3 minute read
Psionic Powers
Special: A dragonblooded character, or a character with the dragon type, adds an additional 10 feet to her fl y speed when this spell is cast (total 40-foot bonus to fl y speed).
Dragons are creatures of magic, not psionics, but that doesn’t prevent psionically gifted individuals from encountering them. The following powers have been perfected by such individuals after their observations od dragonkind. Each is designed to replicate or thwart some aspect of dragonhood. Existing dragon-related powers from the Expanded Psionics Handbook include breath of the black dragon, which produces a dragonlike breath weapon, and crisis of breath, which potentially disrupts a dragon’s ability to breathe when the power is augmented.
3rd Level
Breath Barrier: You create a quasireal barrier that moves with you.
4th Level
Dragon Hearted: You gain an energy immunity and vulnerability depending on your preference for red or white dragons.
Evade Breath: You slide out of range of a breath weapon.
5th Level
Sense of the Dragon, Psionic: You gain dragonlike senses.
2nd Level
Evade Breath: You slide out of range of a breath weapon.
3rd Level
Breath Barrier: You create a quasireal barrier that moves with you.
4th Level
Dragon Hearted: You gain an energy immunity and vulnerability, depending on your preference for red or white dragons.
5th Level
Sense of the Dragon, Psionic: You gain dragonlike senses.
Metacreativity Level: Psion/wilder 3, psychic warrior 3 Display: Visual Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Range: 10 ft. Area: 10-ft.-radius emanation, centered on you Duration: 1 minute/level (D) Power Points: 5
A sparkling golden sphere forms around you, moving as you move.
You create a quasi-real barrier in the shape of a sphere that shimmers with golden sparkles and moves with you. Creatures and objects can enter or leave the area unimpeded. A breath barrier blocks fog, foglike effects, and gases created by spells such as fog cloud or cloudkill or by breath weapons that are poison gas. When used as a barrier against breath weapons that deal hit point damage directly, the sphere absorbs up to 60 points of damage from one or more breath weapons before collapsing (at which time the power ends). A breath barrier takes damage as though it were a creature that failed its saving throw against the breath weapon being used.
Augment: For every 2 additional power points you spend, the barrier can absorb an additional 12 points of breath weapon damage before collapsing.
Psychometabolism Level: Psion/wilder 4, psychic warrior 4 Display: Visual Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 minute/level (D) Power Points: 5
Your skin takes on a reddish hue, and you feel a chill sweep through your body.
You can choose to emulate the heart of a red dragon or a white dragon. If you choose white, you gain immunity to cold and vulnerability to fi re. If you choose red, you gain immunity to fi re and vulnerability to cold.
Augment: If you spend 4 additional power points, you can manifest this power as an immediate action.
Psychometabolism Level: Psion/wilder 4, psychic warrior 2 Display: Material Manifesting Time: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Instantaneous Power Points: Psion/wilder 7, psychic warrior 3
A sheen of false flesh falls away from you—a false echo designed to protect you from dragon breath.
You throw off a faux ectoplasmic shell, allowing you to slide out of range of a breath weapon. When you manifest this power in conjunction with making a successful Reflex save against a breath attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save (such as a red dragon’s fiery breath), you instead take no damage.
Augment: If you spend 4 additional power points, you take only half damage on a failed Refl ex save.
Psychometabolism Level: Psion/wilder 5, psychic warrior 5 Display: Visual Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: 1 hour/level (D) Power Points: 9
Your iris color expands to fi ll your eyes, and your pupils lengthen into oblong, vertical slits.
As sense of the dragon (see page 117), except as noted here.
Augment: For every 2 additional power points you spend, the blindsense granted by this power increases in range by 5 feet.