Election Guide 2018

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DRIVE DOWN U.S.-12 sure is colorful these days, isn’t it? Signs with bright red, blue, green and yellow writing line the highway and nearly every side street in southwest Michigan — with all sorts of different names. Some are familiar. Some are strangers. Some are our neighbors. Some were your teachers. All have one thing in common: They have taken a chance on southwest Michigan. In Cass County and southern Berrien County, voters have 40 candidates to choose from this August when determining who best represents their voice at various levels of state, local and federal government. Nearly every race on the ballot will be contested in the general election Nov. 6, and many are contested on the August ballot Aug. 7. Southwest Michigan residents, these candidates have done their part. They have thrown their hats into the ring. Some of these men and women may have knocked on your door, attended the ribbon cutting for your business, or presented at your civic or government meeting. Regardless, these candidates have taken the initiative to facilitate progress in their respective municipalities. They have invested their time and money into their campaigns, which ultimately means they have invested in you. Now, it’s your turn. In this section, you will find questionnaires answered by candidates in races that will be contested in either August or November. Each candidate on the ballot was mailed a questionnaire several weeks ago, and asked to provide their responses to the questions in 50 words or fewer. It is important to note that not

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Ambrosia Neldon is the general manager at Leader Publications. She can be reached by phone at (269) 687-7700, or by email at ambrosia.neldon@ leaderpub.com.

all candidates running for office are represented in this section, because not all candidates submitted completed questionnaires. Also noteworthy is the fact that many candidates in this section automatically move on to the November election. The primary election’s intent is to narrow the race to one Democrat and one Republican, so if there is only one Democrat or Republican running in a race, that candidate automatically moves on. Before you go to the ballot on Aug. 7, I urge you to read these questionnaires carefully. Consider which responses resonate with you, and best represent your political values. If you are still unsure which candidate you prefer, or if you have questions about a candidate’s answer, reach out to them and ask for a meeting or phone conversation. Visit the candidates’ websites and social media pages, or ask local organizations which you respect who they are endorsing. Once you have gathered all of this information, it is your civic duty to match these candidates’ commitment. You must make your voice heard by getting out to vote. We hope this guide serves a useful tool as you decide which ballots to cast in coming weeks, but most importantly, we hope you match these candidates’ political commitments by sharing your own — and voting Aug. 7.


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Paid for by Dave Pagel for Senate • 3221 E. Shawnee Rd. • Berrien Springs, MI 49103

Pro-Life Pro-2nd Amendment Republican


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WHERE TO VOTE Not sure where to vote? Contact your local clerk at the phone number listed below, or visit the “Where to Vote” tab at www.michigan.gov. Bertrand Township: (269) 695-5001 Buchanan City: (269) 695-3844 Buchanan Township: (269) 695-6442 Calvin Township: (269) 476-2620 Cassopolis Village: (269) 445-8648 Dowagiac City: (269) 782-2195 Edwardsburg Village: (269) 663-8484 Howard Township: (269) 684-0072 Jefferson Township: (269) 445-3941

Milton Township: (269) 684-7262 Niles Township: (269) 684-0870 Niles City: (269) 683-4700 Ontwa Township: (269) 663-2347 Penn Township: (269) 476-2171 Pokagon Township: (269) 782-8756 Porter Township: (269) 624-4022 Silver Creek Township: (269) 424-3025 Volinia Township: (269) 646-3373

H ( I s H S b o C F T

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Leader Publications ELECTION GUIDE 2018

Political Experience: None Civic Involvement: Cass County Road Commissioner, fundraisers hosted for SMC Foundation and CASA, swim program for Sam Adams fourth graders (Cassopolis School), Adopt a Road program. What will your top priority if elected to office? I will focus on the county’s spending to make sure that it is undertaken only on necessary items in an effective way. This will include a discussion on the large amount of delayed maintenance items, old courthouse and the county’s unfunded pensions. Name three core values that define your political outlook: Fiscal conservative, cooperation between the county, township, villages and city will yield superior results and governmental transparency. What makes you the best candidate for the job? I have been a leader in solving problems at all levels in business and local government and

would not allow issues to be “kicked down the road” if elected. I have extensive experience from working in local government and on one of our most pressing issues of road improvement. What professional and/or political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? Professionally, over a 28-year career, I went from a plant engineer to the head of a $600 million company. Politically, as the head of the road commission, we worked closely with all of the Township Boards to develop three-year road plans under difficult funding constraints. Created a professional county equalization department. How do you think you can impact southwest Michigan’s future? I have held the position of managing director of the Road Commissions of Cass, St. Joseph and Berrien Counties. I can not imagine a bigger issue then the condition of roads in Southwest Michigan. I believe I bring a level

ANN ‘DIXIE’ FILE (R) Political experience: 16 Years – Cass County Commissioner Civic involvement: Current Appointment to the following boards – Cass/VanBuren Health Department; Cass County Planning Commission; Department of Health & Human Services liaison; Cass County Conservation District; Cass County Medical Care Facility liaison; Cass County Parks Department What will be your top priority if elected to office? I will work to maintain financial stability, and will work diligently to resolve the unfunded liability associated with the county’s retirement system Name three core values that define

your political outlook: Honesty, dedication, integrity What makes you the best candidate for the job? I am HONEST. I listen to the people and I do the best I can to respond to their needs. What professional and/or political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? I am proud to have served my community for 16 years as their commissioner; and I am proud to serve on boards and committees that improve the quality of life in my community. How do you think you can impact southwest Michigan’s future? My goal is to help Cass County succeed, and as Cass County succeeds, there is a positive ripple effect across our neighboring

Occupation: Retired from education and devoting my time to civic engagement, hobby farming and cutting lumber. Political experience: Cass County Board of Commissioners, 2010-present; Calvin Township Supervisor, 1994-2008. Civic involvement: Van Buren/Cass Health Department Board Chairperson (member since 1997); Lewis Cass Intermediate School District board secretary; Woodlands Behavioral Healthcare Network board member; Southwest Michigan Behavioral Health board member; Cass County Council on Aging commissioner liaison; Cass County Land Bank board member; FFA Alumni Life Member; Cass County Tractor Pullers member. What will be your top priority if elected to office? I want to establish a more rigorous approach to decisionmaking that emphasizes planning for the county’s future using true knowledge, wisdom and meaningful community input. We need to hold ourselves, as county commissioners, and the administration accountable for delivering on the results our constituents

EDITOR’S NOTE: Cass County Commissioner District 3 candidate Roxana Hall is featured on page 4. Candidates are listed in alphabetical order within each race. want to see. Name three core values that define your political outlook: My political outlook is based on core values of honesty, trust and community. I believe that honesty is the foundation of a completely open government, which is the right of every county resident and necessary to make progress on what we collectively want to accomplish. What makes you the best candidate for the job? I feel the knowledge of county government I have gained during the past eight years has better qualified me to be an effective public servant for Cass County. I also have extensive leadership experience with and understanding of our schools and townships, who we need to be working with in ways that improve our region. What professional and/or political

of knowledge, understanding and governmental contacts unsurpassed in this area. What is the biggest challenge our region faces? How would you address it? County government directly impacts the quality of life we have in our region. We need to provide core services such as police, courts, parks and infrastructure while keeping taxes low. As a Commissioner, I would provide leadership and cooperate with the other commissioners to find and

fund sensible answers. Other comments: The majority of Cass County residents work in the major population centers that surround our county. We need to focus on those things that will continue to draw people to live here. While a rural and lake community, we need to stay focused on improving those services most appreciated by our citizens. Parks, good roads and fiscally sound local government are the basics that our residents are looking for.

Name: Dixie “Ann” Office sought: County Commissioner – District 2 Party: Republican Age: Ageless! Residence: Penn Township – Cass County Education: High School Graduate / Some College Professional background: Farmer / Realtor Occupation: Retired

counties. What is the biggest challenge our region faces? How would you address it? Not everyone is aware, but I am concerned about the unfunded liability that we face with the county’s (MERS) pension program. I will continue to

fight for new hires to be enrolled in a “hybrid” program that would help to reduce costs. Other comments: I have traveled through almost every state in the U.S. and no place can compare to our Cass County.

Name: Dwight (Skip) Dyes Office sought: Cass County Commissioner, District 3 Party: Republican Age: 64 Residence: 19783 Northrop Street, Cassopolis, MI Education: Graduate of Cassopolis High School and Michigan State University Professional background: I began my career as service manager for Boyers’ John Deere dealership in Union, then spent 30 years in career technical education at Lewis Cass Intermediate School District, primarily working in the agricultural science program at Cassopolis High School. accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? I am most proud of my leadership on the Van Buren/Cass District Health Board. During my tenure, this agency has built a community dental program from its infancy to now serving 26,000 clients annually from three locations. We are still working to expand its reach, with a goal to ensure that every child who lives in these two counties has access to dental care. How do you think you can impact southwest Michigan’s future? I can impact southwest Michigan by getting people excited about and involved in its future. If you want to improve your

surroundings you must break down a barrier, include someone, and help them understand how our community needs them to be a part of the process. What is the biggest challenge our region faces? How would you address it? We must make certain that everyone has the tools to be successful. I feel that lack of inclusion and understanding difference among us still create barriers to strong and healthy families and communities. Other comments: I passionately believe that Cass County is the best place to be. We have it all here. We must plan effectively to control our destiny.



Office Sought: Cass County Commissioner, District 2 Party: Republican Age: 71 Address: 21198 Carlton, Cassopolis Education: Bachelor of Science in engineering from Trine University and a Masters of Science in Business Administration from Eastern Michigan University Professional Background: Managing Director of Berrien County Road Commission, Cass County Administrator, Managing Director of Cass County Road Commission, President of The Automotive Group for Excel Industries







Political experience: None Civic involvement: PTA board member What will be your top priority if elected to office? To learn the needs and concerns of the people in the community, and to do my best to meet them. Name three core values that define your political outlook: Unity, diversity, democracy. What makes you the best candidate for the job? I truly enjoy helping people!

Name: Roxana Hall Office sought: County commissioner District 3 Party: Republican Age: 38 Residence: Porter Township Education: High school graduate Professional background: Retail management Occupation: Homemaker/community volunteer

What professional and/or political accomplishments are you most



Experience: County Commissioner District5–16years:PastChairmanandVice Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, served on the following committees: Veteran’s Affairs Committee, Emergency Management, Plat Board, Negotiations Committee, Policy Committee, Southwest Michigan Solid Waste Consortium, County Administrator/Controller Search Committee, Vintage Courthouse Preservation, Historical Commission, Claims Committee, Hiring Freeze Committee, Southwest Michigan Planning Commission, SMART Committee, AdHoc Road Commission Size and Benefits Committee, NATs Committee, Ad-Hoc Parks Committee, MAC Agriculture and Tourism Sub Committee, Ad-Hoc Building Committee, Elected Officials Ad Hoc Salary Committee, Land Bank Authority, Budget and Capital Improvement Projects Committee, MAC Judicial & Public Safety Committee, MAC Transportation Committee and KINEXUS (Workforce Development. Board), Township Clerk – eight years, Township Board of Review Chairman – four years, Township Planning Commission Member – four years, concerned citizen – 43 years Civic Involvement: For 16 years, I have volunteered at the county-wide Household Hazardous Waste Collection and have organized and chaired the event for seven years. For the past six years, I have been instrumental in obtaining the

Tire Grant Awards from the State and organizing this event. I volunteer for the US-12 Adopt a Highway event and work at both the Milton and Howard Township Trash Days which keeps the recycling momentum going. I received a special tribute from the State of Michigan as the recipient of the 2016 Environmental Stewardship Award. I help with the packing and distribution of Thanksgiving baskets and also have volunteered at the Niles Senior Center. What will be your top priority if elected to office? My top priority is fiscal responsibility and economic development for the county while maintaining the agricultural climate that currently exists. I strive to save money for the county and taxpayer in any way I can. Name three core values that define your political outlook. Continue to provide the necessary and critical services that the residents expect. Make sure Cass County has the appropriate tools, training and leadership to handle any natural or manmade emergencies. Continue to support and assist the Sheriff ’s Department in their efforts to curtail all illicit drug activities. What makes you the best candidate for the job? Currently, I am the only veteran on the board of commissioners and there are no other candidates with military service running for office. I want to continue to represent our veterans and “fight” to

proud? I am proud of caring for my family as we moved across the country over the last 20 years while my husband served in the marine Corps. I am proud to say that we served our country. How do you think you can impact southwest Michigan’s future? As the youngest commissioner, I will represent the needs and interests of working families. My focus is on a future that supports economic development, and with it, better jobs, a growing tax base, increased funding for schools, expanded services and the quality of life we all hope to enjoy. What is the biggest challenge our

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region faces? How would you address it? Mental health and substance abuse are of particular concern to me. Many people suffer with mental illness and drugs become a way to soothe the pain. Improved education and employment opportunities could ease the burden and allow improved services for those who need additional support. Other comments: I will bring a fresh outlook and energetic attitude when it comes to addressing the community’s needs. I will explore all avenues and actively participate in ways that develop new and valuable resources.

Name: Robert L. Ziliak Office sought: Cass County Commissioner-District 5 Party: Republican Address: 70167 Winding Pines Pkwy, Niles Education: Purdue University — Bachelor of Science degree, Indiana University — APICS Certificate, Notre Dame — Real Estate License, Southwestern Michigan College — Enrichment Classes, IVY Tech — Auto Cad, Word, Excel, PowerPoint Professional Background: Over 40 years working in Materials Management Occupation: County Commissioner obtain all benefits and services due our veterans. For 16 years I have attended both the Milton and Howard Townships board meetings, and I am well aware of the numerous issues facing the townships and their impact on the county. What professional and/or political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? It has been my privilege to serve both my community and my constituents with my election to office. I am proud to say I have served as a County Commissioner for 16 years and as a township clerk for eight years. How do you think you can impact southwest Michigan’s future? Because of my leadership abilities overseeing the county budget, we have been able to improve our credit rating to AA+, which is the highest level the county has ever achieved. I want to make sure we stay fiscally responsible to maintain this

rating. This rate allows the county more latitude in determining its future. What is the biggest challenge our region faces? How would you address it? The biggest challenge is an aging workforce and loss of population in the Tri-County area. The three counties — Berrien, Cass and Van Buren — have all seen the average age of the workforce increasing above the state average and have many jobs left unfilled because of a shortage of workers in both white collar and blue collar jobs. Other comments: These are strengths and qualities that I bring to the table When you think of them – please think of me: experienced, truthful, frugal, impartial, conservative, patient, honest, nonjudgmental, hardworking, inclusive, practical, fair-minded, dedicated, progressive, foresighted, innovative, accessible, self-motivated, patriotic, ethical.

Leader Publications ELECTION GUIDE 2018

Political experience: Elected county commissioner term 2017-2018, state board for animal control, district rep for five years and secretary/treasurer for seven years Civic involvement: I am very involved in the church I attend and the outreach ministries we provide such as our compassion cupboard food pantry, and little league and special event volunteer for Animal Control. What will be your top priority if elected to office? To represent the citizens of Cass County by ensuring that the county maintains a balanced budget as well as ensuring public safety and establishing policies that keep government functioning and serving our citizens. Name three core values that define your political outlook: Honesty, commitment, transparency. These are values that I live and work by and will continue to do so. Working for the citizens of this county, I believe

it is important to always strive for a government that is transparent as possible when making decisions. What makes you the best candidate for the job? I have more than 41 years’ experience in working for Cass County. This has provided me with a thorough understanding of the functions of various departments. As commissioner this will greatly aid in providing a ”complete picture” when decisions have to be made. What professional and/or political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? Being elected by the citizens of Cass County in District 6 as a county commissioner. Working in the law enforcement field for more than 43 years, police chief for Silver Creek Township since 1991, being elected on a state board for animal control by my peers across the state (Michigan Association of Animal Control Officers) for 12 years, and being appointed Director of Animal Control.

BERNIE WILLIAMSON (R) Political experience: Jefferson Township Supervisor, 19962000; Cass County Emergency Management Director (appointee) 2001-2005; Cass County Commissioner, 2012-2016 Civic involvement: Current: Chairperson — Area IV Agency on Aging (serving Cass, Berrien and Van Buren Counties), 2017-present; Cass County Local Emergency Planning Committee Member (LEPC and LPT); Stone Lake Revitalization Committee; Jefferson Township Planning & Zoning Commission member; Imagine Cass, sponsor and participant; Cass County Farm Bureau member; MAEAP (Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program) certification recipient, 2017. Recent: Chairperson, Cass County Board of Commissioners (201415); vice-chairperson, Cass County Board of Commissioners (2012-13); Cass County Historic Courthouse Committee (ad hoc); Kinexus board appointee; Cass County Historical Commission; Cass County Council


on Aging liaison; Area Agency on Aging, appointee; The Pokagon Band/Dowagiac Area Local Revenue Sharing Board; Community Corrections board, liaison; Prisoner Re-Entry board member; Cass County Veterans Board; Cass County Planning commission (10 years); Cass County Transportation Authority. What will be your top priority if elected to office? Economic development will be my primary focus because it has the potential to positively impact our entire county. By increasing the flow of revenue to the county (without increasing taxes), economic development will add jobs, services, and opportunities for an improved quality of life for our residents. Name three core values that define your political outlook. 1. Collaboration: I am committed to bringing people together with the ultimate goal of delivering a winwin outcome. 2. Integrity: I am committed to doing what I say I will do. 3. Action: I will either initiate

Name: Michael Grice Office sought: County commissioner District 6 Party: Republican Age: 64 Residence: LaGrange Township, Cassopolis Education: Law enforcement license, animal control certification, continuing education certificates, some college Professional background: Law enforcement, animal control Occupation: Law enforcement

How do you think you can impact southwest Michigan’s future? By listening to people who elected me to do a job, by being proactive and understanding what is affecting our community, and working together with agencies, local and state government. What is the biggest challenge our region faces? How would you address it? We are facing several challenges such as jobs, drugs and budgetary pressures. If I had to pick one, I think

the lack of manufacturing jobs ranks highest. If we can get more people earning good wages it will have a positive impact on other challenges. Other comments: I was pleased to be a part of the team responsible for the new animal shelter in 1996 and then the addition in 2012, along with the improvements made to shelter programs such as the spay/neuter program, Christmas for the Animals and special events for helping senior citizens.

Name: Bernadette “Bernie” Williamson Office sought: County commissioner – District 6 Party: Republican Age: 59 Residence: Jefferson Township/Cass County (Since 1988) Education: B.A. from Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana — 1988. Triple major: Communications, public relations, journalism. Professional background: Producer-director/ scriptwriter; owner – Morning Star Communications Group, LLC Occupation: Producer-Director/Scriptwriter (38 years). Also help to manage my husband’s business, North Star Landscape Design & Installation. (serve as a catalyst for) action, or be the source of action, instead of sitting on the sidelines and waiting for others to get things done. What makes you the best candidate for the job? Regardless of whether I have held the title of an elected official, I have continued to work toward the goals of economic development, historic preservation and environmental protection. My reason for seeking the board seat, however, is simply because in order to ensure outcomes, I must be able

to vote. What professional and/or political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? Professionally, I’m proud of having built two successful businesses. Politically, I’m proud to have contributed to positive outcomes — whether as a member of the well-respected Area Agency on Aging, or as a participant in the collaborative economic development campaign that will fuel new growth and also secure our historic structures.






LEON ‘ANDY’ ANDERSON (R) Political experience: Dowagiac City Council seven years; Cass County Board of Commissioners six years; Past Chair, Cass County Planning Commission; Current, Member Cass County Planning Commission; Chair, Region 1 Michigan Municipal League Civic involvement: Retail chair of the Dowagiac Chamber of Commerce; founding director, Historic Dowagiac Association; chaired nine Historic Home Tours in Dowagiac What will be your top priority if elected to office? Have the commission settle on a plan for the historic courthouse and see that it is implemented. Work to see that the commission is focused on making policy and supervising the county administrator, and not micromanaging the county operations; we have county-wide elected officials and department heads to perform those functions. Monitor the county budget. Name three core values that define your political outlook: Listening to the citizens you represent. Communicate with the people you serve, and respond

to their concerns, which you have some control over. Hold those in positions of trust accountable for their actions, and see that actions taken about questionable conduct is dealt with in an open and public manor. What makes you the best candidate for the job? Experience, not time served, but good experience, seeing how well run government works. I have had nearly 15 years working in local government as an elected official where we had strong elected official that knew how to work together to develop ideas into plans and then implement those ideas/plans to solve problems, and provide for a better community. What professional/political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? I am proud that every time I have been given the opportunity to serve either as an elected official or a leader of a community event, that I was part of a team, working together to get things done, be it the Downtown Development and Beautification project which was done primarily by local leadership, not outside grants. The

E. CLARK COBB (D) Political experience: Six years on the Dowagiac Housing Commission, 10 years on Cass County Commission Civic involvement: On Area Agency on Aging, Southwest Community Action Agency What will be your top priority if elected to office? To push forward on plans to Cass Courthouse back into use, keep on financial position in good shape, keep our infrastructure and tech up to date and in good shape. On SWM Solid Waste Consortium, we have the tire collections, hazardous waste collections at the fairgrounds twice a year to help protect our environment from further decay, and bad stuff going into our landfills. Name three core values that define

your political outlook: Honesty – Always be truthful. Never make a decision before hearing both sides of a story. Try to always have an open mind. What makes you the best candidate for the job? Cass County in probably in the best financial condition it has ever been in. Let’s keep it there. What professional and/or political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? Saving the Dowagiac Housing Commission from a meltdown some years ago. HUD was about ready to close it down. It was so bad. How do you think you can impact southwest Michigan’s future? By making good, sensible decisions on important matters that have long lasting effects. What is the biggest challenge our

MINNIE WARREN (D) Political Experience: Cass County Commissioner — 10 years, Chair of Board — two years. Civic Involvement: Board Chair of SMCAA, CCAB, Prison Re-entry Board and Board Chair of Dowagiac Housing Commission. What will be your top priority if elected to office? If elected, my top priority is to serve the needs of the people of Cass County with a focus on the values we all share. I will work towards making Cass County a better place for all residents to live, work and raise a family. Name three core values that define your political outlook. Three key core values that define my political outlook as well as my fundamental beliefs as a person include integrity, trust and innovation/excellence. I will always practice transparency and financial accountability that is coupled with common sense investment considerations that are in direct alignment with these core values.

What makes you the best candidate for the job? My business and civic experiences prove that I can work as a member of any team, no matter the circumstance. I truly believe in the cliché, “There is no ‘I’ in “team.” I believe I will make a positive impact as a county commissioner, and that’s why I’m running for this office. What profession and/or political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? Starting MINTECH LLC; MINTECH is a manufacturing, metal fabrication, stamping, light assembly and machining company. We are proud to contribute to the economy and support the financial empowerment of all citizens. We take great pride in hiring people from the community as well as convicted felons returning to the area who need a second chance to succeed in society. How do you think you can impact southwest Michigan’s future? I promise to maintain the highest level of professionalism of the office while

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Name: Leon “Andy” Anderson, Jr. Office sought: Cass County Commissioner – District 7 Party: Republican Age: 73 Residence: 601 Main Street, Dowagiac Education: BA, the University of the Ozarks; Major history/business Professional background: Consultant to the Wireless Industry / Business owner Occupation: Consultant / Planning and Regulatory Specialist

Dowagiac/Cassopolis sewer project. How do you think you can impact southwest Michigan’s future? As the smallest county in Southwest Michigan, we tend to have to partner with some of our neighboring counties, and we should be strong contributing partners, with organization such as Southwest Planning Commission. Taking leadership position when appropriate. What is the biggest challenge our region faces? JOBS, JOBS, JOBS. Much of southwest Michigan and particularly Cass County is losing population. We are getting older, poorer and losing

opportunity for what young people we have left. As the father of three sons, who got good educations, were raised in a community of caring people that provided them with opportunities to thrive and grow. Other comments: I just want to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. My race will be the only commission race on the general election ballot, if you should have any question about the August primary races, don’t hesitate to ask. I will be happy to share my views.

Name: Edward Clark Cobb Office sought: Cass County Commissioner (District 7) Party: Democratic Age: 64 Residence: Cass County, Dowagiac Education: Bachelor of Education (Andrews University), Associate of Art from SMC Professional Background: Professional musician, photographer, teacher for SMC, LMC, Dowagiac Schools and County Commission for 10 years Occupation: Retired from education (State of Michigan) region faces? How would you address it? Keeping our county safe by fully supporting our police and firefighters. Making sure they are adequately funded. It’s getting harder to find people wanting to do this kind of work.

Other comments: I am always ready to make the best decisions necessary to make the best decisions necessary to make our county government work it’s best. I will always be ready to listen with an open mind.

Name: Minnie Warren Office Sought: County Commissioner District 7 Party: Democratic Age: 72 Residence: 56731 M-51 South, Dowagiac, MI 49047 Education: Bachelor’s Degree, business administration; Minor, human resources Profession Background: Business owner Occupation: President of Mintech LLC

building, cultivating and sustaining strong relationships and coalitions with our local government and key stakeholders. What is the biggest challenge our region faces? How would you address it? Employment and healthcare cannot be separated as key challenges facing our region. A satisfactory wage should be in alignment with job creation and workforce development. We must better support and encourage startups created by small business

entrepreneurs and continue to bridge the gap between manufacturing and labor. Other comments: I encourage every eligible voter to vote on Aug. 7. I further ask the residents of District 7 to vote for me because I’m an experienced small business owner who also understands how to effectively work with local, county and state government entities at all levels to improve the well-being of all citizens and their respective communities.

Leader Publications ELECTION GUIDE 2018

Political experience: I have served three terms as a county commissioner for the city of Niles. Civic involvement: I am a past Worshipful Master at the Masonic Lodge and other positions. I am also a member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Niles. What will your top priority be if elected to office? To speak on behalf of the people of Berrien County, of all the issues and problems in county government that affect their lives. I will listen to their voices on these issues and fight to correct them. Name three core values that define your political outlook: My three core values are addressing the issues that affect the citizens of Berrien County’s everyday lives, being a good steward of the citizens’ tax dollars, and I believe that elected officials must always represent all the people of Berrien County, whether they are wealthy or poor.

What makes you the best candidate for the job? I feel that my transparency and accountability make me the best candidate for county commissioner. I have already served three terms in this position for the city of Niles. What professional and/or political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? Personally, growing up in the City of Niles. Also achieving my master electrician and contractor license in Michigan and for serving on the Utility and Zoning Review Board in the City of Niles. Politically, I am proud of representing the residents of Niles on the county board of commissioners. How do you think you can impact southwest Michigan’s future? By being a force on the board of commissioners. Being that force means working to provide new employment opportunities and a better public transportation system county-wide. Doing this by


Professional Background: Berrien County Commissioner District 12 (20172018) term. President Priority Delivery Service, LLC; Past President Hall of Cards and Books, LLC (Majereks Hallmark & Readers World); past president, Intermountain Periodical Distributors, Inc.; Regional Sales Director, Kable News Company Political experience: Incumbent Berrien County Commissioner District 12 Civic involvement: Berrien County Commissioner District 12 (20172018) term. Board of Commissioners Administration Committee; NilesBuchanan-Cass Area Transportation Study (NATS) Policy Board; Berrien Mental Health Authority Board; Brownfield Redevelopment Authority Board; Substance Use Disorder Oversight Policy Board What will be your top priority if elected to office? I believe it is a commitment to the job and the constituents of Niles Michigan and Berrien County. I know it is a major value to actually be there for as many meetings as you can. It is one thing to read about it in an article or an email and a very valuable to actually sit in on the discussion and get your questions answered and be there for the vote. Name three core values that define your political outlook: As I said above, attendance is a major virtue. I am not sure how anyone can make a vote on resolutions when they have not heard the discussion. I am a dedicated businessman with many boards, schooling and presidencies under my belt. I have the good fortune of having time and talents to move Berrien County into the future. What makes you the best candidate for

the job? I am here for you; I will do what it takes to help Berrien County move in the right direction into the future. What is good for Niles is good for Berrien County; I will keep this thought in all my actions as I sit in the meetings. What professional and/or political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? Because my only political accomplishment has been Berrien County Commissioner, let’s talk about that. It has been a huge experience and I think I have the confidence of my fellow commissioners from the county, who are all very talented and caring for the county. I value their experience and direction with every decision we make. How do you think you can impact southwest Michigan’s future? I can impact southwest Michigan’s future in every way. By being on the boards of the area, and learning and influencing their direction on a weekly and monthly meeting basis. I am proud of the work we do with substance abuse and helping building roads for the future. What is the biggest challenge our region faces? How would you address it? Well the biggest challenge I hear about is the roads and drug abuse, and this will take time, projects are four to five years out, but pushing the people in charge is what we need to do, keep our feet on the peddle. Other comments: I have just started to get things done in the county. We hired an Indigent Defense Team, which gives a person who cannot afford an attorney someone to talk to before they go in front of the judge saving us tax dollars and money not spent in jail for minor offences, we have one in the South County Courthouse with a designated office.

Name: John Klimek Office sought: County Commissioner District 12 Party: Democrat Age: 61 Residence: 1 Parkway St. Niles, Michigan Education: Southwestern Michigan College and Lake Michigan College Professional experience: Master electrician and master contractor license of Michigan Occupation: Electrician at International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 153

working with local elected state legislators, city and township elected officials as well as sitting county commissioners. What is the biggest challenge our region faces? How would you address it? One of the biggest challenges we have in our region is lack of broadband in our rural areas in the county, and working with the state legislature to correct this

problem. I look forward to working with the state legislature by addressing the ROW issues. Other comments: I would like to ask the residents of the 12th District to meet the commitment they made when they registered to vote. They can meet that commitment by voting for the candidate who will protect them and their families in their everyday lives.

Name: Michael J. Majerek Office sought: Berrien County Commissioner District 12 Party: Republican Age: 66 Residence: Niles, Michigan Education: Eastern Michigan University; Bachelor’s of Business Administration in Management and Marketing; Stanford University Graduate School of Business Wholesale Management & Leadership Course; Dale Carnegie Sales Institute Course Graduate Training for Leadership; University of Notre Dame Graduate Executive Financing and Management Executive Program






• Louie is a long time resident of Cass County and owner of MAEAP certified Diamond Lake Orchard. • After retiring from private business, served as Cass County Administrator and head of Road Commissions in Cass, Berrien and St. Joseph Counties. • Will provide leadership in addressing Cass Counties 9 million dollar unfunded pension liability. • A Commissioner interested in taking on and solving long outstanding issues such as delayed maintenance projects and the Courthouse. • Will make the Counties business open and accessible to the residents.

Republican Primary Election Tuesday August 7th Paid for by the committee to elect Louis Csokasy Cass County Commissioner District 2




Political experience: Volunteered with multiple campaigns to assist with door-knocking and other activities. Volunteered as an election judge. Led the national Healthcare Innovators for Obama fundraising initiative during the president’s 2012 campaign. Civic involvement: Board member of one of the nation’s largest nonprofit substance use disorder treatment organizations. Lead mentor for a mentoring society that helps university-based health and other technology entrepreneurs start businesses. What will be your top priority if elected to office? My top legislative priority is to create an infrastructure and education jobs program to ensure that all of our children receive a quality education and our workers receive training they need to modernize our electrical grid and build a national network to bring broadband, high-speed internet to every home, factory, and farm. Name three core values that define your political outlook. I believe in an inclusive society and an economy that

works for everyone. When we prevent groups of our citizens from fully participating, we weaken our democracy, our economy and our nation. Strong defenses and secure borders are critical, but the best defense is healthy, vibrant and inclusive communities. What makes you the best candidate for the job? In business, I have demonstrated my ability to work with people of diverse backgrounds and views to advance business objectives. In Congress, I will use that ability to work with people on both sides of the aisle to get results that will revitalize our local communities here in southwest Michigan. What professional/political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? I have helped more than 150 health technology and healthcare companies get started and grow. I negotiated the world’s first corporate collaboration for personalized medicine. But I am probably most proud of the dozens of employees and colleagues that I have mentored and helped to advance their careers. How do you think you can impact south-


Political experience: I started my career working for Congressman Frank Thompson (D-Trenton) a true champion of labor. I worked in government relations and was able to also volunteer my time to many important issues. I was a volunteer election day lawyer for the Carter Campaign for President and was appointed to serve on a Trade Advisory Committee by President Carter. President Bill Clinton appointed me to the Agricultural Technical Advisory Committee for Trade of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. I advocated for our agricultural workers, strengthening export opportunities for local farmers. Civic involvement: Was appointed and served on the Western Michigan University Board of Trustees, volunteer advocacy for the Girl Scouts of Michigan and National Network of Depression Centers, board member of the Levin Institute that teaches government oversite. What will be your top priority if elected to office? My top three priorities are protecting seniors by protecting Social Security and Medicare, fighting for universal

health care by fixing the Affordable Care Act and expanding by providing a public option, and protecting the environment by protecting the Great Lakes and investing in clean alternative energy. Name three core values that define your political outlook: Integrity: you must follow through with what you say you will do. Compassion: caring for those that need help. Civility: treating everyone with respect, even those you may disagree with to find common ground. What makes you the best candidate for the job? I have been active and involved in southwest Michigan for more than 30 years. From serving on the Board of Trustees to assisting Judge Schma in creating the Drug Courts, I have done whatever my community has needed. What professional/political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? Helping secure the release of a leader of the African National Congress from prison in Johannesburg during Apartheid. How do you think you can impact


Civil involvement: St. Joseph/Benton Harbor Rotary What will be your top priority if elected to office: My top priority will be to continue to achieve results. Whether it’s health care, jobs, the economy, protecting our Great Lakes, immigration and much more. My priority has always been — and will continue to be — on folks here at home and doing the job they elect me to do. Name three core values that define your political outlook: Bipartisan problem solver. Local and national leader. Optimist. What makes you the best candidate for the job? I’m known as a sincere, hardworking leader who tries to listen to all perspectives. I’m all about achieving results, not lobbing unproductive partisan attacks. That’s what I’ll continue to do, help pass important legislation, encourage job creation, protect taxpayers and enhance the quality of life for everyone here at home. What professional/political accomplish-

EDITOR’S NOTE: Fred Upton is uncontested in the primary election, and will oppose the winner of the Democratic primary, during the November election. ments are you most proud of in your life? 21st Century Cures was the culmination of years of hard work. This bipartisan legislation, now law, will speed up the development and approvals of life-saving drugs and devices – helping patients and families in need across the country. It also supports local jobs by modernizing regulations. How do you think you can impact southwest Michigan’s future? We need a representative that has a seat at the national table. That’s me. I’m able to work directly not only with our local leaders but also national leaders to shine a spotlight on

Leader Publications

Name: Rich Eichholz Office sought: U.S. House of Representatives, Michigan’s 6th District Party: Democratic Age: 70 Residence: 10243 Smith Road, St. Joseph, Michigan Education: Cornell University, A.B., government; University of Illinois, Ph.D., cell biology Professional Background: 30-plus years in healthcare business development Occupation: Currently, co-founder of a start-up company developing technologies for electric vehicle dynamic charging west Michigan’s future? In Congress, I will advance legislation to ensure all of our children receive a quality education and that everyone has great healthcare. I will also promote a transition to clean energy that will help protect our planet and revitalize our local communities by providing good-paying rewarding jobs. What is the biggest challenge our region faces? How would you address it? Our economy in this region is stagnating. There just aren’t enough good-paying, rewarding jobs; and businesses can’t find enough educated,

well-trained workers. That’s an economy that isn’t working for anyone. As a result, many of our local communities are struggling. Other comments: Just as a partnership between business and government created dramatic changes in our infrastructure and lives over the past 100 years, we need to make sure that partnership will create the changes we need in the 21st Century, to build an economy that works for everyone, protects our planet, and provides universal healthcare.

Name: George Franklin Office sought: US Congress Party: Democrat Age: 67 Residence: Glenn, Michigan Education: BA and JD from American University Professional Background: I spent most of my career at Kellogg Company and finished as Vice President of Worldwide Government Affairs and for the last 12 years President of Franklin Public Affairs. Occupation: President of Franklin Public Affairs

southwest Michigan’s future? By doing what I have always done, by bringing people together to find common sense solutions to problems. I have always worked with anyone that was willing to find solutions to make our community better. What is the biggest challenge our region faces? How would you address it? Economic disparities are growing out of control, which, over the long term, can only be resolved through a fully funded public education system that compensates and respects teachers. We also must

make sure that economic development projects are supporting all communities and local workers. Other comments: I will be a strong, progressive voice for southwest Michigan. A lifelong Democrat, I am fed up with Republicans in Congress who refuse to stand up to Donald Trump’s dangerous agenda. In Congress, I will fight Republican attempts to limit access to health care for women and weaken Social Security and Medicare.

Name: Fred Upton Office sought: Re-election to U.S. Congress in Michigan’s Sixth Congressional District Party: Republican Age: 65 Residence: St. Joseph Education: Bachelor’s Degree from University of Michigan Professional background: Headed Office of Management and Budget Congressional Affairs office for President Ronald Reagan. Occupation: Proudly representing Michigan’s Sixth Congressional District issues important to our area and to get things done. What is the biggest challenge our region faces? How would you address it? We must continue working to address rising health care costs and keep our economy growing. As a member of the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, we’re working in a bipartisan way out of the current health care mess to lower costs and ensure we’re

delivering quality care. Other comments: It’s the honor of a lifetime to serve southwest Michigan in Congress. We work hard to ensure your voices are heard and well represented. Just last year, I attended more than 500 meetings and events with constituents here in southwest Michigan. These types of meetings are invaluable and something we’ll continue doing.

Leader Publications ELECTION GUIDE 2018

Occupation: Educational Technology Specialist at Berrien RESA Political Experience: Elected Hagar Township Clerk: 2012 and 2016 Civic Involvement: North Berrien Fire Rescue Board Treasurer: 2015-2017 What will be your top priority if elected to office? My top priority is to bring balance and common sense back to our legislature. Our legislators are bought and paid for by special interests, and we the people have no voice anymore. Their lack of action to fix - our roads is a clear sign of this. a Name three core values that define s your political outlook: I am balanced by being fiscally responsible yet socially - progressive. I am determined to work - for our families and not special interr ests. I am practical, which means that t I am level-headed and able to make t tough choices. e What makes you the best candidate n for the job? For too long, partisan pol- itics in Lansing have driven us to the l


Political Experience: Current State Representative, Michigan’s 79th House District Civic Involvement: I have been active in many community organizations, serving as past president of Berrien County Guardianship Services Inc., Women’s Service League, Capstone Center and vice-chair of Child and Family Services. What will be your top priority if elected to office? Reforming our Auto No-Fault laws to achieve meaningful rate relief is a top priort ity. Additionally, I will work to find a s permanent solution to fix our roads, and better educate the workforce of , the future. . Name three core values that de- fine your political outlook: I believe d Government should be smaller, . smarter, more efficient. Social pro- grams should help lift people out r of poverty. And our society should d respect and protect life at every


Civic involvement: coaching youth sports; church activities What will be your top priority if elected to office:I will continue to support Michigan economic comeback through competitive tax policy, improved infrastructure and a stronger education system. Name three core values that define your political outlook: I believe in limited and accountable government that balances its budget. I believe in personal freedom and personal responsibility. I believe that a - strong educational system is essen- tial for society. s What makes you the best candid t for the job? Having run a business s for 40 years, having served 14 years n on a school board, having served - as a county commissioner and havl ing served three terms in the state

Office sought: State Senate 21st District Party: Democratic Age: 33 Residence: 3167 E Valley View Dr. St Joseph, MI Education: BA from Kalamazoo College – Double Major in Political Science and Education MA from Wayne State University in Information Science Professional background: I taught for a couple of years before getting my Master’s and moving into educational technology. During that time, I got involved in local politics and served as a Township Clerk. bottom half of the national rankings in education, healthcare, and infrastructure. We need practical, bipartisan solutions and as your next Senator, I will fight every day to make us a state to be proud of. What professional/political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? I am proud of my time as Hagar Township Clerk where I served my constituents with such distinction that I was elected again to that posi-

tion. My fiscal responsibility also led me to be appointed as treasurer of our regional fire authority. How do you think you can impact southwest Michigan’s future? I can impact it by working hard to get bipartisan legislation passed to improve the quality of our lives in healthcare, education, and infrastructure. Lansing is too deep in the pockets of special interest groups to realize what we need but I will not take corporate

Office Sought: State Senate, 21st District Party: Republican Age: 55 Residence: Bainbridge Township Education: I graduated from Lake Michigan Catholic High School in St. Joseph. I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Education and Master’s degree in Literacy Studies from Western Michigan University. Professional Background: I taught 5th grade at Lake Michigan Catholic and was teacher of the year in 2015. Occupation: Education

opportunity. What makes you the best candidate for the job? Southwest Michigan has gotten used to a high standard of conservative representation. My voting record most closely reflects the values of the 21st district, and I believe I have the energy, vision and experience to continue the tradition of strong leadership for our area. What professional/political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? My passion is in educa-

tion, so being awarded “Teacher of the Year” was an incredible honor. Winning my House seat was also an honor, but being the first female to do so made it extra special. I would also be the first female state Senator to serve the 21st District. How do you think you can impact southwest Michigan’s future? As state Representative, I have listened to concerns, lead with common sense, and delivered results for our area. I’ve always believed kids are

Office sought: State Senate – 21st District Party: Republican Age: 63 Residence: 3221 E. Shawnee Road, Berrien Springs Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural Business, MSU Professional Background: Owner of Pagel Produce and Farms since 1978 Occupation: Owner & Pagel Produce and Farms – Apple Farm and Packing/state representative Political experience: Berrien Springs Board of Education – 14 years, Berrien County Commissioner – four years, state representative – 6 years

house, I have a proven and trusted track record of public service. What professional/political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? As owner of Pagel Produce, I am proud of having supplied local supermarkets with quality fruit for 40 years. As a school board member,

county commissioner and state representative, I have served the public with integrity and effectiveness. How do you think you can impact southwest Michigan’s future?: I will advocate strongly for Michigan agriculture and for Michigan’s schools. I will work to lower auto insurance

EDITOR’S NOTE: Ian Haight is uncontested in the primary election, and will oppose the winner of the Republican primary, during the November election. dark money. What is the biggest challenge southwest Michigan faces? How would you address it? Our biggest challenge is that we are losing our best, our brightest and our skilled workers to other states and areas. This is because our legislators have made this a state that is attractive for large corporations but not a state with a high quality of life. Other comments: It is clear that Lansing politicians have forgotten about the people they are supposed to represent. It is time for new faces, new blood and new ideas. I am not a career politician, but I have the experience to change the “business as usual” attitude in Lansing and make our legislature work for us and improve our quality of life.

our future and I know I can have a huge impact on our education system, preparing our kids for 21st Century jobs and ensuring we have a skilled workforce. What is the biggest issue facing southwest Michigan? More than 40 percent of our working age population will be eligible to retire over the next decade and we are the only region compared to nationwide peers losing a millennial population. This looming talent short-age means educating, retaining and attracting talent will be a major issue for our area. Other comments: I proudly endorsed President Trump in 2016. My opponent, meanwhile, not only refused to endorse Mr. Trump, but publicly stated he would not vote for him. I am honored to be endorsed by Michigan Right to Life, Michigan Chamber of Commerce, GLEP, Michigan Freedom Fund, Police Officers Association of Michigan and the approval of the Small Business Association of Michigan.

costs and improve Michigan roads. I will listen to the concerns of any citizen contacting my office and give them my best efforts. What is the biggest challenge southwest Michigan faces? How would you address it? The cost of auto insurance is the concern I hear most from constituents. We can address this with many options, including a rate structure for medical providers, a lower lifetime benefit option, fraud and abuse reduction, and more accountability for the catastrophic claims fund. Other comments: While my wife and I put our four kids through college with hard work at our family business and farm, I also have enjoyed serving the public in elected office. I would like to continue to use my experience in business, agriculture, education and local government to serve the public. I will strive to maintain my hard-earned reputation for integrity in office.







Occupation: Information technology, system design Political Experience: 15-plus years on the Board of Education for Niles Community Schools Involved with: Relay for Life, Habitat for Humanity, Rebuilding Together, Christmas in April What will be your top priority if elected to office? Education. Given my 15 years on the Board of Education in Niles, I feel we should allow for more local control over the education to allow our students to enter the workforce. Fixing our roads and infrastructure are a very close second and certainly needed across the state. Name three core values that define your political outlook: The three values that define both political and personal outlooks are: a. Always be positive; b. Compromise can move items forward; c. Do what you think is right, not politically correct.


What will be your top priority if elected to office? My top priority is to make sure taxpayer money goes to public schools, not charter on schools for profit. With more than 300 charter schools in Michigan, money is being diverted from the local public schools causing financial difficulties that the districts have to struggle with everyday. Name three core values that define your political outlook: The core values that define my political outlook are fairness, honesty and civility. These values extend to all people at all times. The political system has lost sight of these values recently and I would like to bring them back. What makes you the best candidate for the job? As a teacher, I worked with students and listened to their stories about their lives and their experienc-

What makes you the best candidate for the job? Experience with public funds, budget, making hard decisions that impact lives. I’m fiscally conservative and have experience managing a budget totaling over $500 million over the last 15 years. What professional/political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? To be able to fulfill a promise to God to help kids if I survived terminal cancer. Elected to the Niles Board of Education in 2003, reelected four times, to fulfill that promise. How do you think you can impact southwest Michigan’s future? Work towards ending no-fault insurance to reduce the premiums paid; by assisting public schools in reducing state mandated reporting and increasing funding for classrooms and improving infrastructure. What is the biggest challenge southwest Michigan faces? How would you EDITOR’S NOTE: Dean Hill is uncontested in the primary election, and will oppose the winner of the Republican primary, during the November election. es. This helped me to understand what they were about. Listening is an important asset when representing people. You have to hear what has been said and react with understanding. What professional/political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? I taught 44.5 years in the Dowagiac Public School system which is an accomplishment in itself, but I am most proud of the friendships and relationships that developed during that time. I always like to see people from my past and find out what they are doing now. How do you think you can impact southwest Michigan’s future? I would


Political experience: None Civic involvement: More than 15 years as a reserve police officer for Buchanan Police Department and Berrien County Sheriff ’s Department. Member of Buchanan Masonic Lodge #68. What will be your top priority if elected to office? Michigan’s no-fault auto insurance with its high premiums and continued over-taxing of our citizens. Name three core values that define your political outlook: 1. Community: Show respect toward all people without regard to race, religion or gender. 2 Service: Make decisions and act in the best interest of my district and the state. 3. Commitment: Fulfill my oath of office, taking full responsibility for my actions and keeping my word. What makes you the best candidate

for the job? As a reserve police officer and Navy veteran, public service has always been important to me. I continue to see my friends and neighbors struggle to pay bills, earn a living wage or suffer without health care. I want to continue my service to my community and be involved with solving these problems. What professional/political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? I am proud of my service as a reserve police officer for Buchanan Police Department. Not only did I serve in a Sergeant position as a squad leader, I assisted with our fundraiser to help purchase new body armor for our volunteer officers. How do you think you can impact southwest Michigan’s future? With my military background, I believe I can

Leader Publications

Office sought: State Representative 78th District Party: Republican Age: 61 Residence: 1211 Walnut Street, Niles, MI 49120 Education: Niles High School, Class of 1974 Western Michigan University, Bachelor of Business Administration Professional Background: Nine years in Mortgage Banking; 25 years Information Technology supporting Mortgage Banking; three years Information Technology supporting Human Resources

address it? Preparing students to achieve whatever future they decide they want. Much of education focuses on preparing a student for college,, I would like to see better more robust programs for the trades. Allow students to create their own businesses and create the jobs of the future. Other comments: My public experience in dealing with budgets, the pub-

lic, labor issues, privatizing services to save taxpayer dollars, passing a bond for school improvement have all shown leadership for our area. In addition, I have been a community volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, Christmas in April, Rebuilding Together and Relay for Life. I have survived cancer three times, which has led to my desire to help and serve others.

Name: Dean E. Hill Office Sought: State Representative, 78th District Party: Democrat Age: 67 Residence: 2306 Yankee St., Niles, MI 49120 Education: Bachelor of Science Eastern Michigan University Professional Background: n/a Occupation: Retired teacher Political experience: Ran for the state representative position in 2016, lost to Dave Pagel Civic involvement: n/a

like to make an impact by seeing that all homes, businesses and farms have Internet access. There are many gaps in coverage, and I would like to see that issue resolved so that everyone has access to what is becoming a necessity for all. What is the biggest challenge our region faces? How would you ad-

dress it? I don’t see one thing as a biggest challenge, but I do see many topics as obstacles in our area. Jobs that pay a living wage, affordable housing, health care, infrastructure, farm profitability, school funding and human rights are all challenges that need to be addressed. Each challenge has its own answer.

Office sought: State representative 78th district Party: Republican Age: 35 Residence: Niles Education: Graduate of Buchanan High School. Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Coastline Community College. Bachelor’s Degree in Arts from Columbia College Chicago. Professional Background: U.S. Navy Veteran Occupation: Air freight specialist at XPO Logistics

offer a fresh perspective knowing firsthand how government bureaucracy can be wasteful. I am willing o listen to my constituents and work across party lines to get positive results for the people of southwest Michigan. What is the biggest challenge southwest Michigan faces? How

would you address it? Restoring business and promoting economic growth while protecting our natural resources and strong farming community. Other comments: A more comprehensive list of issues and information about Daniel is available at www.DanielHinkle.com

Leader Publications ELECTION GUIDE 2018

Civic involvement: I am and have been involved in many different community and faith-based projects including helping minister to young people, cleaning up the community, and working with advocacy organizations including Right to Life. What will be your top priority if elected to office? My top priority is to pursue an economic agenda that will provide prosperity and a quality standard for living for the residents of the 78th district. A key component of this is the absolute necessity of substantial auto insurance reform. Name three core values that define your political outlook: I, first and foremost, believe in the principle of small government. The government needs to stay out of people’s private lives and focus on keeping us safe. Secondly, I am a patriotic American who believes in fighting for our veterans and those who are on active duty. Finally, I believe that economic prosperity hinges on good management of taxpayer resources and low taxes. Why did you decide to run? Given my experience both in university administra-

tion and on the city council in Niles, it has given me a breadth of experience that is unrivaled by the other candidates in this race. Furthermore, while on the city council, I consistently pursued projects that proved my commitment to the people I served including maintaining balanced budgets, seeing no tax increases, and seeing economic development in the community. What professional/political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? Seeing the business development that has been happening in the City of Niles over the past few years has been enormously rewarding. As a result of projects we worked on during my tenure, the city has seen O’Reilly Auto Parts, the new residential development on Broadway, UltraCamp, Dollar Tree, the new INDECK powerplant, and the potential for development and several additional sites. How do you think you can impact southwest Michigan’s future? As a younger person committed to the future of southwestern Michigan, I offer both


Political Experience: Vice-Chair at Niles City Planning Commission: 2015 - Present Civic Involvement: United Way volunteer, Ferry Street Resource Center volunteer, Spanish/English tutor Top priority: If we simplify the government, we can empower the people. This is the key to making our region attractive, prosperous and competitive. Beginning points for this vision are innovating education, investing in infrastructure, and leading into a real solution for auto-insurance affordability. Name three core values that define your political outlook: #CareForACup? Let’s grab a coffee and chat about expanding your liberty and opportunity. #SimplifyGovt. Lansing should do fewer things far better, and cut the pork, waste, and overreach. #EmpowerPeople means more say-so for you as an active citizen. What makes you the best candidate for the job? As an educator, I’ve learned how to make complex things simple —

and that’s what I aim to do in Lansing. I love networking, leading, and conversing — and I want to see everyone in our community included in Michigan’s bright future. Every citizen has a part to play, and I want to empower them! What professional/Political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? [I was] chosen by 16 recent 2018 high school graduates as their Honored Teacher. Other accomplishments include: National Speaker for New Tech Network: 2015, National Project Based Learning Presenter: 2014-Present, nominated for 2018 Teacher of the Year by Niles community, Michigan Department of Education Innovative Model Presenter, Vice-Chair of the City of Niles Planning Commission How do you think you can impact southwest Michigan’s future: I see a future where all of our citizens have a seat at the table, where our district is thriving, and where our politics are defined innovation and fellowship rather than


What will be your top priority if elected to office? Serving the needs of the people of the 78th. I am a self-funded candidate – with no ties to any special interests - I can and will vote for what is best for the 78th district — not special interests or lobbyists, My votes in Lansing will be based on my strong conservative values. Name three core values that define your political outlook: Faith in God, family and service. I am not a politician. My family and faith have always been and always will be my top priority, but now, I am at a time in my life — to fuel my passion for service — using my 30 years of leadership/business experience to make the 78th greater than ever. What makes you the best candidate for the job? Thirty years of experience, leadership, knowledge and crises management. From leading a turnaround in a multi-million dollar family business

to successful real estate developments in Berrien County, to a profitable small business startup, to first-hand experience substitute teaching in classrooms from Benton Harbor to River Valley and more. What professional/political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? Being a lifelong Berrien County resident with 30 years of business experience in the area. I am most proud of successfully redefining myself with the changing times, with the record high unemployment and a down economy, I was able to begin a small business from the ground up that still exists today. How do you think you can impact southwest Michigan’s future? Redefining education: Our children are our future. Identify students’ passions and purposes earlier than college will help create more focused and committed, ergo successful students. Schools need

Office sought: State Representative 78th District Party: Republican Age: 27 Residence: Niles, Michigan Education: Master of Divinity, Andrews University Professional Background: Public Service, Academic Administration, Advising, and Pastoral Ministry Occupation: Academic Administration and Advising

experience and drive to see economic development not just in the City of Niles but throughout the entire region. As we start focusing on re-development of depressed districts, projects like auto insurance reform, and encouraging investment in our economy through lower taxes we can see southwestern Michigan grow. What is the biggest challenge southwest Michigan faces? How would you address it? The biggest challenge that our region faces is clearly the need for economic growth. This is a multi-

pronged problem. First, we do have to create an economic environment that is conducive to growth. I also believe we need to refine the laws of this state to ensure that unnecessary regulations are not driving business away. Other comments: I look forward to serving you in 2019. I wanted to additionally mention that I am the only candidate that received an endorsement from Right to Life Michigan, Michigan Farm Bureau, Michigan Corn Growers Association, and Michigan Realtors Association.

Office Sought: State Representative 78th District Party: Republican Age: 31 Residence: 1 Fort St., Apt. 8, Niles, Michigan 49120 Education: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science/Spanish Northern Michigan University – 2009, Masters in the Art of Teaching - Andrews University — 2013 Professional Background: Teacher at Niles New Tech: 2013 – Present, Instructional Aide at Niles New Tech: 2013, Patron Services at James White Library: 2011 – 2013, Mental Health Aide at Pathways Mental Health: 2007-2009 Occupation: Teacher of Civics/U.S. History/Spanish polarization. This starts by simplifying government and empowering people, which is the focus of my campaign. What is the biggest challenge southwest Michigan faces? How would you address it? Population loss is a huge challenge for our region — and can result in a downward spiral of underfunded schools, crumbling infrastructure, and higher tax and insurance burdens. We all feel it — it’s time to turn things around. Bold ideas are needed, not just

“rinse and repeat” talking points we usually hear. Other comments: I’m a God-fearing man who wishes deeply to impact people for good, and to build up our community. I think a solid state representative resembles a solid teacher — in touch with people, caring deeply about their future success. Our young people need to see integrity in us as real models of living and an optimistic vision they can get excited about.

Office sought: State Representative 78th Distri Party: Republican Age: 53 Residence: Sawyer, Michigan – Weesaw Township Education: Loyola University, BA, political science Professional background: Small business owner & Real Estate Investor/Developer. Occupation: A small business owner for more than 10 years of a property management company specializing in The Harbor Country Second Home Market. Political experience: I am not a politician - I want to use my 30 years of business leadership and life experiences to help the constituents in the 78th District grow and prosper. to be guiding change in preparing our children for the future. What is the biggest challenge southwest Michigan faces? How would you address it? More funding from the State for our local municipalities. In talking with our local leaders in the 78th, when times were tough, 10 years ago, funding from the local area was reduced. It’s time to bring that back to the 78th. Increasing

local funding without increasing taxes will help the 78th grow and prosper. Other comments: I am not a politician, nor am I looking to become a career politician. I am looking to serve the people of the 78th. Thirty years of leadership experience in Berrien County. Strong conservative values. Making a change for the benefit of our state and local economy.






DEBBIE STABENOW (D) Name: Debbie Stabenow Office sought: U.S. Senate Party: Democrat Age: 68 Residence: Lansing, Michigan Education: Michigan State University- B.A. and M.S.W. Professional Background: Started career working with youth in Lansing Public Schools, created the Michigan Leadership Institute in 1995 and has served in public service. Occupation: Michigan’s United States Senator

Political Experience: U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative for Michigan’s 8th Congressional District, State Senator in Michigan Senate, State Representative in Michigan House of Representatives, Commissioner and Chair on Ingham County Board of Commissioners Civic Involvement: [I have been an] active member of the United Methodist Church throughout my life, creator of the Magic Ride which raised over $2 million for child abuse prevention services, co-founder of the Greater Lansing Food Bank, active in mental health, Alzheimers and other health care fundraising and advocacy, active in 4-H as a youth and as an adult What will be your top priority if elected? My top priority is continuing to help create jobs across our state. I am laser-focused on growing a diverse economy that includes manufacturing, technology, small business, agriculture and tourism. That includes a focus on education, skilled trades and protecting our Great Lakes. Name three core values that define your political outlook? A commitment to protect all of our freedoms defined in our Constitution. A belief that everyone deserves a fair shot to work hard and be successful for themselves and their family. A belief that affordable health care should be a basic human right in our great country. What makes you the best candidate for the job? I was born and raised in Michigan. So were my children - and now, my grandchildren. We’re Michigan through and through! Every day, I fight for our families and our Michigan way of life. I have a strong record of working across the aisle to get results

for our state. What professional/political accomplishments are you most proud of in your life? As a champion for Michigan agriculture and rural communities, I authored the 2014 and 2018 bipartisan Farm Bills, passed a law banning drilling in the Great Lakes, and authored funding to open new and expanded community and schoolbased health clinics so towns like Niles and Cassopolis can access health services. How do you think you can impact southwest Michigan’s future? I authored the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, worked to combat Asian carp and created new conservation projects to protect waterways, including the St. Joseph Watershed. I created the first ever specialty crop title in the Farm Bill for our fruit and vegetable growers and helped bring food processing jobs here. What is the biggest challenge our region faces? How would you address it? From meeting with small businesses across southwest Michigan, I know workforce development is key. I have a New Skills for New Jobs agenda to make sure all young people can get the skills they need to succeed, whether they are interested in a four-year degree or a professional skilled trade. Other comments: Our veterans should not have to wait at the back of any line — for health care, housing, education or a good job. I have led efforts to create new community health clinics, co-authored the expanded GI bill, created the Farmer Veteran Program and led legislative efforts for South Haven veteran James McCloughan to be awarded the Medal of Honor.

Leader Publications

Please vote Kim LaSata for State Senate on your August 7th Republican Primary ballot!!

Kim is a devoted wife and mother of four

Kim is an educator and a former “Teacher of the Year”

Kim is a farmer, small business owner, and Farm Bureau member

Kim is a State Representative for Northern Berrien County

Kim on the issues: PRO Life

PRO Education Reform

PRO 2nd Amendment

PRO Workforce Development

PRO Tax Cuts

PRO Auto Insurance Reform

PRO Agriculture

PROUD Republican

The choice of Law Enforcement! Sheriff Rick Behnke Cass County Sheriff Paul Bailey Berrien County Sheriff Brad Balk St. JosephCounty “It’s crucial to elect public officials that will support law enforcement in Lansing. In the 21st State Senate race, there is only one such candidate. Kim LaSata has been a steadfast advocate on our behalf, and with her as our Senator, we will have the support we need to keep our communities, and those who guard them, safe.” - Sheriffs Behnke and Bailey

The ONLY candidate endorsed by: - EVERY Sheriff in the 21st Senate District - Police Officers Association of Michigan - Michigan Fraternal Order of Police - Michigan Chamber of Commerce - Great Lakes Education Project - Michigan Freedom Fund

Honored to also receive: - Michigan Right to Life Endorsement - Small Business Association “Stamp of Approval” - The “2018 Cancer Fighter Award”

Proud to support our President: - The ONLY State Senate candidate to support and endorse President Trump as the Republican nominee in the 2016 election. Contact: 269-849-9860 lasataforstatesenate.com kimberly.lasata@gmail.com Cell: 269.208.0090 • kimberly.lasata@gmail.com

lasataforstatesenate.com Paid for by Kim LaSata for State Senate, PO BOX 495 St. Joseph MI 49085

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