Arcane Items
Quintessential Wizard II: Advanced Tactics
Arcane Items
izards are in the enviable position of being the most capable of creating their own magical equipment, specially tailored to fit their current needs, so long as they have the resources and meet the prerequisites. Given the versatility of magic and the variety of spells that wizards can learn, these spellcasters are only limited by their imagination when devising effects and characteristics for their magical tools. Money comes later as an impediment, but that is normally solved with relative ease.
Although wizards are not very keen on wielding most weapons, enchantments can change everything, as wizards give their limited arsenal the unlimited power of magic.
New Weapon Special Abilities
Animated: This ability is similar to dancing in the way that the owner may let go of it and it will attack on its own, but instead of dancing in the air, the weapon grows legs and arms and will move on its own, becoming an animated object (see Core Rulebook III) of the same size as the weapon, with the hardness quality. The animated weapon can move as directed by its owner up to 30 feet away from him. As a construct creature, the weapon can be attacked normally, provokes attacks of opportunity and may make its own attacks of opportunity. The animated weapon has the number of attacks of an animated object of its size, but adds its owner’s base attack bonus to its own. The weapon has full use of its own special abilities which it can activate and use at will, except for abilities that require the expenditure of charges, which it can do when ordered by its owner as a free action (limit once per round). The weapon can stay animated for up to 2d6+1 rounds and will return to its master’s hand when this duration expires before turning back into a normal object. Note that the object will probably not be able to teleport and if it cannot physically return to its master it will return to inanimate form and fall to the floor when the duration ends. Strong transmutation; CL 15th; Craft Magic Arms and Armour, polymorph any object, telekinesis; Price +4 bonus. Binding: A binding weapon is usually a staff, but any other will do. A binding weapon acts as a magical trap into which an outsider creature can be lured by the planar binding spells. The creature is sucked into the weapon and can only communicate with someone holding it. The weapon acts as a magical diagram and the creature can
make a Charisma check (DC 24) every day to try and escape, but otherwise is trapped and the caster of the spell that called it can confer with it to extract a service with the normal opposed Charisma checks. Breaking the weapon releases the trapped creature. Moderate abjuration; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Spellcraft 10 ranks, dimensional anchor, magic circle; Price +2 bonus. Delivering: This enchantment is for ranged weapons only, mostly used on crossbows by spellcasters who use them. A delivering weapon can be charged with a touch spell provided by the weapon’s owner prior to firing. Either the owner or another spellcaster must provide the touch spell, which is cast normally upon the item or ammunition. A delivering weapon confers the touch spell upon its ammunition, but only until successfully discharged; thus, a delivering weapon that misses an attack confers the touch spell to the next unit of ammunition until it successfully hits, at which point the spell is discharged just as if the caster had touched the victim. Spells which allow a caster to touch multiple targets will only affect a single target when delivered by a weapon with this enchantment. The weapon deals its normal damage in addition to the spell it is delivering, although the target gains a normal saving throw if the spell’s description allows it. Faint necromancy; CL 3rd; Craft Magic Arms and Armour, spectral hand; Price +1 bonus. Distant: This is an ability favoured by wizards who like to participate in combat but cannot afford to be hit. This ability allows a melee weapon to attack at a distance, with the wielder swinging and striking normally, but the actual attacks take effect up to 30 feet away. The attacks are conducted at the wielder’s normal base attack bonus, with all possible bonuses applicable except for flanking and charging. Damage is only normal for the weapon, including Strength and enhancement bonuses but no other damage from special qualities, sneak attack dice or other abilities that increase damage. When used in close combat normally, the weapon will be able to use all abilities or qualities normally. Note that the weapon does not have reach and enemies moving within its 30 feet range do not provoke attacks of opportunity. Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armour, telekinesis; Price +2 bonus. Marking: This ability is only useful to spellcasters, helping them to aim their spells for maximum effect,