3 minute read
Spiteful Clot
Following a meteorite impact,investigation ofthe cooling crater reveals a Huge construct seemingly formed ofseveral blocks oftranslucent glowing amber.At first appearing jumbled,the blocks self-organize into a rough approximation of the first creature that finds it.This is the Machine.
The Machine is like a self-willed artifact,though it keeps its powers and purpose solely to itself.As a weapon,it must have a command word or activation method that would allow other creatures to gain control ofits potential, whatever that might be.However,in the absence ofsuch control,it roams.
The Machine constructs itselfin a form suitable for its environment,in terms ofboth locomotion and defense.It can walk,crawl,swim,slide,burrow through solid rock,or even fly ifneed be.Whatever its method oflocomotion,it seems to wander randomly,plowing through the center of mountains,villages,herds ofanimals,and underground fortresses with equal aplomb and apparent disdain for all creatures.Sometimes it pauses,as ifstudying something new to it,or giving those who first encounter the Machine a chance to give it the proper activation command,only to continue on its previous course when that command fails to materialize.
The wandering Machine has come within several miles of an engram ark.The memekeeper ofthis ark,more cognizant than most,fears the Machine,and does not know ifit is a wandering weapon ofthe enemy (the Dark Plea) searching down every last engram ark in order to destroy them,or a lost superweapon ofKure,never brought to bear before Kure was destroyed.The memekeeper attempts to bribe PCs to discover more about the Machine.Its true nature remains for the DM to determine.
Should someone ever gain command ofthe Machine, potent weapons might be activated.Or so it is believed.
The Machine: CR 13;Huge construct;HD 10d10+80 (bonus hp from extraterrestrial resilience);hp 145;Init +4;Speed 40 feet,swim 40 feet,burrow 40 feet,fly 60 feet (good);
AC 27 (–2 size,+4 Dex,+15 natural);Attack +15 melee (2d6+10,6 slams);SA Locked unknown powers;
SQ Magic immunity,fast healing 20,locked unknown defenses,construct;AL N;SV Fort +3,Ref+7,Will +3;
Str 30,Dex 18,Con –,Int –,Wis 10,Cha 1
Locked Unknown Powers and Defenses (Ex): Ifthe proper activation word or ritual is ever discovered,many previously unknown powers ofattack and defense may come into being,assembled for use as the Machine assembled its form.These powers and defenses are up to the DM’s discretion.
When the star-spanning demon called SunEater died,his slayers wisely incinerated SunEater’s vast form,for even the least bit ofthe entity could prove malevolent.Alas,the best ofintentions could not sop up every last bit ofSunEater’s blood,which congealed and solidified in small dribs and drabs,spinning offthrough the trackless depths ofthe space between worlds.
Following a meteorite impact,investigation ofthe cooling crater reveals a rocky blob ofgreen glowing material. Hard as stone,the blob measures roughly 1 foot across and casts forth a constant dim emerald illumination.This is Icastus.
Icastus,a congealed clot ofthe SunEater’s ancient blood,is intelligent and malevolent in its own right.The clot telepathically hails the first creatures that discover it, indicating what a lucky day it is,for they have just made their fortunes.
Icastus initially uses its powers to aid its discoverers.The rendered aid comes unasked for and cannot be triggered— Icastus chooses when and how to unleash its abilities,and it usually does so in a way that produces the greatest amount ofshock and horror possible.Icastus’ goal is to be carried to the most influential city in the area,and once there,enslave the city to its desires by dominating key figures ofpower.Ifits current bearers prove unwilling or recalcitrant,it slays them with impunity in favor ofnew bearers.
Icastus is not ofthe Dark Plea’s ilk—it is its own evil.In fact,should it come upon Dark Plea creatures ofany sort,it goes out ofits way to destroy them first,before continuing with its own crusade ofevil.Thus,depending on the depth ofDark Plea infestation,Icastus could come offas an item ofseeming good for quite some time.
Icastus: CR 17;Tiny construct;HD 14d10+30 (bonus hp from pure malevolence);hp 145;Init +2;Speed fly 10 feet (perfect);AC 29 (+2 size,+4 Dex,+15 natural);Attack +18 melee (2d6+9,body slam);SA Spell-like abilities;SQ Fast healing 5,SR 25,telepathy,construct;AL NE;SV Fort +3,
Ref+5,Will +3;Str 28,Dex 14,Con –,Int 15,Wis 10,
Cha 22
Skills (gains skills as outsider):Bluff+23,Diplomacy +23,Hide +14,Intimidate +23,Knowledge (the planes) +19,
Knowledge (arcana) +19,Knowledge (divine) +19,Sense
Motive +17,Spot +17
Spell-Like Abilities: At will—telekinesis (sustained force only), disintegration; 1/day—dominate person, dominate monster.
Caster level 17th.