TopLine Fall 2022 Sale

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One of America’s Strongest Maternal Angus Cow Herds Saturday, October 1st, 2022 • 1 pm 101 Livestock • Aromas, CA Leachman TopLine California Sale 139 Angus Bulls Fertility and Udder EPDs on every animal

We Give a 4-Year Warranty. What does your bull supplier offer? Leachman TopLine Bulls Build Better Cow Herds Fertile. Good Doing. Sound. Extra Longevity. Offering 139 Angus Bulls Leachman TopLine Fall Sale Saturday, Oct. 1 st , 2022 101 Livestock ● Aromas, CA We offer the only bulls with fertility AND udder EPDs! Lee Leachman, CEO • Office: (970) 568-3983 • Jim Warren, 101 Livestock (831) 320-3698 Jon Dolieslager, Tulare County Stockyard (559) 358-1070 Jerrod Watson, Leachman Cattle (303) 827-1156 • Todd Stegall, TopLine (530) 713-8755

Lot numbers: Bulls will sell in lot order and are tagged with lot numbers.

The cattle will sell under the terms and conditions adopted by the American Angus Association effective March 21, 1994. In the event of default in part of the terms and conditions cover ing this sale by either the buyer or seller, it shall be the respon sibility of the buyer or seller to instigate any action necessary to bring about a fair settlement of any claims arising from the sale and to be responsible for any costs included therein. The sale management assumes no responsibility, legal or otherwise, for the failure of either buyer or seller to fulfill their obligations.

2022 14th Annual Leachman TopLine Bull Sale Saturday, October 1st, 2022 – 1 pm Auctioneer: Jim (831)320-3698Warren Sale Day Phones: Lee Leachman (970) 219-8519 Craig Hays (660) 373-1897 Todd Stegall (530) 713-8755 Jerrod Watson (303) 827-1156

Sale Location and Directions: The sale will be held at 101 Livestock, off Hwy 101 southeast of San Juan Bautista. The address is: 4400 Hwy 101, Aromas, CA 95004.

Livestock Market, Inc.

(970) 568-3983 Page 1

Genetic Test: All bulls out of known carriers have been tested for known defects (CA, AM, NH, and OS) and sell clean, unless otherwise noted in the catalog or from the sale block.

Special Buyers Representatives that

Jeannie Coefield: (831) 801-1428 Monty Avery: (831) 320-3701 Garrett Jones: Best of the West

Retained Interest In Bulls: Top Line will retain a 1/2 semen interest only, in all of the bulls that sell. Buyer has 100% possession and 100% salvage value.

Delivery: Free delivery within California. Adjoining states at $250 / bull.

Terms and Conditions:

New bid online option: Go to and click create an account in the top right corner. Then register to bid for 101 Livestock Market.

Herd Health: Bulls sell with a complete vaccination program and ready for turnout. They are guaranteed sound and healthy. They sell with a complete breeding soundness evaluation performed in August. All bulls have received two shots of the killed Anaplasmosis vaccination.

Pre-Sale Lunch

Kevin Unger (780) 470-1131 Charlie Stadtler: (209) 678-1607 Bob Donati: (805) 245-3105

Guarantee: All Leachman TopLine bulls sell with an unconditional four year guarantee against any loss of use. The guarantee is pro-rated 25% per year and salvage value is deducted. This iron-clad guarantee is as good as you will find anywhere. Inquire if you have additional questions. Can Bid for You: (209) 710-7904

Complimentary at the Sale Barn Lunch: A complimentary lunch will be available sale day.

Zech, Brianne, Owen, Oatus, Milli, & August Browning Fletcher Thornton Lee with Mike, Zech, and Josh Browning. Hayes, Case, Taylor & Todd Stegall Sydney, Lisa (LCoC partner), Cade and Mike (LCoC partner) Browning Ron Minudri and Larry






Leachman, Jenn & Graham Leachman, Lisa & Lee Leachman (LCoC partners) Page 2 see video at

NOTE: AllAround bulls can also be used as either Maternal or Terminal Specialists. They are just as good as the specialist. Be sure to include them on your lists.

We make bull buying easy!

A 4.5 Star All Around Angus bull. Excels as a Maternal Specialist with 5 Star $Ranch, 5 Star Fertility and 4 Star Teat/Udder EPDs. This Sire exemplifies the tremendous opportunity with in our system to build and elite cow her that will stand the test of time and raise calves that will excel in the feedlot. BottomLine was sold in the 2018 TopLine sale for $7500 and is still leaving his mark on the herd. AllAround 4.5-Star eeeec 568-3983

Leachman TL BottomLine G385E

Choose between: Maternal trait Emphasis Terminal trait Emphasis Balanced trait Emphasis What you get: Moderate, fertile, longlived cows More pounds per acre High gaining and heavy carcass weight Better conversion and more grid value These bulls combine 4 & 5 stars on both Maternal & Feed/Carc How you get it: Buy Four & Five Star Maternal bulls Buy Four & Five Star Feed/ Carc bulls Buy bulls with 4 - 5 AllAround Stars


When it comes to picking bulls, the first thing you need to do is choose how to balance the traits. Maternal vs Terminal. $Ranch vs $Feeder. Moderate cow size & fertility vs growth and carcass weight. Leachman Cattle provides MORE data than any other bull producer. We also provide BETTER data. Most catalogs are pretty good at telling you which bulls are terminal -- just look at indexes like $Feeder, $Beef, or TI, or TSI. However, there are almost no good indexes for finding ideal maternal bulls. At Leachman, we have had the $Ranch index for some time. Now, we also have Udder stars and Fertility stars. As of today, neither Udder nor Fertility are included in $Ranch. Thus, the best Maternal bulls combine $Ranch, Udder and Fertility.

This year, we are introducing a new concept: AllAround Bulls™ These bulls score four stars or more on BOTH Maternal and Feed/Carc. They are elite for both $Ranch and $Feeder. By definition, they are high on $Profit. The TopLine bulls in the cataglog excel in $Ranch, Fertility and Udders, making them Maternal Specialist, a very high % as compared to other Angus herd in the country. Why or how? Simply put, we select for these Thebulls.AllAround Specialists are scored 4, 4.5, and 5 Stars. 5-Star AllAround bulls are five for both Maternal and Feed/Carc. 4.5-Star AllARound bulls are 4 on Maternal or Feed/Carc and 5 on the other. 4-Star AllAround bulls are 4 stars on both Maternal and Feed/Carc. We think that these AllAround bulls are the most valuable bulls in the industry. They give you maximum flexibility to keep heifers, sell calves, and/or feed our your calves and sell on a grid. These bulls will bring a little more, but they are worth it.

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Footnote designation: Maternal Specialists Terminal Specialists AllAround Specialists First choose your trait emphasis. Then buy as much $Profit as you can afford.


(If no stars are shown, the animal is recommended for use on cows only.)

Star System Explained: TM How $Profit works: $Profit assumes that the average commercial bull will have 100 progeny over its lifetime. The model assumes that you keep 30% of your heifers as replacements and that you retain ownership on the remainder of the calves through finishing and sell on a grid. We realize that many don’t retain ownership, but doesn’t it make the most sense to select from birth all the way to slaughter? Feedlots have already proven their willingness to pay premiums for superior Leachman sired calves.

Fertility (days to conception) = more weight and more calves Carcass weight = worth more up to 1050 lbs. Marbling = valued based on grid premiums

Better qqqq Best qqqqq Page 4 see video at


Weaning and yearling EPD = more weight

Maternal: An estimate of the maternal efficiency of the daughters this sire will produce. It includes cow size, milk, fertility and growth. Keep these heifers! They will make the most profitable females in the business.

Disposition: An observation of the sires disposition. You can walk up to and touch. Average - respects flight zones and handles well, but is not a pet. Nervous.


Feed/Carc: A formula that combines: gain, conversion, carcass weight and carcass merit to predict post weaning performance. Maximum overall value in your feeder calves.

Ribeye area = value as impacts yield grade % Retail Product = more yield is more meat Cost Traits Cow mature size = in general bigger eats more Cow intake = more intake costs more Feedlot feed efficiency = cost of gain Some traits are not so easily characterized for $Profit. Milk, for example, is a good thing until you get too much. When over +25, milk EPD has a more negative effect on fertility than it has a positive effect on weaning weight. There are a few traits not yet included in $Profit: longevity, structure, and disposition. These traits are important but difficult to express in dollars

Growth: A formula combines WW and YW to predict how much performance the sire will pass on to their progeny. Most growth.

On sale day we want heavy, high quality steers to pay the bills. The rest of the time we want efficient cows to keep our costs as low as possible. Simply selecting for smaller cows with no regard for feed efficiency is not the answer.





Likewise, selecting for shear growth with disregard for cost is just as poor of a strategy. The best way to make your cowherd truly efficient, and your calf crop earn more, is to use Leachman $Profit™. This is the only index in the industry that works on both sides of the ledger (production AND cost). Cows that work! Steers that pay! Good qqq



Our simulation model then factors in all of the effects on both income and expense to come up with a net profit figure for each bull. $Profit allows you to compare any two bulls and calculate the difference in profit that they are expected to generate in your herd. Let’s compare a $10,000 $Profit bull to $6,000 $Profit bull (the average 2008 born Angus bull). The predicted difference between the bulls is $4,000 or about $40 per calf. $Profit works for us and it will work for you too. What traits are included in $Profit: $Profit includes nearly every trait that impacts profitability. The effect of most traits on profit is fairly simple to understand. Here is the list of what is included and its effect: Revenue Traits


Are all small cows really efficient? There seems to be a big disconnect in today’s beef industry.

Calving ease = more calves

Calving Ease: The predicted calving ease if you use the bull on heifers. The easiest calving bulls in the industry. Use on smaller heifers with minimal assistance needed. Use on larger heifers with some assistance expected.

$Ranch: Profit from birth through weaning. Includes: • Fertility, Milk, Growth • Cow feed intake and mature size $Feeder: Profit from weaning to harvest. Includes: • Feed conversion • Carcass value • Carcass weight $Profit: Puts it all together. $Ranch + $Feeder. • One number that predicts your bottom line! Feed:Gain: Difference in the amount of feed a bull's progeny will consume to produce one pound of gain. Example: A -0.50 F:G EPD means this animal's progeny will consume 1/2 pound less feed per pound of gain than would progeny of a 0.00 F:G EPD sire. Feed Intake: Difference in feed consumption of each of a bull's progeny in a 112 day feeding period. Example: A steer whose sire has a -100 Intake EPD will eat 100 pounds less feed in 112 days than one whose sire had a zero Intake EPD. Feed Efficiency Explained: Leachman financial indexes allow you to HAVE IT ALL ! $ Indexes Explained: Across Breed Comparisons Dare to compare: You cannot afford to make mistakes in your breeding program! Choosing to use sires with incom plete or low value data can unknowingly make your herd less profitable – same work, same cost, poor results - unaccept able. Leachman ABC’s are the most reliable and comprehen sive EPD’s in the industry. They are backed by a large (nearly a million), long-standing (over 30 years), multi-breed (over 15 breeds) database. Using this system assures you of making sound breeding decisions with minimal risk of failure. On the Ranch, In the Feedlot, & On the Rail, $PROFIT™ simply works! Good Better Best % Rank: Average Top 25% Top 1% BW 1.9 0.4 -3.1 WW 36 44 64 YW 62 77 112 MILK Preference based on environment SC 0.54 0.76 1.31 HT Preference based on environment MAT WT Preference based on environment REA 0.52 0.66 0.99 IMF 0.20 0.34 0.67 CAR WT 830 844 877 BF -0.04 -0.03 0.02 Good Better Best % Rank: Average Top 25% Top 1% Feed:Gain 0.06 -0.01 -0.17 Intake 22 -3 -65 Good Better Best % Rank: Average Top 25% Top 1% $Profit $6,748 $10,860 $20,939 $Ranch $28 $42 $75 $Feeder $71 $111 $211 (970) 568-3983 Page 5

We Take Raising Bulls Seriously!

Here, the process starts as Lee brings a bull out of the group to be evaluated individually.

Every bull offered by Leachman Cattle of Colorado is genomically evaluated, performance tested, and pheno typically analyzed. Lee has scored over 27,000 bulls since moving to Colorado in 2003. Lee Leachman and Craig Hays personally inspect every bull. We assign scores for claw shape, foot angle, disposition, mobility, eye appeal, and overall desirability. We pay special attention to the factors that are causing bulls to fail in the pasture. We watch for bulls that don’t track properly or place their feet down soundly. Any bulls deemed unsound are culled. Bulls with poor claw set are marked in catalogs with the footnote: “Feet-“. Finally, we guarantee every bull for a full 4 years from purchase.

The bull is held in a small alleyway or pen while Lee and Craig score the bull. at

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Craig Hays, Director of Leachman Bull Sales (left), is in charge of the management and preparation of the bulls. Craig comes with a wealth of experience, having ultrasounded over 250,000 animals prior to joining the Leachman team in 2019. Craig also runs his own herd of Stabilizers as a Leachman cooperator.

Pictures taken scoring the 2020 Loma Sale bulls in October, 2020. While Lee & Craig don’t always agree, they come to consensus on each bull.

• It drives supplemental feed cost. • It impacts how many cows you can stock on the ranch. • It drives the amount of feed needed to get young females back in calf. • Our Dry Matter Intake (DMI) EPD is the best in the industry. • Our $Profit, $Ranch, and $Feeder all utilize DMI to drive feed costs. Feed consumption is the #1 driver of cost on your ranch. Our 24 bunk feed intake unit at Sonrise Feeders, Wellington, CO. We feed a high roughage ration designed to produce 3.2 ADG during the winter. Page 8 see video at

The Leachman Database has 34,850 Feed Intake records! • Annually we add over 4,000 intake records. • We have a 24 bunk GrowSafe unit at Sonrise Feeders, Wellington, CO. • We utilize the feed intake unit at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. • We utilize the 55 bunk C-Lock unit at Lincoln County Feed Yard, Stapleton, NE. • We also collect feed intake data from 20 $Profit Share seedstock herds on three continents. • No one collects more whole herd feed intake data than Leachman. The 55 bunk Feed Intake Barn at Lincoln County Feed Yard. Grubl and Rempe 2020-born bulls are trailed from the main yard to the feed intake unit at Lincoln County Feed Yard. (970) 568-3983 Page 9

Hallmarks of the Leachman Family for generations. Leachman Cattle of Colorado and $Profit™ Share are guided by Lee Leachman who not only carries forward the traditions of past generations but is always on the leading edge of innovation by developing and applying the latest tools and technologies. Continuing the pursuit of excellence in the beef industry. Not just SEMEN… Not just BULLS… A complete SYSTEM! The following lineup of elite bulls is a direct result of Lee’s relentless pursuit for developing the truly great, pivotal sires in multiple breeds. Spanning 75 years of genetic improvement and innovation. ...1963 2016...1990 20122004 1996 at the Lee L. Leachman Memorial Room, Sheraton Hotel, Billings, MT. 1965 International Livestock Show Top row: Alan Ryan, Lee L. Leachman, James H. Leachman, Lester J Leachman, Ankony Farm. EXPERIENCETRADITIONVISIONCOMMITMENT PASSIONLEADERSHIP Lee Leachman, Partner/Owner Office: 970-568-3983 Email: Page 10 see video at

The Ankony Angus herd helped shape the Angus breed for over 20 years! New Standard G A R -EGL Protege Saugahatchee New Design 878 New Design 1407 We have purchased and raised many great Angus bulls over the years. No, not all of them turn out the way we hope, in fact very few of them become breed leaders. I can truly say with full confidence that these sires do belong on our leader board. - Lee Leachman Ankonian Jingo Ankonian Peerless Ankonian Paragon Ankonian President Ankonian Projector Bon View New Design 1407 Bon View New Design 878 Canadian Colossal LCC New Standard Leachman EileenmereLeachmanResolutionParidigmOBardoliermere21032HomeplaceEileenmere 999 35 GAR-EGL Protege TCA SaugahatcheeVisionary3000C Since the 40’s, the Leachman Family has owned and bred pivotal Angus herd sires! SydGen Bonus 8084 (Reg #19169335) One of the leading Angus sires for $Profit, $32,449. Top 2% in the breed for Marbling and Ribeye and top 1% of breed for $Beef and $Combined. G A R High Security JSF 4005 (Reg #17932116) The best footed, high Profit Angus bull! Combines Top 5% for Hoof Claw, 5% for Marbling, 1% for $Maternal and $26,163 $Profit. Featuring sons of these great Angus sires: HPCA Vercingetorix (Reg #19346476) A high $Profit bull ($29,570 $Prof it, top 1%). First offering of bulls are deep, thick and square hipped. Feed:Gain on these bulls are proving him to be a feed efficient leader. (970) 568-3983 Page 11

1 LCOC TL VERCINGETORIX G194J 20373621 4/30/21 A P Pen: 200 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee G A R Ashland Growth eeeee HPCA Vercingetorix Maternal eeeea H P C A Sure Fire P245 Feed/Carc eeeee SydGen Exceed 3223 Phenotype eeeea TOP Barbara FG472 Disposition 3.5 TOP Barbara DG172 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.5 55 99 33 1.27 1.10 1231 -0.30 47 5.75 36.34 $Ranch $50 27% $Feeder $282 0.6% $Profit $29,887 0.3% 4.5 Star All Around. #2 $Profit, #1 $Feeder, #3 Ribeye, #7 Feed:Gain. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 2 LCOC TL VERCINGETORIX G215J 20227563 5/5/21 A P Pen: 200 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee G A R Ashland Growth eeeaa HPCA Vercingetorix Maternal eeeea H P C A Sure Fire P245 Feed/Carc eeeee T C A Visionary 158 Phenotype eeeea TOP Foxy Firefly FG456 Disposition 3.5 TOP Foxy Firefly YG136 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.5 64 117 37 1.41 1.01 1248 -0.15 69 5.80 36.46 $Ranch $61 11% $Feeder $244 2% $Profit $27,827 0.7% 4.5 Star All Around. #4 $Profit, #6 $Feeder, #7 Marbling, #4 Ribeye. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT Lot 1 Lot 2 Mike looking at his replacement heifers Page 12 see video at Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

3 LCOC TL BONUS G183J 20227554 4/28/21 A P Pen: 200 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL DDC C. Ease eeee SydGen Exceed 3223 Growth eeeaa SydGen Bonus 8084 Maternal eeeea SydGen Blackcap 5371 Feed/Carc eeeee LCoC TL Valedictorian G168C Phenotype eeeea Top Erica EG391 Disposition 4.5 Top Erica BG261 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -1.8 55 106 35 1.47 0.77 1243 -0.22 43 5.55 36.75 $Ranch $69 4% $Feeder $261 1% $Profit $30,349 0.3% 4.5 Star All Around. #1 $Profit, #15 $Ranch, #2 $Feeder, #2 Marbling. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 4 LCOC TL BONUS G219J 626429316 5/6/21 A P Pen: 200 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeee SydGen Exceed 3223 Growth eeeea SydGen Bonus 8084 Maternal eeeea SydGen Blackcap 5371 Feed/Carc eeeee LCHMN MS ANGUS Phenotype eeeea TOP Erica GG327 Disposition 4.0 Top Erica CG161 PAP 0.45 BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -2.2 50 103 28 1.24 0.92 1244 -0.26 55 5.37 38.38 $Ranch $55 19% $Feeder $258 1% $Profit $28,350 0.6% 4.5 Star All Around. #3 $Profit, #3 $Feeder, #4 Marbling, #8 Ribeye. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 6 LCOC TL HIGH SECURITY G182J 20227584 4/28/21 A P Pen: 201 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL DDC C. Ease eeee G A R Sure Fire Growth eeeea G A R High Security JSF 4005 Maternal eeeea G A R High Design 781 Feed/Carc eeeee LCoC Fur Prog G110B Phenotype eeeea Top Anita EG369 Disposition 4.0 Top Anita CG177 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.9 48 94 29 0.86 1.02 1230 -0.15 44 5.46 36.55 $Ranch $57 15% $Feeder $232 2% $Profit $26,408 1% 4.5 Star All Around. #10 $Profit, #13 Fertility, #11 $Feeder, #2 Ribeye. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 5 LCOC TL HIGH SECURITY G166J 20409658 4/12/21 A P Pen: 200 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL NHF C. Ease eeee G A R Sure Fire Growth eeeea G A R High Security JSF 4005 Maternal eeeea G A R High Design 781 Feed/Carc eeeea T C A Visionary 158 Phenotype eeeea TOP Isabel FG516 Disposition 3.0 LCoC Isabel UG390 PAP 0.94 BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -1.8 57 101 32 0.94 0.92 1253 -0.17 64 5.91 36.49 $Ranch $65 7% $Feeder $213 3% $Profit $25,654 1% 4 Star All Around. #8 $Profit, #9 Fertility, #5 Ribeye, #10 WW & #7 YW. ***** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT Lot LotLot345 JimbrandingRobertson (970) 568-3983 Page 13 Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

7 LCOC TL ERNEST G222J 20250927 5/7/21 A P Pen: 201 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease SydGen Exceed 3223 Growth eeeea Ankonian Ernest 8149 Maternal eeeea Green Garden Effie QB80 Feed/Carc eeeee G A R Sure Fire Phenotype eeeea Top Connie EG355 Disposition 4.0 Top Connie BG247 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 2.5 65 110 31 1.55 0.75 1251 -0.24 73 5.66 37.59 $Ranch $43 43% $Feeder $252 1% $Profit $26,391 1% 4.5 Star All Around. #9 $Profit, #4 $Feeder, #1 Marbling, #11 WW. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 8 LCOC TL BONUS G207J 20227558 5/3/21 A P Pen: 201 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease SydGen Exceed 3223 Growth eeeea SydGen Bonus 8084 Maternal eeeea SydGen Blackcap 5371 Feed/Carc eeeee Leachman TL Decision G155A Phenotype eeeea Top Connie EG373 Disposition 3.5 TOP Connie UG648 PAP 0.96 BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.1 59 104 27 0.94 0.88 1246 -0.35 0 5.45 36.41 $Ranch $46 38% $Feeder $235 2% $Profit $25,212 2% 4.5 Star All Around. #12 $Profit, #9 $Feeder, #18 Ribeye, #5 Feed:Gain. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT Lot 7 Lot 8 Jase BrowningwithholdingThomasacalfhelpfromhissonJayden(left)andJosh(right) Page 14 see video at Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

9 LCOC TL VERCINGETORIX G192J 20227651 4/29/21 A P Pen: 201 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease G A R Ashland Growth eeeea HPCA Vercingetorix Maternal eeeea H P C A Sure Fire P245 Feed/Carc eeeea LCC New Design H062N Phenotype eeeea TOP Middlebrook YG106 Disposition 4.0 LCOC Middlebrook PG042 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.1 62 103 30 0.92 0.81 1226 -0.30 79 5.63 36.30 $Ranch $48 33% $Feeder $211 4% $Profit $23,283 3% 4 Star All Around. #17 $Profit, #16 $Feeder, #8 Feed:Gain. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 10 LCOC TL BONUS G151J 20227568 4/26/21 A P Pen: 201 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeeee SydGen Exceed 3223 Growth eeeaa SydGen Bonus 8084 Maternal eeeea SydGen Blackcap 5371 Feed/Carc eeeea Buford BlueStem 9974 Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Lady Donna 2044 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Lady Donna 31U PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -4.7 44 95 32 1.06 0.62 1231 0.34 48 5.41 37.00 $Ranch $67 5% $Feeder $203 4% $Profit $25,054 2% 4 Star All Around. #14 $Profit and #18 $Feeder. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 11 LCOC TL BONUS G171J 20227564 4/27/21 A P Pen: 202 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeee SydGen Exceed 3223 Growth eeeea SydGen Bonus 8084 Maternal eeeea SydGen Blackcap 5371 Feed/Carc eeeee Mytty 4-Stroke Phenotype eeeea Mytty Blackcap Bardolier4067 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Blackcap Bardolier2308 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -4.0 51 97 38 0.88 1.07 1243 -0.13 62 5.87 37.15 $Ranch $45 38% $Feeder $251 1% $Profit $26,526 1% 4.5 Star All Around. #6 $Profit and #5 $Feeder. *** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 12 LCOC TL RITO G111J 20216959 1/1/21 N P Pen: 202 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeee Rito 3S10 of 9Q15 Progress Growth eeaaa Ankonian Rito 7095 Maternal eeeee Riverbend Lucy U1187 Feed/Carc eeeaa Leachman Graduate G065X Phenotype eeeee TOP Princess ZG195 Disposition 2.5 LCC Princess NG792 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.7 50 79 38 1.19 0.76 1212 0.46 81 5.50 36.67 $Ranch $68 4% $Feeder $152 12% $Profit $20,715 5% Maternal Specialist. #20 $Ranch, #6 Fertility & #6 Marbling. ***** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 13 LCOC TL VISIONARY G279J 626429445 5/25/21 N P Pen: 202 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL NHF C. Ease eee T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeea LCoC TL Visionary G654F Maternal eeeea LCoC Isabel UG390 Feed/Carc eeeea Koupal Advance 28 Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Rita 5078 Disposition 3.0 Mytty Rita 3202 PAP 1.1 BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.5 60 114 28 0.78 0.81 1257 0.00 64 5.84 36.81 $Ranch $46 37% $Feeder $201 5% $Profit $22,213 4% 4 Star All Around. Top 5% $Profit, #18 WW and #14 YW EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT Lot 9 Lot 11 Lot 12 (970) 568-3983 Page 15 Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

14 LCOC TL VERCINGETORIX G199J 626429269 5/2/21 A P Pen: 202 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee G A R Ashland Growth eeeea HPCA Vercingetorix Maternal eeeea H P C A Sure Fire P245 Feed/Carc eeeaa BCC Jaf Tiger 64Y Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Angus 5316 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Angus 3607 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.8 56 103 28 0.76 0.75 1240 -0.17 66 5.78 36.26 $Ranch $49 30% $Feeder $176 7% $Profit $20,437 6% Maternal Specialist. Top 7% $Profit and top 4% Ribeye EPD. *** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 15 LCOC TL PARADIGM G175J 20409657 4/27/21 A P Pen: 202 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL DDF C. Ease eeee Leachman Paradigm G289U Growth eeeea LCoC Paradigm G227X Maternal eeeea TOP Blackcap T525 Feed/Carc eeeea A A R Ten X 7008 S A# Phenotype eeeaa TOP Zara FG518 Disposition 3.0 LCoC Zara TG004 PAP 1.97 BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -1.2 59 108 32 1.29 0.40 1244 0.08 102 5.60 37.10 $Ranch $61 11% $Feeder $191 6% $Profit $23,183 3% 4 Star All Around. Top 4% $Profit, #17 $Feeder, #12 WW, #4 YW. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FTFT 16 LCOC TL VISIONARY G328J 626429553 7/4/21 N P Pen: 203 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL NHC C. Ease eeee T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeea LCoC TL Visionary G654F Maternal eeeea LCoC Isabel UG390 Feed/Carc eeeea Ayrvale Bartel E7 Phenotype eeeea Top Blackcap EG352 Disposition 3.5 Top Blackcap BG242 PAP 1.86 BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -3.2 65 120 31 1.11 1.00 1274 -0.13 89 5.63 37.17 $Ranch $64 7% $Feeder $233 2% $Profit $27,328 1% 4 Star All Around. #7 $Profit, #2 Fertility, #10 Ribeye, #4 WW & #3 YW. ***** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 17 LCOC TL HIGH SECURITY G395J 20363321 7/8/21 A P Pen: 203 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL DDC C. Ease eeee G A R Sure Fire Growth eeeaa G A R High Security JSF 4005 Maternal eeeee G A R High Design 781 Feed/Carc eeeea T C A Visionary 158 Phenotype eeeea Top Erica DG176 Disposition 4.0 Top Erica BG289 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -2.0 59 103 25 0.97 0.98 1231 -0.05 67 5.67 36.94 $Ranch $67 5% $Feeder $191 6% $Profit $24,018 2% 4.5 Star All Around. #13 $Profit, #12 $Ranch, #7 Fertility, #6 Ribeye. ***** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 18 LCOC TL ERNEST G252J 20250838 5/17/21 A P Pen: 203 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease SydGen Exceed 3223 Growth eeeea Ankonian Ernest 8149 Maternal eeeaa Green Garden Effie QB80 Feed/Carc eeeee Clunes Crossing Dusty M13 Phenotype eeeaa TOP Manor GG169 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Manor 6068 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 3.8 65 122 25 1.17 1.00 1245 -0.41 27 5.53 36.77 $Ranch $28 78% $Feeder $241 2% $Profit $23,439 3% Terminal Specialist. #18 $Profit, #8 $Feeder, #5 Marbling, #1 Feed:Gain. *** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 19 LCOC TL HIGH SECURITY G179J 20227660 4/28/21 A P Pen: 203 Scores 100AN BBK B TPL C. Ease eeee G A R Sure Fire Growth eeeaa G A R High Security JSF 4005 Maternal eeeea G A R High Design 781 Feed/Carc eeeea S A V Final Answer 0035# Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Miss 4022 Disposition 3.0 Mytty Miss 2061 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -1.1 59 107 34 1.41 0.74 1223 -0.08 78 5.24 37.39 $Ranch $70 4% $Feeder $190 6% $Profit $24,211 2% 4 Star All Around. #15 $Profit and #14 $Ranch. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT Lot 16 Lot 17 Page 16 see video at Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

20 LCOC TL VALEDICTORIAN G266J 20352604 5/20/21 N P Pen: 203 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease Leachman TL Valedictorian Growth eeaaa LCoC TL Valedictorian G168C Maternal eeeaa TOP Blackcap YG138 Feed/Carc eeeaa Ayrvale Bartel E7 Phenotype eeeaa Top Traveler EG354 Disposition 4.0 Top Bando's Future R42 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.1 54 103 31 1.06 0.38 1228 -0.09 4 5.49 36.46 $Ranch $65 6% $Feeder $152 12% $Profit $20,349 6% Top 6% $Profit and $Ranch with the #20 Marbling EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. ** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 21 LCOC TL VERCINGETORIX G159J 20227640 4/26/21 A P Pen: 204 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee G A R Ashland Growth eeeaa HPCA Vercingetorix Maternal eeeea H P C A Sure Fire P245 Feed/Carc eeeaa Buford BlueStem 9974 Phenotype eeeee Mytty Maid Solution 6007 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Maid Solution 4242 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.9 58 99 35 1.11 0.80 1237 -0.15 144 5.21 36.25 $Ranch $57 15% $Feeder $168 9% $Profit $20,756 5% Maternal Specialist. Top 5% $Profit and top 4% Feed:Gain. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 22 LCOC TL HIGH SECURITY G231J 20227583 5/9/21 A P Pen: 204 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease G A R Sure Fire Growth eeeea G A R High Security JSF 4005 Maternal eeeea G A R High Design 781 Feed/Carc eeeea LCoC Fur Prog G110B Phenotype eeeee Top Barbara Eg370 Disposition 3.0 Top Barbara CG171 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.6 61 108 19 0.99 0.86 1230 -0.13 64 5.58 36.69 $Ranch $43 44% $Feeder $198 5% $Profit $21,568 4% 4 Star All Around. Top 5% $Profit, #19 $Feeder and #19 WW EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 23 LCOC TL VERCINGETORIX G148J 20227642 4/25/21 A P Pen: 204 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeeee G A R Ashland Growth eeeea HPCA Vercingetorix Maternal eeeea H P C A Sure Fire P245 Feed/Carc eeeea Koupal Advance 28 Phenotype eeeea Mytty Eisa Evergreen 5199 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Eisa Evergreen 2330 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -1.9 62 107 29 0.95 0.68 1231 -0.26 86 5.45 36.12 $Ranch $62 10% $Feeder $182 7% $Profit $22,540 3% 4 Star All Around. Top 4% $Profit, top 9% $Ranch and #10 Feed:Gain. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 24 LCOC TL HIGH SECURITY G206J 20227587 5/3/21 A P Pen: 204 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee G A R Sure Fire Growth eeeaa G A R High Security JSF 4005 Maternal eeeea G A R High Design 781 Feed/Carc eeeaa LCoC Fur Prog G110B Phenotype eeeaa Top Queen DG164 Disposition 4.0 Top Queen Mom BG253 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.6 50 80 29 0.93 0.81 1210 -0.07 7 5.57 36.71 $Ranch $71 3% $Feeder $163 10% $Profit $22,092 4% Maternal Specialist. #10 $Ranch, #20 Fertility. Great cow herd builder. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT Lot 20 Lot 21 Lot 22 (970) 568-3983 Page 17 Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

25 LCOC TL BOTTOMLINE G181J 20216978 4/28/21 A P Pen: 204 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeee T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeaaa Leachman TL BottomLine G385E Maternal eeeee Top Norel BG276 Feed/Carc eeeaa Leachman TL Valedictorian Phenotype eeeea Top Tidy Bee CG175 Disposition 3.5 TOP Tidy Bee ZG219 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -2.5 46 83 32 1.11 0.45 1226 -0.15 17 5.61 36.90 $Ranch $81 0.6% $Feeder $133 16% $Profit $20,670 5% Maternal Specialist. Top 5% $Profit & #1 $Ranch. Very solid numbers. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 26 LCOC TL SIERRA CUT G219H 20350307 12/27/20 N P Pen: 205 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee D R Sierra Cut 7404 Growth eeeaa LCoC Sierra Cut G266D Maternal eeeaa T C A Treasure 0699 601 Feed/Carc eeeea Mytty Cavalry 3205 Phenotype eeeee Mytty Rita 6060 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Rita 4341 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.6 54 107 24 1.05 0.79 1258 -0.26 55 5.53 35.88 $Ranch $33 67% $Feeder $194 5% $Profit $20,057 6% Terminal Specialist. Top 6% Marbling. Will pay dividends on the rail. *** Fertility EPD Score. *** Teat/Udder EPD Score. 27 LCOC TL HIGH SECURITY G138J 20227645 4/23/21 A P Pen: 205 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease G A R Sure Fire Growth eeeea G A R High Security JSF 4005 Maternal eeeea G A R High Design 781 Feed/Carc eeeea Bobcat Consent Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Black Lady 6432 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Black Lady 1184 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.6 70 118 24 1.02 0.68 1237 0.09 123 5.97 36.70 $Ranch $48 32% $Feeder $180 7% $Profit $20,651 5% 4 Star All Around. #5 WW and #12 YW EPDs. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT Lot 26 Danette Robertson Page 18 see video at Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

28 LCOC TL BOTTOMLINE G132J 20216969 4/21/21 A P Pen: 205 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeea Leachman TL BottomLine G385E Maternal eeeea Top Norel BG276 Feed/Carc eeeaa Sitz Vance 706a Phenotype eeeea Mytty Miss Lora 6375 Disposition 3.0 Mytty Miss Lora 3081 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.1 69 121 26 0.75 0.56 1265 -0.31 78 5.90 36.76 $Ranch $51 25% $Feeder $166 9% $Profit $19,808 7% Maternal Specialist. #18 Feed:Gain, #15 WW, #6 YW. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 29 LCOC TL BOTTOMLINE G244J 626429366 5/15/21 A P Pen: 205 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeee Leachman TL BottomLine G385E Maternal eeeaa Top Norel BG276 Feed/Carc eeeea LCHMN MS ANGUS Phenotype eeeee TOP Barbara DG144 Disposition 4.0 TOP Barbara XG198 PAP -0.36 BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.2 58 115 28 0.68 0.90 1256 -0.15 161 5.82 37.45 $Ranch $29 75% $Feeder $183 7% $Profit $18,532 9% Terminal Specialist. #16 Fertility, #16 Ribeye, #9 YW. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FTFT 30 LCOC TL VISIONARY G397J 20352605 5/27/21 N P Pen: 206 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL DDF C. Ease eee T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeaa LCoC Visionary G145D Maternal eeeea LCoC Isabel UG390 Feed/Carc eeeaa G A R Predestined# Phenotype eeeea Mytty Primrose Lady U263 Disposition 4.0 GDAR Primrose Lady 515 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.6 54 92 28 1.04 0.78 1248 0.20 107 5.84 36.02 $Ranch $46 37% $Feeder $173 8% $Profit $19,811 7% Maternal Specialist. Top 7% $Profit and top 3% Marbling and Ribeye EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FTFT Lot 28 Lot 29 (970) 568-3983 Page 19 Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

31 LCOC TL ERNEST G172J 20250943 4/27/21 A P Pen: 206 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease SydGen Exceed 3223 Growth eeeaa Ankonian Ernest 8149 Maternal eeeea Green Garden Effie QB80 Feed/Carc eeeaa Koupal Advance 28 Phenotype eeeea Mytty Rita 5011 Disposition 3.0 Mytty Rita 3335 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -1.1 62 102 32 1.07 0.64 1245 -0.15 62 5.49 36.97 $Ranch $51 25% $Feeder $158 11% $Profit $19,133 8% Maternal Specialist. Top 8% $Profit and top 4% Marbling EPD. *** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 32 LCOC TL BONUS G188J 20227566 4/29/21 A P Pen: 206 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeeee SydGen Exceed 3223 Growth eeeaa SydGen Bonus 8084 Maternal eeeea SydGen Blackcap 5371 Feed/Carc eeeea S A V 004 Predominant 4438 Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Eisa Evergreen 2330 Disposition 3.5 Sitz Eisa Evergreen 1468 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -4.3 39 74 31 1.01 0.74 1225 -0.09 24 5.60 36.65 $Ranch $63 8% $Feeder $184 6% $Profit $22,869 3% 4 Star All Around. A CE bull that is Top 3% $Profit and 8% $Ranch. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 33 LCOC TL FOUNDATION G316J 20400498 6/23/21 N P Pen: 206 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee Leachman Foundation G081D Growth eeeea LCoC TL Foundation G576F Maternal eeeea Top Anita CG177 Feed/Carc eeeee G A R Sure Fire Phenotype eeeaa Top Frontline FG491 Disposition 3.0 Top Frontline CG189 PAP 0.13 BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.7 42 95 48 0.88 0.90 1242 -0.21 24 5.69 35.58 $Ranch $58 14% $Feeder $240 2% $Profit $27,185 0.8% 4.5 Star All Around. #5 $Profit, #7 $Feeder, #1 Ribeye. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 34 LCOC TL VISIONARY G296J 20217013 6/4/21 N P Pen: 206 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeea LCoC Visionary G145D Maternal eeeea LCoC Isabel UG390 Feed/Carc eeeee LCoC TL Valedictorian G168C Phenotype eeaaa Top Firefly EG402 Disposition 3.5 Top Firefly BG260 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.6 57 101 21 1.29 0.90 1267 -0.03 -18 5.85 35.96 $Ranch $37 58% $Feeder $237 2% $Profit $24,290 2% 4.5 Star All Around. #19 $Profit, #19 Fertility, #10 $Feeder, #16 Marbling. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 35 LCOC TL ERNEST G341J 626442776 7/16/21 A P Pen: 206 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease SydGen Exceed 3223 Growth eeeaa Ankonian Ernest 8149 Maternal eeeea Green Garden Effie QB80 Feed/Carc eeeea LCoC Paradigm G227X Phenotype eeaaa Top Ellen BG248 Disposition 4.0 TOP Ellen Erica WG461 PAP 0.11 BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.7 58 109 27 1.16 0.54 1251 -0.20 97 6.17 36.66 $Ranch $48 33% $Feeder $190 6% $Profit $21,473 4% 4 Star All Around. #4 Fertility, #11 Marbling and #20 YW EPDs. ***** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 36 LCOC TL EXCEED G238J 20216986 5/15/21 N P Pen: 206 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeeee SydGen Exceed 3223 Growth eeaaa Ankonian Exceed 7133 Maternal eeeea SLC Blackbird Power 612 Feed/Carc eeeaa Koupal Advance 28 Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Rita 5003 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Rita U327 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -2.9 34 70 38 0.93 0.54 1217 -0.15 42 5.63 36.38 $Ranch $49 29% $Feeder $175 8% $Profit $20,361 6% Maternal Specialist. Top 6% $Profit and top 8% Marbling EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 37 LCOC TL RITO G190J 626429254 4/29/21 N P Pen: 207 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease Woodside Rito 4P26 of 0242 Growth eeeaa Ankonian Rito 7077 Maternal eeeea Rita 12J2 of 9Q15 Rito 5M2 Feed/Carc eeeea Leachman GB Meteor G677T Phenotype eeeaa Top Pridemere BG272 Disposition 4.5 Top Pridemere XG133 PAP -0.12 BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.1 43 86 35 1.09 0.62 1226 -0.04 18 5.32 35.89 $Ranch $60 12% $Feeder $194 5% $Profit $23,388 3% 4 Star All Around. Top 3% $Profit and top 11% $Ranch. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT Mike Browning Page 20 see video at Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

38 LCOC TL FOUNDATION G156J 20400497 4/26/21 P Pen: 207 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL DDF C. Ease eeeee Leachman Foundation G081D Growth eeeea LCoC TL Foundation G576F Maternal eeeea Top Anita CG177 Feed/Carc eeeea Koupal Advance 28 Phenotype eeaaa Mytty Blackbird 5068 Disposition 2.5 Mytty Blackbird 3044 PAP -0.71 BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -2.7 56 109 45 0.93 0.81 1245 0.02 59 5.29 35.65 $Ranch $55 19% $Feeder $223 3% $Profit $25,250 2% 4 Star All Around. #11 $Profit, #1 Fertility, #13 $Feeder. ***** Fertility EPD Score. *** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 39 LCOC TL VERCINGETORIX G345J 20227639 7/19/21 A P Pen: 207 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee G A R Ashland Growth eeeaa HPCA Vercingetorix Maternal eeeea H P C A Sure Fire P245 Feed/Carc eeeaa Leachman TL Valedictorian Phenotype eeeaa Top Emulation DG160 Disposition 4.0 TOP Emulation ZG311 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.7 56 98 35 1.01 0.73 1226 -0.35 51 5.30 36.00 $Ranch $59 13% $Feeder $167 9% $Profit $20,895 5% Maternal Specialist. #11 Feed:Gain, Top 5% $Profit and top 9% $Ranch. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 40 LCOC TL VALEDICTORIAN G307J 20217020 6/18/21 N P Pen: 207 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee Leachman TL Valedictorian Growth eeeaa LCoC TL Valedictorian G168C Maternal eeeea TOP Blackcap YG138 Feed/Carc eeeaa Connealy United 1116 Phenotype eeaaa Top Barbara DG159 Disposition 3.0 TOP Barbara ZG309 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.2 57 103 23 1.15 0.70 1236 -0.39 14 5.39 36.77 $Ranch $57 16% $Feeder $164 9% $Profit $20,333 6% Maternal Specialist. Top 6% $Profit and Fertility, and #12 Marbling. **** Fertility EPD Score. *** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 41 LCOC TL VALEDICTORIAN G291J 20217011 6/3/21 N P Pen: 207 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease Leachman TL Valedictorian Growth eeeaa LCoC TL Valedictorian G168C Maternal eeeea TOP Blackcap YG138 Feed/Carc eeeaa LCoC Paradigm G227X Phenotype eeeaa Top Traveler BG252 Disposition 4.0 TOP Traveler YG091 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 2.6 58 103 35 1.30 0.38 1232 -0.21 26 5.40 36.46 $Ranch $62 9% $Feeder $146 13% $Profit $19,436 7% Maternal Specialist. #14 Fertility, #8 Marbling. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 42 LCOC TL BOTTOMLINE G185J 626429051 4/28/21 A P Pen: 207 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeee T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeaa Leachman TL BottomLine G385E Maternal eeeaa Top Norel BG276 Feed/Carc eeeaa Phenotype eeeaa TOP Angus Dam Disposition 4.0 PAP -0.26 BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -2.6 49 99 30 0.82 0.50 1239 -0.01 15 5.22 36.84 $Ranch $69 4% $Feeder $154 11% $Profit $21,022 5% Top 7% $Profit and $Ranch. Don’t miss 4 Star CE. *** Fertility EPD Score. ** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 43 LCOC TL SURE FIRE G283J 626429448 5/25/21 N P Pen: 208 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease G A R Sure Fire Growth eeeee LCoC TL Sure Fire G414G Maternal eeeaa LCoC Pride AG329 Feed/Carc eeeaa Phenotype eeeea TOP Angus Dam Disposition 3.5 PAP 0.96 BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 3.0 73 126 21 0.90 0.82 1263 -0.21 112 6.05 36.64 $Ranch $42 47% $Feeder $161 10% $Profit $18,207 9% Top 8% $Profit, #1 WW and #1 YW EPDs, Add dollars to your billfold! ** Fertility EPD Score. *** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT Lot 43Mike Browning grabbing a calf (970) 568-3983 Page 21 Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

44 LCOC TL RITO G079J 20216955 1/1/21 N P Pen: 208 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeeee Rito 3S10 of 9Q15 Progress Growth eeaaa Ankonian Rito 7095 Maternal eeeea Riverbend Lucy U1187 Feed/Carc eeeaa Sitz Longevity 556Z Phenotype eeeea Mytty Primrose Lady 5027 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Primrose Lady 1025 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -4.1 46 74 29 1.16 0.48 1229 0.02 60 5.24 36.73 $Ranch $74 2% $Feeder $124 19% $Profit $18,981 8% Maternal Specialist. Top 8% $Profit, #6 $Ranch & #15 Marbling. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. 45 LCOC TL VERCINGETORIX G229J 20227654 5/9/21 A P Pen: 208 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease G A R Ashland Growth eeeaa HPCA Vercingetorix Maternal eeeaa H P C A Sure Fire P245 Feed/Carc eeeaa Sitz Game Day 9548 Phenotype eeeea Mytty Barbaramere Jet 2197 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Barbaramere Jet 11U PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 3.5 73 129 30 0.84 0.99 1237 -0.16 122 5.69 36.72 $Ranch $39 53% $Feeder $168 9% $Profit $18,501 9% Top 8% $Profit, #13 Ribeye, #20 WW and #19 YW. *** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 46 LCOC TL HIGH SECURITY G167J 20227670 4/26/21 A P Pen: 208 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease G A R Sure Fire Growth eeeea G A R High Security JSF 4005 Maternal eeeea G A R High Design 781 Feed/Carc eeeaa Buford BlueStem 9974 Phenotype eeeea Mytty Everelda Entense 5109 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Everelda Entense 3190 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 2.7 71 115 29 0.71 0.92 1228 0.04 81 5.57 36.26 $Ranch $64 8% $Feeder $137 15% $Profit $18,797 8% Maternal Specialist. Top 8% $Profit, #3 WW & #11 YW. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 47 LCOC TL RITO G067J 20216954 1/4/21 N P Pen: 208 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeeee Rito 3S10 of 9Q15 Progress Growth eeaaa Ankonian Rito 7095 Maternal eeeea Riverbend Lucy U1187 Feed/Carc eeeaa Mytty Casanova 21X Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Black Lady 4262 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Black Lady W322# PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -3.3 42 80 29 1.26 0.58 1219 -0.01 106 5.24 37.19 $Ranch $54 21% $Feeder $158 11% $Profit $19,409 7% Maternal Specialist. Top 8% $Profit and #19 Marbling. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. 48 LCOC TL BOTTOMLINE G243J 626429364 5/15/21 A P Pen: 208 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeea Leachman TL BottomLine G385E Maternal eeeea Top Norel BG276 Feed/Carc eeeaa LCHMN MS ANGUS Phenotype eeeaa TOP Erica GG366 Disposition 4.0 Top Erica BG243 PAP -1 BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.3 66 121 29 0.56 0.73 1254 -0.14 27 5.85 37.04 $Ranch $59 12% $Feeder $151 12% $Profit $19,515 7% Maternal Specialist. Top 7% $Profit and lots of growth. #6 WW & #2 YW. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT Lot 44 Lot 45 Lot 46 Page 22 see video at Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

49 LCOC TL HIGH SECURITY G155J 20227667 4/26/21 A P Pen: 209 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease G A R Sure Fire Growth eeeea G A R High Security JSF 4005 Maternal eeeaa G A R High Design 781 Feed/Carc eeeea Musgrave Big Sky Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Henrietta Pride 5036 Disposition 3.0 Mytty Henrietta Pride 15X PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.5 68 116 27 1.12 0.93 1235 0.05 101 5.94 37.09 $Ranch $29 75% $Feeder $195 5% $Profit $19,642 7% Terminal Specialist. Top 7% $Profit and #14 Ribeye. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FTFT 50 LCOC TL VALEDICTORIAN G247J 20330260 5/16/21 N P Pen: 209 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL DDF C. Ease LCOC TL Valedictorian G169C Growth eeeaa LCOC TL Valedictorian G622F Maternal eeeea TOP Blackcap YG138 Feed/Carc eeeaa LCoC Fur Prog G110B Phenotype eeeea Top Ellen Erica EG385 Disposition 3.5 Top Ellen Erica CG185 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 2.5 63 97 25 1.26 0.37 1239 -0.30 16 5.84 35.66 $Ranch $54 20% $Feeder $138 15% $Profit $17,768 10% Maternal Specialist. Top 12% $Profit, top 7% Fertility and #12 Feed:Gain. **** Fertility EPD Score. *** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 51 LCOC TL BONUS G396J 626429216 4/26/21 A P Pen: 209 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease SydGen Exceed 3223 Growth eeeaa SydGen Bonus 8084 Maternal eeeaa SydGen Blackcap 5371 Feed/Carc eeeee LCHMN MS ANGUS Phenotype eeeaa TOP Tidy Bee GG325 Disposition 3.5 Top Tidy Bee CG147 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.5 48 91 29 1.06 0.83 1245 -0.08 32 6.15 36.75 $Ranch $38 56% $Feeder $227 2% $Profit $23,459 3% Terminal Specialist. #20 $Profit, #12 $Feeder. *** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 52 LCOC TL GATOR G324J 20217024 7/1/21 N P Pen: 209 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeee T D L Cruz 3128C Growth eeeaa T D L Gator G918 G469G Maternal eeeea T D L Esther 638D Feed/Carc eeeaa Woodhill Foresight# Phenotype eeeaa TOP Barbara YG447 Disposition 3.5 LCC Barbara LG495 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.6 58 101 29 0.69 0.63 1238 0.03 10 6.15 36.86 $Ranch $50 28% $Feeder $174 8% $Profit $20,421 6% Maternal Specialist. Top 8% $Profit and top 6% Fertility EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 53 LCOC TL ERNEST G204J 20250929 5/3/21 A P Pen: 209 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease SydGen Exceed 3223 Growth eeeee Ankonian Ernest 8149 Maternal eeeaa Green Garden Effie QB80 Feed/Carc eeeea Mc Cumber Titanium 3127 Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Rita 6278 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Rita 4X PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 2.9 67 118 26 1.02 0.58 1270 -0.08 89 5.68 37.05 $Ranch $21 89% $Feeder $196 5% $Profit $18,596 9% Terminal Specialist. #20 $Feeder, #7 WW, #13 YW. *** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 54 LCOC TL VALEDICTORIAN G275J 626429435 5/22/21 N P Pen: 210 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease Leachman TL Valedictorian Growth eeeaa LCoC TL Valedictorian G168C Maternal eeeaa TOP Blackcap YG138 Feed/Carc eeeea Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Angus 3600 Disposition 3.5 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.8 54 98 28 0.97 0.72 1242 0.25 24 5.71 36.61 $Ranch $44 41% $Feeder $191 5% $Profit $21,174 5% Terminal Specialist. Top 6% Marbling. Will pay dividends on the rail. *** Fertility EPD Score. *** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 55 LCOC TL VISIONARY G250J 626429388 5/17/21 N P Pen: 210 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL NHC C. Ease eee T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeaa LCoC TL Visionary G654F Maternal eeeea LCoC Isabel UG390 Feed/Carc eeeaa LCoC Fur Prog G110B Phenotype eeeaa Top Barbara DG169 Disposition 3.5 Top Barbara BG263 PAP 1.89 BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.6 51 93 27 0.91 0.68 1248 -0.15 -5 5.52 36.40 $Ranch $56 16% $Feeder $166 9% $Profit $20,523 6% Maternal Specialist. Top 6% $Profit and top 15% $Ranch. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT BrowningandMikeLisa (970) 568-3983 Page 23 Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

56 LCOC TL VALEDICTORIAN G260J 20216994 5/19/21 N P Pen: 210 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease Leachman TL Valedictorian Growth eeaaa LCoC TL Valedictorian G168C Maternal eeeea TOP Blackcap YG138 Feed/Carc eeeaa G A R Sure Fire Phenotype eeeaa Top Ruby EG348 Disposition 5.0 Top Ruby BG266 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.2 60 104 31 1.21 0.55 1235 -0.08 11 5.63 36.89 $Ranch $69 4% $Feeder $155 11% $Profit $21,069 5% Maternal Specialist. #17 $Ranch, #17 Fertility & #13 Marbling. **** Fertility EPD Score. *** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 57 LCOC TL BOTTOMLINE G146J 626429174 4/24/21 A P Pen: 210 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeea Leachman TL BottomLine G385E Maternal eeeea Top Norel BG276 Feed/Carc eeeea Phenotype eeeaa TOP Angus Dam Disposition 5.0 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.1 53 106 28 0.74 0.88 1255 -0.11 47 5.64 36.76 $Ranch $43 43% $Feeder $191 6% $Profit $21,050 5% 4 Star All Around. Top 5% $Profit and #19 Ribeye EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 58 LCOC TL BONUS G213J 20227562 5/5/21 A P Pen: 210 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeee SydGen Exceed 3223 Growth eeeaa SydGen Bonus 8084 Maternal eeeea SydGen Blackcap 5371 Feed/Carc eeeaa Connealy Earnan 076E# Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Everelda Entense 4119 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Everelda Entense 30X PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -1.4 43 80 25 1.03 0.54 1234 -0.06 104 5.42 37.12 $Ranch $58 14% $Feeder $159 10% $Profit $20,103 6% Maternal Specialist. Top 6% $Profit with top 10% Marbling and Ribeye. *** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 59 LCOC TL VERCINGETORIX G359J 20249344 4/20/21 A P Pen: 210 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeeee G A R Ashland Growth eeeaa HPCA Vercingetorix Maternal eeeea H P C A Sure Fire P245 Feed/Carc eeeaa Mytty In Focus# Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Pride 1015 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Pride 111W PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -2.6 47 87 25 0.85 0.68 1231 -0.18 62 5.22 36.53 $Ranch $58 13% $Feeder $148 13% $Profit $19,155 8% Maternal Specialist. Top 8% $Profit and top 10% Marbling EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 60 LCOC TL BONUS G209J 20227550 5/3/21 A P Pen: 211 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease SydGen Exceed 3223 Growth eeeaa SydGen Bonus 8084 Maternal eeeea SydGen Blackcap 5371 Feed/Carc eeeaa LCoC Protege G263T Phenotype eeeea TOP Rita GG180 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Rita 4309 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.9 56 109 18 0.92 0.67 1261 -0.20 52 5.80 36.91 $Ranch $33 67% $Feeder $176 8% $Profit $18,430 9% Maternal Specialist. Top 9% $Profit and top 5% Marbling EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 61 LCOC TL BOTTOMLINE G221J 20216982 5/7/21 A P Pen: 211 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeaa Leachman TL BottomLine G385E Maternal eeeea Top Norel BG276 Feed/Carc eeeaa H A R B Windy 758 J H Phenotype eeeea Mytty Emma E 6406 Disposition 4.5 Mytty Emma E 152W PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.8 60 114 35 0.62 0.86 1248 -0.30 80 5.73 37.12 $Ranch $39 53% $Feeder $161 10% $Profit $17,882 10% Maternal Specialist. Top 10% $Profit and #19 Feed:Gain. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 62 LCOC TL BOTTOMLINE G211J 20216979 5/5/21 A P Pen: 211 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeaa Leachman TL BottomLine G385E Maternal eeeea Top Norel BG276 Feed/Carc eeeaa Mytty Thunderstruck Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Eisa Evergreen3218 Disposition 3.0 Mytty Eisa Evergreen 97W PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.7 51 100 33 0.67 0.77 1244 -0.38 2 5.83 36.65 $Ranch $47 34% $Feeder $169 9% $Profit $19,592 7% Maternal Specialist. Top 7% $Profit, #6 Feed:Gain with Low intake. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT Cade and Sydney Browning roping calves Page 24 see video at Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

63 LCOC TL VISIONARY G259J 626429400 5/19/21 N P Pen: 211 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL NHP C. Ease eee T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeaaa LCoC TL Visionary G654F Maternal eeeea LCoC Isabel UG390 Feed/Carc eeeaa LCoC Round Rock G282X Phenotype eeeaa Top Erica BG289 Disposition 3.0 TOP Erica XG169 PAP 0.1 BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.6 45 85 33 0.93 0.75 1240 -0.02 73 6.09 36.50 $Ranch $58 15% $Feeder $136 15% $Profit $18,033 10% Maternal Specialist. Top 10% $Profit and #11 Fertility. ***** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 64 LCOC TL FUR PROG G304J 20217018 6/15/21 N P Pen: 211 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeeee LCoC Fur Prog G377A Growth eeeaa LCoC Fur Prog G031E Maternal eeeea LCoC Blackcap BG059 Feed/Carc eeeaa S A V Tenth Street 4815 Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Everelda Entense 6317 Disposition 3.0 Mytty Everelda Entense 1161 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -2.0 58 113 23 1.00 0.60 1260 0.00 61 5.74 36.78 $Ranch $38 56% $Feeder $170 8% $Profit $18,528 9% Maternal Specialist. Top 9% $Profit and top 8% Marbling EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 65 LCOC TL BOTTOMLINE G153J 20216975 4/26/21 A P Pen: 212 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeee T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeee Leachman TL BottomLine G385E Maternal eeeea Top Norel BG276 Feed/Carc eeeaa S A V Resource 1441 Phenotype eeeee Mytty Barbara Jet 4149 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Barbara Jet 119X PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.9 63 116 28 0.37 0.87 1271 -0.26 101 5.53 37.46 $Ranch $38 57% $Feeder $159 10% $Profit $17,511 11% Maternal Specialist. #18 Fertility, #15 Ribeye, #5 YW. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 66 LCOC TL HIGH SECURITY G137J 20227655 4/23/21 A P Pen: 212 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease G A R Sure Fire Growth eeeaa G A R High Security JSF 4005 Maternal eeeee G A R High Design 781 Feed/Carc eeaaa Spring Cove Longevity 4551 Phenotype eeeea Mytty Rita 6074 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Rita 4140 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.3 64 96 21 1.26 0.32 1208 -0.08 74 5.44 36.45 $Ranch $75 2% $Feeder $104 25% $Profit $17,310 11% Maternal Specialist. #4 $Ranch, top 11% $Profit and top 4% Marbling. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT Lot 65 Lot 66 (970) 568-3983 Page 25 Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

67 LCOC TL BOTTOMLINE G143J 20216972 4/24/21 A P Pen: 212 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeaa Leachman TL BottomLine G385E Maternal eeeea Top Norel BG276 Feed/Carc eeeaa Koupal Advance 28 Phenotype eeeea Mytty Countess 5009 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Countess 3122 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.3 48 95 36 0.70 0.77 1237 -0.27 66 5.48 37.04 $Ranch $45 38% $Feeder $143 14% $Profit $17,099 12% Maternal Specialist. Top 12% $Profit and top 5% Fertility EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 68 LCOC TL ABSOLUTE G352J 20217027 5/15/21 N P Pen: 212 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee K C F Bennett Absolute Growth eeeaa LCoC Absolute G095E Maternal eeeaa SJH 5050 of 7124 1643 Feed/Carc eeeaa H A R B Windy 758 J H Phenotype eeeea Mytty Esther 4sight 2080 Disposition 5.0 Blevins Esther 4sight 0442 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.2 57 106 23 0.85 0.32 1269 -0.27 48 5.36 36.35 $Ranch $35 63% $Feeder $158 11% $Profit $17,069 12% Top 12% $Profit and top 1% Feed:Gain. *** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FTFT 69 LCOC TL SIERRA CUT G249J 20216990 5/17/21 N P Pen: 212 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease D R Sierra Cut 7404 Growth eeeea LCoC Sierra Cut G266D Maternal eeeaa T C A Treasure 0699 601 Feed/Carc eeeea S A V Resource 1441 Phenotype eeeea Mytty Dixie Erica 5302 Disposition 5.0 Mytty Dixie Erica 138S# PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.8 51 106 38 0.58 1.15 1246 -0.22 54 5.66 36.30 $Ranch $16 93% $Feeder $187 6% $Profit $17,311 11% Terminal Specialist. #7 Ribeye and Big CWT EPD. Great Disposition. **** Fertility EPD Score. *** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT Lot 67 Lot 68 Page 26 see video at Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

70 LCOC TL HIGH SECURITY G170J 20227683 4/27/21 A P Pen: 212 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease G A R Sure Fire Growth eeeaa G A R High Security JSF 4005 Maternal eeeea G A R High Design 781 Feed/Carc eeeaa H A R B Windy 758 J H Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Barbara Jet 2126 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Barbara Jet 119X PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 2.2 60 102 27 1.03 0.63 1227 0.00 143 5.79 37.20 $Ranch $44 41% $Feeder $137 15% $Profit $16,456 14% Maternal Specialist. Top 7% Fertility, 11% Marbling and 4% Ribeye EPDs. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FTFT 71 LCOC TL ERNEST G144J 20250945 4/24/21 A P Pen: 212 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease SydGen Exceed 3223 Growth eeeea Ankonian Ernest 8149 Maternal eeeaa Green Garden Effie QB80 Feed/Carc eeeaa Mc Cumber Titanium 3127 Phenotype eeaaa Mytty Countess 5240 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Countess U251 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.9 61 110 27 0.85 0.46 1256 -0.25 98 5.66 37.17 $Ranch $21 89% $Feeder $178 7% $Profit $17,041 12% Top 12% $Profit, WW and YW EPDs. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 72 LCOC TL FUR PROG G317J 20217023 6/23/21 N P Pen: 508 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeee LCoC Fur Prog G110B Growth eeeaa Lcoc TL Fur Prog G365E Maternal eeeea Top Blackbird CG183 Feed/Carc eeeaa Leachman GB Meteor G677T Phenotype eeeaa TOP Enchantress XG145 Disposition 3.5 LCC Enchantress NG907 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -1.2 53 92 20 0.88 0.48 1246 0.06 12 5.33 36.23 $Ranch $59 13% $Feeder $127 18% $Profit $17,363 11% Maternal Specialist. #18 $Ranch, #10 Fertility, Great F:G ***** Fertility EPD Score. *** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 73 LCOC TL RITO G228J 626429334 5/8/21 N P Pen: 508 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL DDF C. Ease eee Woodside Rito 4P26 of 0242 Growth eeeaa Ankonian Rito 7077 Maternal eeeea Rita 12J2 of 9Q15 Rito 5M2 Feed/Carc eeeaa Leachman Foundation G081D Phenotype eeeaa TOP Barbara FG454 Disposition 3.0 TOP Barbara YG088 PAP -0.12 BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.1 44 85 31 1.06 0.61 1236 0.11 91 5.12 36.33 $Ranch $40 51% $Feeder $172 8% $Profit $19,017 8% Maternal Specialist. #8 Fertility and Top 3% Marbling. ***** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 74 LCOC TL ERNEST G226J 20250961 5/8/21 A P Pen: 508 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease SydGen Exceed 3223 Growth eeeaa Ankonian Ernest 8149 Maternal eeeea Green Garden Effie QB80 Feed/Carc eeeaa Sitz Dimension 8607# Phenotype eeaaa Mytty Elba 188X Disposition 3.5 Riverbend Elba S268 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.2 58 104 35 1.15 0.48 1239 -0.24 40 5.42 37.14 $Ranch $56 17% $Feeder $170 9% $Profit $20,717 5% Maternal Specialist. Top 6% $Profit and top 3% Marbling EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 75 LCOC TL BOTTOMLINE G141J 20216971 4/23/21 A P Pen: 509 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeee T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeaa Leachman TL BottomLine G385E Maternal eeeea Top Norel BG276 Feed/Carc eeeaa Ayrvale Bartel E7 Phenotype eeeaa TOP Everelda Entense GG171 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Everelda Entense 4354 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -1.0 49 91 23 0.42 1.16 1236 -0.26 30 5.28 36.83 $Ranch $42 46% $Feeder $174 8% $Profit $19,408 7% Maternal Specialist. Top 8% $Profit, #12 Ribeye and top 11% Feed:Gain. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 76 LCOC TL VERCINGETORIX G201J 20227567 5/2/21 A P Pen: 509 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease G A R Ashland Growth eeaaa HPCA Vercingetorix Maternal eeeea H P C A Sure Fire P245 Feed/Carc eeeaa Leachman TL Decision G155A Phenotype eeeaa Top Elba EG378 Disposition 4.0 TOP Elba UG641 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.6 50 88 33 1.04 0.84 1221 -0.49 28 5.17 36.06 $Ranch $53 23% $Feeder $160 10% $Profit $19,465 7% Maternal Specialist. Top 8% $Profit, #17 Ribeye & #2 Feed:Gain. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 77 LCOC TL BONUS G169J 20227570 4/26/21 A P Pen: 509 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease SydGen Exceed 3223 Growth eeeaa SydGen Bonus 8084 Maternal eeeea SydGen Blackcap 5371 Feed/Carc eeeaa LCC New Design H062N Phenotype eeaaa TOP Morning Call WG526 Disposition 3.5 Leachman Morning Call J3870 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.9 63 123 19 0.76 0.71 1272 -0.09 46 5.58 37.07 $Ranch $38 56% $Feeder $172 8% $Profit $18,669 9% Maternal Specialist. Top 8% $Profit and top 10% Marbling & Ribeye EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT (970) 568-3983 Page 27 Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

78 LCOC TL FUR PROG G270J 20400499 5/21/21 N P Pen: 510 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL DDC C. Ease G A R Further Progress Growth eeeaa LCoC Fur Prog G011B Maternal eeeea LCOC CANYON BELL PG214 Feed/Carc eeeaa Buford BlueStem 9974 Phenotype eeeea Mytty Elba 6425 Disposition 3.0 Mytty Elba 2059 PAP 0.71 BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 3.0 63 110 36 0.67 0.44 1227 0.15 27 5.82 36.52 $Ranch $57 15% $Feeder $119 20% $Profit $16,482 13% Maternal Specialist. Top 13% $Profit and low intake. *** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 79 LCOC TL VALEDICTORIAN G298J 20217015 6/8/21 N P Pen: 510 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease Leachman TL Valedictorian Growth eeeaa LCoC TL Valedictorian G168C Maternal eeeaa TOP Blackcap YG138 Feed/Carc eeeaa Mytty Thunderstruck Phenotype eeaaa Mytty Blackcap 5432 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Blackcap 33S PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 3.7 65 116 32 1.05 0.62 1247 -0.13 83 6.44 36.48 $Ranch $47 35% $Feeder $157 11% $Profit $18,540 9% Top 10% $Profit with top 9% WW and YW EPDs. **** Fertility EPD Score. *** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 80 LCOC TL RITO G127J 20216966 4/15/21 N P Pen: 511 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeee Rito 3S10 of 9Q15 Progress Growth eeaaa Ankonian Rito 7095 Maternal eeeea Riverbend Lucy U1187 Feed/Carc eeeaa H A Power Alliance 1025# Phenotype eeeea Mytty Countess 2332 Disposition 4.0 Baldridge Countess 357 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -1.1 50 89 29 1.00 0.49 1231 -0.07 60 5.25 37.09 $Ranch $50 27% $Feeder $141 14% $Profit $17,478 11% Maternal Specialist. #15 Fertility with great phenotype. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT Lot 78 Lot 80 Page 28 see video at Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

81 LCOC TL FUR PROG G268J 20216999 5/21/21 N P Pen: 511 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee LCoC Fur Prog G377A Growth eeeaa LCoC Fur Prog G031E Maternal eeeea LCoC Blackcap BG059 Feed/Carc eeeaa Crouthamel Packer 2011 Phenotype eeeea Mytty Blackcap Bardolier4234 Disposition 0.0 Mytty Blackcap Bardolier2317 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.4 54 97 26 1.02 0.49 1238 -0.13 46 5.42 37.11 $Ranch $56 17% $Feeder $134 16% $Profit $17,623 11% Maternal Specialist. Top 11% $Profit and top 8% Marbling EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 82 LCOC TL HIGH SECURITY G230J 20227672 5/9/21 A P Pen: 511 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee G A R Sure Fire Growth eeeea G A R High Security JSF 4005 Maternal eeeea G A R High Design 781 Feed/Carc eeeaa Buford BlueStem 9974 Phenotype eeeea Mytty Judith 5168 Disposition 5.0 Mytty Judith 3171 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.0 72 121 26 0.90 0.67 1240 -0.14 77 5.35 36.97 $Ranch $45 39% $Feeder $149 12% $Profit $17,503 11% Maternal Specialist. Top 10% $Profit and #8 WW. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 83 LCOC TL BOTTOMLINE G129J 20216967 4/20/21 A P Pen: 511 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeeee T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeaa Leachman TL BottomLine G385E Maternal eeeea Top Norel BG276 Feed/Carc eeeaa Koupal Advance 28 Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Esther 4sight 5136 Disposition 5.0 Mytty Esther 4sight 2080 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -3.4 48 91 33 0.45 0.61 1243 -0.32 12 5.35 36.50 $Ranch $70 3% $Feeder $126 18% $Profit $18,706 8% Maternal Specialist. #9 $Ranch, #14 Feed:Gain and great Fertility. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 84 LCOC TL BOTTOMLINE G152J 20216974 4/26/21 A P Pen: 511 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL DDC C. Ease eee T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeaa Leachman TL BottomLine G385E Maternal eeeea Top Norel BG276 Feed/Carc eeeaa Connealy Cavalry 1149 Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Barbara Perfection 413 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Barbara Perfection 112 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.4 59 112 36 0.59 0.48 1238 -0.34 30 5.41 36.89 $Ranch $60 11% $Feeder $131 17% $Profit $17,871 10% Maternal Specialist. Top 12% $Profit and top 9% Fertility EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 85 LCOC TL EXCEED G278J 20217004 5/25/21 N P Pen: 512 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease SydGen Exceed 3223 Growth eeeea Ankonian Exceed 7133 Maternal eeeaa SLC Blackbird Power 612 Feed/Carc eeeaa S A V Resource 1441 Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Janet 4152 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Janet 38T PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.3 59 109 32 0.55 0.98 1251 -0.15 84 4.99 36.97 $Ranch $20 89% $Feeder $179 7% $Profit $17,107 12% Top 12% $Profit and Fertility with top 16% Feed:Gain. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 86 LCOC TL ERNEST G173J 20250933 4/27/21 A P Pen: 512 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease SydGen Exceed 3223 Growth eeeaa Ankonian Ernest 8149 Maternal eeeaa Green Garden Effie QB80 Feed/Carc eeeaa S A V Resource 1441 Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Judith 6224 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Judith 2121 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.5 56 98 32 0.88 0.67 1251 -0.37 74 5.16 36.99 $Ranch $22 87% $Feeder $174 8% $Profit $16,940 12% Top 12% $Profit and top 1% Feed:Gain. *** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 87 LCOC TL VISIONARY G261J 626429402 5/19/21 N P Pen: 512 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL NHC C. Ease eee T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeaaa LCoC TL Visionary G654F Maternal eeeee LCoC Isabel UG390 Feed/Carc eeeaa G A R Sure Fire Phenotype eeeaa Top Barbara EG393 Disposition 4.0 Top Barbara BG286 PAP 0.68 BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.4 47 89 25 1.13 0.68 1242 -0.24 52 5.18 36.70 $Ranch $57 15% $Feeder $148 13% $Profit $19,013 8% Maternal Specialist. #12 Fertility, #17 Marbling. ***** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT Moving Cows in Big Sky Country (970) 568-3983 Page 29 Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

88 LCOC TL FUR PROG G333J 20217026 7/7/21 N P Pen: 512 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee LCoC Fur Prog G377A Growth eeeea LCoC Fur Prog G031E Maternal eeeaa LCoC Blackcap BG059 Feed/Carc eeeea Mytty In Focus# Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Eisa Evergreen 2170 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Eisa Evergreen 52X PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 2.8 68 122 15 0.99 0.75 1264 -0.01 110 5.73 38.01 $Ranch $23 86% $Feeder $192 5% $Profit $18,524 9% Terminal Specialist. #16 WW and #17 YW. Pounds Pay! **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. 89 LCOC TL ERNEST G186J 20250960 4/29/21 A P Pen: 512 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease SydGen Exceed 3223 Growth eeaaa Ankonian Ernest 8149 Maternal eeeea Green Garden Effie QB80 Feed/Carc eeeaa Sitz Dimension 8607# Phenotype eeaaa Mytty Blackbird 1173 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Blackbird 111T PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.7 49 87 29 1.47 0.46 1224 -0.33 7 5.25 37.67 $Ranch $50 29% $Feeder $153 12% $Profit $18,469 9% Maternal Specialist. Top 10% $Profit and #3 Marbling. More Prime! **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 90 LCOC TL BOTTOMLINE G147J 20216973 4/25/21 A P Pen: 513 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeaa Leachman TL BottomLine G385E Maternal eeeea Top Norel BG276 Feed/Carc eeeaa S A V Resource 1441 Phenotype eeeea Mytty Forever Lady 5156 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Forever Lady 68X PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.9 63 117 34 0.71 0.50 1257 -0.21 55 5.70 37.38 $Ranch $51 26% $Feeder $126 18% $Profit $16,258 14% Maternal Specialist. #15 YW and excellent Feed:Gain. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FTFT 91 LCOC TL HIGH SECURITY G189J 20227673 4/29/21 A P Pen: 513 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee G A R Sure Fire Growth eeeaa G A R High Security JSF 4005 Maternal eeeea G A R High Design 781 Feed/Carc eeeaa Crouthamel Packer 2011 Phenotype eeeea Mytty Everelda Entense 5374 Disposition 3.2 Mytty Everelda Entense W358 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.8 63 110 24 0.50 0.84 1224 -0.19 86 5.44 37.34 $Ranch $53 23% $Feeder $120 20% $Profit $16,010 15% Maternal Specialist. Top 7% Fertility and top 9% Ribeye. Nice Phenotype. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT Lot 90 Page 30 see video at Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

92 LCOC TL VALEDICTORIAN G294J 20217012 6/4/21 N P Pen: 513 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL DDC C. Ease Leachman TL Valedictorian Growth eeaaa LCoC TL Valedictorian G168C Maternal eeeaa TOP Blackcap YG138 Feed/Carc eeaaa Mytty 4-Stroke Phenotype eeeaa Blevins Rito Eriskay 4060 Disposition 3.0 Blevins Rito Eriskay 1552 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.5 44 83 35 1.02 0.43 1227 -0.16 -4 5.94 36.55 $Ranch $66 6% $Feeder $111 22% $Profit $16,869 12% Top 12% $Profit and top 7% $Ranch with top 5% Feed:Gain. *** Fertility EPD Score. ** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 93 LCOC TL BOTTOMLINE G174J 20216977 4/27/21 A P Pen: 513 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeee Leachman TL BottomLine G385E Maternal eeeea Top Norel BG276 Feed/Carc eeeaa Mc Cumber Titanium 3127 Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Lady Donna 6290 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Lady Donna 2044 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.5 60 112 24 0.24 0.91 1248 -0.18 48 5.68 36.81 $Ranch $34 65% $Feeder $149 12% $Profit $16,197 14% Maternal Specialist. #11 Ribeye, #16 YW. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 94 LCOC TL VISIONARY G348J 20409655 7/20/21 N P Pen: 516 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL DDF C. Ease eeee T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeaa LCoC Visionary G145D Maternal eeeaa LCoC Isabel UG390 Feed/Carc eeeaa T C A Visionary 158 Phenotype eeeaa TOP Blackcap DG134 Disposition 4.0 TOP Blackcap U764 UG653 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.3 46 87 25 0.93 0.81 1261 -0.01 20 5.68 36.35 $Ranch $35 64% $Feeder $161 10% $Profit $17,349 11% Top 12% $Profit, #5 Fertility and #9 Ribeye. ***** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. 95 LCOC TL FUR PROG G312J 20217022 6/22/21 N P Pen: 516 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease LCoC Fur Prog G110B Growth eeaaa Lcoc TL Fur Prog G365E Maternal eeeaa Top Blackbird CG183 Feed/Carc eeeaa Buford BlueStem 9974 Phenotype eeaaa Mytty Rita 6205 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Rita 3338 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.3 43 74 34 1.17 0.36 1229 -0.01 -16 5.17 36.86 $Ranch $61 10% $Feeder $117 21% $Profit $16,746 13% Top 12% $Profit, top 8% $Ranch, top 9% Fertility and top 5% Marbling EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. ** Teat/Udder EPD Score. 96 LCOC TL RITO G310J 20217021 6/20/21 N P Pen: 516 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee Rito 3S10 of 9Q15 Progress Growth eaaaa Ankonian Rito 7095 Maternal eeeea Riverbend Lucy U1187 Feed/Carc eeaaa LCoC Protege G676Y Phenotype eeaaa Top Blackcap BG293 Disposition 4.0 TOP Canyon Blackcap ZG269 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.0 45 82 34 1.19 0.44 1227 -0.09 62 5.22 36.34 $Ranch $64 8% $Feeder $112 22% $Profit $16,637 13% Maternal Specialist. Top 7% $Ranch and #9 Marbling. Easy Fleshing. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 97 LCOC TL FUR PROG G246J 20216988 5/16/21 N P Pen: 516 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeee LCoC Fur Prog G377A Growth eeeaa LCoC Fur Prog G031E Maternal eeeea LCoC Blackcap BG059 Feed/Carc eeeaa Mytty Cavalry 3205 Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Everelda Entense 6241 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Everelda Entense S219 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.0 57 105 21 1.02 0.51 1261 -0.17 90 5.28 36.75 $Ranch $41 48% $Feeder $133 16% $Profit $15,720 16% Maternal Specialist. CE bull with top 9% Fertility EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 98 LCOC TL VERCINGETORIX G196J 20227657 5/2/21 A P Pen: 517 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee G A R Ashland Growth eeeaa HPCA Vercingetorix Maternal eeeea H P C A Sure Fire P245 Feed/Carc eeeaa H A R B Windy 758 J H Phenotype eeeea Mytty Eisa Evergreen 1230 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Eisa Evergreen 90W PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -1.6 47 82 27 0.64 0.85 1231 -0.25 67 5.38 36.44 $Ranch $41 48% $Feeder $142 14% $Profit $16,441 14% Maternal Specialist. #9 Feed:Gain. Udder improver. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. Lot 98 (970) 568-3983 Page 31 Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

99 LCOC TL HIGH SECURITY G158J 20227649 4/26/21 A P Pen: 517 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease G A R Sure Fire Growth eeeaa G A R High Security JSF 4005 Maternal eeeea G A R High Design 781 Feed/Carc eeeaa Sitz Vance 706a Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Rita 6257 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Rita 1227 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.7 62 103 32 1.03 0.37 1239 0.03 96 5.62 36.34 $Ranch $51 25% $Feeder $128 17% $Profit $16,559 13% Maternal Specialist. Top 13% $Profit and #17 WW. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 100 LCOC TL FUR PROG G285J 20217008 5/27/21 N P Pen: 517 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee LCoC Fur Prog G377A Growth eeeaa LCoC Fur Prog G031E Maternal eeeea LCoC Blackcap BG059 Feed/Carc eeeaa Connealy Earnan 076E# Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Everelda Entense 4128 Disposition 3.0 Mytty Everelda Entense S220 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.3 54 98 28 0.92 0.49 1242 0.10 35 5.90 37.29 $Ranch $52 23% $Feeder $121 19% $Profit $16,011 15% Maternal Specialist. Top 15% $Profit and top 12% Marbling EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 101 LCOC TL UNITED G271J 20217001 5/21/21 N P Pen: 519 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease Connealy United 1116 Growth eeaaa LCoC United G254D Maternal eeeea T C A Treasure 0699 601 Feed/Carc eeaaa Leachman TL Decision G155A Phenotype eeeea TOP Traveler DG199 Disposition 3.5 Top Traveler BG252 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.1 48 84 31 0.85 0.48 1222 -0.42 -16 5.26 36.79 $Ranch $74 2% $Feeder $80 33% $Profit $15,118 17% Maternal Specialist. #3 $Ranch, #17 Feed:Gain & low intake, less inputs. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 102 LCOC TL FUR PROG G303J 20217017 6/15/21 N P Pen: 519 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee LCoC Fur Prog G110B Growth eeeaa Lcoc TL Fur Prog G365E Maternal eeeea Top Blackbird CG183 Feed/Carc eeaaa Sitz Vance 706a Phenotype eeeea Mytty Judith 6210 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Judith 17X PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -1.6 49 88 29 0.53 0.42 1248 -0.16 5 5.53 36.59 $Ranch $48 32% $Feeder $109 23% $Profit $14,426 20% Maternal Specialist. Top 18% $Profit and top 5% Feed:Gain EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 103 LCOC TL VALEDICTORIAN G264J 20216996 5/20/21 N P Pen: 519 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease Leachman TL Valedictorian Growth eeeaa LCoC TL Valedictorian G168C Maternal eeeea TOP Blackcap YG138 Feed/Carc eeaaa Sitz Vance 706a Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Countess 6443 Disposition 4.5 Mytty Countess 7T PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.8 60 101 25 0.78 0.45 1228 -0.28 13 5.60 36.76 $Ranch $70 4% $Feeder $88 30% $Profit $15,249 17% Maternal Specialist. #13 $Ranch, #15 Feed:Gain. **** Fertility EPD Score. *** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 104 LCOC TL HIGH SECURITY G242J 20373620 5/15/21 A P Pen: 521 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease G A R Sure Fire Growth eeeaa G A R High Security JSF 4005 Maternal eeeea G A R High Design 781 Feed/Carc eeaaa SydGen Exceed 3223 Phenotype eeeaa TOP Elba FG471 Disposition 3.5 Top Elba DG148 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.2 54 88 26 0.45 0.58 1216 -0.18 57 4.69 37.06 $Ranch $51 27% $Feeder $112 22% $Profit $15,005 18% Maternal Specialist. Top 15% $Profit and top 12% Fertility EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 105 LCOC TL RITO G212J 626429303 5/5/21 N P Pen: 521 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeee Woodside Rito 4P26 of 0242 Growth eeaaa Ankonian Rito 7077 Maternal eeeea Rita 12J2 of 9Q15 Rito 5M2 Feed/Carc eeaaa Buford BlueStem 9974 Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Blackbird 3044 Disposition 3.0 Mytty Blackbird 23U PAP 0.77 BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -2.6 34 70 26 0.75 0.65 1200 0.26 33 4.60 36.14 $Ranch $72 3% $Feeder $79 34% $Profit $14,739 19% Maternal Specialist. #8 $Ranch. Should be moderate MW and easy fleshing. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT G A R High Security JSF 4005 Page 32 see video at Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

106 LCOC TL VISIONARY G236J 626429355 5/15/21 N P Pen: 523 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL NHC C. Ease T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeee LCoC TL Visionary G654F Maternal eeeaa LCoC Isabel UG390 Feed/Carc eeeaa Connealy Western Cut Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Blackbird 5288 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Blackbird 196X PAP 1.36 BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 3.0 67 115 27 0.51 0.89 1252 0.01 139 5.71 36.50 $Ranch $21 88% $Feeder $150 12% $Profit $14,675 19% #20 Ribeye, #2 WW and #10 YW EPDs. ** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FTFT 107 LCOC TL UNITED G233J 20216984 5/13/21 N P Pen: 523 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease Connealy United 1116 Growth eeaaa LCoC United G254D Maternal eeeea T C A Treasure 0699 601 Feed/Carc eeaaa Buford BlueStem 9974 Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Barbaramere Jet 6296 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Barbaramere Jet 63W PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.3 51 97 29 0.46 0.63 1232 -0.12 11 5.59 36.55 $Ranch $68 4% $Feeder $90 30% $Profit $15,266 17% Maternal Specialist. #19 $Ranch with low intakes, equals less inputs. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 108 LCOC TL VALEDICTORIAN G267J 20216998 5/21/21 N P Pen: 523 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease Leachman TL Valedictorian Growth eeaaa LCoC TL Valedictorian G168C Maternal eeeaa TOP Blackcap YG138 Feed/Carc eeeaa H A R B Windy 758 J H Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Barbara Perfection 118 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Barbara Perfection 204 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 2.0 47 87 33 0.79 0.28 1234 -0.13 48 5.78 37.07 $Ranch $45 40% $Feeder $115 21% $Profit $14,500 19% Top 20% $Profit and top 15% Fertility EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. *** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 109 LCOC TL HIGH SECURITY G234J 20227681 5/15/21 N P Pen: 525 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease G A R Sure Fire Growth eeeaa G A R High Security JSF 4005 Maternal eeeea G A R High Design 781 Feed/Carc eeaaa Mytty ForeFront 77P Phenotype eeeee Mytty Florabelle Fanny 2365 Disposition 3.0 Sitz Florabelle Fanny 1098 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.7 66 111 23 0.91 0.50 1224 0.02 140 6.03 36.92 $Ranch $50 29% $Feeder $97 27% $Profit $13,591 22% Maternal Specialist. #9 WW and #18 YW. Pounds Pay! **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 110 LCOC TL TEN X G394J 20370166 4/24/21 P Pen: 525 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease A A R Ten X 7008 S A# Growth eeeea LCoC TL Ten X G656F Maternal eeeaa LCoC Zara TG004 Feed/Carc eeaaa H A R B Windy 758 J H Phenotype eeeea Mytty Countess 6341 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Countess 129W PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.9 67 115 23 0.62 0.48 1251 -0.09 93 6.09 37.10 $Ranch $48 33% $Feeder $105 24% $Profit $14,048 21% #13 WW and #8 YW EPDs. Pounds pay! **** Fertility EPD Score. *** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 111 LCOC TL VERCINGETORIX G336J 20249339 7/10/21 A P Pen: 600 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeeee G A R Ashland Growth eeaaa HPCA Vercingetorix Maternal eeeea H P C A Sure Fire P245 Feed/Carc eeeaa Leachman Introduction G987T Phenotype eeeaa TOP Tidy Bee XG160 Disposition 3.0 TOP Tidy Bee T547 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -1.6 48 87 39 1.20 0.52 1230 -0.33 51 5.26 36.45 $Ranch $58 14% $Feeder $173 8% $Profit $21,256 5% Maternal Specialist. Top 5% $Profit, top 2% Marbling and 10% Ribeye. FT Lot 109 Lot 110 (970) 568-3983 Page 33 Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

112 LCOC TL VERCINGETORIX G200J 20227565 5/2/21 A P Pen: 600 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eeeee G A R Ashland Growth eeaaa HPCA Vercingetorix Maternal eeeea H P C A Sure Fire P245 Feed/Carc eeeaa LCoC TL Valedictorian G168C Phenotype eeeaa Top Petronite EG366 Disposition 3.5 Top Petronite BG271 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -2.6 47 82 33 1.01 0.86 1212 -0.04 33 5.07 36.04 $Ranch $70 3% $Feeder $138 15% $Profit $19,743 7% Maternal Specialist. Top 6% $Profit, #7 $Ranch and #4 Feed:Gain. FT 113 LCOC TL VERCINGETORIX G342J 20227641 7/16/21 A P Pen: 600 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee G A R Ashland Growth eaaaa HPCA Vercingetorix Maternal eeeea H P C A Sure Fire P245 Feed/Carc eeaaa Leachman TL Valedictorian Phenotype eeeaa Top Blackcap CG173 Disposition 4.0 TOP Blackcap ZG296 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -1.9 55 88 27 0.67 0.53 1231 -0.28 -1 5.17 35.62 $Ranch $65 6% $Feeder $102 25% $Profit $16,031 15% Maternal Specialist. #16 $Ranch, #3 Feed:Gain and low intake. 114 LCOC TL TEN X G295J 20362572 6/4/21 N P Pen: 601 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease A A R Ten X 7008 S A# Growth eeeaa LCoC TL Ten X G656F Maternal eeeaa LCoC Zara TG004 Feed/Carc eaaaa 3C Mover 311A Phenotype eeeea Mytty Lady Donna 6072 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Lady Donna 4274 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.6 63 108 22 0.63 0.47 1245 -0.06 86 5.25 36.21 $Ranch $49 30% $Feeder $61 41% $Profit $10,336 36% Top 13% WW and YW EPDs, and Top 25% Feed:Gain. *** Fertility EPD Score. *** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 115 LCOC TL VALEDICTORIAN G315J 20316571 6/23/21 N P Pen: 601 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease Leachman TL Valedictorian Growth eeaaa LCoC TL Valedictorian G168C Maternal eeeaa TOP Blackcap YG138 Feed/Carc eaaaa Leachman TL Decision G155A Phenotype eeeaa Top Blackbird CG159 Disposition 4.0 TOP Blackbird SG606 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.4 53 95 29 0.79 0.43 1230 0.04 2 5.49 36.82 $Ranch $71 3% $Feeder $57 42% $Profit $12,760 25% #2 $Ranch and the Top 2% Feed:Gain with top 15% Fertility EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. ** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 116 LCOC TL VISIONARY G277J 20217003 5/25/21 N P Pen: 601 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeaa LCoC Visionary G145D Maternal eeeea LCoC Isabel UG390 Feed/Carc eeeaa Crouthamel Packer 2011 Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Rita 2202 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Rita 2202 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.5 62 108 26 0.90 0.70 1269 0.15 112 5.54 36.27 $Ranch $31 72% $Feeder $118 20% $Profit $13,045 24% Maternal Specialist. Top 11% Marbling and top 7% Ribeye EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 117 LCOC TL UNITED G273J 20320869 5/22/21 N P Pen: 601 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee Connealy United 1116 Growth eeaaa LCoC United G254D Maternal eeeea T C A Treasure 0699 601 Feed/Carc eaaaa H A R B Windy 758 J H Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Rita 2021 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Rita U327 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -1.1 42 88 28 0.57 0.38 1240 -0.23 21 5.08 36.93 $Ranch $56 17% $Feeder $64 39% $Profit $11,449 31% Maternal Specialist. Top 20% $Ranch and should be an udder improver. *** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 118 LCOC TL BOTTOMLINE G131J 20216968 4/21/21 A P Pen: 601 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeea Leachman TL BottomLine G385E Maternal eeeea Top Norel BG276 Feed/Carc eeeaa Sitz Vance 706a Phenotype eeaaa Mytty Everelda Entense 6030 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Everelda Entense 4128 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.3 63 113 29 0.10 1.01 1259 -0.53 5 5.14 36.51 $Ranch $40 52% $Feeder $126 18% $Profit $14,888 18% Maternal Specialist. #16 Feed:Gain and top 1% Ribeye EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT HPCA Vercingetorix Page 34 see video at Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

119 LCOC TL BOTTOMLINE G168J 20242163 4/26/21 A P Pen: 601 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease T C A Visionary 158 Growth eeeea Leachman TL BottomLine G385E Maternal eeeea Top Norel BG276 Feed/Carc eeeaa Mc Cumber Titanium 3127 Phenotype eeaaa Mytty Countess 6308 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Countess 33X PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 3.6 53 105 29 0.39 0.73 1249 -0.41 12 5.41 36.64 $Ranch $37 58% $Feeder $130 17% $Profit $14,895 18% Maternal Specialist. Top 12% WW and YW EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 120 LCOC TL VALEDICTORIAN G297J 20217014 6/5/21 N P Pen: 602 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease Leachman TL Valedictorian Growth eeeaa LCoC TL Valedictorian G168C Maternal eeeea TOP Blackcap YG138 Feed/Carc eeaaa Mytty Upward 102X Phenotype eeeea Mytty Emma 3246 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Emma 89T# PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 2.3 55 105 32 0.33 0.62 1234 0.09 58 5.39 36.90 $Ranch $48 32% $Feeder $91 29% $Profit $12,843 25% Maternal Specialist. Top 8% Fertility and top 11% Feed:Gain. **** Fertility EPD Score. *** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 121 LCOC TL HIGH SECURITY G353J 20227643 4/29/21 A P Pen: 602 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease G A R Sure Fire Growth eeeaa G A R High Security JSF 4005 Maternal eeeea G A R High Design 781 Feed/Carc eeaaa Crouthamel Packer 2011 Phenotype eeeea Mytty Miss Lora 6463 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Miss Lora 2004 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 2.1 73 119 19 0.76 0.53 1236 -0.05 94 5.45 37.16 $Ranch $48 31% $Feeder $111 22% $Profit $14,633 19% Maternal Specialist. Top 10% $Profit and #14 WW. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 122 LCOC TL ABSOLUTE G237J 20216985 5/15/21 N P Pen: 602 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease K C F Bennett Absolute Growth eeeea LCoC Absolute G095E Maternal eeeaa SJH 5050 of 7124 1643 Feed/Carc eeeaa Mc Cumber Titanium 3127 Phenotype eeeea Mytty Eisa Evergreen 5107 Disposition 5.0 Mytty Eisa Evergreen 1230 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.8 63 113 16 0.61 0.78 1264 -0.21 85 5.30 36.54 $Ranch $18 92% $Feeder $129 17% $Profit $12,392 27% Top 13% WW and YW EPDs, and Top 6% Feed:Gain. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 123 LCOC TL UNITED G269J 20217000 5/21/21 N P Pen: 602 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee Connealy United 1116 Growth eeeaa LCoC United G254D Maternal eeeaa T C A Treasure 0699 601 Feed/Carc eeaaa Sitz Vance 706a Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Rita 6351 Disposition 3.0 Mytty Rita 3116 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.5 54 92 24 0.59 0.46 1245 -0.33 -5 5.59 37.06 $Ranch $43 44% $Feeder $109 23% $Profit $13,771 22% #13 Feed:Gain and Top 10% Ribeye EPD. *** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 124 LCOC TL VALEDICTORIAN G263J 20216995 5/20/21 N P Pen: 602 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease Leachman TL Valedictorian Growth eeaaa LCoC TL Valedictorian G168C Maternal eeeaa TOP Blackcap YG138 Feed/Carc eeaaa Mytty Thunderstruck Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Primrose Lady 4250 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Primrose Lady U267 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 2.6 51 88 26 0.93 0.49 1228 -0.14 29 5.63 36.67 $Ranch $51 26% $Feeder $91 29% $Profit $13,255 24% Top 16% Fertility, top 9% Feed:Gain and top 8% Marbling EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. ** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FTFT 125 LCOC TL PROTEGE G288J 20217009 5/27/21 N P Pen: 602 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL DDC C. Ease GAR-EGL Protege Growth eeeaa LCoC Protege G263T Maternal eeeea LCC Real Queen LH188 Feed/Carc eeaaa Summitcrest Tenderline Phenotype eeeaa Top Erica U796 Ug655 Disposition 3.5 LCOC Emulation PG225 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 2.6 53 87 25 0.66 0.42 1235 -0.14 20 5.83 36.17 $Ranch $47 35% $Feeder $91 29% $Profit $12,635 26% Maternal Specialist. Top 5% Fertility and top 13% Feed:Gain EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT Whatcha doin’? (970) 568-3983 Page 35 Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

126 LCOC TL UNITED G282J 20217006 5/25/21 N P Pen: 602 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease Connealy United 1116 Growth eeaaa LCoC United G261D Maternal eeeea LCoC Zara TG004 Feed/Carc eeaaa Leachman Foundation G081D Phenotype eeeaa TOP Queen Mother FG457 Disposition 3.5 Top Queen Mother DG129 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.8 42 86 36 0.71 0.37 1237 -0.15 12 5.46 36.44 $Ranch $61 11% $Feeder $109 23% $Profit $15,988 15% Maternal Specialist. Top 18% $Profit and $Ranch with top 8% Fertility. **** Fertility EPD Score. *** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 127 LCOC TL VALEDICTORIAN G256J 20216991 5/19/21 N P Pen: 602 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease Leachman TL Valedictorian Growth eeaaa LCoC TL Valedictorian G168C Maternal eeeea TOP Blackcap YG138 Feed/Carc eeaaa WK Bobcat Phenotype eeeaa Mytty High Lady 3082 Disposition 4.0 Mytty High Lady 1038 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.4 61 111 21 0.93 0.29 1245 -0.10 13 5.52 36.52 $Ranch $67 5% $Feeder $84 32% $Profit $14,524 19% Maternal Specialist. Top 6% $Ranch and top 20% $Profit. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 128 LCOC TL SIERRA CUT G239J 20216987 5/15/21 N P Pen: 602 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease D R Sierra Cut 7404 Growth eeaaa LCoC Sierra Cut G266D Maternal eeeaa T C A Treasure 0699 601 Feed/Carc eeaaa Buford BlueStem 9974 Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Emma E 6295 Disposition 2.8 Mytty Emma E 3073 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.5 41 83 28 0.69 0.45 1225 -0.08 37 5.61 36.39 $Ranch $44 42% $Feeder $77 34% $Profit $11,116 32% Top 27% Marbling, Ribeye and Feed:Gain. *** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 129 LCOC TL VERCINGETORIX G217J 20227644 5/6/21 A P Pen: 603 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee G A R Ashland Growth eeeaa HPCA Vercingetorix Maternal eeeaa H P C A Sure Fire P245 Feed/Carc eeeaa Buford BlueStem 9974 Phenotype eeeea Mytty Countess 5125 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Countess 3186 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.8 63 115 22 0.63 0.59 1250 -0.21 186 5.42 36.39 $Ranch $26 82% $Feeder $130 17% $Profit $13,449 23% Top 24% $Profit with Top 13% WW and YW EPDs. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 130 LCOC TL VALEDICTORIAN G299J 20217016 6/10/21 N P Pen: 603 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee Leachman TL Valedictorian Growth eeaaa LCoC TL Valedictorian G168C Maternal eeeea TOP Blackcap YG138 Feed/Carc eeaaa TC Gridiron 258# Phenotype eeeea Mytty Blackcap 3349 Disposition 2.8 Mytty Blackcap 33S PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 0.4 49 85 25 0.82 0.62 1226 -0.02 50 5.84 36.40 $Ranch $65 7% $Feeder $77 34% $Profit $13,693 22% Maternal Specialist. Top 8% $Ranch and top 17% Marbling and Ribeye. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 131 LCOC TL VALEDICTORIAN G272J 20217002 5/22/21 N P Pen: 603 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease Leachman TL Valedictorian Growth eeeaa LCoC TL Valedictorian G168C Maternal eeeea TOP Blackcap YG138 Feed/Carc eeaaa H A R B Windy 758 J H Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Henrietta Pride 1223 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Henrietta Pride T271 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.7 56 99 30 0.50 0.43 1244 -0.11 89 5.66 36.87 $Ranch $51 27% $Feeder $87 30% $Profit $12,865 25% Maternal Specialist. Top 25% $Profit and top 20% Feed:Gain. **** Fertility EPD Score. *** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 132 LCOC TL PARADIGM G214J 20216980 5/5/21 A P Pen: 603 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease Leachman Paradigm G289U Growth eeaaa LCoC Paradigm G227X Maternal eeeea TOP Blackcap T525 Feed/Carc eeaaa Leachman TL Valedictorian Phenotype eeeaa Top Erica DG141 Disposition 3.5 TOP Erica XG169 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.9 48 87 29 0.77 0.49 1244 -0.27 22 5.68 36.43 $Ranch $57 16% $Feeder $92 29% $Profit $14,056 21% Maternal Specialist. #3 Fertility and excellent Feed:Gain. ***** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT The next generation. Page 36 see video at Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

133 LCOC TL FUR PROG G258J 20216993 5/19/21 N P Pen: 603 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease LCoC Fur Prog G377A Growth eeeea LCoC Fur Prog G031E Maternal eeeaa LCoC Blackcap BG059 Feed/Carc eeeaa Mc Cumber Titanium 3127 Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Eisa Evergreen 6324 Disposition 5.0 Mytty Eisa Evergreen 1230 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 2.0 54 103 25 0.22 0.65 1264 -0.06 93 5.71 36.69 $Ranch $17 93% $Feeder $114 21% $Profit $10,971 33% Top 12% WW and YW EPDs. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 134 LCOC TL SIERRA CUT G257J 20216992 5/19/21 N P Pen: 603 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease D R Sierra Cut 7404 Growth eeaaa LCoC Sierra Cut G266D Maternal eeeaa T C A Treasure 0699 601 Feed/Carc eeaaa Bobcat Consent Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Everelda Entense 6038 Disposition 3.5 Mytty Everelda Entense 4354 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.3 53 96 27 0.89 0.47 1242 -0.01 26 5.92 36.03 $Ranch $39 54% $Feeder $105 24% $Profit $12,904 25% Top 25% $Profit and Marbling EPD. *** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 135 LCOC TL ABSOLUTE G216J 20216981 5/6/21 N P Pen: 603 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee K C F Bennett Absolute Growth eeeaa LCoC Absolute G095E Maternal eeeea SJH 5050 of 7124 1643 Feed/Carc eeaaa S A V Resource 1441 Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Henrietta Pride 4132 Disposition 4.5 Mytty Henrietta Pride 54S PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.0 53 92 23 0.67 0.53 1250 -0.21 77 5.82 36.86 $Ranch $47 35% $Feeder $101 26% $Profit $13,608 22% Maternal Specialist. Top 3% Feed:Gain and top 13% Ribeye EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 136 LCOC TL VISIONARY G203J 20227545 5/3/21 A P Pen: 604 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease SydGen C C & 7# Growth eeaaa T C A Visionary 158 Maternal eeeea T C A Treasure 0699 601 Feed/Carc eaaaa Mytty ForeFront 77P Phenotype eeaaa Mytty Countess 2006 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Countess 153X PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.5 55 100 24 0.37 0.54 1260 -0.34 26 5.27 36.86 $Ranch $38 56% $Feeder $53 44% $Profit $8,266 45% Maternal Specialist. Top 5% Feed:Gain and top 13% Fertility EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 137 LCOC TL UNITED G265J 20216997 5/20/21 N P Pen: 604 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee Connealy United 1116 Growth eaaaa LCoC United G254D Maternal eeeea T C A Treasure 0699 601 Feed/Carc eaaaa Buford BlueStem 9974 Phenotype eeeaa Mytty Countess Jackie 6251 Disposition 4.0 Mytty Countess Jackie 2236 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.2 46 82 24 0.30 0.57 1231 -0.08 -26 5.37 36.94 $Ranch $74 2% $Feeder $4 64% $Profit $8,439 44% Maternal Specialist. #5 $Ranch. Make moderate & low intake daughters. **** Fertility EPD Score. **** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 138 LCOC TL EXCEED G280J 20217005 5/25/21 N P Pen: 604 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease SydGen Exceed 3223 Growth eeaaa Ankonian Exceed 7133 Maternal eeeea SLC Blackbird Power 612 Feed/Carc eaaaa Mytty Thunderstruck Phenotype eeaaa Mytty Blackcap 5430 Disposition 3.0 Mytty Blackcap 33S PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR 1.3 54 92 27 0.64 0.27 1223 -0.04 53 5.30 36.68 $Ranch $52 23% $Feeder $37 50% $Profit $8,680 43% Maternal Specialist. Top 22% $Ranch and Marbling EPD. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT 139 LCOC TL HIGH SECURITY G225H 20352639 8/2/20 A P Pen: 605 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee G A R Sure Fire Growth eeeaa G A R High Security JSF 4005 Maternal eeeea G A R High Design 781 Feed/Carc eeeea LCoC Fur Prog G110B Phenotype eeeea Top Tidy Bee DG130 Disposition 3.5 TOP Tidy Bee SG473 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -1.6 49 94 30 1.17 0.76 1220 -0.07 67 5.42 37.01 $Ranch $71 3% $Feeder $182 7% $Profit $23,664 2% Maternal Specialist. #16 $Profit, #11 $Ranch, #10 Marbling. Josh Browning (970) 568-3983 Page 37 Age Advantaged Angus Bulls Lots 1-139

16. Disposition: Our traditional score of 1 – 5 on disposition. Score 5 bulls are bulls you can walk up to and touch. Score 3 is about average historically for Leachman bulls. However, we are making a concerted effort to improve disposition, so most bulls score 3 or higher. The bulls scored 2.5 or 2 are nervous and do not like to be in close quarters with people on foot – but they are great for big range operations.

14. Feedlot: This looks at all of the post weaning traits including gain, conversion, carcass weight, and carcass merit. Scored from one star to five stars, where five stars would produce maximum overall value in your feeder calves.

13. Maternal: This is an estimate of maternal efficiency, NOT milk. It includes cow size, milk, fertility, and growth. The bulls are scored from one star to five stars. Five star bulls will produce some of the most profitable cows in the industry if you sell calves at weaning.

15. Phenotype: A combination of eye appeal and overall kind. Scored from one star to five stars. Five star bulls are the best phenotypic bulls in the sale (in our opinion)! Two star bulls are less attractive visually than average.

18. Birth weight EPD/ABC expressed on an Angus scale (or breed scale for Red Angus, and Charolais).

19. Weaning weight EPD/ABC expressed on a breed scale. The Stabilizers are expressed on an Angus scale.

Professional Bull Buyers Guide

1 LCOC TL VERCINGETORIX G194J 20373621 4/30/21 A P Pen: 200 Scores 100AN BLK B TPL C. Ease eee G A R Ashland Growth eeeee HPCA Vercingetorix Maternal eeeea H P C A Sure Fire P245 Feed/Carc eeeee SydGen Exceed 3223 Phenotype eeeea TOP Barbara FG472 Disposition 3.5 TOP Barbara DG172 PAP BW WW YW MI IMF REA MWT F/G Intake YHT SCR -0.5 55 99 33 1.27 1.10 1231 -0.30 47 5.75 36.34 $Ranch $50 27% $Feeder $282 0.6% $Profit $29,887 0.3% 4.5 Star All Around. #2 $Profit, #1 $Feeder, #3 Ribeye, #7 Feed:Gain. **** Fertility EPD Score. ***** Teat/Udder EPD Score. FT How to read this catalog 1. Reg#: the registration number of the animal. NotReg means the animal is not registered. Pending means that a registration number has been applied for, but was not issued at the time of catalog printing. 2. Brd: breed of the animal if two breeds or less are involved. If more than two breeds are in the animal, then the compo sition shows the percent British and the percent Continen tal, i.e. 58B 42C means 58% British and 42% Continental. 3. DOB: date of birth 4. Color: BBK=homozygous black, BLK = black, BWF = black white face, BBF = black brockle face, RED = red, RWF = red white face, WHT = white, BRC = black red carrier. 5. Mating type: E = embryo transplant, A = via artificial insem ination, N = natural service 6. Sex: B = Bull, H = Female 7. P = polled. S = scurred. H = horned. PP = Homozygous Polled. PH = Heterozygous Polled. 8. Cooperator herd where the bull was raised. 9. Pen where the bull is located. 10. Genetic Defect codes - a C appended to the end denotes carrier and an F denotes tested free and P denotes possible but untested. NH - Neuropathic Hydrocephalus AM - Arthrogryposis Multiplex CA - Contractural Arachnodactyly OS - Osteopetrosis DD -Developmental Duplication Phenotype Scores to Make Bull Buying Easier: 11. CE: Calving Ease is the predicted calving ease if you use the bull on heifers. If there is a number in the brown box, this indicates the breed calculated calving ease direct EPD. In addition, we provide our Leachman estimated calving star *****system.The easiest calving bulls in the industry. **** Use on smaller heifers with minimal assistance needed *** Use on larger heifers with some assistance expected. 12. Growth: This is a score from one star to five stars, where five stars means maximum growth. Even the one star bulls are as growthy as any bull in America 20 years ago.

EPDs/ABCs Breed Association EPDs (Expected Progeny Differences) are listed for all registered animals. Leachman ABCs (Across Breed Comparisons) are listed for all un-registered animals. All ABCs are on an Angus base and can be compared across breeds within this catalog. EPDs are appropriate association EPDs without any adjustments.

20. Yearling EPD/ABC expressed on a breed scale. The Stabi lizers are expressed on an Angus scale.

21. Milk EPD/ABC expressed on a breed scale. The Stabiliz ers are expressed on an Angus scale. This is the best pre

11 10 1615141312 27 29 26252423 282221201918 1 2 4 3 56 7 8 9 30 31 32 33 Page 38 see video at

• YR = yearling ratio. How the calf ranked within herd on adjusted yearling weight.

• Other abbreviations used in the comments include:

33. PAP: PAP EPD. If there is a number in the brown box, this is the actual PAP score of the animal. If there is a circle around the score, this indicates that the score was collected above 8500 ft in Walden CO.

dictor of a bull’s daughter’s ability to milk. It measures the difference in weaning weight that will be produced between one bull’s daughters and another bull’s daugh ters due solely to milk.

• Dam 5@101 NR – indicates that the bull’s dam has five calves with an average weaning ratio of 101

25. F:G is the pedigree estimated feed to gain EPD that predicts the feedlot efficiency of the bulls offspring. A negative number means that the bull’s progeny will feed more efficiently. Example: -0.50 means that the bulls progeny will require ½ pound less feed per pound of gain.

• Fertility: Predicts the number of calves that a bull’s daughters will have in the first 8 years of their life. This is an early release of information from Zoetis. Validation is still underway to confirm the efficacy of this EPD. See page 5.

• Any reference to % rank is the percentile rank within that bull’s breed. Top 1% means the animal ranks better than 99% of the population on that trait.

• WR & NR = weaning or nursing ratio. How the calf ranked within herd on their adjusted weaning weight.

• ADG = average daily gain on test. WDA = weight per day of age at a year.

23. REA is the ultrasound based EPD/ABC for ribeye area ex pressed on a breed scale. The Stabilizers are expressed on an Angus scale.

22. IMF is the ultrasound based EPD/ABC for marbling ex pressed on a breed scale. The Stabilizers are expressed on an Angus scale.

32. FT: Indicates the bull was individually measured for feed intake. Bulls without this notation, were not individually measured. Unmeasured bulls have EPD’s based on their parental average.

• Udder EPD: This EPD assesses the bag attachment and teat size of the bull’s daughters. Bulls with 5 & 4 stars should sire females with exceptional udder quality.

27. YHT is an EPD, expressed as frame score, predicting the yearling frame score of a sire’s progeny, compared to that of other sires.

28. SC is an EPD, expressed in centimeters, predicting the yearling scrotal circumference of a sire’s progeny, com pared to that of other sires.

• AWW = adjusted 205 day weaning weight. AYW = adjusted 365 day yearling weight.

All bulls have their new Fertility and udder EPDs in their Forfootnotes.bothtraits:5star=top 10% 4 star = top 35% 3 star = 36% to 64% (average) 2 star = bottom 35% 1 star = bottom 10%

31. $Profit™ EPD: One, simple, proven number that gives each trait a weight according to its impact on profit.

26. Intake: is an estimate of the amount of feed that the bull’s progeny will consume over a 112 day feeding period. It is expressed in pounds. Animals with higher intake will consume more throughout their life. Animals with lower intake will consume less.

29. $Ranch EPD: This Leachman profit index that predicts weaning profitability based on calving ease, weaning weight, maternal milk, cow cost, and FERTILITY. Based on producing 100 calves. This EPD assumes a slide on calf prices of $10 / cwt.

24. MWT is the predicted mature weight of daughters that you will get if you use the bull on a 1250 pound cow. If your cows weigh 1350, add 100 to this predicted weight. If your cows weigh only 1150, subtract 100 from this pre dicted weight. This EPD is the best indicator of daughter size -- far better than frame score or yearling height.

• REA & IMF = either adjusted data or ratios for ultrasound ribeye area and inter-muscular fat (marbling).

• Stay = the Red Angus EPD for Stayability. This predicts the likelihood that a bull’s daughters stay in the herd. +14 means that 14% more of this bull’s daughters will be in the herd at age 6.

Key to bull comments:

30. $Feeder: This number is expressed in terms of the bull’s added value to the sale price of your feeder calves. It is expressed in dollars per head. Thus when comparing a +100 bull vs. a +50 bull, we expect the first bull to sire calves worth $50 per head more at weaning (regardless of their weight).

• Reference to the number rank (i.e. #2 $Profit) is the bulls rank within his breed within the sale bulls for that trait. So, #4 F:G ST means the 4th best Feed:Gain Stabilizer bull in the sale.

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All bulls are evaluated for foot soundness. Comments ending in “Feet-” score greater than 7 on the Angus foot score guidelines. All such bulls’ feet have been trimmed and sell with our complete guarantee.

• Earlier marketing decisions can help reduce heifer-raising costs and generate revenue.


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INHERIT Select identifies genomic approximations of breed composition to help harness hybrid vigor and optimize production efficiency by:

• Helping to inform breeding decisions in future calf crops



• Determining emphasis by breed contributing to crossbred GEPDs – Incorporating parent information for improved accuracy

• Indicating potential maternal hybrid vigor that favorably impacts reproduction, fitness and survival traits

Generations of breeding decisions have laid the foundation for your herd. Now you can continue—and improve— that legacy with INHERIT Select,™ a genomic tool to help cow-calf producers with crossbred cattle make more informed selection and breeding decisions.

• Future herd productivity is accelerated by selecting females with more favorable predictions.

INHERIT Select provides the industry with Genomic Expected Progeny Differences (GEPDs) for 16 traits that inform three economic indexes which simplify complex information to make better management decisions easier. $Ranch & $Profit on Your Replacement Heifers

A replacement can take about 4 years to break even.1 Identifying females that produce more valuable calves can add value long term. With GEPDs and indexes provided by INHERIT Select, you can make earlier and better selection decisions to identify future replacements. Selecting the right replacements is critical to the future of your herd, and has a direct impact on short-term profitability.


• Breed composition: %Angus, % other British, %Continental, and %Other (dairy or Indicus). traits: Pulmonary Artery Pressure EPD, Color, Horned/ Polled status. Inherit Select costs $28 / head. To receive $Ranch & $Profit, the cost is $33 / head. PAP, Color, Polled, genetic defect testing, and BVD are all add on costs. How to Order? Contact Any Leachman Representative

• Too much or too little milk for your environment.

• Indexes: Zoetis Total Return, Zoetis Cow Calf, and Zoetis Feedlot Carcass, $Profit, and $Ranch.

• Poor docility.

• Excessive feed requirements.

The test tells you WHERE YOU RANK within the industry on all of the key traits including $Profit and $Ranch.

About Zoetis

• Too little growth rate.

The test helps you identify females that you may NOT want to keep as replacements. For example, you might want to consider culling heifer calves for the following reasons:

• Optional

• Finally, and perhaps most importantly, by testing you can accel erate your herd’s rate of genetic improvement. What you should do next?

For more information, visit

• DNA matching to the sire and dam if they have DNA on file with Zoetis.

• Plan to take samples on your 2021 Spring born heifer calves. Ideally, you should sample two heifers for every one you plan to keep – this will give you optimal selection pressure to eliminate heifers with undesirable traits AND improve your index values for $Ranch and $Profit.

• Poor future udder quality.

• Poor feedlot and carcass traits.

• Too much potential mature cow size.

Seeing this information on replacement heifers that you have already chosen is particularly eye opening. Once they see the data, most ranchers want this information to help pick future heifers.

Zoetis is the leading animal health company, dedicated to supporting its customers and their businesses. Building on more than 60 years of experience in animal health, Zoetis discovers, develops, manufactures and markets medicines, vaccines, and diagnostic products, which are complemented by biodevices, genetic tests and a range of services. Zoetis serves veterinarians, livestock producers and people who raise and care for farm and companion animals with sales of its products in more than 100 countries. In 2017, the company generated annual revenue of $5.3 billion with approximately 9,000 employees.

• BW, WW, YW, DMI (Dry Matter Intake), Feed:Gain, Yearling Height, Milk, Teat & Udder Composite Score, Docility, Scrotal, Carcass Weight, Fat, Ribeye Area, IMF (Marbling), and Tender ness. Plus, you will receive the new Zoetis Fertility EPD. All EPD’s are expressed in the same format and are scaled in a way to make them comparable to EPDs shown in all Leachman catalogs. Plus you get % rank on your animals compared to all other Inherit Select Animals.

• Take samples on 30 to 50 (or the entire group) of heifers that you plan to breed this Spring. This will tell you where you are and tell you what you could improve on the heifers you plan to breed.

Commercial producers around the country are signing up to use I nherit Select to pick their replacement heifers. By doing so, they are accelerating their herd’s genetic improvement so that their future cows will be more productive a nd their future feeder calves will be more valuable. It’s just that simple. They are building a legacy of future profitability!

With the Zoetis and Leachman collaboration now in full swing, we have many exciting updates.

After contact, you will receive tissue sampling equipment via mail. This equipment is included in the cost of the tests. Then you will fill out an order form and mail the tests to Zoetis directly. Results will be returned to you electronically within 4 weeks of Zoetis receiving the tests. What are herds seeing from the data?

In the typical herd, we see a range of approximately $10,000 between the top 10% of the females and the bottom 10% of the females on $Profit. On $Ranch, the top 10% of the females are typically $50 lower than the top 10% of the females.

Pricing: •

What you get: The following information will come back on every female you test.

Top Line Cattle, LLC P.O. Box Middletown,89 CA 95461 4 GUARANTEEYEARONALLTOPLINEBULLS! Leachman TopLine Angus Target More Profit Potential! $PROFIT MORE FERTILITY MORE GROWTH BETTER CARCASS VALUE Only $Profit delivers it all. Our bulls are selected to balance all of these key traits – and it works! BETTER FEED EFFICIENCY SEVERAL SONS SELLINAROMAS, CA ON OCT. 1st!

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