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Hungry Dreamer

Hungry Dreamer

original humanoid form;as such,the creatures are slow,and it pains them to move too often or too quickly.Thus,those who flee from a hungry dreamer are rarely pursued.

Mind-Eating Tendrils (Su): Eyes are the window to the soul—and they are also the conduit by which a hungry dreamer feeds.Any creature that comes within 30 feet ofa hungry dreamer with open eyes must beware the prehensile hairlike tendrils from the dreamer’s mane—they dart forward,piercing the eyes oftheir victims to find the brain beneath,then leaving behind a mindless husk.Any creature within reach must make a Reflex save (DC 13) each round to avoid the darting tendrils.On a failed save,the tendrils slip in and out in only moments.A potential victim makes its saving throw at the beginning ofits turn each round—the tendrils act independently and automatically.On its turn,a hungry dreamer can actively target a single individual within reach as well.


Those who fail their saves are treated in all ways as ifunder the effect ofa feeblemind spell (see the Player’s Handbook).

As with gaze attacks,opponents can avoid the tendrils by attempting to avert their eyes,or by wearing a blindfold (see gaze attacks as described in the MM).

A hungry dreamer must be able to see its victim in order to use its mind-eating tendrils.

Poison (Ex): Fortitude save (DC 16);initial damage 1d2 temporary Wisdom,secondary damage 1d4 temporary Wisdom.

Large Construct

Hit Dice: 14d10 (77 hp) Initiative: +0 Speed: 5 feet,fly 30 feet (perfect) AC: 26 (–1 size,+17 natural) Attacks: 8 telekinetic rakes +14 melee Damage: Telekinetic rake 1d2+5 Face/Reach: 5 feet by 5 feet/20 feet Special Attacks: Telekinetic rake,call guardian,psionics Special Qualities: Construct traits,damage reduction 10/+2, fast healing 1,spell resistance/power resistance 20, telekinetic lift,telepathy Saves: Fort +4,Ref+4,Will +11

Chapter Seven: Monsters 57 Abilities: Str 20,Dex 10,Con –,Int 24,Wis 25,Cha 20 Skills: Bluff+22,Decipher Script +24,Diplomacy +22,

Gather Information +22,Handle Animal +17,Hide –4,

Intimidate +24,Knowledge (psionics) +24,Knowledge (arcana) +24,Knowledge (history) +24,Knowledge (the planes) +24,Search +24,Sense Motive +24, Spot +24 Climate/Terrain: Engram ark Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: 7 Treasure: None Alignment: Neutral Advancement: —

Inside an engram ark,the cracked,halfshattered control module known as the memekeeper hovers over the Rune Sea. The entity is a strange conglomeration ofglass and metal roughly 5 feet in diameter—obviously a machine,but one that has been lifted to the heights of sentience by magic or psionics,or both.The memekeeper is surrounded by an orbiting cloud ofglass and metal debris that it is able to manipulate as a form ofattack against any foe within its reach. Each memekeeper was designed to eventually reassemble the fragmented engrams ofa refugee race. Unable to complete that task,the memekeeper ofan engram ark watches over its lost charges,protecting them from exploitation,while at the same time hoping to affix some ofthem to living creatures,to enable those engrams to survive in some fashion.But a memekeeper is paranoid and touched by a dark psychic influence— convincing one to part with its engrams is a difficult task.


A memekeeper’s first defense is its telekinetic cloud ofdebris,which it uses like disembodied claws.It can also attempt to dominate humanoid targets,and it always sends out a call for nearby ark guardians,though those guardians rarely arrive soon enough to makea difference.

Psionics (Sp): At will—suggestion;1/day—dominate person. As the effect cast (or manifested) by a 12th-level caster.

Telekinetic Rake (Su): As a physical attack,except the limbs ofthe memekeeper are powered by immaterial telekinetic

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