and flat-footed,to boot—rolls a 10.Fortitude Intuition is a Constitution mode, which,in the sea,grants no benefit.As a 12th-level psion,his mode check modifier is +8.Thus,Tulmercy’s total for the opposed mode check is 10 (roll) + 0 (mindscape type modifier) + 2 (psionic combat mode modifier) + 8 (psion mode check bonus) = 20.
Rulwar’s 24 beats Tulmercy’s 20,and the mindscape benefit for the round goes to Rulwar.Rulwar’s Mind Insurgency +4 grants him,in the real world for his normal action,a +1 bonus to the Difficulty Class ofany power he uses against his foe.It doesn’t make any difference what Tulmercy’s mode would have done—he doesn’t get its benefit because he lost the opposed roll.Taking advantage ofthis benefit,Rulwar’s real-world surprise action is to manifest stomp, which normally has a Difficulty Class ofd20 + 2 for him,but in this instance has a Difficulty Class of d20 + 3.Rolling the Difficulty Class normally,he gets a 12 + 3 = 15. Rulwar’s stomp precipitates a shock that threatens to topple Tulmercy, who rolls his Reflex saving throw normally—and fails! He falls prone.The surprise round is over.
With the surprise action resolved,the combatants roll initiative for the first normal round ofcombat.And so the battle continues....
Mindscape Psionic Combat Sequence
It’s important to remember that, during mindscape psionic combat, no actual physical action takes place within the mindscape. You don’t use powers there, nor do you take a swing at your combatant. The mindscape is a purely mental plane in which a mode check victory gives a character the edge in an ongoing real-world conflict. Here’s a quick recap of the combat steps: 1. Mindscape Formation: Roll to determine the mindscape type. Combatants may adjust the mindscape type. 2. Decide to Fight: If combat occurs, roll initiative unless initiative has already been rolled for physical combat. 3. Declare Modes: The combatant with the lowest initiative declares its mode, then the next lowest declares its mode, and so on until all combatants have declared modes. 4. Opposed Mode Check: Each combatant rolls a mode check on the highest initiative result achieved by any psionic combatants present. The check is opposed by all other combatants. The highest modified result wins the round.
5. Apply Mode Effects in the Real World:
Modify physical-world actions according to the winner’s psionic mode. 6. End of Round: When all creatures involved in mindscape and real-world battle have taken their actions, go to the next round. If the mindscape combat continues, go to Step 3 and repeat until mindscape combat ends.
What ifpsionic combat is more complicated than the scenario described above? Refer to this section for your answers.
Unconsciousness: Ifone psionic combatant becomes unconscious,through any means,she can no longer take part in psionic combat,and her avatar drops out ofthe mindscape.Ifshe is one ofonly two psionic entities sustaining it,the mindscape fades.
Reluctant Combatant: Ifyou engage an enemy in psionic combat who doesn’t wish to clash,too bad for him.Ifthe decision to drop the mindscape is not mutual,the mental plane stays.And,ifyou lash out with a mode on your initiative,your enemy’s avatar’s very nature means that it has to interact with yours.In other words,a mode check occurs,regardless ofthe reluctant combatant’s wishes.Ofcourse,ifthe reluctant combatant wins the mode check for the round,he doesn’t have to press the advantage he gains in the realm ofthe real.
Multiple Combatants: When more than two psionic creatures come within 60 feet ofeach other,their avatars all appear in the same mindscape.No matter how many psychic avatars appear in a given mindscape,each combatant rolls only a single mode check per round.Those who are unfriendly to each other compare totals,and depending on whose opposed mode check is higher,two or more enemies could potentially win the mindscape combat round against a single foe,or just one,or none,depending on whose opposed check was highest.(Friends could compare their opposed checks,too,but in the portion ofthe round in which they take real-world actions,they most likely will not target each other with attacks or powers.)
For instance,ifZelestine and Rulwar (psionic characters) fight against three blues (psionic goblins from the Psionics Handbook),each rolls just a single opposed mode check.The results:blue #1 gets 25,Zelestine gets 23,blue #2 gets 19, Rulwar gets 18,and blue #3 gets 15.No matter the order of initiative,when blue #1 takes its real-world action,its unbeaten mode check this round means that its action (or defense) is positively modified versus any ofthe others.Ofcourse,it can physically act against only one ofits foes this round. Zelestine’s opposed rolls were higher than two ofher foes’,so ifshe chose a Strength-based mode,she’ll target either blue #2 or #3 (but again,she can act against only one foe during one action with the benefits ofher mode).Finally,Rulwar beat only one ofthe blues.Since he switched to a Dexteritybased mode this round,he hopes that blue #3,at least,attacks him;it is the only foe against which his mode has an effect.If Rulwar had beat all the blues and had used the Reflex Catechesis mode (which grants a bonus on his Reflex saves), he’d gain that bonus against all three ifthey targeted him with an effect that required a Reflex saving throw.
Despite the number ofcontests,all opposed mode checks are rolled simultaneously during the action ofthe psionic character with the highest initiative.
Moving Around: You win a mode check,but your enemy (who won initiative) moves farther than 60 feet from you, and so collapses the mental plane before you take your action.It doesn’t matter—ifthe mode check indicated you as the winner,you gain the benefits ofthe particular mode against your foe for the round (and vice versa).
Hasteor Schism: Regardless ofthe number ofactions you gain in the real world,the effects ofan opposed mode check
Psionic Combat Modes
Strength Brain Hammer +4 +1 bonus on one melee or ranged attack roll against your foe Strength Brain Hammer +0 +3 bonus on one melee or ranged attack roll against your foe Strength Brain Hammer –4 +5 bonus on one melee or ranged attack roll against your foe Strength Force Multiplier +4 +1 bonus on one melee or ranged damage roll against your foe Strength Force Multiplier +2 +3 bonus on one melee or ranged damage roll against your foe Strength Force Multiplier +0 +5 bonus on one melee or ranged damage roll against your foe Dexterity Reflex Catechesis +4 +2 bonus on all Reflex saves against your foe Dexterity Reflex Catechesis +2 +3 bonus on all Reflex saves against your foe Dexterity Reflex Catechesis +0 +4 bonus on all Reflex saves against your foe Dexterity Id Feint*** +4 +2 bonus on any Disguise checks opposed by your foe Dexterity Id Feint*** +2 +4 bonus on any Disguise checks opposed by your foe Dexterity Id Feint*** +0 +6 bonus on any Disguise checks opposed by your foe Constitution Fortitude Intuition +4 +2 bonus on all your Fortitude saves against your foe Constitution Fortitude Intuition +2 +3 bonus on all your Fortitude saves against your foe Constitution Fortitude Intuition +0 +4 bonus on all your Fortitude saves against your foe Constitution Body Tank +4 DR 1/— against your foe Constitution Body Tank +0 DR 3/— against your foe Constitution Body Tank –4 DR 5/— against your foe Intelligence Mind Insurgency +4 +1 bonus to one power Difficulty Class against your foe Intelligence Mind Insurgency +0 +3 bonus to one power Difficulty Class against your foe Intelligence Mind Insurgency –4 +5 bonus to one power Difficulty Class against your foe Intelligence Sap Mind‡‡ +4 1 pp drained from foe who fails a save against your power Intelligence Sap Mind‡‡ +0 3 pp drained from foe who fails a save against your power Intelligence Sap Mind‡‡ –4 5 pp drained from foe who fails a save against your power Wisdom Indomitable Will +4 +2 bonus on all your Will saves against your foe Wisdom Indomitable Will +2 +3 bonus on all your Will saves against your foe Wisdom Indomitable Will +0 +4 bonus on all your Will saves against your foe Wisdom Acumen Screen +4 +1 bonus to your Armor Class against all your foe’s attacks Wisdom Acumen Screen +2 +2 bonus to your Armor Class against all your foe’s attacks Wisdom Acumen Screen +0 +3 bonus to your Armor Class against all your foe’s attacks Charisma Empathic Multiplier +4 +1 point ofdamage to one damaging powermanifested against your foe Charisma Empathic Multiplier +0 +3 points ofdamage to one damaging powermanifested against your foe Charisma Empathic Multiplier –4 +5 points ofdamage to one damaging powermanifested against your foe Charisma Psychic Subdual†† +4 +2 bonus on your mode check roll next round against your foe Charisma Psychic Subdual†† +2 +3 bonus on your mode checkroll next round against your foe Charisma Psychic Subdual†† +0 +4 bonus on your mode check roll next round against your foe
* Implied progressions do not mean an extrapolated progression exists;extrapolating the implied progression could break the balance. ** Psionic mode effects are applicable in the real world only during the round in which the mode check was made,unless specifically noted otherwise (such as with Psychic Subdual). *** Ifyou win the opposed Mode check and subsequent opposed Disguise/Spot check against a single foe,you drop out ofthe mindscape and cannot be pulled back into one with that opponent for 1 full round.To drop out ofa mindscape with multiple foes,you would have to win the opposed Disguise/Spot check against all foes in the mindscape. †† The mode check bonus granted by Psychic Subdual works only against the foe that you beat in psionic combat the previous round. ‡‡ Your foe loses power points ifshe is affected by any one power you manifest this round (regardless ofthe nature ofthe power). Ifyour foe is not affected either because she makes a successful saving throw or you don’t target her with a power,she does not lose the power points.Powers that still have a partial effect even on the foe’s successful saving throw and powers that affect a target without need for a saving throw also drain the foe’s power points.