Off The Water - March 17-23, 2016

Page 1

Musical companions

FREE Paint the town green

Artist remembers friend.................. p.4

St. Patty's Day fun returns............ p.12

Week of March 17-23, 2016

Off The Water | The place to be entertained.

Volume 8, Number 11

Walk for a cause

Registration open for Lory's Place fundraiser

Page 2 • Week of March 17-23, 2016

Off The Water, Michiana


Registration now open for Lory’s Place Run, Walk and Rock Event planned for Saturday, May 21



T. JOSEPH, Mich. — Runners, walkers, and other supporters are invited to register for the 12th Annual Run, Walk, and Rock for Lory’s Place, the grief healing and education center of Hospice at Home, a Lakeland Health Affiliate. The event will take place in St. Joseph on Saturday, May 21, and is presented by The McLoughlin Family Foundation. Last year, Lory’s place provided bereavement services to over 2,600 children and adults, including bereavement programs in over 40 area schools. Donations and participation in the Run,

Run/Walk Registration:

$15 if registered by March 31 $20 if registered from April 1 to April 30 $25 if registered from May 1 to May 19 $30 if registered on May 20 or 21 (7:00 to 8:15 a.m. on May 21) Shirts are not guaranteed for race-day registrations Walk, and Rock make it possible for Lory’s Place to keep offering this unique variety of programs and services to all who are grieving, regardless of their financial circumstances. “Lory’s Place is fully funded by the generous donations and gifts from our community, and all proceeds from Run, Walk, and

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Rock help us continue to meet the needs of grieving children and their families,” said Lisa Bartoszek, Director of Bereavement and Lory’s Place, Lakeland Health. Under the direction of event chairperson Christine Borah, the Lory’s Place 12th Annual Run, Walk, and Rock will begin at 8:30 a.m. The timed 5K run/walk

course will take runners and walkers through St. Joseph’s Edgewater area, along Ridgeway, and into Tiscornia Park. Chip timing will be used for fast and easy race results. All events begin and end at Lory’s Place in St. Joseph. Comfortable rocking chairs will be available for spectators throughout the morning along the edge of the course. Individuals or groups may choose to sponsor a rocker with a suggested donation of $150. Registration for Run, Walk, and Rock is open now, with discounted rates available for early sign-ups. For more information and to register, visit www.lorysplace. org or call (269) 983-2707.

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Off The Water, Michiana


Week of March 17-23, 2016 • Page 3

Discover the local destinations right in your own backyard

History center to discuss FDR’s stamp collection


ERRIEN SPRINGS, Mich. — The History Center at Courthouse Square in Berrien Springs will conclude its Winter at Courthouse Square program series with “President Roosevelt & His Stamp Collection” at 2 p.m. on Thursday, March 24. Admission is free. History Center member and stamp enthusiast Tim Langlois will present the program at The History Center, located at 313 N. Cass Street (M-139) in Berrien Springs. Franklin D. Roosevelt was an avid and life-long stamp collector. As a child, stamp collecting broadened his knowledge of the world. As a polio-stricken adult, stamps offered solace. Throughout his life, including his years as president, he spent time each day poring over his collection.

During the Great Depression, he and Postmaster General James A. Farley enjoyed brainstorming stamp designs, colors, and themes. Roosevelt himself personally sketched numerous ideas for stamp designs. Spending time with his stamp collection gave President Roosevelt a relaxing hobby during the trying times of the Great Depression and World War II. He claimed, “I owe my life to my hobbies – especially stamp collecting.” His son

James recalled, “I have vivid memories of Father sitting at his desk when he had a half hour or hour with no appointments with his stamp books and an expression of complete relaxation and enjoyment on his face.” FDR joined stamp clubs, bought stamps from dealers and in auctions, and promoted the hobby by association with stamp shows. For more information about the program, contact the History Center at (269) 471-1202 or email bcha@

Off The Water | The place to be entertained.

Produced and printed by Leader Publications 217 N. 4th Street, Niles, MI 49120 Off the Water is available throughout southwest Michigan and the greater South Bend, Indiana area.

President Franklin Roosevelt cataloging his stamp collection.

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Page 4 • Week of March 17-23, 2016

Off The Water, Michiana

A musical companion Local musician remembers Neil Raby


om Moore is known in the region as a roots-oriented musician, skillfully telling stories on stage with his harmonica, guitar and vocals. Whether playing with Dave Moore as The Moore Brothers, in other groups or on his own, Tom has a long history in the world of blues and Americana. In many ways, he’s responsible for my own exploration into the world of local roots music, whether during our earliest days of getting to know each other when he played the blues at the Woodfire in Dowagiac or showing me the magic of the historic Midway Tavern. Recently, after the passing of his longtime friend Neil Raby, Tom started to tell me the tales of his own exploration of the world of music, framed around the record collection left to him by his departed friend. “It’s a spectacular collection,” Tom said. “I knew pretty much every record in there. As time went on it had more of a personal quality to it. There’s a story behind every one of these records.” Tom begins telling me the effect on his life of his friendship, what he refers to as “the Neil Raby phenomenon.” He described the first time he was aware of Neil, seeing him playing in a school basketball game when the two were young. “He looked like a little version of Freddie Prinze,” Tom said. “He had this long mop of hair flying. He was all over the court. He was constantly yakking to his teammates, to the referees, to everybody. I was just like, “what a character. Who is this guy?” Some time later, Tom would have another encounter with Neil, riding his bike along the road on a hot summer day on a trip to a neighborhood where another friend lived, seeing him standing on the street corner. “He’s got this immaculate white leisure suit,” Tom said. “He’s got a white beret on, sunglasses. He’s got these white gloves on and a cane and he’s standing there on a street corner with a girl on each arm. That’s the guy! I’ve gotta meet this guy!” He soon would, meeting as freshmen at Saint Joseph


Justin Flagel High School in South Bend. The two became fast friends, bonding over their shared interest in music. At the time, rock blues bands such as Led Zeppelin and Canned Heat were common in their playlists, but Neil was already exploring outside of the style, listening to the acoustic blues of Muddy Waters and Lightning Hopkins. Tom described the evo-

lution of his taste in music, led both by Neil and by the record collections of the parents of their AfricanAmerican friends. “The sound was a little more stripped down, a little more scaled down,” Tom said. “Something about that really grabbed me.” The pair, along with their peers, would find influences throughout their environment. Both their

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high school and the Town & Country Theater would bring in concert films featuring Woodstock, Santana, Sly & The Family Stone, and The Rolling Stones. They would meet Perry Aberli, who started the Midwest Blues Festival and had connections to Chicago blues labels, going over to his house to hear records from Johnny

Shines and Doctor Ross The Harmonica Boss. “I think for me, it was like ‘wow.’ That’s when music really started to get interesting,” he said. He described the impact of seeing the same musicians live at festivals he was listening to at home. Neil especially had a habit of picking up the record for the musicians who would be coming to town. When the two went off to Ball State together, Neil’s collection really started to expand. They met another music aficionado, Jeff Harell, and the three would share a house together. “We’d fall asleep listening to records and wake up listening to records,” Tom said. “He would spin records until three in the morning.” Both Tom and Jeff refer to Neil’s impact on their

musical tastes as significant. Jeff described Neil’s collection as “a big education” and explained how it increased his awareness of the wide spectrum of blues music. “He had such a well rounded collection,” Tom said. “It’s kind of like this blues museum.” Neil never stopped collecting. In addition to vinyl, he had sets of concert posters and other memorabilia. He would move into the world of CDs and boxed sets, but as Tom said, “he always played his vinyl.” Tom hopes to find a way to bring the joy of Neil’s collection and their stories to music fans. I will bring you more of those stories here in the future. You can keep up on Tom Moore’s latest projects, including an upcoming release from The Moore Brothers, by visiting Justin Flagel is the founder of the web magazine and podcast Anywhere the Needle Drops, where he and others showcase their interest in music, pop culture, creativity and life. Follow their work at Feedback can be directed to

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Off The Water, Michiana

Week of March 17-23, 2016 • Page 5

Spring into the garden

Annual symposium returns to Fernwood

March Class Spotlight


UCHANAN, Mich. — Registration is open at Fernwood for this year’s lineup of speakers at the 2016 Spring Garden Symposium. Guests can explore diverse design approaches that enhance and evoke the unique features of exceptional garden spaces. This year’s line-up of garden experts includes Richard Hartlage, CEO, Land Morphology, Seattle, who designed the Chihuly Garden and Glass; Thomas Rainer, who will the future of the American Garden with focus on creating lush gardens that are satisfying, resilient, and less work; Scott Stewart, director and Beth White head horticulturist at Chicago’s Lurie Garden in Millennium Park and Beth White of The 606 Park and Trail System and Chicago Director of The Trust for Public Land. VIP tickets include reserved front-row seating and a private lunch with Symposium speakers. All participants will enjoy a delicious lunch prepared by Fernwood’s Chef Tim Carrigan. Authors will be available to sign their books that will be featured in Fernwood’s gift shop. Symposium tickets are $125 and $100 for members. VIP symposium tickets are also available for $145 Richard Hartlage per ticket ($116 for members). VIP tickets include reserved front-row seating and a special private lunch thetic is emerging inspired by the way plants grow in nature—a softer, with the symposium speakers. more lush vision of niche plants filling every layer and covering the Chihuly Garden and Glass — ground. Thomas Rainer will explore Where Art Meets Nature Richard Hartlage is the founding the changing face of horticulture. This talk examines how plants fit principal and CEO of Land Morphology in Seattle, Washington. together in nature and how to use this Richard’s diverse span of work knowledge to create gardens that are includes the new Herb and Vegetable more satisfying, more resilient, and Garden at the Brooklyn Botanic less work. Thomas is the author of Garden — the first new garden built Planting in the Post-Wild World, and there in 20 years, Chihuly Garden Landscape Architect, Washington, D.C. and Glass, the Leach Botanical Garden, the Elisabeth C. Miller An Ecologist in the Garden: Use of Ecological Management at Botanical Garden, and beyond. His designs have been featured in the Lurie Garden Scott Stewart, Ph.D., Director of The New York Times, Architectural Digest, Garden Design, and The the Lurie Garden in Chicago’s Seattle Times, in addition to other Millennium Park, informs his efforts publications in the United States, in the application of ecological proJapan, and Europe. Richard recently cess models to the management of co-authored a comprehensive book public green spaces. Scott shows us on American garden design, "The how ecology, as a scientific field, offers much to the landscape manAuthentic Garden." In this presentation, he shows ager as a source of inspiration and how he blends art with sustainable guidance. Examples from the Lurie Garden garden design to create a horticulturof ecologically informed landscape ally sophisticated landscape. management will be discussed, as The Garden of the Future: will how to scale those examples for Reimagining the American Yard use in the home landscape. The American yard has been dominated by clipped foundation The 606: shrubs, groomed lawns, and trees Connecting Communities with mulch circles. But a new aesBeth White, Chicago Region

Thomas Rainer

Mouth-Watering Mexican Brunch Monday, 3/28 6-8:30pm Demonstration

Scott Stewart Director of The Trust for Public Land (TPL) shares the story of the development of The 606 and the challenges of turning the former elevated Bloomingdale railway line into a shared recreational garden space for Chicago’s Near Northside neighborhoods of Humboldt Park, Bucktown, and Wicker Park. Beth has a broad range of experience in planning, land conservation, historic preservation, and community building in both the government and nonprofit sectors. Beth is a member of the board of directors for NeighborSpace, Partners for Parks and Wildlife steering committee, and member of Lambda Alpha International, an honorary land economics society. She also serves on the National Capital Planning Commission, appointed by President Obama. The Spring Garden Symposium is presented in partnership with Chicagoland Gardening Magazine, Garden Design Magazine, Stonehouse Nursery, and Vite Greenhouses. Fernwood Botanical Garden and Nature Preserve is located near Buchanan, Michigan, at 13988 Range Line Road, Niles, MI 49120. For more information, call 269-695-6491 or visit www.

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Off The Water | The place to be entertained.

Join Adriana Mojica-Haslam, a Mexican native, private chef, cooking instructor, and columnist of Cooking at Home, Edible Michiana, and learn to make: Chilaquiles Three Ways, Huevos Rancheros, Mexican Hot Chocolate, and Churros with Dulce de Leche Sauce, a Mojica family favorite. These family treasures from Adriana’s beloved homeland are sure to become your family’s favorites too! Tickets are $25 in advance, but sell out fast so hurry to reserve your spot! Available at the Customer Service Desk of this store while supplies last.

5637 Cleveland Avenue Stevensville, Michigan (269) 429-1711

Page 6 • Week of March 17-23, 2016

Off The Water, Michiana


Kick It with the Curator Lubeznik Center invites community for tour


ICHIGAN CITY, Ind. — Lubeznik Center for the Arts will present “Kick It with the Curator.” LCA curator of exhibitions, CarolAnn Brown, will give an exclusive guided tour of the current exhibitions — Meredith Setster & Jay Zerbe: Abstruse Daydreaming and Jonah Ortiz: Placebo. The tour will last an hour with a Q&A to follow. Coffee and tea will be available. Abstruse Daydreaming (Hyndman Gallery) features installations by Meredith Setser. Setser’s “fiberspaces” reference patterns found in urban infrastructure, agriculture and eco-systems. Guests will learn

about her labor-intensive process of dying and felting wool, etching a plate, printmaking, and other techniques involved in her work. Guests will discover how her suburban background growing up in Wayne County, Michigan has influenced her work today. Also featured in Abstruse Daydreaming is Jay Zerbe, whose abstract paintings revolves around juxtaposing diverse structures and their uncertain references. Develop a better understanding behind how Zerbe is driven by the marks and shapes he develops in his mesmerizing paintings and not by the final palette of colors that finishes his pieces. And

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find out how Zerbe uses NPR programming as a source of inspiration for his titles. Placebo (Brinkca/Cross and Susan Block Galleries) features interactive sculptures by Jonah Ortiz that explore how we relate to objects from pop culture and become desensitized by convenience, experience and time. Learn about the history of the Bobo Doll psychological experiment that influenced Ortiz’s “An Exercise in Stupidity” installation. Gain a better understanding behind what motivates Ortiz to craft his large scale motion activated kinetic sculptures. Learn about the artists and their processes, inspirations, techniques, history of

genres, and gain insightful knowledge about the individual works of art. Lubeznik Center for the Arts is located at 101 W. Second St., at the lakefront in Michigan City, Indiana. Weekday hours are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CDT). Weekend hours are from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. (CDT). Thursdays: 10 to 7* (Memorial Day - Labor Day) *Hyndman Gallery opens at 2 pm. For more information please visit or call (219) 874-4900. Made possible in part by South Shore Arts, the Indiana Arts Commission, a state agency, and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.

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Off The Water, Michiana

Week of March 17-23, 2016 • Page 7

Oliver's expensive Pinot project


liver Winery in Bloomington may be known as one of the country’s biggest producers of sweet wines. But a recent Pinot Noir project provides proof that winemaking skill is not limited to the United States’ west coast. A mere 300 cases of a $45 Pinot Noir is just a smidgen of the Bloomington winery’s annual production. Oliver produced approximately 320,000 cases of wine in 2015. But for Bill Oliver and winemaker Dennis Dunham the Pinot project has shown what they can do with world-class fruit. “We have the broadest range of business in our fan base,” Oliver explained. “Our bread and butter is sweeter wines. Those wines keep the lights on and that’s the reality of the world we live in. This project is about making wine for that part of our customer base who appreciates Pinot. It’s also an ability factor, it kind of shines a

light on everything else we do. And, we like to drink it.” That Pinot Noir is made of grapes from the much-respected Bien Nacido Vineyard in the Santa Maria Valley of California’s Central Coast. While the Oliver $45 price point might raise eyebrows in Indiana, a Bien Nacido wine in California consistently brings a higher price. How special is Bien Nacido? Price point explains much when it comes to wine grapes. Generally, good fruit can be purchased from the better California vineyards for $1,200-$2,000 a ton. At the other end of the spectrum is Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon which commands a king’s ransom of $6,000-$10,000 a ton. The extreme is the famous To Kalon vineyard, of Robert Mondavi fame, which commands in the neighOliver admitted he’d borhood of $20,000 a ton never paid more $1,600 a and a required minimum ton prior to 2013. The five of $100 price per bottle. tons of Bien Nacido Pinot


Howard Hewitt Grape Sense

Noir grapes cost the winery $4,500 a ton. Oliver has acquired five tons a year for the past three

years. The first Pinot, a 2013 vintage, was released this past summer. The 2014 will be released during spring 2016. Oliver had some trepidation about taking on the challenge. “Pinot is a wine that has a reputation as being challenging to make so we wanted to be thoughtful about it,” he said. “On a per gallon basis a lot more resources went into this than any other wine we’ve ever made.”

Oliver, who was primary winemaker in his early years, and Dunham have learned more about making Pinot each year. During a late October tasting at the winery, Oliver and Dunham sipped the 2013, the soon-to-be released 2014, and the new 2015 vintage in a vertical tasting. Oliver said buying the top quality fruit and producing a great Pinot is good for business. “We’re at a pretty high confidence level with everything we’re making,” he said. “Those people in California don’t have anything on us in winemaking.” The 2013 Oliver Bien Nacido Pinot Noir is available only at the Bloomington winery. Howard W. Hewitt, Crawfordsville, Indiana, writes for Madison Magazine and every other week for more than 20 Midwestern newspaper.

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March 19th

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Page 8 • Week of March 17-23, 2016

Off The Water, Michiana

Easter Eggstravaganza event ushers in spring to Dowagiac D


OWAGIAC, Mich. — The 16thannual Easter Eggstravaganza, hosted by the Greater Dowagiac Chamber of Commerce and underwritten by Honor Credit Union, will be held Saturday, March 19, in and around the Beckwith Park in downtown Dowagiac. Co-chairing this year’s event from Honor Credit Union are Janie Reifenberg, branch manager, and Bonnie Ferrier and Norma Greenman. “Honor Credit Union has been a proud sponsor of the springtime children’s event for the past seven years, during which time staff members have served as on-site volunteers,” Reifenberg said. “Honor Credit Union strives to make a positive impact in our community. Members of our staff enjoy participating in community activities and each year we look forward to the spring celebration.” The event features the annual “Be a Bunny” costume contest at 11:45 a.m. at the Beckwith Park. Ferrier said costumed bunnies and their parents should gather beneath the Haggin-Wimberley Memorial Bandstand beginning at 11:30 a.m. for the contest that awards prizes for the best overall costume, most colorful and most

original. Costumed characters, along with Miss Dowagiac Anne Zebell and her court of honor will be on hand to greet children. “Parents are encouraged to bring their cameras and are invited to take pictures of their children as they visit with the Easter

Dowagiac Dogwood Fine Arts Festival

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Bunny at Beckwith Park, beginning at 10:30,” Ferrier said. Honor Credit Union volunteers are stuffing 8,000 pieces of wrapped candy and trinkets into the 4,000 brightly-colored plastic eggs that will await youngsters that morning. Staff and volunteers

of the City’s Department of Public Services will help set up the egg hunt. Also working with Honor Credit Union has been Ale Forburger, a member of the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors from D. MottL Realty and Vickie Phillipson, Chamber of Commerce & DDA program director. The Easter egg hunt begins at Noon for youngsters, ages two to 10. Children up to age five will hunt for eggs in and around the Haggin-Wimberley Memorial Bandstand, while ages six to 10 will search for eggs on the lawn off Depot Drive at Beeson Street. Ferrier said children will also enjoy face painting, cookie decorating and Judd Lumber’s bounce house. Corporate sponsors of the event also include: Eckman Chiropractic, Flint’s Auto Repair, Judd Lumber Company & Rental, Kappa Beta Sorority, McDonald’s Restaurant, Southwestern Michigan College and Who Knew? Consignment. “Traditionally, Easter Eggstravaganza marks the official arrival of springtime to our community,” Reifenberg said. In case of thunderstorms or snow, activities will be held on the following Saturday at the same time. The celebration is one of several seasonal events of the Chamber of Commerce.

NSL Color Fun Run

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FOR ALL AGES!! The Dowagiac Dogwood Fine Arts Festival is funded in part by a grant from the St. Denys Foundation

9 Classified

Off The Water, Michiana

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Will be hosting a


Thurs, March 24 9am-1pm 131 S. Oak St. Buchanan, MI Immediate Openings in Buchanan, Niles, Cassopolis, Dowagiac, and Eau Claire Please bring resume You may begin by doing an on line application @

Do you possess a Class-A CDL? Do you want to be home on Instruction & the weekends? 309 At dimensionall, we are an Training expanding specialized hauling company and “We P.D.K. LEADER are up to BIG things.” Our fleet is 2012 or newer. In PUBLICATIONS 2015, drivers at diROUTES mensionall averaged pay of Firearm Instruction AVAILABLE 46-52 cents per mile and Concealed Pistol License averaged $57,000 annually. See our ad under business Next Class: If you are looking for an ex- opportunities Saturday, March 26th cellent company to driver Contact Paul: for, contact us ASAP! LOCAL CDL-A 269-462-2584 or To take part in BIG things DRIVERS WANTED Kelly: 269-783-6570 contact Lance at full time and part time, 7 (231)937-6772 or Lance@ days a week. Extra Christmas money? Seasonal 412 with possible full time. $18- Apartments Cassopolis an hour. Please ConDRIVERS WANTED $22 tact Kathleen at Greenworld STONE LAKE MANOR Michiana Recycling & Disposal Senior Apartments. 2 is looking for residential (269)684-3700 months free on select units. drivers with a CDL A or B, Grand Opening Spacious, two bedroom good attendance and work located on beautiful Stone JOB FAIR ethic, ability to read maps & Lake, Intercom entry March 17th, 1pm-5pm attention to safety. Benefits building, elevator, emer424 N Main St. include BCBS Health, Dental gency pull cords. Seniors 62 Middlebury, IN 46540 & Life Insurance, uniforms, years or older. Rent starts at paid holidays and vacations, $631.00 (based on income). safety bonus and overtime Please call Toni at 269-445pay. Our route drivers av3333 or stop by today at erage over $54,000 per 145 Stone Lake St. for more year, work less than 50 information. Equal Housing hours per week, and are Opportunity. TDD 1-800home every night! 649-3777 American PreApply on line at ferred 1-800-968-1792 or at our office at 33541 Dowagiac Office • Industrial Reum Rd, Niles, MI General Labor • Machinists 1 BEDROOM APT. Managers • Engineers $350 (269)930-4232


Week of March 17-23, 2016 • Page 9


for The House of Prayer Community Church, Cassopolis, MI. Duties include playing piano, and possibly organ at Sunday Morning Service and Wednesday evening Choir practice. Send your resume in confidence to: 63563 Brick Church Rd. Cassopolis, MI 49031. Selected candidates will proceed to interviews.


Walk-In Wednesdays Starting March 9th, 2016 10:00 am – 3:30 pm APPLY and INTERVIEW WITH NO APPOINTMENT Bring Resume and ID. Onsite Drug Screen

For Rent 418 FOR RENT

Houses for Sale 500 3 BEDROOM FIXER UPPER on a double lot in Union Pier just feet from LAKE MICHIGAN. $450k Call Mike Stover (269) 470-2995


Great view of the St. Joe River. 4 Bedrooms, 2 baths. Mary Cooper Cressy & Everett Real Estate 574-298-2737


Niles city. Co-op/Condo, 2 bdrm, full bsmt. Hardwood floors & home warranty. Reduced to $45,900 RE/MAX Modern Realty, 269-683-2211

Mobile Homes 506 A FISHERMAN'S DREAM

What a deal! Fully furnished (nice furniture). Just bring your clothes, move in ready! 1991 Grand Chalet, 31 ft. trailer, located in Lake Placid, Florida campground with access to Lake Grassy (a 340 acre bass lake). Well kept. 1 bedroom, 2 tip outs, anchored, full length sun porch, solid wood cabinets, 1 bath, complete new roof 2014, must pass criminal background check. Sell where is, as is. Asking $10,500 or make offer. Call (269)782-3762 anytime, leave message Niles - Ontario Place


2 BR/1 Ba, new sub-floor and flooring in kitchen & living room, remodeled kitchen cabinets. New kitchen appliances included: dish washer, fridge, stove, washer, dryer & central air. Ready to move in! Asking RUSTIC COTTAGE on Big Smith Lake, May 1 - $5,000. Call or Text Julie at Oct. 31, 6 month lease, (269) 683-1446 $500/month plus deposit & utilities. (269)362-5891 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath farm home, new Geo Thermal heating & cooling, 2 car garage, no smoking, no pets, Dowagiac. (269)782-5517

Vacation Rentals 437 FOR RENT

2 bedroom lake front cottages on Big Fish Lake, fishing boat included. Sat. Fri. $875/week (269)6462618 or (269)646-9360

Call Classifieds

683-4804 or 888-725-0108

Page 10 • Week of March 17-23, 2016



3 BR, 1-1/2 Bath, 3-Season room, appliances included, central AC, new windows throughout. Shed with electricity. A MUST SEE BARGAIN! Call for APPOINTMENT (no Saturday calls please) 269-240-8175

Farms & Acreage 509 60 ACRES

corner of Marcellus Hwy & McKenzie St. Dowagiac, 50 acres flat tillable or sub divide, some trees, asking $300,000. (270)639-6255

Collectibles 602 THE MARKET PLACE


10 Classified 603



53788 CR 9 Elkhart, IN. Every Fri. at 5:00p.m. Now taking clean big & small consignment. Drop off merchandise Sat-Thurs Daily 10-5. Pick-up available. Someone here at all times. We auction all winter. Space available at Flea Market. For more details call David (574)522-1020 #AU01042788

Farm Equipment & Supplies


Indoor Flea Market

1952 FORD 8N We've expanded the store! TRACTOR More than 2,000 feet of new condition, motor booth space available. We good buy estates and single overhauled in 2002, with 6 ft. angle blade, rotary cutter, items. (269)262-4333 2428 S. 11th St., Niles box blade, rear scoop, tire chains, good tires. Moving & taking offers. (269)7822523 or (574)298-5887

CALL CLAssifieds


Off The Water, Michiana


Boats, Motors


repairable scrap and un14' SEA NYMPH wanted vehicles, top dollar paid. Call or text for a free FISHING BOAT MODEL 1920, 60" Deck with quote today. Free towing. With 68" beam and 20" snow blower, 23 HP Kohler. Kevin (817)437-0450 draft, 9.9 hp Mercury 2-cycle $1,500.00 Call Ed at (269) motor. Shore Land'r trailer, 697-9665 Garmin fish finder and anCASH PAID FOR chor mates. $2,250 obo. FREE FILL DIRT Personal Property Estates, MacAllister Rental (The CAT Antiques, Furniture, Ap- Call Gary at (317)752-2184 Rental Store) 2147 S. 11th pliances, Garage, Barn. Auto Upholstery Street, Niles, MI. Provide (269)445-2220 923 own truck and we will load it. M-60 Variety - Cassopolis Call Chad at 269-262-4600 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Home ImproveMonday thru Friday


Visit the Plaza Resale Store for quality used furniture and home decor. We also BUY ESTATES and excess home furnishings when moving and down sizing. Plaza Resale Store 2607 S. 11th St. Niles, MI 574-383-8859

Wanted to Buy CASH


for junk and unwanted vehicles! Text or call (574)302-7772



Front Street Framery 801 E. Front St. Buchanan House Calls, Free Estimates (269)409-1031

gasket, but great for parts $400. 1997 Ford F150 runs, and drives, needs a tune-up $600. Call (269)845-9794

Antennas Plus WHY paY TO WaTcH TV? DuMp Your DISH or CAblE

One time affordable fee and it’s free. Variety of free HD & Digital channels, use your own wiring, complete installation & repair, tower removal.

(269) 357-6352

We Work All Year Round



TAX TIME IS HERE! Don’t Miss The Deals!

Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-5pm Sat. 10am-3pm • Closed Sunday 1420 S. 11th Street-Niles

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• Commercial & Residential • Computer Cleaning • Networking & Web Design • Custom Built Computers

fRee pick-up & Delivery! Call Today 269-462-9040


Brady Concrete

Specializing in flat work of all types, seawalls, stamped concrete, pole barn floors & Bobcat service. Free estimates. Fast, dependable service.

269-445-3349 or 269-591-0100



HOme ImpROvemenT




Concrete, bricks, blocks, stonework, stamping. Any type of tear out & replace. Basement repairs, landscaping, bobcat work. No job too small. 35 years experience. Insured.

by NIEBOER Quality Built Pole Barns & Garages



Complete home improvement. Kitchens, bathrooms, decks, windows, doors, etc.

Jerry 269-352-4010


Call Jeff (574) 532-4735


geneRaL RepaIR

Zablocki construction

Flat work of all kinds, stamping, sidewalks, concrete patching, patios, driveways and pole barns. No job too small. Free estimates. Insured. (269) 228-1163


CONCRETE Driveways • Porches • Patios Tear-out / Replace • All Repairs • Brick • Block • Stone • Fireplaces • Landscaping Will fix wet basements, big or small, inside and out. Fast dependable service. Aaron (269) 655-4158

eLDeRLy CaRe Kare Services Compassionate Home Care Services

(269) 684-1984 (574) 292-2900 Email:


Quality Garage Doors Sales, service & installation of garage doors & openers. Call owner Steve Baxter for your free estimate today.



Licensed and Insured


Roofing, Siding & Windows, Light Hauling & Spring Clean-Ups, No Inside or Outside job too big or small. Low affordable rates.

(269) 591-1403

HOme ImpROvemenT



Home Improvement & Maintenance

Repairs, Remodeling, Windows, Siding, Additions, Painting, Plumbing & More. Certified mobile home work.

Credit Cards aCCepted


HOme ImpROvemenT

MK CONSTRUCTION Pole barn & other garages specialist. Roofing Siding, Framing and more. Over 40 years experience. Licensed. Contact Michael N. Knepple

(269) 476-9777

Stock #1239 33k! $750.00 Down $275.00 Monthly NO Interest Charge!! Call NOW!! 269-461-4197 Scarlett Auto Sales


Stock# 1236 43k! Nice low mileage No credit checks & ZERO % interest!!! Only $750.00 Down $275.00 Monthly! Call Scarletts! 269-461-4197


Over 30 years of experience, Auto, Marine & Commercial ELANTRA tile work, kitchens, bath- Upholstery. Simple repair or (Silver) rooms, decks & porches, full restoration. $1000.00 Down windows & doors, window (574)904-3317 $325.00 Monthly! wrapping, siding, fascia & Bring in this ad and receive soffit. Call Randy (269)782- Autos for Sale 945 $50.00 off down payment! 3139 (269)208-9838 No Credit checks 0% Interest FOR SALE Call Scarlett's or LAREDO and F150 stop in and see us! Misc. Services 747 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee 269-461-4197 Quality Clock Repair Laredo, has blown head

ServiceS & SaleS anTenna seRvICe


Commercial & Residential New Construction & Remodeling, Garages, Pole Barns & Custom Mill Work.

John S. Zablocki (269) 684-2106 Cell: (269) 845-3725 masOnRy

Michiana Masonry & construction

All your Masonry needs! Chimney Cleaning, Insured & Bonded. Senior Discounts.


J.M. HUNT ENTERPRISES, LLC Painting & Drywall. Insured. Free Estimates. Family Owned & Operated for Over 50 years.

(269) 683-4442 ROOfIng

Midwest Roofing Family Owned Since 1984. Lifetime Warranty Shingles Flat Roofs & Gutter Covers.

Call (269)684-7199


FRYMAN’S SEAMLESS GUTTERS & SIDING Your home exterior experts. Quality guaranteed! Locally owned for 50 years.

(269) 782-5008 (David & Terri Fryman)

(269) 362-1566

TRee seRvICe

casper MasONrY

the Cutting edge pro tree Care

Brick/ Block/ Stone. Custom & Insurance work. Insured & Bonded.


3 coat work and cove & thin coat. Company based in Niles area. 42 years experience.



Complete Tree Services SAME DAY ESTIMATES. Insured, Competitive Rates.

(269) 687-4972 payne’s TRee seRVICe Tree Trimming & Removal. Stump Grinding. Firewood. Insured.

(269) 663-8091 C & S MARSH TREE SERVICE

Trees, brush, stump removal, high lift work, insured. (269)362-4331 or (269) 683-1065 (leave message)


2007 Cadillac CTS 4dr Silver $7995 2007 Chevy Equinox Black FWD $6275 2005 Saturn Vue Gray AWD $3995 2008 Ford F250XL V8 Gas $7995

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Classifieds are the Highest Read Section! CADILLAC & CHEVY TRUCK

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a month and reach Call (269) 445-1422 more than MURDOCK'S USED CARS 150,000 (269)683-8677 •Guaranteed Credit Approval• potential If You Have A Job, You're Approved! customers Ford 2010 Escape XLT eachnice, month Really only 89,000 miles, $10,990 for $89 LS Chevyonly 2007 Impala Power package, really clean per month.

& solid, $6,990 Ford 2001 Ranger XLT 4x4 Ext cab, 4-dr, auto, dark blue, 4x4, $6,990 Call Classifieds Toyota 2009 Tacoma Real nice truck, auto, only to get started 58,000 miles, $9,990 today! Pontiac 2005 G6 GT Leather, moonroof, chrome wheels, real nice car, low miles, $6,990 Toyota 2006 Camry LE 1 owner, low miles, nice clean car, $8,990 All prices are W.A.C. GUARANTEED FINANCING


Classifieds GET RESULTS

or visit our office at 217 North 4th St. Niles, MI 49120

Submit calendar events by email at offthewater@ or visit the Leader Publications office at 217 N. Fourth Street, Niles. March 19 Michiana Humane Society’s 18th annual Spring Fling will be Saturday, March 19, at Long Beach Country Club, located at 2309 Larchmont Ave., in Long Beach, Indiana. Cocktails and hors d’oevres begin at 5 p.m. central time, followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. and a live auction at 8 p.m. To purchase tickets, call (219) 872-4499, or buy them online at


The Michigan Maritime Museum will host a presentation by maritime archaeologist Phil Hartmeyer from NOAA’s Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Hartmeyer will be speaking on the Michigan Maritime Museum Campus from 11 a.m. to noon March 19. Admission is $8 for adults and $7 for seniors. There is no admission fee for Museum members. Visitors are encouraged to bring along a bag lunch to enjoy during the lecture.

One of the best loved and most recognized operas is coming to The Mendel Center Mainstage when the Comic Opera Guild presents Rosinni’s Barber of Seville in a new English performing version with live orchestra Saturday, March 19, 2016, at 8 p.m. Tickets for The Comic


Opera Guild’s presentation of The Barber of Seville at The Mendel Center Mainstage start at $30 and are available at.TheMendelCenter. com, and through The Mendel Center Box Office at (269) 927-1221, weekdays 2 to 6 p.m. Special rates are available for groups of 10 or more. For information about group rates, pre-show party options, and other special arrangements contact the Box Office.

Peace Lutheran Church, 3590 Lincoln Avenue, St. Joseph, will have an Easter Egg Hunt at 1 p.m. March 19 at the church. The event is open to children through fifth grade. Please dress for the weather and bring your own basket. To register your child, please contact the church office at 556-7000 or visit our Facebook page at Peace Lutheran Church NALC.

Egg Stravaganza, presented by TCU, is a day of Spring celebration and fun for families and kids taking place Saturday, March 19th from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in downtown South Bend. Downtown restaurants, attractions, and shops have teamed up to offer specials, demonstrations, crafts, and activities that celebrate eggs, bunnies, and everything Spring in the heart of downtown. A full list of activities can be viewed in the attachment or at

Week of March 17-23, 2016 • Page 11

WHAT'S HAPPENING? 22 at 7 p.m. A collaboration of students, instructors, and community artists will present a lively performance. Guest percussionists include Eric Oliphant and Randy Ripley, among others. Music department instructors include Marc Churchill, Jim Cooper, and John Owens. Student performers will be announced at a later date. March 26 A concert by rock icons ZZ Top will be offered Four Winds New Buffalo’s Silver Creek Event Center on Saturday, March 26, 2016, at 9 p.m. Hotel and dinner packages will also be available on the night of the concert. Tickets can be purchased beginning on Friday, Dec. 18 at 11 a.m. Eastern exclusively through the Ticketmaster Web site,, or by calling (800)745-3000. Ticket prices for the concert start at $55 plus applicable fees. The show will begin at 7 p.m. Dwight P. Mitchell City Center Park in downtown Benton Harbor and will be open to the public. March 31

The car owner application deadline for the 12th Annual Lake Bluff Concours d’Elegance of Southwest Michigan is approaching. The event committee will accept applications until March 31 for the event to be held Saturday, August March 22 13, 2016, in St. Joseph, Michigan. Applications may be submitted at A Drum Festival will be www.ConcoursSWMI. offered Tuesday, March com. Paper applications

are available by contacting Dar Davis, entrant liaison, at or 269-9830742 to receive a paper application or for more information. April 1-10 The Beckwith Theatre is proud to present Mary Chase’s Pulitzer Prizewinning comedy, “Harvey,” which became the basis for the iconic Jimmy Stewart movie of the same name. Tickets are $10. Call 269-7827653 for reservations. Shows begin at 7:30 p.m. April 1 and 2 and at 2 p.m. April 3 and 10.

dramatized by Christopher Sergel and directed by August Garritano. Performance dates are April 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16 and 17. Tickets will be $15 for adults and $12 for seniors. Group rates are also available. All seats are reserved. Reservations can be made online at or by calling the TCP box office at 269-429-0400.











April 9

A South Bend Parents without Partners dance will be offered from 7 to 11 p.m. April 9 at ZB Falcon’s Hall, at 323 S. Sheridan (at the corner April 6 of Western and Sheridan) in South Bend. Admission is $9. A The Niles Handweavers DJ will play music. For Guild meets the first more information, call Wednesday of every (574) 259-6381. month at Fernwood Botanical Garden. There April 16 is an open meeting at 10 a.m. followed by a members’ gathering from noon to 2 p.m. to social- Lake Michigan College ize and work on projects. is hosting its 12th annual In April, member Steven C. Silcox Spring Margaret Demko will Training 5K/10K Run 5K Walk on offer a discussion on dif- and ferent types of wool and Saturday, April 16, 2016 their appropriateness for at its Napier Avenue felting, followed by a Campus. The course hands-on project on how includes a combination to make felted dryer of scenic, wooded, onballs, which can be used road and off-road terrain. to replace dryer fabric The fee for all particisheets. Call (269) 695- pants is $20 if paid on or 6491 for more informa- before April 4, and $25 after April 4. Proceeds tion. benefit the Lake Michigan College Flag April 1-17 Football Club. The Twin City Players (TCP) announces its next production of the 2015-2016 season, the literary classic, To Kill a Mockingbird, based on the novel by Harper Lee,


April 19 The River Valley Garden Club’s April meeting on Tuesday, April 19 will feature a program: How






Parting Shots




Off The Water, Michiana





to hybridize daylilies, presented by Robert McLaughlin of the Grand Valley Daylilly Society. The club’s business meeting starts at 1 p.m. at Harbert Community Church in Sawyer. The daylily presentation will start at 2 p.m., All meetings are open to the public and visitors are encouraged to attend.

When you need the BEST! FREE QUOTES on other buildings & concrete floors

Stephen Mallory owned and operated since 1980 Fully licensed and insured. Built on quality and reputation.

Mallory Pole Buildings, inc. 24x24x8 ................ $8,116 THIS AREA’S POLE BUILDING SPECIALISTS! 24x32x8 ................ $9,452 Completely erected shingle roof buildings. Includes tax, labor and material. 24x40x8 ...............$10,532 EACH BUILDING INCLUDES: 30x40x8 ...............$12,106 24x24x10 ............... $9,012 24x32x10 ..............$10,388 24x40x10 ..............$11,586 30x40x10 ..............$13,122

29 Gauge Steel Siding • 67# Trusses 12” Boxed Overhang • One 16 ft. Wide Overhead One 3 ft. Service Door • One 3 ft. x 3 ft. Window

24359 Red Arrow Highway, Suite B, Mattawan, MI (269) 668-2627 •

Page 12 • Week of March 17-23, 2016

Off The Water, Michiana


Here come the Irish South Bend celebrates St. Patrick’s Day

Downtown South Bend’s annual St. Patty’s Day tent drew thousands to a very green South Bend last weekend. Michiana residents took advantage of warm weather to get out and visit many South Bend restaurants and pubs where green beer and other festive favorites were served. Photos by Westley Leon Studios

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