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Lucid Cenobite
Chapter Two:Prestige Classes 29 For example,a 2nd-level psion/3rd-level rogue/3rd-level innate pretender has a character level of8 and a manifester level of4.So,powers he manifests that have level-dependent parameters are manifested as ifthe character were 4th level.
Chameleon(Sp): The innate pretender’s first instinct is to blend into his surroundings.At 1st level,the innate pretender can freely manifest the psionic power chameleon three times per day.
Sneak Attack (Ex): This is exactly like the rogue ability ofthe same name.The extra damage dealt increases by +1d6 every other level (2nd,4th,6th,8th,and 10th).Ifthe innate pretender receives a sneak attack modifier from another source (such as rogue levels),the extra damage stacks. Innate Far Hand(Sp): In conjunction with the far hand power,an innate pretender can perform one ofthe following class skills at the range ofthe far hand power:Disable Device, Open Lock,or Pick Pocket.Working at a distance increases the normal skill check Difficulty Class by +5,and the innate pretender cannot take 10 on the check.Any object so manipulated must weigh 5 lbs.or less. When using this ability,the innate pretender can freely manifest far hand three times per day. Innate Attack (Su): At 5th level,the innate pretender can apply sneak attack damage to a foe he strikes in melee or ranged combat (within 30 feet) once per day.He enjoys this bonus on damage regardless ofwhether he would normally have gained it based on considerations offlanking or the opponent being denied its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class.The innate pretender’s psionic sense ofhis opponent guides his hand. Slippery Customer (Ex): By 7th level,foes find it almost impossible to pin down an innate pretender.The character can reroll a roll that he just made.He must take the result ofthe reroll,even ifit’s worse than the original roll (unless he chooses to apply another use ofthis ability for the day).He can reroll three rolls per day.Unlike others, the innate pretender makes his own luck. Mind Blank(Sp): To his enemies (and friends),the innate pretender always remains a closed book.At 9thlevel,the innate pretender can freely manifest the psionic power mind blank once per day.
“The world is an illusion that cloaks supreme reality.”
The lucid cenobite pursues philosophies that advocate renunciation.She looks upon the visible material world as an illusion and knows well the supreme mental reality that lies beyond it,invisible to nonpsionic creatures.The cenobite believes that the mindscape that forms as psionic creatures prepare to duel is a manifestation ofthis supreme mental reality;dreams are echoes ofit.As such,the lucid cenobite has given up worldly pleasures and roams the earth to seek spiritual solace in the world that traps her.Through achievement ofsupreme physical grace and ability,she believes she can transcend the physical and enter the realm of the mental.By her lucid actions,she seeks to throw back,however briefly,the cloak ofthe world and reveal the mental reality beyond. Only those who have trained as monks and have awakened psionic latency can hope to walk the philosophical path ofthe lucid cenobite. Psion/monks are the most common lucid cenobite since they qualify fairly quickly,but psychic warrior/monks also qualify for the lucid cenobite prestige class soon enough. Characters can encounter a lucid cenobite without knowing it.Nothing distinguishes a lucid cenobite from a common monk;however,when the lucid cenobite demonstrates her powers,the distinction becomes clear. Player character lucid cenobites travel the world seeking physical perfection,and they act as unintended agents ofLaw—not only does the lucid cenobite seek to purify herself,but she also seeks to curb the chaotic tendencies ofthe world around her. Hit Die: d8
To qualify to become a lucid cenobite,a character must fulfill the following criteria. Alignment: Any lawful Autohypnosis: 6 ranks
Knowledge (psionics): 2 ranks Manifesting: Ability to manifest biofeedback Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike Class Abilities: Still mind
Class Skills
The lucid cenobite’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Autohypnosis (Wis),Balance (Dex),Climb (Str), Concentration (Con),Craft (Int),Diplomacy (Cha),Escape Artist (Dex),Hide (Dex),Jump (Str),Knowledge (psionics) (Int),Listen (Wis),Move Silently (Dex),Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis),Psicraft (Int),Stabilize Self(Con),Swim (Str),and Tumble (Dex).See Chapter Four:Skills in the Player’s Handbook and Chapter Two:Skills in the Psionics Handbook for skill descriptions.
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier
Class Features
All ofthe following are class features ofthe lucid cenobite’s prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Lucid cenobites are proficient with club,crossbow (light or heavy),dagger,handaxe, javelin,kama,nunchaku,quarterstaff,scythe,shuriken, siangham,and sling.The lucid cenobite gains the same advantages as a monk for using a kama,nunchaku,or siangham.Furthermore,a lucid cenobite can use a scythe just as she can use a kama,nunchaku,or siangham.
Effective Manifester Level: At every level indicated on the table for the prestige class,the character gains new power points per day and access to discovered powers as ifshe had also gained a level in the psionic class she belonged to before adding the prestige class.She does not,however,gain any other benefit a character ofthat class would have gained (such as bonus feats,metapsionic or item creation feats, mode check bonuses,hit points beyond those she receives from the prestige class,and so on).She does gain the following benefits:an increased effective level ofpsionic manifestation,additional power points,effective additional levels for psicrystal powers,and additional free manifestations of0level powers.Ifa character had more than one psionic class before becoming a member ofthis prestige class,she must decide to which class she adds the new level for purposes of determining effective manifester level.
For example,a 7th-level psion/3rd-level monk/3rd-level lucid cenobite has a character level of13 and a manifester level of9.So,powers she manifests that have leveldependent parameters are manifested as ifthe character were 9th level.
Student (Ex): Lucid cenobites are monks,though they achieve physical enlightenment and hope to transcend the physical eventually.As such,a lucid cenobite gains the unarmed attack bonus,unarmed damage,Armor Class bonus,and unarmored speed ofa monk whose level equals her monk level + her lucid cenobite level.Ifthe lucid cenobite has levels in psion or psychic warrior,she can count half ofthose levels to determine her effective student ofperfection ability.For instance,a 4th-level monk/4th-level psychic warrior/1st-level lucid cenobite has an unarmed attack bonus of+5/+2 (as ifshe were a 7th-level monk).Those who meet the requirements for this class who are not monks or psychic warriors gain these abilities as monks ofa level equal to their lucid cenobite level only.
Id Strike (Su): A lucid cenobite can pierce the physical shell ofmatter with her unarmed attacks.The character can use this ability once per round on one attack,but no more than once per prestige class level per day.The character must declare she is using an id strike attack before making the attack roll (thus,a missed attack roll ruins the attempt).A foe struck by the character takes normal damage,but also must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 11 + the lucid cenobite level + Wisdom modifier).Ifthe saving throw fails,treat the attack as ifthe lucid cenobite had automatically confirmed a critical hit.Constructs,oozes,plants,undead,incorporeal
Lucid Cenobite
Base Mode Class Attack FortitudeReflex Will Check Level Bonus Save Save Save Bonus Special Effective Manifester Level
1 +0 +0 +2 +2 +0 Student,id strike — 2 +1 +0 +3 +3 +0 Tranquil mind +1 level ofexisting class 3 +2 +1 +3 +3 +1 Diamond eyes +1 level ofexisting class 4 +3 +1 +4 +4 +1 Ki strike +1 +1 level ofexisting class 5 +3 +1 +4 +4 +1 Lucid thrust,bonus feat — 6 +4 +2 +5 +5 +2 See invisibility latency +1 level ofexisting class 7 +5 +2 +5 +5 +2 Accepting body,bonus feat— 8 +6 +2 +6 +6 +2 Ki strike +2 +1 level ofexisting class 9 +6 +3 +6 +6 +3 Ego slap — 10 +7 +3 +7 +7 +3 Lucidity +1 level ofexisting class
Chapter Two:Prestige Classes 31 creatures,and creatures immune to critical hits cannot be affected by the id strike.This ability doesn’t trigger other feats,powers,or grafted weapons whose abilities are activated on a naturally occurring successful critical hit. Tranquil Mind (Ex): Starting at 2nd level,the lucid cenobite gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against powers from the Telepathy discipline.The bonus stacks with the +2 bonus gained to resist spells and effects from the Enchantment school. Diamond Eyes (Su): Beginning at 3rd level,the lucid cenobite sees all things as they actually are to a range of 120 feet for a number ofminutes per day equal to her prestige class level.(As a free action,she can choose which minutes to use the power.) She sees through normal and magical darkness, notices secret doors hidden by psionics or magic,sees the exact locations ofcreatures or objects under blur or displacement effects, sees invisible creatures or objects normally,sees through illusions,and sees the true form ofpsychometabolically changed,polymorphed,or transmuted things. Further,she can focus her vision to see into the Ethereal Plane (but not into extradimensional spaces).
Ki Strike (Su): At 4th level,a lucid cenobite’s unarmed attack is empowered with ki.The unarmed strike damage from such an attack can deal damage to a creature with damage reduction as ifthe lucid cenobite made the blow with a weapon bearing an enhancement bonus equal to +1.Ki strike improves as the cenobite gains experience,allowing her unarmed strike at 8th level to deal damage against creatures with damage reduction as ifthe lucid cenobite had made the attack with a weapon carrying a +2 enhancement bonus.This ability stacks with a standard monk’s ability ofthe same name.
Lucid Thrust (Su): From 5th level forward,a lucid cenobite can pierce the physical shell ofmatter with her unarmed attacks.The character can use this ability once per day.The character must declare she is using a lucid thrust attack before making the attack roll (thus,a missed attack roll ruins the attempt).A foe struck by the character must make a Will saving throw (DC 11 + the lucid cenobite’s level + Wisdom modifier) in addition to receiving normal damage.Ifthe saving throw fails,the victim is dominated as ifaffected by the domination power manifested by an 8th-level psion.Only Large size creatures and smaller can be affected with lucid thrust.
Bonus Feat: At 5th and 7th level the character can choose any psionic,metapsionic,or psionic item creation feat as a bonus feat.
See InvisibilityLatency (Ex): Starting at 6th level,the lucid cenobite unleashes a latent power from her mind.She learns see invisibility as ifnormally learning a new power through gaining an effective manifester level;however,the lucid cenobite learns see invisibility in addition to any other powers she otherwise learns.Ifthe character already knows this power,she can choose another Clairsentient power ofequal or lower level to unlock from latency.
Accepting Body (Su): Beginning at 7th level,the lucid cenobite’s aura ofincisive understanding absorbs psionic powers, spells,spell-like abilities,and supernatural abilities targeted against her,rather than suffering their effects.This ability absorbs only powers and spells that have the lucid cenobite as a target.Effect and area powers are not affected.
Each day,the cenobite can absorb a number ofpower levels equal to her lucid cenobite level plus her Wisdom modifier. Subtract the level ofeach power absorbed from the amount ofabsorption left.However,a power is never partially absorbed. Any time a power with a level higher than the cenobite’s remaining amount ofdaily absorption targets the character,the power affects her normally,without drawing down the amount ofabsorption left or impeding the power.
Ego Slap (Su): A lucid cenobite has the ability to pierce the physical shell ofmatter with her unarmed attacks.The character can use this ability once per round,but no more than once per two prestige class levels per day (round down).The character must declare she is using an ego slap before making the attack roll (thus,a missed attack roll ruins the attempt).A foe struck by the character must make a Will saving throw (DC 11 + the lucid cenobite’s level + Wisdom modifier),in addition to receiving normal damage.If the saving throw fails,the creature loses a number ofpower points equal to the cost ofmanifesting its three highest-level