Chamber Newsletter: December 2014

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December 2014

Luncheon Speakers Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce luncheon meetings are held at the Port Townsend Elks Lodge, 555 Otto St., at noon each Monday, federal holidays excluded. Everyone is welcome!

Dec. 1 - Chad Pearson

The Marketing Manager for Washington State Employment Security Department’s Shared Work Program explains how the program can help when business slows. Sponsor Kiwanis

Dec. 8 - Kate Dean

Dean, an Agricultural E n t e r p r i s e Development Consultant, will speak about Economic Development and planning for Climate Change on the North Olympic Peninsula.

Dec. 15 - Ann H. Raymond, Kit Ward-Crixell Learn about the Port Townsend Library Collaborative and how Port Townsend Schools and the City Library value working together.

Dec. 22 - No Meeting Dec. 29 - No Meeting


Chamber meeting challenges, thriving By Amanda Funaro Happy New Year! My hope for each of you is that 2015 is a year of resounding success and that every challenge is a doorway for new opportunity. It is with great joy and determination that I am able to ring in this New Year as your chamber president for a second year. Over the past several years the Jefferson County business community and our chamber have met many challenges and triumphs. I am confident this year in saying that the tide of our local economy is shifting. We have faced some hard times in our community but we are thriving. In 2014 you may have noticed that the Chamber was at the center of promoting a culture of mentorship and leadership. We have been working to harness the vast experience and knowledge that exists in Continued on Page 3

Chamber members met with elected officials and their representatives at Fort Worden last summer to build new networks between businesses and legislative leaders.

YPN moving forward in 2015 The Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals Network (YPN) is comprised of young entrepreneurs and business professionals within Jefferson County. Through a variety of different programs, YPN helps participants to build business networks and community, share resources and experiences, develop professionally through educational opportunities, combine goals for advocacy, contribute to economic development and leverage influence in the county’s future. The Chamber is deeply invested in achieving the vision to create a “land of local opportunity” for our young professionals, and

2014 demonstrated just how far we have come since the program was created in 2010. We’ve turned that vision into a reality, building on the success of previous years. It has been amazing to witness the success of several YP start-up businesses and see YP’s flourishing under the guidance and mentorship from our business leaders, and the vital engagement of those rising to the challenge by taking on leadership roles in Chamber, Main Street, Team Jefferson, school board and the Maritime Discovery Program. What has YPN been up to in 2014. Continued on Page 4


VIC had a busy year guiding visitors

By Lorna Mann 2014 has been a year of changes at the Visitor Information Centre (VIC). This will be our last winter at the Haines Park and Ride as we gear up to a move into the building formerly occupied by Northwind Art Center. The plans are being drawn up and construction should start in the New Year. The volunteers are thrilled to be moving to a new location that offers greater visibility and the space to expand what we can offer to residents and visitors alike. I am one of the changes. Karen, the VIC manager for six years, moved on in September to the bright world of investment management with Gale Investment Management. In her six years, she relocated the VIC from its old home on Sims Way to the Haines Park and Ride and was instrumental in creating the thriving volunteer program that keeps the VIC staffed and so full of energy and useful information. She was an amazing trainer to me and I can safely say that she will not be forgotten any time soon. The team of volunteers currently numbers around 50 individuals. Some have regular weekly shifts, some perform the wonderful feat of filling in shifts at short notice and some you might not see if you were to come into the VIC looking for information. Thank you to our ‘unseen’ volunteers who carry out vital tasks

like updating the Reader Board, mailing newsletters and more. We are always looking for more volunteers and anyone who is interested is always welcome to come in for a chat and see what the day to day running of the VIC is like. The Olympic Tourism Summit was held at our very own Fort Worden this year. Rick Norwolk of Visit Seattle spoke about the importance of the human factor and the role of review sites such as trip advisor and social media in tourism. He jokingly lamented the fact that many visitors will trust the reviews of other travelers over what the ‘professionals’ tell them. Inspiring websites with efficient and effective online planning tools are very important to how we attract visitors, but even though visitors want those resources, more so, they still want to hear from real people with real experiences. The VIC volunteers provide that human touch on a daily basis. Visitors from all over the world and the country stop every year, each with their own set of questions and specific interests. We are on track to hit 15,000 visitors in 2014. Many comment that they always stop at local Visitor Centers on their travels to get the best recommendations and local knowledge. It is a joy to hear our volunteers share personal favorites and suggestions while still being able to

Volunteers at the Port Townsend Visitor Information Center work hard all year giving visitors tips and working with business owners to make sure they are telling people all they need to know about local services give a larger overview of all the area has to offer. Their very human touch provides a welcome respite and (literally) a friendly face among a sea of marketing strategies, interactive apps and shiny brochures. The aforementioned tools are great at getting visitors interested in our area and allowing them to research all the wonderful things that are available to them, but the importance of providing resources for them once they are here cannot be underestimated. Listening in on conversations between volunteers and visitors, I often hear the phrase “we were just passing through.” The skill of the VIC volunteers lies in their abilities to have those passerthroughs stay for an entire

2 December 2014 Jefferson County Chamber Newsletter

day, a night, sometimes even multiple nights. And it does happen. Visitors, who maybe would only have stopped for lunch before heading onward, stay. They stay. They discover a hidden gem of a business that doesn’t have an Internet presence. They eat where the locals eat. They witness a sunset from a tucked away bluff that isn’t marked on a map and then, they tell their friends. Our volunteers showcase our county and community in ways that cannot be replicated. The volunteers answer visitor questions but also ask their own to find the recommendations that best suit the individual visitor. Some of our volunteers have even received thank you notes from visitors they helped,

sometimes months after the visitor came in. Monthly familiarization tours help equip our volunteers with valuable real world knowledge and experience they can share with visitors. The familiarization tours give businesses the opportunity to showcase what they do and how they do it. The number and variety of businesses in Jefferson County continues to expand and we would like to say thank you to the businesses that hosted us in 2014 for familiarization tours. They are: Ravenscroft Inn, the Old Consulate Inn, Olympic Peninsula Adventures, Manresa Castle, Kelly Art Deco Museum, Healing Elements, Valley Tavern, Olympic Peninsula Vacation Rentals, Oak Bay

Animal Hospital, Ajax café, PTMSC, Wandering Wardrobe, Sport Townsend, Soak on the Sound, NWMC, Glow, Commanders Beach House, Bishop Hotel, Abracadabra, Shorts Family Farm, Finnriver and Golf at Disco Bay. Tours of Fort Worden and Lullaby Winery are already in the works for 2015, if you would like the VIC volunteers to visit your business please contact me here at the Visitor Center to set a tour up so we can continue to provide that human touch to the visitors and residents of Jefferson County. Lorna Mann is the manager of the Port Townsend Visitor Information Center.


Chamber supported WTA, marine tourism, schools By Dominic Svornich Recently, I found myself speaking with a new business owner, discussing the merits of being involved with the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce, and what it really means to be a board member. I first recalled how I first felt after joining the board. Although it was unfamiliar, and a little intimidating at first, I quickly realized how satisfying it is to be a part of a group of people

who volunteer their time, energy and talents to improve the communities in which we live, work and play. At first I expressed that being a board member gives you a voice for your business in the community. But it’s more than that. It gives you a voice for your region, a voice for your industry, and once you realize how interconnected all of us are throughout Jefferson County, you realize it gives you a voice for our entire business community. Leadership through the Chamber enables leadership, powerful personal and professional growth, and new tools to

help make you more successful, in and out of your career. 2014 was a year of flux for the Chamber. A number of our board members left due to changes in employment or moving from the area; but the work didn’t stop! Our advocacy committee tackled a number of important issues through the year, with some great successes. February brought us an opportunity to support the Washington Tourism Alliance, which was formed to replace our state tourism office, which closed in 2011. State house bill 2229 was supported by the Chamber to better

facilitate a private funding plan to promote Washington State to the rest of the world – an important step to fill the marketing gap left by the closure of the state office. Our efforts also helped to support the inclusion of the state Marine Tourism Bill as a priority in the governor’s Blue Ribbon Task Force for Outdoor Recreation. This bill will put Washington on a more even playing field with British Columbia and Oregon, allowing for recreational boaters to remain in the state for longer periods of time, putting more money in to our economy and further supporting our marine trades, as well as

Continued from Page 1 our community to build a strong county into the future. In June we held a leadership summit at Fort Worden that brought together new business leaders with our local, tribal, regional and national leaders to share their wisdom and experience. We continue our work on the development of a business mentorship program to meet the needs of upcoming entrepreneurs. I find myself in constant awe of the partnerships that are forged and the shared vision of our community for the future. This time last year I spoke to you about the value of partnership. Who would have thought that the combined efforts of the Northwinds Arts Center, Jefferson County Transit, the City of Port Townsend,

and EDC-Team Jefferson would translate into a new home for the chamber? It is true what UGN says: “We are stronger together.” This year the chamber in partnership with the above named, will take up residence at the former Northwinds Arts space on Sims Way. We will continue to share a home with the Port Townsend Visitor Information Center and also welcome the EDC-Team Jefferson and Small Business Development Center to share space and ideas for the future of Jefferson County business. Our community is shifting and new opportunities continue to present themselves for new business, new partnerships, and renewed collaboration. It is my hope that in this New Year we find ways as a community to

continue to support our local businesses. Our food and farm sectors are a booming and the potential for locally crafted goods is promising. Our county hospital is expanding which is a clear indicator of countywide growth. We are attracting new young families to Jefferson County because, in my opinion, this is the very best place on the planet to raise children. I encourage you all to examine your role in the community and find ways that you too can continue to support programs and partnerships that will benefit our community success now and seven generations from now. It is vital that we demonstrate the kind of leadership that our children will be proud of. I am of the opinion that developing ones leader-

ship skills takes time, grace, the humility to ask for help, the foresight to surround oneself with individuals who possess vast experience and a willingness to make mistakes. This past year has been a year of growth for your chamber board as I have stepped into a role of leadership - a role that I take to heart. I have much excitement for the year ahead as we embrace change and expansion that will make the services we provide our member businesses all the richer. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you for another year, it is going to be amazing!

retailers, restaurants and accommodations. Other important efforts included the support of the Maritime Discovery Schools initiative in an effort to expand place-based education and a maritime framework for our K-12 curriculum, and discouraging the state Department of Transportation from selling the South Point ferry landing as surplus property, so that an emergency option for future issues with the Hood Canal Bridge, Highway 101 or the ferry system remains available. Moving in to 2015, we’re looking at another busy year as our state and regional issues continue to evolve, and

our member businesses are facing new regulatory challenges, new frameworks for bourgeoning industries, and a diverse new landscape of elected officials. If you or your business is affected by something changing at our local, regional or state level, let us know; because we are the voice of Jefferson County’s business community. We’re your ally, your advocate and your best friend in business. Let us know what you need, and let us help. It’s why we do it. Dominic Svornich is the past president of the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce for 2014.

Funaro: Partnerships have high value Testimonial

Amanda Funaro is the 2015 President of the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce.

About a year ago, Father Time - Clock Repair joined the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce. It’s been fun and the membership has brought us new business! Sales are up by about 20 percent. We receive referrals from Chamber members Bob Farr and we can refer to them. Father Time has also been able to use the expertise of Chamber businesses on various topics including advertising, bookkeeping, insurance and websites. We can always count on the Chamber businesses to be very helpful. Chamber publications have showcased Father Time several times. As for the fun part, we love the monthly mixers where we feel part of a thriving small business community and share our ups and downs. Weekly, we attend the luncheon meetings and learn more about Jefferson County and the various impacts on business. Being Chamber members has greatly improved our business. THANK-YOU Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce! Bob Farr, Father Time December 2014 Jefferson County Chamber Newsletter 3


Need Networking Help?

Young Professionals Network: Moving forward with big momentum in 2015

Call the business technology experts!

Continued from Page 1 YPN Test Labs have been a great success, enhanced by a new partnership with The CoLab to plan and promote the monthly discussion format designed to support emerging professionals of all ages. The CoLab’s Community Engagement Coordinator, Rachel Williams, has done an excellent job working with Test Lab hosts each month to select discussion topics and promote the opportunity through Chamber, CoLab and other community networks. Attendance at the Test Labs ranges from 5 to 15 people per month

and discussions are facilitated based on the selected topic by working Jefferson County professionals from various fields. The intent of the Test Labs is to allow open, honest conversation about the challenges, opportunities and inspirations for emerging professionals in Jefferson County. Examples of recent discussion topics include: Accountability, Working Through Fear of Success, and Thriving in Jefferson County. This month, the topic will be Entrepreneurship (what it takes to sustain the entrepreneurial spirit) - in coordination with Global Entrepreneurs Week, a

week-long event planned all over the world, with Washington State activities being facilitated by the Washington State Department of Commerce. Another bright spot in 2014 was the oneday seminar, “Effective Leadership in the New Economy.” This event offered a unique opportunity for YP’s to meet with and develop a network and an ongoing, active partnership with Legislative assistants from the offices of Senator Patty Murray, Senator Maria Cantwell, Representative Derek Kilmer, Vice Chair of the Jamestown Tribes, and state elected officials

Kevin Van DeWege, Steve Tharinger and Jim Hargrove. Looking forward to 2015, YPN is collaborating on new programming that will engage and support our young professionals. Additionally, the Chamber will continue to provide networking opportunities and mentoring support which encourages the development of our future leaders, as well as programs that educate and engage the next generation of local entrepreneurs. We invite you engage with us! To learn more please contact the JCCC at

Testimonials You meet people from all over the world when you volunteer there. It is very interesting. Plus you keep up on what is going on in Port Townsend and around the county. Visitor Center volunteer I joined the Chamber in the middle of August before I opened my business because I felt like it would be a really great way for me to network in the community and meet new people. After the first mixer I went to in September, that following two weeks I scheduled about $1,100-$1200 worth of services and those clients have already referred more clients. Jessica Wright – Radiance Hair & Beauty Studio

4 December 2014 Jefferson County Chamber Newsletter

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Thanks to our top chamber contributors!


Focusing on success, building strong future By Teresa Verraes One of the primary objectives of the Chamber of Commerce this past year was to celebrate success and focus on building a stronger future for our business community. I would give the Chamber Volunteers, Members, Staff, Collaborative Partners and Board an “A” grade on this objective as evidenced by the volume of productive programs and events that occurred throughout the year. Pessimism is a lousy business strategy; it is a privilege to be associated with a group that recognizes adversity as an opportunity and consistently strives for

excellence. It is worth repeating that the Chamber is the sum of all 450 members and that strength makes Your Chamber the single most powerful voice for the business community. No other group can advocate for you and Jefferson County like your Chamber of Commerce. While the level of investment and commitment may vary for each member, the participation of each and every business is appreciated and essential to the continued success of this organization. It is not uncommon to hear from business people who have relocated to this area tell us that our Chamber is the most active and forward looking they have encountered. You’ll read about some of the many accomplishments over the past year

Port Ludlow 74 Breaker Lane Port Ludlow, WA 98365 360-437-7863

Business investors Port Hadlock 69 Oak Bay Road Port Hadlock, WA 98339 360-344-3424

East Sims 2313 East Sims Way Port Townsend, WA 98368 360-385-0123

in the pages of this Annual Report. You may also note only. Single family owner-occupied homes only. 80% loan to value; subject to current appraisal from a Kitsap Bank *New loan requests approved appraiser. 5 year balloon with loan payment amortization not to exceed 20 years. Must have auto charge to Kitsap Bank deposit a few big changes ahead account. Other limitations may apply. Limited time only. **On all loans over $50,000. that will create new opportunities for professional growth and economic development. Do stay tuned! In closing, I will again issue a challenge for every member to participate in at least one Chamber event each month if you are not already doing so. I’m confident you will realize a positive return on your investment. Serving as Executive Director has been challenging, enlightening, humbling and incredibly fulfilling, and I am grateful for the opportunity and this extraordinary community we call home! Teresa Verraes is the Executive Director of the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce.

Building Business, Building Community Communicate through our weekly e-newsletter and our newsletter. If you’re not tuned in you are missing the most current news available on issues that matter to your business. Members are encouraged to submit their news for publication to director@ This is the best FREE advertising available – get your message out there!

Business builders • Port Townsend Paper Co. • Food Co-op • Gold Star Marine

• Homer Smith Insurance • Lullaby Winery • KSER 90.7

December 2014 Jefferson County Chamber Newsletter 5


Get Tanked! Spa & Boutique celebrated its opening with a ribbon cutting. On hand were Pam Lampman (US Bank), Laura Brackenridge (JCCC), Karen Anderson (Gale Investment Management), Francie Loveall (Get tanked! Spa & Boutique, Owner), Betty Oakes (Soroptimists of PT)

6 December 2014 Jefferson County Chamber Newsletter

For me the benefits of doing the fam tour include the opportunity to connect with the volunteers of the Port Townsend visitor center – sharing appreciation and gratitude for ALL the hard work and dedication they share to help create a thriving regional community. What a great chance to pamper them a bit and says thanks! And I received two comments about the write up of the visit in the newsletter before I even received my own copy. I enjoyed the opportunity to connect with Port Townsend via this visit, too. It felt as if we were melding community in the best possible way. Loved it. Jamie Deering – Healing Elements

New members

MARY ROME, LMP Mary Rome has called Port Townsend home since 1983. Her face may be familiar to locals from such businesses as the Salal Cafe and About Time. You might find her and Sassy, her Cairn Terrier, on a brisk walk through Fort Worden, one of her favorite settings in picturesque Port Townsend. Raising her daughter here was the perfect setting. When she found

herself a single mother she saw a unique opportunity to turn a lifelong fascination for anatomy into a career in the field of massage. Dedication and study led to graduation in 2001, fulfilling the dream of becoming a licensed massage therapist. To add to her skills and facilitate healing, she chose a focus in treatment-based massage and completed advanced certification in ortho-

pedic massage in 2004. Today her clients benefit from her deep-tissue and therapeutic massage and capable, strong hands. Moist hot packs further help muscles relax. In describing her work, Mary says, “Not only do I love what I do, but I believe in the healing power of massage as a preventative measure and consider myself a nurturer. I enjoy working with people of all ages since helping others is in my nature.” Since her daughter went off to college she is expanding her practice and accepting new clients. L&I and personal injury are accepted. Her private studio in uptown Port Townsend offers a calm, relaxing setting. Call Mary to schedule: 360.385.0805. Elegant Holiday gift certificates are available for everyone on your list.

JULIE WURDEN JABLONSKI Julie Wurden Jablonski is a Managing Broker at Windermere Real Estate/ West Sound Inc., in the Windermere Commercial division. Her focus is assisting clients in buying, selling or leasing commercial properties from Kitsap to Port Townsend. She provides landlord and tenant representation, consulting, sale/ leaseback and tax deferred exchange services. Julie was raised in a Kitsap County real estate family, and has enjoyed living in Port Townsend

since 1999. She has a life/ work style that covers both areas, which she considers an advantage in marketing properties and networking to attract buyers and investors on a local, regional and national level. Julie combines an MBA and engineering background with corporate and non-profit work experience in finance and marketing. She is an unabashed Microsoft Excel power user and willing to do research to support a client’s investment decision process. She is an active com-

munity volunteer, and has been a member of school finance and bond committees, the Andy Mackie Music Foundation, AAUW programs and more. A certified professional tennis instructor, one of her priorities is prevention of childhood obesity and teaching lifelong healthy habits. She started the Jefferson County Community Tennis Association and her volunteer efforts teaching tennis to over 2,000 students earned her the US Olympic Committee Volunteer of the Year for Tennis award in 2009. Julie joined the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce to network, connect with the community further, and to participate in business education programs for members. Julie lives in Port Townsend with her husband and daughter. Her husband is Ian Jablonski, City of Port Townsend Water Resources Manager. Call Julie at (360) 7741623 or visit today.

Chamber contacts CHAMBER STAFF



Executive Director Teresa Verraes

President Amanda Funaro NW Maritime Center

Katherine Baril Small Business Consultant

Event Coordinator Laura Brackenridge 385-7869 VIC Manager Lorna Mann (360) 385-2722

President Elect Jordan Eades Hope Roofing Past President Dominic Svornich Kitsap Bank Vice President Outreach Heather Bailey Jefferson Healthcare

Tanya Rublaitus Port Townsend Schools Kris Nelson Sirens, Alchemy Austin Henry Altas Technologies Susan Windle Resort at Port Ludlow Jennefer Wood Maestrale

Will O’Donnell Jefferson County Farmer’s Markets Karen Ridings Gold Star Marine Le Hornbeck AA Tax Service Shelli Cates Edward Jones

Advertising Catherine Brewer Jen Clark Ken Hulick The Leader 360-385-2900 The content of this publication is prepared by the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce for its members. We welcome submissions. Send articles and photos to director@ or mail to 440 12th St. Port Townsend, WA 98368.

December 2014 Jefferson County Chamber Newsletter 7

Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce 440 12th St. Port Townsend, WA 98368


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Follow the Chamber If you are a member of the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce and use Twitter or Facebook -- please follow us @

JeffCoChamber on Twitter and Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce on Facebook. We use Twitter and Facebook to showcase our members and bring you the latest business news that is important to our members. Go online today and get involved!

Ring in holidays in Port Townsend The holidays are upon us and we’re ready to welcome visitors to Port Townsend! Since June, a committee has been meeting regularly to create events and activities to make this year’s holiday season the best one ever for Port Townsend. Representatives from the Port Townsend Main Street Program’s Promotion Committee, the City of Port Townsend’s Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce and the Jefferson County Historical Society determined the most important thing for a successful holiday season is to light up our town. With that as our goal, Main Street applied for and was awarded a grant from the Port of Port Townsend to light Union Wharf. But there’s still more to go. The merchants will be lighting their windows and storefronts, but we also want to light many of

our buildings as well. To that point, the committee used as a crowd-funding venue to help pay for lights. Thank you to our many generous donors! We’re advertising the holiday campaign online at and, on KSER radio, along with placing posters on the WA State Ferries. We’re also partnering with Blackball Transport/Coho ferry in a radio campaign on Vancouver Island with the “Q” and offering a weekend getaway to Port Townsend. Posters will be on the Coho ferry and distributed around downtown Victoria, BC. We have a “landing page” on holidays listing the many activities and events occurring through the season, including five “Sleighbell Saturdays” and Holiday Open Parlors with refreshments at some of our inns. Wishing each of you a very successful season and Happy Holidays from

your Holiday Campaign Committee! Michelle Sandoval, Mari Mullen, Denise Winter, Nathan Barnett,

Sue Arthur, Bickie Steffan, Anne Metcalfe, Molly Klupfell, Teresa Verraes, Bill Tennent and Christina Pivarnik.

host bar set up. And the ultimate party, a fourhour holiday celebration offering an appetizer reception, a two entrée selection buffet, four side dishes, dessert, coffee and tea service, linens, and a host or no host bar. Come celebrate at the Commons! Discover passes are not required. For reservations and menu details please contact Kristan McCary at (360) 390-4234.

scheduled in the month ahead: Dec. 2, 5:30 to 7 p.m. - Ambassador Meeting at Ichikawa Sushi Bar, 1208 Water St. Port Townsend. Dec. 9, 5:30 to 7 p.m.- After Hours Mixer at Fort Worden, 200 Battery Way, Port Townsend. Dec. 16, 4:30 to 6 p.m. - BOD Meeting at The Colab, 237 Taylor St. 2nd Fl. Port Townsend.

Fort Worden offers packages Briefly The following JefCounty Chamber on holiday parties, gatherings ferson of Commerce events are Celebrate the Season at Fort Worden Planning a holiday party for family, friends, or the office? Let Fort Worden’s culinary team create an unforgettable luncheon, cocktail party or dinner event for you and your guests. Madeto-order menus feature local, seasonal produce and artisan products. The Company “A” room at the Commons, festively decorated for the holidays, is available

8 December 2014 Jefferson County Chamber Newsletter

for a variety of entertainment venues. The Fort is offering holiday luncheons with seasonal fixings starting at $13 per person, a holiday mixer starting at $15 per person featuring a selection of three savory appetizers and three sweet treats and a host or no host bar. Also, a 3-hour holiday dinner starting at $23 per person featuring a buffet with side dishes, coffee and tea service, linens and a host or no

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