A Holistic Approach to Learning
Deep learning is the result of a learner, acting in, with, and by faith in Christ; it is inherently a spiritual experience and evidence of the fruits of the Atonement of Jesus Christ working in the lives of the learner and teacher. Deep learning leads to understanding—the capacity to know, do, and become—and is ultimately a gift of the Spirit.
" We need to educate the rising generation more deeply and more powerfully than we have ever done before ... Deep learning is 'an increase in the ... power to Know, to Do, and to Become.'1 It definitely means increased knowledge, but it also means increased understanding of the heart. It means increased skill and capacity to act. It means increased strength of character, including integrity, courage, and kindness. Deep learning is a spiritual experience. The rising generation will learn deeply only insofar as the redeeming and strengthening powers of Christ work in their lives, purifying, sanctifying, and qualifying them to receive His grace and the gifts He has prepared for them. They must diligently work and seek learning, but they must also be cleansed through the atoning blood of Christ so that they can receive more light and be taught by the Holy Ghost. " NOTES 1. Kim B. Clark , "Learning and Teaching: to Know, to Do and to Become" (remarks to faculty meeting, BYU-Idaho, September 6, 2011).
"Encircled About with Fire" Elder Kim B. Clark of the Quorum of the Seventy Seminaries and Institutes of Religion Satellite Broadcast, August 4, 2015
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The process of DEEP LEARNING begins with an expressed desire to learn; additionally, an acceptance and recognition by the learner that they will assume responsibility for their learning.
DEEP LEARNING does not and cannot happen when information is simply delivered; rather, DEEP LEARNING is only achieved and earned as the learner exercises their moral agency, acting in faith upon correct principles.
The fruits of DEEP LEARNING are confidence, capability, and competence; these are observable increases in the capacity to know, do, and become.
DEEP LEARNING, in our environment, is contingent upon learner and teacher worthiness, where the Holy Ghost enables inspired learning and teaching at an accelerated pace, breadth, and depth. This type of learning is recognized, appreciated, and valued by both the learner and the teacher; both are edified together.
The environment that fosters and creates opportunities for DEEP LEARNING is not based on one approach or activity; rather, the instructor applies a variety of methods, settings, and assignments. DEEP LEARNING can be achieved in one-on-one settings, in groups both large and small, and peer-to-peer.
THE 4Is OF COURSE DESIGN Deep learning is best achieved through the 4Is of course design and the learning pattern, which together create an environment where students act to become capable and trusted disciples of Jesus Christ.
The 4Is are:
Students immerse themselves in real-world experiences.
Students integrate technical and soft skills while strengthening their discipleship.
Real-world example: Students contact an organization, identify and complete a project for it, and members of the organization/ customers and the instructor evaluate and provide feedback on the students’ performances. Simulated example: An industry professional or the instructor acts as if he/she represents an organization that would like students to produce certain deliverables using appropriate tools/computer programs. Other students act as if they are co-workers, customers who would ultimately use/receive the deliverable, and other appropriate stakeholders in the field. “ … seek learning, even by study and also by faith.” D&C 88:118
Instructor breaks students into teams, assigns specific roles, gives them an industry problem to solve, and asks them to pitch solutions to stakeholders in a live presentation and a written report. Throughout the process, the instructor invites students to identify how they will be worthy of and invite the Spirit in their learning as they prepare for and participate in class. The instructor and students regularly have conversations about how they were able to rely on and recognize the Spirit in their spiritual and secular learning. “ … Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.” Luke 2:52
Students receive significant interaction with their instructor, peers, and industry professionals.
Students implement successive feedback and demonstrate their progression through iterative experiences that reinforce and build upon one another.
Students receive projects from industry professionals or an instructor, work together to solve, create, and build project deliverables, and receive peer, instructor, and professional feedback for further growth and development. “ … teach one another…” D&C 88:77
Students gain knowledge, complete various phases of a project, receive feedback on each phase, then use the knowledge and skills developed to complete a project integrating all phases. Students determine how successful their project was and propose how they would adjust their approach in the future. “ … line upon line, precept upon precept … ” 2 Nephi 28:30 9
COLLEGE-WIDE CAPABILITIES To align with the mission of LDS Business College to develop capable and trusted disciples of Jesus Christ, the college is focused on helping learners demonstrate the following key capabilities: TEAMWORK AND LEADERSHIP: Create and sustain a culture of trust, vision, and continuous improvement that adds value to an organization. COMMUNICATION: Share information in diverse audiences, modes, and environments for the purpose of mutual understanding and edification. TECHNICAL SKILLS: Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and abilities to accomplish specific tasks through proper systems, processes, and tools. PROBLEM-SOLVING: Analyze complex problems and generate creative solutions supported by informed evidence. PROFESSIONALISM: Exhibit behaviors reflecting a moral foundation of strong work ethic and accountability.
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