Geoff Thompson Synergistic - Financial Presentations

Geoffrey J. Thompson is a serial entrepreneur and investor residing in Illinois. He is the Chief Executive Officer of Synergistic and Doyen Elements International, Inc., a groundbreaking legal marijuana firm in Pueblo County, CO. Thompson & Synergistic Life's presentations here are primarily advanced financial strategies to help you prepare and excel in retirement. Some of the advanced topics of these presentations include: - Financial Planning for Family Members, Children, and the Elderly - How To Avoid Debt in Homeownership - Protecting Assets as a Business Owner - How To Properly Plan for Health Care Needs in Retirement - How to Maximize Tax-Free Retirement Income - Corporate Buy-Sell Plans - Partnership Buy-Sell Plans - Complete Estate Planning Guides - Benefits of Private Placement Variable Annuities - Planning For Special Needs Children and Adults - Annuity and Life Insurance Planning - Long-Term Care Insurance Options - Reverse Mortgage Tactics - Benefit Planning for Execs