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Dekalb County Board of Health
Founded in 1921 and based in Decatur, the DeKalb County Board of Health provides clinical care, outreach and case management at five health centers and strives to build healthy communities through population-based assessment, education and prevention efforts.
The Board of Health’s vision is to promote, protect and improve the health of the people who live, work and play in the county. Its mission is to foster wellness through care, education and example; to empower communities to develop and implement wellness strategies; to collaborate with community partners to provide quality, affordable and culturally competent health care and education; to improve the status of health through policy, systems and environmental changes; and to build and maintain a committed and well-trained workforce that provides superior customer service.
In 2016, the Board of Health was accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board.
The Board of Health’s services include:
Adult Health: breast and cervical cancer screening, dental health, family planning, immunizations, minor care services, physicals, pregnancy testing, refugee health, travel medicine and sexually transmitted disease (STD), HIV and tuberculosis (TB) education, screening, diagnosis, treatment and control.
Certificates for Births and Deaths in Georgia.
Child Health: adolescent health and youth development, Babies Can’t Wait, Children 1st , Children’s Medical Services, dental health, foster care physicals, health checks, hearing and vision screenings, immunizations, minor care services and sports physicals.

Community Engagement: volunteer opportunities, including opportunities in emergency preparedness (in the Medical Reserve Corps).
Community Health Reports.
Emergency Preparedness: public health response and community awareness, preparedness and training.
Environmental Health: lead poisoning prevention, mosquito control, radon testing and permits for and inspections of restaurants, septic tanks, swimming pools and spas, body crafting studios and artists, and hotels and motels.
Health Promotion: community health education and the prevention of chronic diseases, injuries and tobacco use. Maternal and Child Health: Mothers Offering Resources and Education; Right from the Start Medicaid and the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) nutrition program.
For more information on the DeKalb County Board of Health, visit www.dekalbhealth.net or call
(404) 294-3700.
ZUMBA Every Fourth Sunday 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. A fitness program that involves dance and aerobic movement appropriate for all ages.

The Kirkwood Edgewood Healthy Living Initiative at Greater Smith Chapel AME Church 183 Mayson Avenue, Atlanta, Ga. 30307 | 404-963-5215
Sponsored by the DeKalb County Board of Health Made possible with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention