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Pattern Master
powers.(The cenobite doesn’t get these;the points are simply lost.) Against a creature that freely manifests its psionic powers, ego slap suppresses one usage ofits “best” power for the day (determined by the DM).Against spellcasters,ego slap erases their three highest-level spells,either as prepared spells or spell slots for the day (against those who cast like sorcerers).
Lucidity (Su): The remaining distractions ofreality are cleared up.The lucid cenobite sees truth in all things to a range of120 feet for a number ofrounds per day equal to her Wisdom modifier.(As a free action each round,she can choose which rounds to use the power.) The cenobite can see through solid objects no thicker than 1 inch per prestige class level plus her Wisdom modifier.Her sight pierces concealment,including that caused by fog and the like.She can pierce mundane disguises,spot creatures that are simply hiding,or notice secret doors hidden by mundane means; she gains a +20 lucid bonus on her Spot check.Her lucidity extends through psionic powers or devices that further extend seeing or viewing,so she could use lucidity in conjunction with clairaudience/clairvoyance or remote view.
Indelible designs inked on living flesh supersede art when a psionic character mentally charges the scribed circuit with the potential for power.Called psionic tattoos,these psionic circuits are works more ofartistry than design in the hands ofa true master ofthe craft:the pattern master.Few appreciate the joy oftattooed flesh more fully.
Also called “engravers ofpower,” these specialists scribe tattoos ofrare strength,and do so both for aesthetics and for utility.But utility is almost secondary;pattern masters are at least as interested in the intricacy and beauty ofany given design as they are with the power held within it.
Pattern masters have quicker access to abilities that enhance the effects oftheir tattoo-stored powers,and so PCs are often drawn to this prestige class.Nonplayer character pattern masters often own circuit schools or tattoo parlors where they command hefty fees for their craft.
Hit Die: d4
Pattern Master Requirements
To qualify to become a pattern master,a character must fulfill all the following criteria. Craft (tattooing): 4 ranks Feats: Metacreative,Scribe Tattoo Manifesting: Ability to manifest at least two 2nd-level powers
Class Skills
The pattern master’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Alchemy (Int),Concentration (Con),Craft (tattooing) (Int),Knowledge (psionics) (Int),and Psicraft (Int).See Chapter Four:Skills in the Player’s Handbook and Chapter Two:Skills in the Psionics Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Intelligence modifier
Class Features
All ofthe following are pattern master class features.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Pattern masters gain no additional proficiency in any weapon or armor.
Effective Manifester Level: At every level indicated on the table for the prestige class,the character gains new power points per day and access to discovered powers as ifhe had also gained a level in the psionic class he belonged to before adding the prestige class.He does not,however,gain any other benefit a character ofthat class would have gained (such as bonus feats,metapsionic or item creation feats,mode check bonuses, hit points beyond those he receives from the prestige class,and so on).He does gain the following benefits:an increased effective level ofpsionic manifestation,additional power points, effective additional levels for psicrystal powers,and additional free manifestations of0-level powers.Ifa character had more than one psionic class before becoming a member ofthis prestige class,he must decide to which class he adds the new level for purposes ofdetermining effective manifester level.
For example,a 7th-level psion/6th-level pattern master has a character level of13 and a manifester level of11.So, powers he manifests that have level-dependent parameters are manifested as ifthe character were 11th level.
Base Mode Class Attack FortitudeReflex Will Check Level Bonus Save Save Save Bonus Special Effective Manifester Level
1 +0 +2 +0 +2 +0 Enduring Tattoo — 2 +1 +3 +0 +3 +0 Mind activation +1 level ofexisting class 3 +1 +3 +1 +3 +1 Crawling tattoo +1 level ofexisting class 4 +2 +4 +1 +4 +1 Upgrade tattoo +1 level ofexisting class 5 +2 +4 +1 +4 +1 Extend tattoo +1 level ofexisting class 6 +3 +5 +2 +5 +2 Permanent Tattoo — 7 +3 +5 +2 +5 +2 Steal tattoo +1 level ofexisting class 8 +4 +6 +2 +6 +2 Expunge circuit +1 level ofexisting class 9 +4 +6 +3 +6 +3 Virgin canvas +1 level ofexisting class 10 +5 +7 +3 +7 +3 Psychoactive tattoo —
Enduring Tattoo (Ex): The character gains the Enduring Tattoo† feat as a bonus feat.He gains and can use the feat even ifhe doesn’t otherwise qualify for it.
Mind Activation (Ex): Starting at 2nd level,the character can activate his psionic tattoos with a simple thought instead ofa tap.He can mentally activate only one psionic tattoo per round in this fashion.However,the action is a move-equivalent action and does not draw an attack ofopportunity.
Crawling Tattoo (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level,the pattern master gains Craft Universal Item as a bonus feat.He can apply this bonus only to the creation of crawling tattoos (see Chapter Seven:Psionic Items in the Psionics Handbook).
Upgrade Tattoo (Ex): From 4th level forward,the character learns how to scribe powers ofup to 5th level in his psionic tattoos.However,he can scribe only powers he knows personally.Upgraded tattoos take up one more psionic tattoo slot than normal.For instance,ifscribing an upgraded enduring psionic tattoo,the tattoo takes up three slots.
Extend Tattoo (Ex): The pattern master can extend the duration ofpowers stored in a tattoo starting at 5th level.Effectively,he gains the Extend Power metapsionic feat (see Chapter Three:Feats in the Psionics Handbook),but only in conjunction with scribing tattoos.All the rules that apply to using Extend Power also apply to extended tattoos.However;extended tattoos do not cost more power to scribe,and they do not count toward the metapsionic power point limit when manifesting a power.They do take up one more psionic tattoo slot than normal.
Permanent Tattoo (Ex): Upon reaching 6th level,the pattern master gains Permanent Tattoo† as a bonus feat.He gains and can use the feat even ifhe doesn’t otherwise qualify for it.
Steal Tattoo(Sp): Beginning at 7th level,once per day when the pattern master makes a successful melee touch attack,he gains knowledge ofall the psionic tattoos possessed by his foe (ifany) and automatically transfers 1d4 desired tattoos to his body ifhe has psionic tattoo slots available.
Expunge Circuit(Sp): From 8th level on,once per day the pattern master can freely manifest expunge psionic circuit† even ifhe doesn’t normally know this power.
Virgin Canvas (Ex): When he reaches 9th level,the character’s number ofpotential psionic tattoo slots on his body increases from 17 to 34.
Psychoactive Tattoo (Su): At 10th level,the pattern master gains expert proficiency with psionic tattoos and can spontaneously animate and merge psionic tattoos into a design greater than the sum ofits parts.Once per day,the engraver’s tattoos combine to form a special psychoactive skin for one hour.Pattern masters call this the skin of the tattoo. Even while so transformed,the character can still call upon any ofhis underlying psionic tattoos.
The skin ofthe tattoo has two main abilities.First,the skin answers the first attack made against the pattern master each round with an automatically manifested and targeted “emblem burst” against his attacker.On his action,the burst lifts offthe skin in the form ofan intricate,twisting design,not unlike what a flying crawling tattoo might look like.The burst makes a ranged touch attack using the pattern master’s base ranged attack bonus