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Chapter Four: POWERS Power Lists
Chapter Four 45 Powers
This chapter offers a selection ofnew powers converted from what were once standard psionic combat attack and defense modes,plus many completely new powers.
he abilities described as attack and defense modes in the Psionics Handbook are here translated as standard psionic powers and,like any psionic power,are available for psionic PCs to choose as they advance in level.Except for monsters (and then only for attack modes),prior knowledge ofstandard psionic attack or defense modes does not give characters converted to use the mindscape psionic combat system knowledge ofsimilarly named psionic powers.
Power Lists
The psionic discipline abbreviations in the lists that follow are the same as those used in the PsionicsHandbook:
Abbreviation Discipline
Clasen Clairsentience Metcre Metacreativity Psykin Psychokinesis Psymet Psychometabolism Psyport Psychoportation Telep Telepathy
0-Level Psion Powers (Talents)
Clasen Aver. You gain a +2 bonus on your Bluffcheck. Detect Compulsion. You know ifthe target is controlled. Metcre Vitrify. The target’s skin becomes glassy and provides some protection. Psykin Jigger. You gain a +2 bonus on your Open Lock check. Psymet Avaunt. You gain a +2 bonus on your Intimidate check. Psyport Bound. You gain a +2 bonus on your Jump check. Teleport Auxiliary. The target doesn’t count toward the limit of teleport. Telep Detect Compulsion. You know ifthe target is controlled. Judge. You gain a +2 bonus on your Sense Motive check.
1st-Level Psion Powers
Clasen Empty Mind. You gain a +2 insight bonus on Will saves. Psychic Crush. Ray reduces Wisdom 1d2 points +1 point per two levels. Metcre Restore Crystal. You repair crystals (including psicrystals and constructs) for 1d8+1 points per level. Psymet Clot. You stop bleeding. Mental Barrier. You gain a +2 insight bonus on Fortitude saves. Psyport Circumstance Shield. You gain a +2 insight bonus on Reflex saves. Slow Light. Languid movement oflight grants the target a 20 percent miss chance. Telep Ego Whip. Your ranged touch attack dazes a foe. Id Insinuation. Ray reduces Charisma 1d4 points +1 point per two levels. Suppress Compulsion. You attempt to free a target from control for 1 round per level (5 rounds maximum).
2nd-Level Psion Powers
Clasen Psychic Bodyguard. You make a target’s Will saving throws for it. Metcre Mind Thrust. Ray reduces Intelligence 1d4 points +1 point per two levels. Throw Ectoform. You create weak ectoplasmic duplicates ofyourself. Woodermis. The target’s skin becomes woodlike and provides damage reduction. Psymet Condition Relief. You gain reliefifyou are dazed, confused,nauseated,shaken,and/or stunned. Construct Toughness. You are immune to critical hits and bludgeoning damage for 10 minutes per level. Empathic Clot. You clot a target’s bleeding wounds. Telep Terminate Compulsion. You attempt to free a target from control permanently.
3rd-Level Psion Powers
Clasen Mindful Aura. Onlookers are shaken with your apparent power and majesty. Metcre Mineralize. Target’s skin becomes stony and provides damage reduction. Psykin Expunge Psionic Circuit. Foe’s loss ofpsionic tattoo deals it 3d6 points ofdamage. Steal Item. Distant or tended objects appear in your grasp. Psymet EmpathicCondition Relief. You relieve a target’s condition. Psyport Causal Loop. The target is doomed to repeat its last action for 1 round per level. Telep Intellect Fortress. You gain immunity to mindaffecting powers for 1 round per level.
4th-Level Psion Powers
Metcre Metallize. The target’s skin becomes ferrous and provides damage reduction. Shatter Storm:Acid. The target and all within 10 feet take 8d6 points ofdamage from shrapnel/acid. Shatter Storm:Cold. The target and all within 10 feet take 8d6 points ofdamage from shrapnel/cold. Shatter Storm:Electricity. The target and all within 10 feet take 8d6 points ofdamage from shrapnel/electricity. Shatter Storm:Fire. The target and all within 10 feet take 8d6 points ofdamage from shrapnel/fire. Shatter Storm:Sonic. The target and all within 10 feet take 8d6 points ofdamage from shrapnel/sound. Psyport Temporal Concussion. You deal 7d6 points of damage and 1d4+2 points oftemporary Intelligence damage to one creature. Telep GreaterTerminate Compulsion. You make a stronger attempt to free a target from control. Sensorineural Cascade. You overwhelm sensory systems oftargets for 1 round per level. Tower ofIron Will. Intellect fortress† immunity for all in 10-foot-diameter area.
5th-Level Psion Powers
Clasen Power Leech. You steal powers from another’s mind for 10 minutes per level. Metcre Impresa. You create a rough duplicate ofa creature. Psykin Expurgate Psionic Circuit. Foe’s loss ofall psionic tattoos deals it 5d6 points ofdamage per tattoo. Psyport Dimensional Obstruction. You bar extradimensional movement in an area. Telep Mind Blast. You stun foes in a 60-foot cone for 1d4 rounds.
6th-Level Psion Powers
Clasen Transmigrate. You transmigrate the soul ofa dead subject into the body ofa living creature. Metcre Mithralize. The target’s skin becomes like mithral and provides damage reduction. Psymet Defer Fatality. You avoid death through suspended animation. Telep Brutalize Wounds. Your target takes more damage than normal from wounds.
7th-Level Psion Powers
Metcre Crawling Cromlech. You create a deadly widening circle bounded by stone slabs. Psymet Desolate. Your touch deals 13d6 points ofdamage plus 2d6+4 points oftemporary Strength damage.
8th-Level Psion Powers
Metcre Adamantify. The target’s skin becomes like adamantine and provides damage reduction. Psykin Detonate Psicrystal. You detonate your psicrystal to deal 30d6 points ofdamage in a 20-foot radius. Telep Erase Presence. Enemies forget you and your allies are present for 1 round per level. Utter Thrall. You take complete control of the target.
9th-Level Psion Powers
Telep Apopsic Hemorrhage. You delete 4d4 powers from the target (Difficulty Class modifier –10).
0-Level Psychic Warrior Powers
Avaunt. You gain a +2 bonus on your Intimidate check. (Str)
Bound. You gain a +2 bonus on your Jump check.(Dex)
1st-Level Psychic Warrior Powers
Circumstance Shield. You gain a +2 insight bonus on Reflex saves.(Dex)
Clot. You stop bleeding.(Str)
Ego Whip. Your ranged touch attack dazes a foe.(Cha)
Empty Mind. You gain a +2 insight bonus on Will saves. (Wis)
Id Insinuation. Ray reduces Charisma 1d4 points +1 point per two levels.(Cha)
Mental Barrier. You gain a +2 insight bonus on Fortitude saves.(Str)
Psychic Crush. Ray reduces Wisdom 1d2 points +1 point per two levels.(Wis)
2nd-Level Psychic Warrior Powers
Condition Relief. You gain reliefifyou are dazed,confused,nauseated,shaken,and/or stunned.(Str)
Construct Toughness. You are immune to critical hits and bludgeoning damage for 10 minutes per level.(Str)
Mind Thrust. Ray reduces Intelligence 1d4 points +1 point per two levels.(Int)
3rd-Level Psychic Warrior Powers
Intellect Fortress. You gain immunity to mind-affecting powers for 1 round per level.(Cha)
Steal Item. Distant or tended objects appear in your grasp.(Con)
4th-Level Psychic Warrior Powers
Tower ofIron Will. Intellect fortress† immunity for all in 10-foot-diameter area.(Cha)
5th-Level Psychic Warrior Powers
Mind Blast. You stun foes in a 60-foot cone for 1d4 rounds.(Cha)