LDS Business College 2018 Commencement program

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April 13, 2018 10 a.m.

at the


Temple Square


ldsbc2018 # Š 2018 LDS Business College


Graduation Information

Audience Instructions Please stand as graduates enter and leave the Tabernacle. Silence all electronic devices. The Tabernacle is a dedicated house of worship. Noisy outbursts and other behaviors that distract from the spirit of Commencement are not appropriate in the Tabernacle. Please limit your applause. The conducting officer will indicate when applause is appropriate.

Hearing Impaired and Translation Services The College offers headsets for those who have difficulty hearing or require translation services. Commencement proceedings will be translated into Spanish and Portuguese. Headsets are available near the east doors of the Tabernacle. Photographs Graduates receive their diplomas in the sequence in which the degrees and certificates are listed in the program. Graduates will not line up in alphabetical order. The College has arranged for a photographer to take pictures of your graduate receiving their diploma. Your graduate will be contacted a few weeks after Commencement with information about purchasing the professional photos but you are under no obligation to do so. We invite you to take additional photos on Temple Square or at LDS Business College after Commencement.

Academic Regalia Associate degree gowns have long, pointed sleeves. Students wearing gold cords have graduated with honors. The master’s gown worn by faculty has closed sleeves that come to an arc near the bottom. The hood is lined with academic colors of the conferring institution. The doctorate gown worn by some faculty and administration has full, round, open sleeves trimmed with three bands of velvet. Some doctorate gowns are in the awarding institution’s academic color. Lost and Found We will take lost and found items to the College Library on the third floor of the LDS Business College building. Unclaimed items will be held for two weeks, then donated to Deseret Industries.



Recording Notice This event is being recorded. By your presence and/or participating in this event, you acknowledge and agree that: (1) your image, voice, or likeness may be captured by photograph, audio recording, video recording, or other media, and (2) LDS Business College may reproduce, display, edit, distribute, publish, broadcast, post or stream over the internet, and otherwise use the recordings (whether in whole or any parts thereof) forever and throughout the world, in any and all manners, in any and all forms of media, whether now known or hereafter discovered.


About LDS Business College

In 1886, William B. Dougall gathered several local leaders from Salt Lake City together to make an important proposal—that the youth of Salt Lake City should have a school of their own. And so, what we know today as LDS Business College was born. It was a meeting that almost didn’t take place. The gathering was scheduled to occur in a bookstore owned by James Dwyer, but the night before the meeting a fire broke out in the building. The next morning, water that had been used to put out the fire was still dripping from the destroyed roof. That could have been the end of Dougall’s dream, but his group of determined, resourceful pioneers met anyway, sitting on boxes and crates in the charred, damp remains of the bookstore. The symbolism of that first meeting cannot be ignored. Surrounded by the ashes of books, the gathered leaders made plans for a place of learning. The phoenix that rose from those ashes was the Salt Lake Stake Academy, now known as LDS Business College. Since its founding, LDS Business College has moved eight times, and instruction has been provided in a total of 16 buildings. It stood on the location of the current Church Office Building for the longest span of time, from 1901 to 1961.

From 1962 to 2006, LDS Business College occupied the Wall Mansion in downtown Salt Lake City before moving to its current location at the Triad Center, just west of Temple Square. The school’s purpose is to provide a spiritually grounded, career-based education. LDSBC provides programs in business, health professions, information technology, software development, interior design, paralegal studies, social media marketing and applied technology. Through these in-demand professional certificates and associate degrees—with programs offered both on campus and online—students become job-ready in one to two years and are prepared to earn a working wage quickly after graduation.


Since it opened its door, nearly 100,000 students have attended LDS Business College.


Each year 2,200 students come to the Business College from 43 U.S. states and more than 30 countries. Nearly 45 percent of the students are returned missionaries, and international students comprise 25 percent of the student body.


About the Tabernacle on Temple Square

The College has held Commencement exercises on Temple Square almost since its first graduating class. The Tabernacle was built between 1864 and 1867 on the west center-line axis of the Salt Lake Temple. The roof was constructed in an Ithiel Town lattice-truss arch system that’s held together by wooden dowels and wedges. The building has a sandstone foundation, and the dome is supported by 44 sandstone piers. The original benches and columns supporting the balcony were made from native white pine. Because early settlers wanted to give their best to the Lord, they hand painted the benches to look like oak and the pillars to resemble marble. During renovations completed in 2007, the original benches were replaced with new oak pews. The overall seating capacity of the remodeled building is 3,500, which includes the choir area and balcony. The Tabernacle organ has been rebuilt several times and includes 11,623 pipes, making it one of the largest pipe organs in the world.





LDS Business College Administration

Bruce C. Kusch President

Craig D. Bell Vice President of Academics

Guy M. Hollingsworth Vice President of Student Services

Vince A. Vaughn Vice President of Administration

Robert O. Salmon Managing Director of Strategy and Assessment

Robert O. Salmon, Vince A. Vaughn, President Bruce C. Kusch, Craig D. Bell, Guy M. Hollingsworth

Board of Trustees


Russell M. Nelson, Chairman Dallin H. Oaks, First Vice-Chairman Henry B. Eyring, Second Vice-Chairman Mark B. Woodruff, Secretary

Board Members

Russell M. Nelson, Chairman Dallin H. Oaks, First Vice-Chairman Henry B. Eyring, Second Vice-Chairman Jeffrey R. Holland* David A. Bednar* Quentin L. Cook Dale G. Renlund Robert C. Gay* Donald L. Hallstrom GĂŠrald CaussĂŠ Jean B. Bingham* Bonnie H. Cordon Stephen W. Owen Mark B. Woodruff, Secretary*

Office of the Commissioner of Church Education

Kim B. Clark Mark B. Woodruff


Assistant to the Commissioner and Secretary to the Boards


Commissioner, Church Educational System

* Members of the Executive Committee


Commencement Exercises

131st Commencement Prelude and Processional March

Linda Margetts Welcome

President Bruce C. Kusch Invocation

Daniel Hart, a graduate Musical Number

The BC Choir: Where Can I Turn for Peace? Led by Richard Decker, accompanied by Linda Margetts Graduate Speaker

Alisa Bevziuk Remarks

President Bruce C. Kusch Presenting the Graduates

Craig D. Bell, Vice President of Academics Conferring of Degrees

President Bruce C. Kusch Remarks

Elder Kim B. Clark Commencement Speaker

Elder Dale G. Renlund

Presentation of Diplomas to Graduates

Names read by Matt Tittle, Program Chair, General Studies

Musical Number

The BC Choir: True to the Faith Led by Richard Decker, accompanied by Linda Margetts Benediction

Kimberly Susan Arana, a graduate Recessional

Linda Margetts

Commencement Speaker – Elder Dale G. Renlund

Elder Dale G. Renlund was named an Apostle of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on October 3, 2015.

After receiving B.A. and M.D. degrees from the University of Utah, Elder Renlund received further medical and research training at Johns Hopkins Hospital. He was a Professor of Medicine at the University of Utah and the Medical Director of the Utah Transplantation Affiliated Hospitals (UTAH) Cardiac Transplant Program.


Elder Renlund has served in numerous Church callings including full-time missionary in Sweden, stake president, bishop, and Area Seventy.


Until his call to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Elder Renlund had served as a General Authority Seventy since April 2009. He previously served in the presidency of the Africa Southeast Area.

Elder Renlund was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, in November 1952. He married Ruth Lybbert in 1977. They are the parents of one daughter.


LDS Business College 131 st Commencement

Candidates will receive diplomas if they meet all College and program requirements.

Candidates for Graduation Two-Year Associate of Applied Science Applied Technology Cooper Thomas Christensen* Kristine Lorraine Jackson* Natasha Marie Nelson* Business/ Business Management Kimberly S. Arana Calderon-Gamarra* John Quincy Archer Brenda Susana Azpeitia Lara Alexander C. Barrington Preston Mark Bickle Kanyon Brea Bly Herson Bucaro Bryan R Burton Hindira Susana Canton Marquez* Lance Charles Casagranda Austin Tyler Case* Joshua Alan Child* Sandy Marie Coberley* Estefany Contreras Chang Mary Sedona Crosby* Emily Lucille Crozer Samantha Cristina dos Santos* Denice Aseret Espinoza Francisco Ricardo Fierro Merchan* Catherine Fletcher Harmon* Katty Flores Gilberto Carlos Gomar Hernandez Arturo Gomez Huerta Gimena Gonzalez Cuelho* Jeffrey A. Hale Lia Harutyunyan Allyson Bree Hendrix* Giuseppe M. Hess Joseph Higley Krysta Sara Housley* Dylan Alexander Hunter Lina Paola Jenkins Zakary Adam Kelson* Dakota Odin Leon Erikca Lopez Cortez* Gary Lopez Elizabeth MacLeod Ricardo Antonio Martinez*

* Honors Student

Tyson Benjamin Mendez Melanie Moscoso* Alfredo Nรกjera* Fabiola E Navarro Ayala Valentina Orlikhina* Levi S. Ostler* Melina Fabiola Pacheco Napa Robert Corwin Palmer Whitney Andersen Peterson* Rosa B. Pinto Parada Baker Zakery Joshua Prescott Adam Daniel Pridham*^ Carlo Andre Reyes-Aranda* Tais Cruz Ribiero* Ranzel Rindlisbacher Weston H. Rindlisbacher* Qiana Monique Robinson Adriano Rodrigues Lippi Nikolai Salo Juan L. Sanchez-Smith* Brock J. Sawatzki Diogo Siano* Joshua M. Sommer*^ Marcela Soto Castro* Ashlee Stevens Ofa Edna Takuvaka Nicoletta Toniati* Valeria Vaca Guzman Balata* Alexa Shea Vance* Cristian Velazquez Ugalde Roseli Curcio Washburn* Jarred Leigh Whitaker* Rafael Leรณn Zarzosa Salinas Gustavo Zioli* Business/ Entrepreneurship Kyle Parker Albrechtsen John Jean-Pierre Baret* Gilson Benites Paula C. Bossa Benitez*^ William Duane Braford Sophia Sue Cutler* Wilhem Ficquet Cody Jay Hamilton* Ezra Moises Jimenez Danijel Kolega Andrew Brett Lloyd*

Renan Patrick Bitencourt* Amarsanaa Biziyabal Bryan R Burton Mariana Chavez Vargas* Thiago Ferreira Estevam* Camila Gomez Alsina Mahonri Gomez Hernandez* Carlos Gomez*^ Lia Harutyunyan ChiaoLung Li* Rosa B. Pinto Parada Baker^ Norman Scirkovich Amy Cym Scott* Adam Walsh* Roseli Curcio Washburn* Business/ Professional Sales Bailey Joe Boekweg* Margie Casallas Sandra Vanessa Corvalan Cody K. Dastrup Trey Gregory Fullmer Alejandro Jose Lopez Medina Carol Alejandra Lopez Medina* J Ryan Smith Business/ Project Management Nefi J. Aguilar Embila*^ Maria Esperanza Dotto Arturo Gomez Huerta Allyson Bree Hendrix* Charles Daniel Kaleiki Kaohelauli’i Carroll Amaro Lucena* Katherine Milla Diego Fernando Ordóñez Cañón*

Business/ Social Media Marketing Rosa L. Alvarez R.* David C. Anyanwu* Savannah Atwood* Joseph Nigel Edwin Baird* Jessica Ricoy Bassi Matias Alex Bengtzen* Alisa Bevziuk*^ Colleen Marie Brickley Rodrigo A. Canar Isabelle Baracho Casado de Farias Isaac Sarit Catchatoorian* Rodrigo Ernesto Chavez Campos Emily Joy Coombs* Alice Helena Deplano* Samantha Cristina dos Santos* Alisa Rachelle Ernst Rocío del Carmen Espejo Heredia Antonella Fernández Castellano* Kaipo James Tavita Kawelelani Fitisemanu* Nayeli Anaid Garcia Granados Genassee Celine Garner Austin Scott Graham* Jasen Stewart Graham Natalie Fernandes Grahl* Adeline Hallen* Andres Herrera* Ashley Hoch* Olivia Ellen Homer Jessica Johnson Zachary Nelson Jones Stephanie Renae Kananiali’i Stroud* Derek Marsden Jonathan Michael Maxwell Mariam Nalbandyan* Robert Norfleet Daniel Page Amanda Aurora Pew Alisha May Pollock Emma Anne Pollock Ricardo A. Reijer

^ Recipient of an LDSBC Leadership or Service Graduate Program Award


Business/ Global Supply Chain & Operations

Melina Fabiola Pacheco Napa Kevin Fernando Pereira Meckler Rosa B. Pinto Parada Baker Nicoletta Toniati* Ryan Vause


Alejandra Martinez Hernandez* Caleb Morgan* Diogo de Freitas Neves Eric Scott Olenslager* Anamaria Segura Moya^ Cameron Zane Till Ian Matias Valderas Oyarzun* Joshua E. Vences Aliny Cardoso Belo Xavier


LDS Business College 131 st Commencement

Candidates will receive diplomas if they meet all College and program requirements.

Candidates for Graduation Jorge Osvaldo Rojas Marquez Stephanie M Rowberry Kelsey Rachael Singleton* Mayumi Thompson Kyle Miller Treu Sergio D. Valdez Jill Vance Melanie Butler Von Bose* Colby James Walker Monica Ariel Wilson Natasha S. Wong* Maria Cristina Woods Connor Ray Wright* Kelly Young* Information Technology/ Business Intelligence Alice Naomi Anastasia Compton* Devin Scott Dillard Natalie Hansen David Michael Lue Marylia Gabryela Mendes de Sousa Jason Edward Mott Nancy Primintela Vargas Svetlana Solovaya* Information Technology/ Cyber Security Dustin Scott Berkley Hser Doh (Chapter)* Frank Flores Jacob Devin Hansen Kasey Charles Heaton* Onelda Lufta* Christian Gomes Kleim Moreira* Benjamin Brice Parker Ammon R. Saunders Rafael Silveira Sanches* Information Technology/ Database Administration Alice Naomi Anastasia Compton* Irie Siokapesi Naupoto Information Technology/ Network Engineering Josedaniel A. AcuĂąa* Damian Stanley Chijindu Ahamba Ricardo Ferreria Soares* * Honors Student

Darius Hall*^ Jacob Devin Hansen Nashton Jeppsen* Oyuki Mendoza Iglesias* Christian Gomes Kleim Moreira* Andres Ismael Orejuela Lozano Matthew Allen Rupert Rafael Silveira Sanches* Andre Fernando Simoes Neto* Information Technology/ Server Administration Alice Naomi Anastasia Compton* Durga Raju Krishna Velu* Oyuki Mendoza Iglesias* Leonardo Lemos Noronha Vieira Santos* Juan Zeballos Diaz Information Technology/ Software Development Nicolas Cerquera Angarita* Hirendira Caraveo Aragon Danylo Cheked* Andi Lila* Miguel Alexander Escamilla Moreno* Clauber Rocha Oliveira* Ryan James Richins* Matthew Calvin Ruben* Svetlana Solovaya* Bethaly Tenango Anaya* Glen J. Turnbow* Jordan Wells* Information Technology/ Systems Analysis Ricardo Ferreria Soares* Cho Yi Lau* Victor Matias Pedreira*^ Brandon Ryan Wardell* Brice Willie Professional Services/ Accounting Sergei Aleinikov* Carlos A. Alvarez R.* Rodrigo Aramburu Jair S. Araujo dos Santos Nilson Baretta Alexander C. Barrington

Lauren Renee Allen* Benjamin Ira Ames Riley Katherine Benham Tammy Bird* Jana Bischoff Caitlin Rae Blackmore* Rachel Melissa Bright*

Professional Services/ Executive Medical Assistant Melissa Yvette Alvarado Maria Elena Bobadilla Rios Adela Elizabeth Brown Brielle Danai Buchanan* Shelbi Lynn Burgon Justin Dennis Cutler Katheryn Janeth Dardon Stella De Oliveira Fragoso Nahama Dejeanlouis Stefany Yaneth Diaz Torres* Moredia Dicent Nicola Edwards-Falcher* Jacqueline E. Escalona Brenda Garcia Xavier^ Elizaveta Ivanovna Kaygorodova* Onelda Lufta*

^ Recipient of an LDSBC Leadership or Service Graduate Program Award


Professional Services/ Interior Design

Jessamyne Campbell Norma Lucia Castro Martinez* Giovanna Colitti Santos* M. Laurae Cook Near*^ Brooke Cude* Gabriele De Matteis Lesly Melissa Domgaard Rachelle Farrimond*^ Ana Fernandes* Cynthia Fuessel* Karina Galicia Zuvire Nayeli Anaid Garcia Granados Hallie Gooch* Heather Shaunae Ivins Kristine Lorraine Jackson* Emilie Jane Johnson* Emma Jean Lewis* Joshua Maddux Marissa McKenzie Oglesby Maryn Elizabeth Ray* Sandra Nahomi Romero Vazquez* Karla Paola Ruiz Huerta* Natasha Dawn Schartz Marissa Anne Sellers* McKell Smith Chad Christopher Thompson* Detzani Torres Camacho* Heather Pierce Wolthuis Alejandra Damariz Young*


Katie Leigh Black* Robert Spencer Blackman* Dylan James Boren* Spencer Allen Broadhead Yashiro Buendia Raelee Busk Mariana Chavez Vargas* Loren Ruth Cole Cooper David Corry Keren D. Cortes* Roberto Garcia* Joel Rudy Goeckeritz* Mahonri Gomez Hernandez* Gimena Gonzalez Cuelho* Tatiana Haner* Daniel Hiram Hart* Darren Hill Holly Ann Hutchison* Audrey Johnson* Cassandra Marie Judd* Austin Keller Liliia Khamzina* Sukyung Kim* Amanda Paige Littlewood* Daniel Felipe Murillo Bayona* Giulliane C. Nunes Ferraz Brindy Ann Nuttall* Janet Orozco Gregory S. Peterson Wellington de Freitas Pimentel Kirstin Reese*^ Ricardo Condom Sanz* Masiana Fesilafa’i Sauni Shayler William Stagg* Jalin David Stockdale* Gustavo Tenorio Sampaio Metui Tukuafu Camila F. Zapata


LDS Business College 131 st Commencement

Candidates will receive diplomas if they meet all College and program requirements.

Candidates for Graduation Erick Thomas Luna Jenniffer Adriana Mendoza Fuentes Sa’aimoana Arlene Migao Silvia Yosahandi Miller Anthony Vincent Mullins Kami Jo Munro* Roselynn Iga Nakanwagi Brittney Dawn Parsons* Tess A. Richardson^ Narine Tonoyan* Nekoro Omari Wilson* Professional Services/ Paralegal Studies Sarah Abel* Kelsianne Bailey*^ Charles Arden Crofts*^ Oli Francisco Cruz da Silva Michael George Hurst* Anastasia Alekseyevna Jiles* Rachel Brooke Prickett* Jared Saucedo Jaen Tafadzwa Shumba

Two-Year Associate of Science Business Evelyn Alves da Silva de Deus Zachary Steven Anderson Jennifer Bartlett* Zakari Jordain Bogden Joel H. Brown* Kevin Jared Castaneda Issa Michelle Gonzalez Quintanilla* Michael Disney Luke Qurdi Sánchez Moises Andreia Jackeline Bach Vincent General Studies Benjamin Ira Ames Integrated Studies Sarah Abel* Lauren Renee Allen* Miriam Horowitz Andrus Kelsianne Bailey* Alex Bengtzen* Alisa Bevziuk*^ * Honors Student

Caitlin Rae Blackmore* Bailey Joe Boekweg* Dylan James Boren* Paula C. Bossa Benitez*^ Carlton Andrew Bowen* Rachel Melissa Bright* Lance Charles Casagranda Margie Casallas Nicolas Cerquera Angarita* M. Laurae Cook Near* Keren D. Cortes* Miqueas H. Corvalan Sandra Vanessa Corvalan Charles Arden Crofts* Cameron James Crowther* Oli Francisco Cruz da Silva Justin Dennis Cutler Cody K. Dastrup Corey Davidson Melissa Davidson* Stefany Yaneth Diaz Torres* Samantha Cristina dos Santos* Nicola Edwards-Falcher* Braydon Joseph Egbert* Ana Fernandes* Antonella Fernández Castellano* Francisco Ricardo Fierro Merchan* Kaipo James Tavita Kawelelani Fitisemanu* Catherine Fletcher Harmon* Brenda Garcia Xavier Roberto Garcia* Carlos Gomez* Hallie Gooch* Austin Scott Graham* Jasen Stewart Graham Derek Michael Hansen* Mckay Mark Hyde Victoria Collyer Ioppi* Heather Shaunae Ivins Anastasia Alekseyevna Jiles* Audrey Johnson* Cassandra Marie Judd* Charles Daniel Kaleiki Kaohelauli’i Carroll Daniel Jeremy Kloosterboer David James Larkin Dakota Odin Leon Hannah Alexis Lewis* Erick Thomas Luna

One-Year Certificate Accounting Zakari Jordain Bogden Austin Tyler Case* Estefany Contreras Chang Corey Davidson Melissa Davidson* Braydon Joseph Egbert* Derek Michael Hansen* Hannah Alexis Lewis* Alfredo Nájera* Levi S. Ostler* Melina Fabiola Pacheco Napa Daniel Dallas Pehrson* Rosa B. Pinto Parada Baker Ezra Szvoboda*^ Jonathan D Trout* Interior Design Megan Elizabeth Carter*

Melissa Yvette Alvarado Maria Elena Bobadilla Rios Adela Elizabeth Brown Stella De Oliveira Fragoso Stefany Yaneth Diaz Torres* Moredia Dicent Nicola Edwards-Falcher* Brian Erichsen Fagundes Brenda Garcia Xavier Elizaveta Ivanovna Kaygorodova* Alexandria Lindsey Onelda Lufta* Erick Thomas Luna Sa’aimoana Arlene Migao Brittney Dawn Parsons* Christine Adebelle Ruiz Narine Tonoyan* Nekoro Omari Wilson* Medical Coding Zoey Bell Bown* Tammy Brinkerhoff* Claryssa Lee Decker* Leslie Hawkins* Stella Hougnon Erick Thomas Luna

^ Recipient of an LDSBC Leadership or Service Graduate Program Award


Medical Assistant


John M. Lynch*^ Joshua Maddux Yu Ping Mao* Alejandra Martinez Hernandez*^ Ricardo Antonio Martinez* Tlou George Mphaka* Daniel Felipe Murillo Bayona* Alfredo Nájera* Mariam Nalbandyan* Fabiola E Navarro Ayala Eric Scott Olenslager* Levi S. Ostler* Daniel Dallas Pehrson* Kevin Fernando Pereira Meckler Whitney Andersen Peterson* Amanda Aurora Pew Bryce Powers* Rachel Brooke Prickett* Adam Daniel Pridham*^ Kirstin Reese* Carlo Andre Reyes-Aranda* Ranzel Rindlisbacher Weston H. Rindlisbacher* Jorge Osvaldo Rojas Marquez Sandra Nahomi Romero Vazquez* Matthew Allen Rupert Juan L. Sanchez-Smith* Jared Saucedo Jaen Dillon John Schildan Garrett Brett Speak Shayler William Stagg* Ezra Szvoboda*^ Elizabeth E. Taylor* Chad Christopher Thompson* Cameron Zane Till Nicoletta Toniati* Jonathan D Trout* Feagaiga Z. Vaimauga* Alexa Shea Vance* Jacinda Vasquez Cristian Velazquez Ugalde Brice Willie Monica Ariel Wilson Kaeli Ann Wiltbank* Connor Ray Wright* Kelly Young*


LDS Business College 131 st Commencement

Candidates will receive diplomas if they meet all College and program requirements.

Candidates for Graduation Rozane McElprang Jami Murphy* Cecilia Ann Parkinson* Clareese Renee’ Reed* Charlotte Anne Widdison* Paralegal Studies Miriam Horowitz Andrus Carlton Andrew Bowen* Hansen Tarimoboere Prisca* Feagaiga Z. Vaimauga* Katherine Lucille Wahlen Professional Sales Paula C. Bossa Benitez*^ Sandra Vanessa Corvalan Cody Jay Hamilton* Stella Hougnon Mckay Mark Hyde John M. Lynch*^ Alejandra Martinez Hernandez*^ Dillon John Schildan

Social Media Marketing Miqueas H. Corvalan Cameron James Crowther* Sarah Elizabeth Evans Nicole Gneiting* Arturo Gomez Huerta Keith James Jackman* Yu Ping Mao* Jake Mize* Kayla T. Nielsen Bryce Powers* Kaitlyn Amanda Rowbotham* Taz Nicholas Smith* Garrett Brett Speak Shayler William Stagg* Elizabeth E. Taylor* Nicoletta Toniati* Jill Vance Gianna Lauren Wilson Ben D. Gardner* Jonathan David Herrera Andrew T. Larsen Flor Lee Samuel Macias Matthew Alexander Rabe Shayler William Stagg* Vaomaolo-Veronica Nicole Suapaia Nicoletta Toniati*

* Honors Student | ^ Recipient of an LDSBC Leadership or Service Graduate Program Award



LDS Business College is an institution of higher education founded and sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The school’s mission is to develop capable and trusted disciples of Jesus Christ. As an institution, we seek and follow the counsel and guidance of inspired leaders in harmony with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its purposes, and in fulfilling our stated mission. Core Themes Strengthening faith in Jesus Christ and His restored gospel, and following His example, are at the center of all we do. A unique learning and teaching framework prepares confident and skillful learners with relevant, in-demand and market-ready skills. Learning and teaching take place in a spiritually nourishing and uplifting environment. As each learner discovers their potential, they are enabled with power to act and grow; to become valuable employees and lifelong learners; and to serve as leaders in their homes, the Church and their communities.

LDSBC Learning Pattern



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ldsbc2018 # Š 2018 LDS Business College

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