Winter Activities Guide 2016

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Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

Wednesday, November 16, 2016 • A 15

winter activities guide LE ADER SPECIAL FOCUS

Macklin works so kids can play Volunteers still needed for parks programs

CHIMACUM ARTS & CRAFTS FAIR • Dec. 10 & 11, at the Chimacum High School, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission $3. All proceeds benefit students of East Jefferson County. Visit online at www.chimacumarts. com HAND WORK STUDIO • is launching the festive season with our 6th seasonal sale at the Cotton Building, 607 Water St., in Port Townsend. Join us on Dec. 10 , 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. & get the holidays wrapped up early! There is no better opportunity to buy special, local, hand-crafted items & enjoy meeting & talking to the talented people that create them.



hris Macklin took several college courses in conflict resolution, learning skills that benefit him today as the assistant recreation manager for Jefferson County Parks and Recreation. “In this position, you deal with so many different personalities,” he said. “There are different groups of staff, community members, parents and the sports league. There are all the dynamics of what team they are on, along with managing uniforms, shirt orders, referees and maintenance.” Macklin is winding up plans for the Junior Hoops program, which starts this week. He is selecting teams, coordinating coaches, recruiting referees, booking fields and managing advertising. It’s all a one-man show. The Junior Hoops game season is from December to February. It is part of a year-round loop of programs, ensuring there is usually something going on to keep the kids fit and busy. Over winter break, Macklin starts planning spring soccer, with practice beginning in March and games taking place from just after spring break through June. Over the summer the department manages an adult softball program, along with camps concentrating on basketball, wrestling,

Arts & Crafts

Fitness & Health ADDITIONAL ALSO: Sports.



SWIM FREE • Second Sunday of every month at the Mountain View Pool. Adults Only for laps, water walking and exercise, 1-2 p.m. Family Recreation Swim for all ages, 2:15-5 p.m. An adult must accompany children under 8 yrs. old in the water. Questions, call (360) 385-POOL (360-385-7665). Location: 1925 Blaine St., Port Townsend.

General Activities ADDITIONAL LISTINGS, SEE ALSO: Arts & Crafts, Fitness & Health, Genealogical Society, Holiday Events, Jefferson County Library, Port Townsend Library and Sports.

Chris Macklin, assistant manager of the Jefferson County Recreation Center, stands in the Rec Center gym in uptown Port Townsend. Macklin organizes County Rec programs, including the 25-team youth basketball program. File photo by Robin Dudley

tennis and a combination of sports. This is followed by fall soccer from August to October, and then it starts all over again. Games are played in Port Townsend, Chimacum and Quilcene, with leagues divided into pre-K and kindergarten, first and second grades, third and fourth grades, and genderseparated teams for fifth and sixth grades. Macklin said it would be better to have separate boys’ and girls’ teams in the lower grades, but not enough girls of that age sign up. SOCCER SCHOL ARSHIPS Since Blue Heron Middle School does not have a soccer program, it is offered by the county throughout the eighth grade.

The classes cost $55-$60 per student, with scholarships awarded to kids whose parents or guardians can’t afford the fee. Macklin, 47, was born in Ohio and worked in Illinois, El Salvador and California before moving to Port Townsend in 2006. His parents had built a house in the area, and one of his brothers lived in Seattle. He joined the Jefferson County recreation department in 2006 and became the assistant manager a year later. He said that athletic programs contribute to students’ well-being. “People work very hard to put programs together that benefit the kids,” he said. “They get information about what to eat and how to keep yourself healthy, which are often things that kids have to learn on their own.”

Free Christmas Concerts at San Juan Villa, 3pm December 7th Washington Old Time Fiddlers December 13th Jack the Singing Cowboy December 20th Nan Toby Tyrell plays Piano Open to the public. Snacks provided. January 15, 2017 San Juan Villa Open House Serving Pie and Coffee. Come see what we do here!

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Macklin said the program gives kids a sense of community because it places them on teams close to their home, with the goal of getting them to know

“It’s really neat when volunteers continue coaching even when their kids are too old to participate in the program.” Chris Macklin ASSISTANT RECREATION MANAGER JEFFERSON COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION

coach is ill or no one has come forth to coach a particular team. Volunteers are key to the program’s success, Macklin said. About 30 people have pledged their time for the upcoming season, but there is still a need for referees. “In order to be a referee, the volunteer should know the basics of the game,” Macklin said. “It’s a great opportunity for training and provides some court time, in case someone wants to referee at middle school and high school games.” Some volunteers have been in place for several years after their own kids have participated. “People have always stepped up,” he said. “It’s really neat when volunteers continue coaching even when their kids are too old to participate in the program.”

INTERFAITH AMIGOS SPIRITUAL READ • Join a regional JanuaryFebruary 10-week read of Finding Peace through Spiritual Healing, The Interfaith Amigos’ Guide to Personal, Social and Environmental Healing. Internationally acclaimed Interfaith Amigos, an Islamic Imam, a Jewish Rabbi and Christian minister, present Feb.12, 2-3:30 p.m. at Port Townsend High School. Join a participating group, form your own or read individually. Go to spiritualread. org

Holiday Events A GOLDEN CHRISTMAS GIFT FROM ST. NICHOLAS TO THE PEOPLE OF PORT TOWNSEND • Friday, Dec. 9, 6-8 p.m. Saint Herman of Alaska Orthodox Christian Church. The Fourth Century Players perform a story/puppet show about the generosity and saintliness of St. Nicholas. Music, refreshments, crafts, and A VERY SPECIAL VISITOR! All welcome. Free event. (360) 385-0585. Also visit our site at www.

Jefferson Co. Library AMERICA’S DIPLOMATS • with Joyce Francis, PhD. Wednesday, Nov. 16, 6 p.m. In this program, Francis will discuss what it means to be a diplomat in America, and will show how statistically it is more dangerous to join the U.S. Foreign Service than the armed forces: about three times as many ambassadors as admirals and generals have been killed by hostile action since WWII. Discussion

Fall2 their peers outside of the classroom context. He only occasionally coaches, when the regular





A 16 • Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

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Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

Wednesday, November 16, 2016 • A 17

winter activities guide ▼Continued from page 17 about diplomacy will be encouraged. During this program the 1-hour film “America’s Diplomats” will be shown. The film is narrated by Kathleen Turner and will take viewers inside the Foreign Service and behind the scenes of U.S. Foreign Policy. BOFFER CLUB • Friday, Jan. 20 & Feb. 17 from 3-4:30 p.m. This afterschool activity attracts participants ages 6 to 18. Boffer sword play is a physical sport with light contact, similar in intensity to soccer and a pillow fight combined. Boffers, constructed of foam-wrapped PVC pipe, duct tape and some imagination, are used in live-action roll-playing games and mock combat. Chaz Hillyard will coach participants. Boffers provided by the Library, or bring your own. BOFFER SWORDPLAY & EXERCISE • Ages 6-18. Friday, Nov. 18, 3-4:30 p.m. Swing your boffer with other energetic heroes and heroines! This activity will be outside, weather permitting. Bring layers of clothing, a water bottle, and if you have one, your boffer sword. Swords will be available at the event for those without one. Participants age 6-18 are welcome; children under 9 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Co-sponsored by the Friends of the Jefferson County Library and Hadlock Building Supply. The fifth annual Turkey Trot to benefit Jumping Mouse Children’s Center is set for Nov. 19. Courtesy photo by Rebekah Rogers

Time to do the Turkey Trot Fun run benefits Jumping Mouse Children’s Center

er, begins at 9 a.m. The 5K starts at 9:30 a.m. on a certified 5K course. Both races start at the Port Townsend boatyard trailhead of the Larry Scott Trail. Jumping Mouse ChilCocoa, coffee and treats dren’s Center hosts its fifth are to be available, along annual Turkey Trot run on with prizes at the finish Saturday, Nov. 19 to help line. provide mental health care Registration for the 5K for children in Jefferson is $30 for adults, and $15 County. for students younger than The 5K race and 1-mile 18 and seniors 65 and older. kids’ dash take place on the The kids’ dash is $10. Larry Scott Trail. The kids’ Groups of three or more dash, for ages 9 and young- can preregister for a 15 per-

cent family discount. Race-day registration begins at 8:30 a.m., or participants can preregister at All proceeds go to Jumping Mouse Children’s Center, which provides expressive mental health therapy, for as long as necessary, to children ages 2-12 in East Jefferson County. To keep its therapy services accessible to all in need, Jumping Mouse relies on community and foundation support.

The Howling Chickens First Lego League Team for the Discovery 4-H Club is working together to solve a problem involving coyotes. Courtesy photo

‘Howling Chickens’ learn with Legos The First Lego League (FLL) Team for the Discovery 4-H Club is having a great time in its rookie year, says club leader Danell Swim Mackey. The “Howling Chickens” consist of seven boys, all ages 9-10, and all enthusiastic about robotics and the FLL challenge. Each year, FLL changes its theme to something relevant and timely for the kids to take on, Mackey noted. This year, the theme is “Animal Allies.” Kids are asked to solve a real-world problem that relates to how humans and animals interact. The Howling Chickens have decided to work together to solve a problem involving coyotes. The program is free, and the Northwest Discovery Lab has covered many of the expenses in getting this team off the ground, including the use of four EV3 Lego kits, which alone cost more than $2,000. Team T-shirts are to be going into pro-

duction shortly, and the Howling Chickens are having the names of team sponsors printed on the backs of the shirts. Team members are asking any local businesses to help support them as they work to create their program and travel to their competitions. Sponsorship is $100, which includes name placement on the T-shirts, a listing on the Web page, and a heartfelt thank-you from the team, said Mackey. The team meets twice each week to tackle the programming of the Lego bots, to work on solutions to the coyote problem and to learn teamwork. It follows the 4-H model of “Learning by Doing,” in which youths learn through hands-on experience, and then share, process and apply that knowledge. For information on sponsoring the team or other details, contact Mackey at or 232-3025.

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FAMILY ART • HeARTs. Saturday, Feb. 6, 2-4 p.m. All ages are welcome to make your own fantastic Valentines ahead of time. Hearts are the symbol of love and an intriguing design motif. Create and play with hearts in composition, color and form through printmaking, faux painting and stenciling. Taught by Sidonie Wilson, Family Art is designed for adults and children to create and explore a variety of art mediums together. It starts with a demonstration and art conversation followed by creative work time. Space is limited. Sign up at the library or call (360) 385-6544 to register. FAMILY ART • Painted Guatemalan Folk Art Birds. Saturday, Mar. 4, 2-4 p.m. Birds have been of great ceremonial and artistic importance in Guatemala since the times of the Mayan civilization when feathers were often worked into gala and everyday dress. Make a Folk Art bird to express reverence for all the winged creatures. Taught by Sidonie Wilson, Family Art is designed for adults and children to create and explore a variety of art mediums together. It starts with a demonstration and art conversation followed by creative work time. Space is limited. Sign up at the library or call (360) 385-6544 to register. FAMILY ART • Paper Bead Stars. Saturday, Dec. 3 or Dec. 10, 2-4 p.m. Make your own fabulous paper beads and then string them into a heaven of stars or festive garland. Taught by Sidonie Wilson, Family Art is designed for adults and children to create and explore a variety of art mediums together. It starts with a demonstration and art conversation followed by creative work time. Space is limited. Sign up at the library or call (360) 385-6544 to register. FAMILY ART • Stories on a String. Saturday, Dec. 7, 2-4 p.m. Distinguished Brazilian poet and woodcut artist Jose Borges creates printed banners that tell a story and are suspended on lines over market booths. Using printing blocks and inks of different colors we will create stories on a string. Taught by Sidonie Wilson, Family Art is designed for adults and children to create and explore a variety of art mediums together. It starts with a demonstration and art conversation followed by creative work time. Space is limited. Sign up at the library or call (360) 385-6544 to register. GAME TIME • Friday, Jan. 13, 4-6 p.m. Young people ages 9-18 are invited to enjoy the library after the adults have left! Join us for board games, card games, challenges and fun for all. Yummy snacks provided by the Friends of the Jefferson County Library!

KIDS THURSDAYS • Kids’ Caldecott Committee Winners Announced! Thursday, Jan. 12, 3:45 p.m. Each year, the Caldecott Medal is awarded by the American Library Association to the most distinguished picture book for children. All are welcome to our party in which the Jefferson County Library Kids’ Caldecott Committee announces its Caldecott Medal Winner and Honor books! Join author and illustrator Faith Pray and Youth Services Librarian Martha Ashenfelter in a celebration of outstanding picture books of 2016. KIDS THURSDAYS • Kids’ Caldecott Committee Finalists Defended! Thursday, Jan. 5, 3:45 p.m. Each year, the Caldecott Medal is awarded by the American Library Association to the most distinguished picture book for children. All are welcome as the eight Jefferson County Library Caldecott book finalists are displayed and kids’ committee members defend their picture book choices. Join author and illustrator Faith Pray and Youth Services Librarian Martha Ashenfelter in a celebration of outstanding picture books of 2016. KIDS’ THURSDAYS • Caldecott Committee In Quilcene. Age 6 and older. Wednesdays through Dec. 7. Each year, the Caldecott Medal is awarded by the American Library Association to the most distinguished picture book for children. Kids ages 6 and older are invited to join Youth Services Librarian Martha Ashenfelter as we examine a selection of Caldecott contenders and vote in a Jefferson County Library Caldecott competition. Quilcene sessions are in collaboration with the WSU Extension Jefferson County 4-H. NOTE: This will take place in Room 8 at Quilcene Elementary School. KIDS’ THURSDAYS • Caldecott Committee. Age 6 and older. Thursdays through Dec. 8, 3:45-4:45 p.m. Every year, the Caldecott Medal is awarded by the American Library Association to the most distinguished picture book for children. join author and illustrator Faith Pray and Youth Services Librarian Martha Ashenfelter as we examine a selection of Caldecott contenders and vote in a Jefferson County Library Caldecott competition.

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STORYTIME: BABYTIME • Ages birth-12 months. Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m. This 20-minute lapsit program for babies and caregivers features action rhymes, songs, felt board stories, baby sign language, movement, bubbles, and other gentle activities for the very young. Babytime is designed to stimulate brain development, to create community for caregivers and babies, and to celebrate music, language, and books! No storytime Dec. 27. STORYTIME: PRESCHOOL • Ages 3-5 years. Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m. Bring your preschooler and enjoy stories, songs, fingerplays and more, designed to promote early learning. Preschool Storytime is followed by a craft or activity that encourages networking and enriches literacy. No storytime Dec. 28. STORYTIME: TODDLER • Ages 12-30 months. Mondays, 10:15 a.m. Toddler Storytime features movement, music, puppets, fingerplays, flannel stories and the reading of short books written with toddlers in mind. No storytime Dec. 2, 24; Jan. 2, 16; Feb. 6, 20. TECH TUESDAYS CLASS • Keeping in Touch. Tuesday, Nov. 22, 3-4 p.m. If you can’t be with your loved ones over the holiday, put that technology to good use and “see” your family through a number of videocalling apps and websites, such as Skype, Facetime and Google Duo. TECH TUESDAYS CLASS • Staff’s Favorite Apps. Tuesday, Dec. 6, 3-4 p.m. Learn how to download and manage apps from the Apple app store for Apple devices or the Google Play store for Android devices. We will share some of our favorite apps! TECH TUESDAYS: Drop In Tech Assistance • 4-6 p.m. Weekly Tech Tuesday classes from 3-4 p.m. are See ACTIVITIES, page 17▼

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MOTHERSONG • First Monday of each month, at 10:15 a.m. Join in a multicultural sing-along for families with babies, toddlers and preschoolers. SCREENAGERS • Growing Up In the Digital Age Monday, Jan. 23, 6:30 p.m. in the Chimacum School Auditorium. Physician and filmmaker Delaney Ruston takes a deeply personal approach as she probes into the vulnerable corners of family life, including her own, to explore struggles over social media, video games, academics and internet addiction. Join us as we view this very important film and for the discussion following the film. Best viewed with the whole family in attendance! For more information about this film, visit SEATTLE OPERA PREVIEW • La Traviata. Wednesday, Dec. 7, 6:30 p.m. Opera comes to the library in this Seattle Opera preview performance of Giuseppe Verdi’s La traviata, a passionate portrait of a worldly courtesan forced by bourgeois society to give up the man of

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+ Due to the huge success of their program last year, the St. Nicholas’ Fourth Century Players will again perform their popular puppet show Due to the huge success of their premier last year,from A “Golden Christmas Gift the St. Nicholas’ Fourth Century Players will again perform their popular story/puppet show: St. Nicholas to the A “Golden Gift from St. Nicholas PeopleChristmas of Port Townsend”

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BOOK DISCUSSION @ YOUR LIBRARY • The Lowlands by Jhumpa Lahiri. Thursday, Dec. 9, 6:15-7:45 p.m. All are welcome to sign up for our monthly book discussions. The library offers both an evening discussion and an afternoon discussion. Sign up is required and copies of the book will be loaned by the library when you sign up. Participants are asked to read the entire book before the scheduled session. Sign up at the Information Desk or call (360) 385-6544.

HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE • Tuesday, Dec. 13, 3-6 p.m. Celebrate the season! Join our staff and our library Board of Trustees for our annual Holiday Open House featuring festive music, delicious refreshments and seasonal craft projects. Materials will be provided and all ages are welcome. Crafts room open from 3-5 p.m. Refreshments provided by the Friends of the Jefferson County Library.

her dreams and features one of the most emotional scores in opera. This preview features professional singers and an accompanist in an hour-long presentation that takes the audience on a journey through the story and music of the upcoming main stage opera.

Friday, December 9, from 6:00-8:00pm

Friday, December from 6:30-8:00 pm St Herman of 3Alaska Orthodox Christian Church, St. Herman of Alaska 1407 30th, Port Townsend Orthodox Christian Church, 1407 30th, Port Townsend In addition, there will be music, In addition, will be special music, refreshments, refreshments andthere a very visitor. and a the very special Arrive early for bestvisitor. seating.

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A 18 • Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader

Sunfield’s Golden Boot

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“Serving the Children” Wednesdays, 12 Noon 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 7am Highway 20 Roadhouse

Amanda Leigh Rose Shafer (right) is the winner of Sunfield Waldorf School’s annual Golden Boot Giving Campaign kickoff game held Nov. 2. She is pictured with board president Sym Sebastian. Parents, faculty and board members gathered in a large circle to kick one golden boot into the center wheelbarrow. The goal of the campaign is to raise $25,000 with 100 percent participation from staff, faculty, parents and board members by Jan. 31, 2017. Sunfield Waldorf School in Port Hadlock is a nonprofit organization on the 81-acre biodynamic Sunfield Farm. Learn more at Courtesy photo

winter activities guide ▼Continued from page 18 followed each week by two hours of individual drop-in assistance with your devices and/or technology questions. Bring your device or practice on laptops provided by the library.

H. Clark Sturdivant DDS

General Dentistry 608 Polk Street Port Townsend 385-0567

TEEN BLIND DATE • With a Book. Friday, Feb. 10, 3:30 p.m. Just in time for Valentine’s Day! Teens ages 11-18 will select a variety of Young Adult books and wrap them in paper. Once wrapped, we’ll come up with a short description for each book. It might be “A masterpiece…intense…


you won’t want to put it down,” or “A beautiful love story…” or even “The novel of a lifetime.” After we finish, the books will be available for checkout in the Teen Area so other YA fans can have a “Blind Date with a Book.” TEEN READING AND WRITING WORKSHOP • Wednesdays, Jan. 11 through Feb. 15, 3:30 p.m. Want to have some fun after school? Why not join this workshop? Over the course of six weeks, participants will dive in by reading one book in common. We will gather to discuss and spend time exploring our thoughts by journaling, performing, and creating art. We will use fun writing exercises and quirky writing prompts to get us thinking in a whole new way! Taught by Denise Banker; author, educator, poet, and Russ Stamp; Teen Services Coordinator.

Genealogical Society BRICK WALLS • Jesse Steward presents her popular annual November presentation about “brick walls” (stubborn family research problems) by suggesting a variety of techniques and records yet to be tried. Saturday, Nov. 19, 9:30-11:00 a.m. at the TriArea Community Center, Chimacum. No fee. Donations appreciated. www. INTERESTED IN CHASING YOUR OWN TALE? • JCGS is offering “Genealogy: The Basics” to beginners about concepts and tools used in family research. Small class; three consecutive Mondays, Feb. 13-27 from 1-3:30 p.m. Members $30; nonmembers $55 (includes membership fee). Visit for registration information before Feb. 1. READ ‘EM OR WEEP • Mary Roddy, genealogy professional, will present a program about the use of newspapers in a genealogical search, finding free or pay sites, and a method that ensures “a thorough search in every newspaper every time.” No fee, donations appreciated. Feb. 18, 9:3011 a.m. at the Tri-Area Community Center, Chimacum.

Port Townsend Library

Winter Wonderland Camp Dates: December 27-30 | Times: 9am-1pm / 1-4pm  Daily rates & wrap care available  Weekly Cost: $85 per camp (am or pm)

ART IN THE LIBRARY • Opening reception. Friday, Feb. 24, 6-7:30 p.m. The City of Port Townsend and Northwind Arts Center have entered into an agreement to provide art for the Port Townsend Public Library. Art is provided by local artists and may be for sale via Northwind at the discretion of each artist. Shows are changed at 4-month intervals, and are launched with an opening reception at the library. Please contact Northwind for more information (360) 379-1086 or Port Townsend Public Library, 1220 Lawrence St.

Fourth Friday Sing-A-Ling, for youth 8 and under

with their guardian, is rescheduled to the 3rd Friday, November 18, 10:30am. Family Fee: $6 Visit our website, call us or stop by for more information Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9am until 5pm OLYMPIC PENINSULA YMCA YMCA OF JEFFERSON COUNTY 1925 Blaine Street, Port Townsend 360.385.5811

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BOOK LOVERS’ CAFE • First Mondays, 2-3 p.m. at Charles Pink House (next door to Library). Join us for discussion of fiction and nonfiction books. To find out what we are reading each month, call the library or go to the library calendar. CANOE JOURNEYS • with Marlin Holden. • Friday, Nov. 18, 6-7 p.m., in the Carnegie Reading Room. Hear stories of the canoe journeys of the Salish Sea with Marlin Holden, a member of the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe and canoe skipper. Port Townsend Public Library, 1220 Lawrence St. DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS FOR TEENS • Call the library for information about how to join our ongoing Dungeons and Dragons game for teens. No experience necessary! Day & time to be announced. (360) 385-3181. FIBER ARTS NIGHT • First and Third Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Charles Pink House (next door to the Library). Come and enjoy an evening of working on handiwork projects with other fiber artists (from knitting to quilting to weaving all fiber arts projects are welcomed). Please bring your own supplies. GIRLS CREATE! • Junior Camp. Thursday, Feb. 16. Girls age 9-12 build, sew, craft and create amazing take-home projects and items to donate to local charities like Jefferson County Humane Society. Girls Create! is free but space is limited, so please call the Port Townsend Public Library to confirm the time, and sign up at (360) 385-3181. NOTE: This event is held at the Tri-Area Community Center in Chimacum. GIRLS CREATE! • Senior Camp. • Thursday, Feb. 23. Girls age 13-seniors in high school build, sew, craft and create amazing take-home projects and items to donate to local charities like Jefferson County Humane Society. Girls Create! is free but space is limited, so please call the Port Townsend Public Library to confirm the time, and sign up at (360) 385-3181. NOTE: This event is held at the Tri-Area Community Center in Chimacum. INTERFAITH AMIGOS SPIRITUAL READ • Tuesdays for 10 weeks, starting Jan. 3, 3-4:30 p.m. at the Charles Pink House (Next door to the Library). Pastor Don Mackenzie, Rabbi Ted Falcon and Imam Jamal Rahman, who have become known as the Interfaith Amigos, believe truly effective interfaith dialogue can inhibit the demonization of any religion. Their work together, which began with the horrors of 9/11, aims to help us see all authentic spiritual traditions as sacred avenues to a shared Universal Reality when we achieve this, the healing of our shared personal and planetary problems begins. INTERFAITH AMIGOS SPIRITUAL READ • Wednesdays for 10 weeks, starting Jan. 4, 2-3:30 p.m. at the Charles Pink House (Next door to the Library). Pastor Don Mackenzie, Rabbi Ted Falcon and Imam Jamal Rahman, who have become known as the Interfaith Amigos, believe truly effective interfaith dialogue can inhibit the demonization of any religion. Their work together, which began with the horrors of 9/11, aims to help us see all authentic spiritual traditions as sacred avenues to a shared Universal Reality when we achieve this, the healing of our shared personal and planetary problems begins. JR. FIRST LEGO LEAGUE • Information session on Wednesday, Dec. 7, 3:30-4:15 p.m. in the Charles Pink

House (next door to the Library). FIRST LEGO League Jr. is designed to introduce STEM concepts to kids ages 6-9. Guided by two or more adult coaches, teams research a science concept and construct a motorized LEGO model of what they learned. Parents, bring your kids and come to this informational meeting to find out more about our library FIRST LEGO League Jr. teams. Our season runs from January through March and we practice once a week at the library. There is no charge to families to participate, but we do require a commitment that your child will attend at least 75% of the practices and the regional expo (typically a Saturday afternoon in Seattle). At the meeting we will give you more details and help you decide if FLL Jr. is right for you! To sign up for the information session, call the library (360) 3853181 or go online to calendar, www. MEET AUTHOR PAULA BECKER • Thursday, Jan. 19, 7-8 p.m. in the Carnegie Reading Room. Paula Becker, the award-winning author of “Looking For Betty MacDonald: The Egg, The Plague, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle and I” will speak at this event. Becker is a writer and historian living in Seattle, Wash. Port Townsend Public Library, 1220 Lawrence St. MYSTERIOUS NORTHWEST • Thursday, Nov. 17, 7-8 p.m. in the Carnegie Reading Room. Martha Crites, Curt Colbert, and Rachel Bukey are three Seattle mystery writers who will describe how and why they write mysteries and read short passages from their books in a panel discussion moderated by Waverly Fitzgerald, the managing editor of Rat City Publishing, a local press that publishes mysteries set in Seattle and the Pacific Northwest. Port Townsend Public Library, 1220 Lawrence St. SERIOUSLY FUNNY • Humor, Film and Philosophy. Friday, Dec. 2, 6:30-8 p.m. in the Carnegie Reading Room at the Library. Many types of films exist today, from the deeply philosophic to the comedic. What happens when you combine the two concepts into one discussion about film? In this unique take on philosophy, film and comedy, professor Mike VanQuickenborne shares brief clips from “Being John Malkovich”, “I Heart Huckabees”, “Intolerable Cruelty” and “Adaptation” to start a conversation about philosophy and explore the issues raised by each of these films. Port Townsend Public Library, 1220 Lawrence St. SOLSTICE CRAFTING • Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2-6 p.m. at the Library. Celebrate winter with this all ages holiday crafting event. All materials will be provided to create one-of-a kind keepsakes for yourself or to give as gifts! Port Townsend Public Library, 1220 Lawrence St. STORYTIME: BABY TIME • Wednesdays from 10:15-10:45 a.m. Newborns up to 18 months and their caregivers enjoy rhymes, fingerplays, songs, felt boards, and bubbles together as they take their first steps toward language learning. Come join us for this delightful program! For more info, call the library at (369) 385-3181. Port Townsend Public Library Children’s Room, 1220 Lawrence St. STORYTIME: Family Saturdays • Saturdays, 10:15-10:45 a.m. Join us Saturdays for this family storytime program for all ages. For more info, call the library at (360) 385-3181. Come join us! Port Townsend Public Library Children’s Room, 1220 Lawrence St.

STORYTIME: PRESCHOOL • Tuesdays from 10:15-10:45 a.m. Preschool storytime brings early literacy to kids and their caregivers with songs, rhymes, and activities. The emphasis for this age group is on kindergarten readiness and fostering a love of reading. For more info, call the library at (360) 385-3181. Come join us! Port Townsend Public Library Children’s Room, 1220 Lawrence St. STORYTIME: TODDLER TIME • Thursdays from 10:15-11:45 a.m. Ages 18-36 month olds and their caregivers enjoy songs, short stories, fingerplays, felt boards, and handson activities while they explore language and build their early literacy skills. For more info, call the library at (360) 385-3181. Port Townsend Public Library Children’s Room, 1220 Lawrence St. STUFFED ANIMAL SLEEPOVER • Friday, Dec. 2, 5 p.m. in the Children’s Room in the Library. Adventurous stuffed animals are invited to PT Library for a sleepover! Kids of all ages and their stuffies will enjoy a cozy night of storytime and craft. Kids will tuck their stuffies in for the night, and return to the library the next morning to find out what adventures their furry friends had throughout the night. (Note: stuffed animals are spending the night at the library; kids are not!) Free. To sign up, call the library (360) 385-3181 or go online to calendar, THE NORTHWEST COASTAL EXPLORER • with Robert Steelquist. Friday, Jan. 27, 7-8 p.m. in the Carnegie Reading Room. Author reading with Robert Steelquist discussing his new book, The Northwest Coastal Explorer. When gardeners travel, we want to see plants. But that doesn’t mean gardens, necessarily, as brought home by a new, photofilled guidebook to our magnificent coastline from Northern California to British Columbia. From estuaries to coastal forests, he details the birds, animals, sea life and plants you’ll find within each. Port Townsend Public Library, 1220 Lawrence St. WHEAT WEAVING DEMONSTRATION • Friday, Nov. 18, 4-6 p.m. View a live wheat weaving demonstration with Pat Roche and see finished items in this beautiful craft. Two new books on wheat weaving will be on display and available for checkout when inspiration strikes. Port Townsend Public Library, 1220 Lawrence St.

Sports ADDITIONAL LISTINGS, ALSO: Fitness & Health.


KIWANIS SNOW SPORTS • Kiwanis Club of Port Townsend is again sponsoring the annual snow sports bus to Stevens Pass Ski Area. The six-trip program begins on Saturday, Jan. 7, 2017. Transportation cost is $130. Registration is 9-11 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 3 at the Rec. Center located downstairs in the Port Townsend Community Center. Registration forms have been provided to local schools. Contact Stevens Pass directly for lift ticket prices. For further information, contact Michelle West,

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