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BRIMI Foundation
The Beauty Resides in My Image (BRIMI) Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that encourages young women to identify beauty in their own image. BRIMI understands that mental, physical and emotional wellness is vital to self-awareness, self-confidence and self-esteem. Its programs cultivate overall wellness and growth, enabling those it connects with to see the beauty that resides within them.
The Beauty Resides in My Image movement encourages each person to look in the mirror and see their beauty. Too often individuals choose to see themselves with flaws, instead of embracing the beautiful uniqueness of their features. By acknowledging the beauty within one’s own image and not comparing one’s image to others, they can start seeing themselves as beautiful.
Participants are honest in sharing their feelings of self-doubt. This gives the organization a full understanding of their needs and the programming that might help them through the most influential time in their lives. Many are struggling with low self-esteem and self-confidence, depression, anxiety and, sadly, even suicidal thoughts. This is becoming more and more of the norm due to social media and society’s outdated myths about beauty and being popular. BRIMI’s programs include: B-Fit, Mirror It’s ME, Beauty Series and B-Vocal.
BRIMI’s newest program is B-Ambassador. The foundation is recruiting girls ages 8 to 18 for this free program to help them identify and celebrate who they are. This is a 9-month program where the girls must complete 100 credit hours to graduate as a BRIMI Ambassador. Activities include team building, selfesteem building, life coaching, peer-to-peer meetings, fitness sessions, volunteer opportunities and other fun activities.
For more information, visit www.mybrimiinc.org.