Léa Garguet-Duport
Form Finding This project was about exploring the digital form, in order to create an indoor and outdoor space. For this experimented on rhino to create a journey through the landscape, focusing on the layering, to create pockets of spaces. The next step was to create a pavilion from our existing exploration. This lead me to create an open air cinema that students at the university could use.
The 2 lasser cut roofs superposed one on top of the other creating a canopy for those entering the space.
Journey through pavilion
The massive 3D print that serves as a massive canopy covering the entire center of the topology.
Wire frame of the Topography with one of the canopies, filtration of light. Shadows created from the slots created on the roofs. Light is than allowed to enter the space and create atmosphere.
Wire frame of the same canopy but in different angle.
Journey and experience from the start point to the end point.
Exploration of the filtration and the shadows it casts on the topography.
a roof covering the whole.
Introducing a new language of shapes, something that is quite organic but at the same time quite a simple cone shape.
Using the same language as the previous model but trying to integrate the scoring technique of the second model.
Children’s Playground in Salzburg This project was about creating a public space within the old town of Salzburg. Having a space that adapts and changes with the seasons of Salzburg. For this I wanted to create a space for locals and visitors to bring their kids for the parents to be able to explore the city while the kids also being taken care off and getting to know the city in another fashion.
Sketch Models
Ribbon ribs of a structure Something that also demonstrates a flow of movement. Massing out the main spaces with a roof covering the whole.
Introducing a new language of shapes, something that is quite organic but at the same time quite a simple cone shape.
Using the same language as the previous model but trying to inte-
grate the scoring technique of the Sketch Models second model. Looking at the relationship of each of the spaces and how one creates shadows for the other element.
Introducing the same language as the Ribbon ribs of a structure first project, with a large roof covering the main spaces. Something that also demonstrates a flow of movement. Strips of paper demonstrating the movement that happen within the structure.
Pealing off the surface through scoring in two different directions. The texture created on the surface of the paper is something that I would like to bring into a pealing material surface.
Massing out the main spaces with a roof covering the whole.
Introducing a new language of shapes, something that is quite organic but at the same time quite a simple cone shape.
Using the same language as the previous model but trying to integrate the scoring technique of the second model.
Sketch Models
Ribbon ribs of a structure Something that also demonstrates a flow of movement. Massing out the main spaces with a roof covering the whole.
Introducing a new language of shapes, something that is quite organic but at the same time quite a simple cone shape.
Using the same language as the previous model but trying to integrate the scoring technique of the second model.
Looking at the relationship of each of the spaces and how one creates shadows for the other element.
Pealing off the surface through scoring in two different directions. The texture created on the surface of the paper is something that I would like to bring into a pealing material surface.
Introducing the same language as the first project, with a large roof covering the main spaces. Strips of paper demonstrating the movement that happen within the structure.
Section at 1:100 on A1 Looking at the relationship of each of the spaces and how one creates shadows for the other element.
Material Exploration
I went to a AA summer Workshop in Jordan, the theme for this year was Mars and we had to explore materials and how we could create a spacesuit. We learned during this workshop Maya and grasshopper and explored through images and landscape forms. Starting off with an inspiration image either of Mars, or images taken in Wadi Rum desert, we played around with Maya to represent this Martian material, and transformed it into what could become a layer for a modern spacesuit.
Mars Landscape
Mars landscape transformed with iterations of what the landscape could become using Maya.
Development of a system that could become a second layer to the skin witch holes by the hand for intake of food when on Mars.
Further developed afterwards for it to become an armour and protective suit that will act as a barrier to the nature outside.
Working with different materials, from digital to physical prototyping to help develop design.
Dynamic Room This project was a group work where two of us designed this dynamic room which was a symbol and representation of the site location, that was bombed during WW2. We collaborated together to create a design that could offer two spaces for storytelling, one that was smaller that would be more claustrophobic and the other would be larger but still feel enclosed.
Performative Pods This was a 2 week project that was carried out after another project which was done as a group. The aim of this project in Folkestone was to create a space within the art quarter of the city and design something where people of different backgrounds can interact. Through this project I was interested in creating different levels to which they can open up to the public and the artists can perform for the people within the structure but also to others.
Exploded roof system
Renders of the Performance center
Form and layers starting to evolve into a structure
Cosmetic Seaweed Farm 10
Cosmetic Seaweed Farm Part of a Masterplan design for Folkestone Harbour to create a new regenerative scheme for the abandoned Inner and Outer of Harbour of the city.
D ctio n Se
Section BB
AA 2
Secondary pods Central Building
1. Exhibition Space 2. Public Square 3. Public Indoor Space 4. Indoor Pools 5. Custom House, meeting room 6. New Public Space 7. Market stall 8. External Pool 9. Changing Room 10. Drying Tower 11. Fishermen path
Changing rooms External Pool Small Section C
Small Section D
1m Section BB 1.100
1.100 Ground Floor Plan
3 2
7 2
6 3
1.20 Section 1. Concrete Roof -External Membrane -Gap -Insulation 150 mm -Concrete 250mm -Inner membrane -Finish
8 m 5
2. Concrete Column 3. Glass Column 4. Gutter that lets water run through 5. Silicone Wall -20 mm for humidity control 6. Retaining wall 7. Filtering water 8. Water mesh 9. Skylight
1.Exhibition Space 2.Viewing Platforms 3.Public Space 4.Pools 5.Research and Development Lab for Cosmetics 6.External Pool 7.Drying tower