The HKFYG Leadership Institute Prospectus 2020-2021

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Contents 香港青年協會領袖學院簡介 Introduction to The HKFYG Leadership Institute 啟導‧啟動‧啟航 We Inspire‧We Instigate‧We Influence 領袖技巧院校 School of Leadership Skills 傳意溝通院校 School of Communication 環球領袖發展院校 ( 香港青年協會賽馬會環球領袖訓練計劃 ) School of Global Leadership (The HKFYG Jockey Club School of Global Leadership)



全新教師專業發展課程系列 All-new Teacher Professional Development Training Series



營舍活動及訓練 Lodge Activities and Training



全新企業培訓課程 All-new Corporate Training Courses



報名須知 Application Information


惡劣天氣安排 Arrangements in case of Bad Weather


香港青年協會簡介 Introduction to The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups



社會參與院校 School of Public Engagement


中國發展院校 School of China Studies


大專生課程 Courses for Tertiary Students



青協領袖學院曾為本港超過 15 萬名學生領袖提供多元化培訓、交流項目,以及開拓視野的機會。此外,社會 領袖、各界專家及學者亦與青協秉持相同信念,與學員分享他們的寶貴經驗及領導睿智,啟發青年在社會各個 領域上發揮領導角色。領袖學院更與政府部門、企業、學校及專業團體等合作,設計適切實用的學習項目,為 社會建立全方位的人才庫。 More than 150,000 student leaders have undertaken a journey of over 1.3 million leadership training hours in The HKFYG

Leadership Institute, as well as educational instruction, exposures and exchanges. Our leadership provision credentials were further strengthened by the amount of tailored-made external programmes we have carried out for various government bureaux, tertiary institutions, and private corporations.


Our Mission 透過培育香港青年,注入熱誠和社會責任感,確保香港凝聚一群富有領導能力並願意委身服務社會的青年領袖, 為香港未來添上精彩一筆。 To brush colour into Hong Kong’s future by instilling, duty and responsibility to the next generation, ensuring Hong Kong has a talented pool of competent and committed young leaders, ready and able to serve.


The HKFYG Leadership Institute 香港青年協會領袖學院致力為本港培養和訓練高質素的青年領袖人才,以支持和推動香港在二十一世紀的發 展,並為持續成功落實「一國兩制」,奠定更穩固的基礎。領袖學院下設五個院校,重點培訓領袖技巧、提升 傳意溝通、加深認識國家發展、開拓全球視野,以及推動社會參與。


Our Purpose 團結富有能力與充滿熱忱的青年領袖,為香港未來領創新天。 To unite those with a passion and heart to serve, to MAKE WONDERS for Hong Kong.

現座落於前粉嶺裁判法院的領袖學院,外貌展現昔日殖民地時代的優雅建築風格,現活化成為全港首間致力培 訓本地青年的領袖學院。 活化前粉嶺裁判法院項目於 2012 年起展開,經保育及優化設計成為一所結合悠久歷史與現代科技、專注培育 香港青年人才的新地標。其嶄新設施包括模擬立法會演講廳、由前羈留室改建成多功能活動室、多個共用空間, 以及供來訪學者及參加者住宿的營舍和餐廳。





Young leaders nurtured

Training hours

Local secondary schools joining





The HKFYG Leadership Institute builds on 20 years of leadership education and training, echoing the call for "Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong". We provide opportunities and platforms for young people to meet more established, renowned and distinguished leaders to speak and share their stories from different perspectives and industries.

The home of The HKFYG Leadership Institute is the historic former Fanling Magistracy. It comprises the School of Leadership Skills, School of Communication, School of China Studies, School of Global Leadership and School of Public Engagement.

Together, they will nurture Hong Kong youth as morally principled, responsible, civic-minded leaders who contribute positively and innovatively to the building of an inclusive community.

The facility, which was renovated in 2012, seamlessly blends heritage and technology. It features a mock LegCo chamber, multi-

function rooms fashioned from converted jail cells, a common area and restaurants, as well as residences for visiting dignitaries and more.

Using the latest digital technology, which directly speaks to young people, a Mixed Reality game will be available. This will connect the current and the past, allowing for interactive and informative self-guided tours of the historic landmark.



全新落成的營舍樓高兩層,可招待 85 位來自海外和本地的青年領袖及訪問學人,為學員提供課室以外的生活 體驗,有助他們建立社交網絡,以及學習尊重不同文化的生活異同。 A brand-new two-storey hostel is launched for the accommodation of about 85 visiting lecturers and participants. This will allow participants an opportunity to develop closer ties and understanding as they live, work and study together.

香港青年協會領袖學院現正座落於別具歷史價值的 前粉嶺裁判法院,經第三期活化歷史建築伙伴計 劃,展現全新面貌。 領袖學院鄰近港鐵粉嶺站,提供多個多用途的場地 設施以供租用,適合進行會議、產品發布、教育、 創業及培訓活動,以及拍攝場地。我們的會議室、 講室、多用途活動室等場地更可以根據你的需要, 創造「你」想的活動空間。 The home of The HKFYG Leadership Institute is the historic former Fanling Magistracy, revitalised under

the Batch III of Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme.

Located within close proximity to the Fanling MTR station,

the freshly revitalised Institute offers a variety of multifunctional facilities for rental, making it an ideal venue for

seminars, product-launch events, education, start-up and training activities, as well as filming and shooting.

Our venues allow flexible arrangement and layout to accommodate the optimal setting for different needs.






We Inspire We Instigate We Influence 香港青年協會領袖學院致力完善和加強領袖培訓,及早發掘具備領導潛質的青年,助他們培養追求成功的熱忱與 毅力,並具備實踐社會責任的精神。此外,全面培育他們增長學識與智慧、提升公民意識及對社會的承擔。 The HKFYG Leadership Institute is dedicated to taking leadership development to new heights. This begins with identifying young, high-potential talents and instilling in them a thirst for success and a spirit of social responsibility through programmes that stimulate intellectual development, civic-mindedness and a sense of responsibility.


透過富趣味性的短期培訓,啟發及培養 領袖潛能及素質,並提供晉升階梯,讓

Early Assessment

Focusing on Junior Secondary students by


學生有更多機會增值自己。 engaging them in a variety of short, fun-filled

taster programmes to stimulate their interests in leadership skills development.



Professional Training



Execution and Practice



Collaboration and Impact Creation

提升自信心及社會承擔,加強青年由自 我領導到服務他人的心志,理論與實踐 並重。 Strengthening confidence and commitment so that they might have real life application.

透過伙伴協作,共同創建社會效益,一 方面發揮青年回饋社會的熱忱,另方面 作為其他青年的榜樣,以生命影響生命。 Co-creating partnerships based on shared values and visions to both deepen impact and inspire upcoming young talents.

透過領袖基礎課程,協助學生提升自省 能力,反思領導角色,開拓視野。 Identifying and nurturing fundamental

leadership competencies and building on capacities in potential leaders, to enable them to progress further.



Reflection and Evaluation

檢視培訓成效,包括領導能力、個人成長, 以及社會服務;優秀參加者將進一步接受 進階培訓,擴闊視野,全方位培育傑出的 青年領袖。 Appraising impact gained, intellectually and practicality in terms of functionality, personal growth and giving back.




Key Achievements



中學校長曾推薦優秀學生參與課程 Secondary school principals nominated outstanding students to join our programmes or courses

大學曾有學生參與我們的課程 Local universities joined our programmes or courses


School of Leadership Skills 為本港高、小學生,以至青年行政人員提供基礎領袖培訓課程,包括領袖體驗課程及領袖歷奇課程,建立領袖技巧。 The School engages young people, from primary school to young executives, in an exciting foundation programmes built around taster workshops and leadership-oriented adventure training.




Outstanding Alumni Testimonials 黎玉瑩


聖公會陳融中學 中六


Jenny Lai Secondary 6, SKH Chan Young Secondary School


Participated in the following training by the HKFYG Leadership Institute 2018 2019 2019

領袖基礎訓練課程 Leadership Foundation Course 「高鐵青年號」創科體驗行 Youth High Speed Rail Trip 《香港 200》領袖計劃 “Hong Kong 200” Leadership Project

參加領袖基礎課程令我明白到一個團隊應該如何互相配合及帶領,同時亦讓我明白到一個 領袖應有的責任及態度。課程不但提升了自己的自信心,更增強了解難能力及演說能力等。 令我印象最深刻的是「Leaders to Leaders」這個活動,通過與出色海外青年領袖的交流,擴 闊了我的眼界及視野。他們的分享更是鼓勵我要勇於嘗試,運用自己的能力去幫助社會上 有需要的人。 Participating in the Leadership Foundation Course allowed me not only to understand how to lead and collaborate with a team, but to also realise the responsibility and attitude essential to being a leader. The Course enhanced my self-confidence and different leadership skills such as in problem solving and public speaking. What impressed me most is “Leaders-to-Leaders”, in which I broadened my horizons through interacting with outstanding global young leaders, by whom I was also encouraged and inspired to try and utilise my skills to help those in need.


Carrie Lam 聖公會李福慶中學 中六

Secondary 6, SKH Li Fook Hing Secondary School


Participated in the following training by the HKFYG Leadership Institute 2018 2019 2019

領袖基礎訓練課程 Leadership Foundation Course 「高鐵青年號」創科體驗行 Youth High Speed Rail Trip 《香港 200》領袖計劃 “Hong Kong 200” Leadership Project

領袖學院的活動讓我的校外生活添上更多色彩。參加領袖基礎課程讓我學到演講技巧、面 對不同情況的應變技巧、作為領袖應有的特質,例如主動性、耐性及團隊合作等。課程亦 提高了我的時事觸覺,讓我了解到更多世界各地面臨的問題等等。感謝學院讓我有機會可 以學習和經歷更多,豐富人生。我希望可以繼續學習更多,把所學的分享給身邊的人,為 社會作出改變。 The HKFYG Leadership Institute coloured up my life after school. The Leadership Foundation Course increased my public speaking skills, adaptability to various situations and different leadership qualities such as initiative, patience, team work, etc. The Course also enhanced my sense of current affairs which allowed me to understand more about the challenges encountered around the world. I am so grateful that the Institute has provided me with so many life-enriching opportunities to learn and experience. I hope to learn more and share my experience with others to bring about changes in society.


Vanessa Cheung Year 2, Bachelor of Business Administration in Corporate Governance, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong


Participated in the following training by the HKFYG Leadership Institute 2010

《香港 200》領袖計劃 “Hong Kong 200” Leadership Project

香港青年協會領袖學院是一個見證我成長及蛻變的地方。《香港 200》領袖計劃使我明白到 作為一名領袖要學會聆聽和接納不同意見及回饋社會。同時,領袖亦要有創意思維,敢於 創新,嘗試用不同的方法來解決問題。計劃使我了解到社會創新和社會企業是解決社會問 題的新方式,亦讓我有着目標及自信去創立自己的社創事業,以關愛社會為長遠目標。 The HKFYG Leadership Institute is a place that stimulated and witnessed my growth and transformation. The “Hong Kong 200” Leadership Project helped me realise the importance of active listening and of welcoming different ideas in order to contribute to our society. At the same time, leaders should possess creative mindset and embrace innovation to solve problems in different ways. The Project taught me that social innovation is a new way to solve social problems and encouraged me to set up my own social business with love and care as a long-term target.


Michael Fung 香港科技大學綜合系列與設計學部科技領導及創業碩士研究生

Mphil in Technology Leadership and Entrepreneurship Division of Integrated System and Design, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Participated in the following training by the HKFYG Leadership Institute 2008

暑期青年領袖訓練學校 Summer School for Effective Leadership


《香港 200》領袖計劃 “Hong Kong 200” Leadership Project

2010 中四參加的《香港 200》 領袖計劃,對我的正面影響直到現在。現在我依然保持「為 香港添上一筆」 的熱誠,大學畢業後我開展社會企業的項目,希望以科技改善殘疾人士及 長者的日常生活。新冠病情的疫情下我集合領袖學院的學員,一起為社會有需要的社群籌 集及派發抗疫物資;我亦為領袖學院計劃擔任義務指導員,希望將服務香港的熱誠一直延 續至新的學員。 I joined the “Hong Kong 200” Leadership Project when I was in Form 4 in 2010 and the Project still has a positive influence on me to this day. The motto “Brushing colour into Hong Kong Future” ignited my passion and I started my own social enterprise after university to assist the elderly and people with disabilities in their daily lives through technology. During the pandemic, I gathered alumni of the Institute to collect and distribute relief materials to those in need. I am also honoured to be a voluntary trainer for training organised by the Institute to pass on my passion and spirit to the new participants.


TP-LPT 002


Team Problem Solving Challenge - Jail Cell 參加者將會走進活化囚室進行個人解難能力及團隊解難挑 戰,學習創意解難的理論與步驟,並於「個人解決問題能 力」分析環節中獲得相關分析報告,讓參加者認識自己的 解難能力。 Participants will take problem solving aptitude tests and team challenges in the revitalised jail cell to learn key theories and steps of creative problem solving. They will also acquire analysis report in the “Personal Problem-solving Capability” assessment session to understand their capacity in problemsolving. 香港青年協會領袖學院 The HKFYG Leadership Institute 18/10/2020 ( 星期六 Saturday)、 28/02/2021 ( 星期六 Saturday) 廣東話 Cantonese


Taster Programme Series TP-TAI 001




Programme Designer & Executive

Personal Expression Enhancement – Public Speaking

導師將會列舉不同設計及帶領活動過程所出現的問題, 作深入討論及解說,並且在自我實驗室嘗試帶領小組活 動,及提供即場回饋。


W 世代 M 思維

Wellness Generation & Mindfulness 透過學習相關的概念、技巧及測試,建立參加者的全健 思維及靜觀正念,並且察覺自己各方面的領導表現。 To build up participants’ wellness & mindfulness mindset and recognise their leadership performance through learning different concepts, techniques and wellness test. 香港青年協會領袖學院 The HKFYG Leadership Institute S1 – S5

透過虛擬實境 (Virtual Reality) 學習公眾演說的技巧,並與熱 衷及擅長演說的參加者進行小組特訓。

Case studies will be conducted to enhance participants’ practical skills on challenges in the process of group debriefing and discussions. Participants will also have the opportunity to lead group activities in Self-Lab with instant performance feedback.

VR (Virtual Reality) will be deployed to practise public speaking. Participants will also receive intensive group training with passionate and young public speakers. 香港青年協會領袖學院 / 香港青年協會大廈 The HKFYG Leadership Institute/ The HKFYG Building

香港青年協會領袖學院 The HKFYG Leadership Institute

S1 – S5

S3 – S5

24/10/2020 ( 星期六 Saturday)、 21/02/2021 ( 星期六 Saturday)

14/11/2020 ( 星期六 Saturday)、 13/03/2021 ( 星期六 Saturday)


廣東話 Cantonese



18/10/2020 ( 星期日 Sunday)、 28/02/2021 ( 星期日 Sunday)

Personal Expression Enhancement – Communication Walker

廣東話 Cantonese

參加者將會透過不同活動探索個人接收訊息與發放訊息的 模式、練習各種溝通技巧及改善溝通盲點。 Participants will explore their individual communication mode, practising different communication skills and avoiding communication blindspots through different exercises. 香港青年協會領袖學院 The HKFYG Leadership Institute S1 – S5 08/11/2020 ( 星期日 Sunday)、 06/03/2021 ( 星期六 Saturday) 廣東話 Cantonese



TP-LPT 003

TP-FTT 001



Team Building Leadership Day Camp - Brand New Adventure-based Training

TTeam Building Leadership Half-day Camp - Digital Adventure-based Training

參加者將會參與全新設計的團隊合作、解難及溝通挑戰項目, 掌握成功團隊概念及重點,並了解自己與別人合作、溝通及解 難情況。參加者亦會於「多元領導能力」分析環節中獲得相關 能力及 360 互評報告。 Participants will be joining newly designed challenges of team building, problem-solving and communication to understand concepts and key points of successful teamwork and learn about collaboration, communication and problem-solving in different circumstances. 香港青年協會領袖學院 The HKFYG Leadership Institute S2 – S5 22/11/2020 ( 星期日 Sunday)、 24/01/2021 ( 星期日 Sunday) 廣東話 Cantonese

參加者會進行團隊策略思維挑戰比賽及個人能力測試,並 以科技裝置量度個人不同能力表現。參加者亦會即時獲得 個人能力評估結果及「團隊策略思維」分析報告。

TP-LES 002

社會實驗—$9 的力量

Social Experiment - The Power of $9 透過小組討論、活動反思,參加者將會探索如何利用 $9 資本創造無限資源,並思考價值觀與現實有所差異時如 何取捨。 Participants will be exploring how $9 can create an outcome of unlimited resources and learning to make decisions when faced with differing values of reality. 香港青年協會領袖學院 The HKFYG Leadership Institute S3 – S5 09/08/2020 ( 星期日 Sunday)、 12/12/2020 ( 星期六 Saturday) 廣東話 Cantonese

Participants will be joining team work strategic thinking challenge and personal aptitude test and utilise technology gadgets to measure one’s different abilities. Instantaneous personal aptitude assessment result and “Team Work Strategic Thinking” assessment report will be generated at the same time. 香港青年協會領袖學院 The HKFYG Leadership Institute S2 – S5 05/12/2020 ( 星期六 Saturday)、 10/04/2021 ( 星期六 Saturday) 廣東話 Cantonese


吾係法官 Mr Judge

以主題式導賞、團體活動及角色扮演介紹香港司法制度的基 本運作及闡明法治的基本概念。 The Course introduces the daily operation of a court and the Hong Kong Judiciary System through group activities and role play. Participants will also simulate real-world scenarios to test and challenge their understanding of the concepts of the Rule of Law. 香港青年協會領袖學院 The HKFYG Leadership Institute S1 – S5 26/09/2020 ( 星期六 Saturday)、 07/03/2021 ( 星期日 Sunday) 廣東話 Cantonese

TP-LET 001


Cultural Detective 利用混合實境 (Mixed Reality) 技術及解難活動,偵破穿 越古代奇案,從中透過合作、分析、辯證及團隊協商, 提升參加者的邏輯思考能力。 Participants will be solving a historical detective case with the use of Mixed Reality technology and problem-solving activities. Through collaboration, analysis, dialectical process and team discussion, participants’ logical skills will be enhanced. 香港青年協會領袖學院 The HKFYG Leadership Institute S2 – S5 31/10/2020 ( 星期六 Saturday)、 30/01/2021 ( 星期六 Saturday) 廣東話 Cantonese




Professional Lesdership Training Series for Students LF-GLO 001/ LF-SOC 001

領袖基礎訓練課程—環球篇 / 領袖基礎訓練課程—社會篇

Leadership Foundation Course - Global Series/ Leadership Foundation Course - Social Series 課程由本地青年領袖教授,涵蓋自我理解,領袖理論及 影響和世界各地的個案分析及經驗,並且由參加者設計 和執行對學校有意義的項目,激發他們回饋學校的熱情, 並啟發他們服務社會的承諾。 The Courses will be conducted by local young leaders and will cover self-understanding, leadership theories and influences, and global case studies. Participants will also design and executive meaningful school projects to ignite their passion for contributing to their schools and to inspire them to be committed to serving our society. 香港青年協會領袖學院 The HKFYG Leadership Institute S3 – S6 10/2020 – 02/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed) 廣東話 Cantonese


「破解危機.激發潛能」領袖訓練 證書課程

Hack the Crisis•Beyond Insights - Leadership Certificate Course 透過模擬危機情景、案例分析及全面知識探索,讓參加 者學習管理自己的情緒和改善人際關係的能力,並且鍛 練個人在不利或高逆環境中仍能處之泰然及勇於面對的 態度,發揮內在潛能,克服挑戰。 Through simulation of risk situations, case studies and knowledge exploration, participants will learn how to manage their emotions and improve their interpersonal relationships. Attitudes to be calm and bold under unfavourable situations will also be nurtured so as to unveil their potential to overcome challenges.

i-Leader 系列 i-Leader Series IL 001 NEW


以網上講堂形式,結合理論、案例和數據分析,讓學生了 解作為領袖的態度、知識與技能。 Through the combination of theories, cases studies and data analyses, participants will learn about the knowledge, skills and attitudes of being a leader during online lectures S1 – S6 10/2020 – 06/2021 廣東話 Cantonese


透過網上互動學習,讓參加者練習在不同的校內領袖崗位 所需的領袖技巧,並檢視掌握程度。 Participants will polish their leadership skills in different leadership positions within the school context and review their learning progress through online interactive learning. S2 – S6 10/2020 – 06/2021 廣東話 Cantonese

香港青年協會領袖學院 The HKFYG Leadership Institute S1 – S6 10/2020 – 02/2021 廣東話 Cantonese

LD 001 NEW

Leadership Deal 桌上遊戲領袖訓練

LF-HK200 2020

Leadership Deal – Board Game Experience in Leadership Training

HSBC Future Skills Development Project – “Hong Kong 200” Leadership Project 2020

透過全新設計的桌上遊戲提升參加者的未來技能,讓他們 多角度思考,了解社會各持份者的角色和潛力,並且培育 正面的價值觀,提升參加者為社會創造價值的意識。

滙豐未來技能培訓計劃—《香港 200》領袖計劃 2020

為具卓越潛質的中學生提供更全面、專業、具有前瞻性的領袖培訓體驗,以迎接未來挑戰及協助他們堅負推動社會 發展的任務。核心培訓內容涵蓋各項社會議題,著重個人與社會、現在與未來的聯繫。

A newly designed board game will be deployed to enhance participants’ future skills and their understanding of the roles and potential of different stakeholders by multi-perspective thinking. The course will also nurture participants’ positive values and raise their awareness of social value creation.

The Project provides a comprehensive, professional and forward-looking leadership training experience for Secondary School students with outstanding potential to meet future challenges, in order to help them to shoulder the task of promoting social development. The training content covers various social issues, focusing on the relationship between individuals and society and the connection between the present and the future. 香港青年協會領袖學院 The HKFYG Leadership Institute S4 – S6 12/2020 – 08/2021 廣東話 Cantonese


IL 002 NEW


Innovative Leadership Training Series

S2 – S6 10/2020 – 06/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed) 廣東話 Cantonese



Key Achievements 超過 Over

超過 Over

25,000 80%


Nurtured over

中學生曾參與院校活動及訓練 participants

全港中學曾參與院校活動及訓練 Hong Kong secondary schools reached


名英語大使宣傳及訓練英語演說 English Ambassadors


School of Communication 培訓青年領袖運用不同渠道及媒體,進行具效能及效率的友善溝通。讓他們廣泛地應用傳意溝通能力,協助個人 成長及服務社會。 Teaching how to communicate effectively, efficiently and empathetically, while also teaching how to listen, discern and act, the School looks at communication within its widest contexts. The skills learnt are for personal development and serving society.




Outstanding Alumni Testimonials 曾慶倫

Alexander Tsang 拔萃男書院 中六

Secondary 6, Diocesan Boys’ School


Participated in the following training by the HKFYG Leadership Institute 2016 2016 2018

香港青年協會英語演講比賽 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups English Public Speaking Contest 楊鐵樑爵士英語大使計劃 Sir Ti Liang Yang English Language Ambassadors Outreach Programme 《香港 200》領袖計劃 “Hong Kong 200” Leadership Project

香港青年協會英語演講比賽為我們提供了一個良好的入門與訓練平台,更讓我提升了自我 表達的信心。參加比賽亦讓我有機會認識興趣相同的朋友,透過觀察朋輩的演講,學習他 們在講台上說服聽眾的技巧,並且與他們交換意見,領略到演講者要從聽眾的角度思考, 讓聽眾能夠吸收到講者要傳達的信息。總括而言,整個演說學堂增加了我的溝通技巧,在 學業上甚至報考大學時都能應用得到,並獲得很好的回報。青協領袖學院更令我機會涉獵 其他領袖領域,積極裝備自己。 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups English Public Speaking Contest offered us a good fundamental training platform which enhanced my self-confidence in expressing my ideas. The Contest also created opportunities for me to meet friends with similar interests. Through peer observation, I improved my skills in convincing the audiences, the way to construct my speech and my verbal and non-verbal communication so that the audiences can understand my message more clearly. All in all, the Speaking Studio has polished my communication skills which greatly benefits my academic development and university applications. I am glad that the Institute has also given me exposure in other leadership areas, thus enabling me to further equip myself.

Ariel Yau 香港華人基督教聯會真道書院 中三

Secondary 3, The Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union Logos Academy


Participated in the following training by the HKFYG Leadership Institute 2018

學生體驗活動個人表達提升 ─ 公眾演說 Taster Programme Personal Expression Enhancement – Public Speaking 香港青年協會英語演講比賽賽前英語演說訓練班 Pre-Contest Training of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups English Public Speaking Contest

2018 - 2020 香港青年協會英語演講比賽 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups English Public Speaking Contest 參加由青協領袖學院舉辦的香港青年協會英語演講比賽及賽前英語演說工作坊後,我學會 從不同的角度看待事情,並且透過構建自己的演說,改善自己在公眾演說中的弱點。比賽 亦提升我的自信心,克服恐懼的障礙,為我帶來很多有趣體驗和新思維的機會。 After participating in The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups English Public Speaking Contest and its pre-Contest training courses organised by the Institute, I learnt to see things differently and my weaknesses in public speaking were greatly improved through constructing my speech. The Contest has also built up my self-confidence, helped me overcome my fear and offered me many interesting experience and new opportunities.


HSBC Future Skills Development Project – Speaking Studio SS-MCT 001 NEW


Effective MC Skills 課程旨在提升參加者演說及主持技巧,並且增強他們慎 思明辨及邏輯思維能力。課程亦設實習安排鞏固參加者 的學習成果,完成課程後優秀表現學員更有機會獲邀成 為活動主持。 The Course aims to enhance participants’ public speaking, event hosting, critical thinking and logical skills. Practicum will be arranged to consolidate participants’ learning outcomes. 香港青年協會領袖學院 / 香港青年協會大廈 The HKFYG Leadership Institute / The HKFYG Building S1 – S5 10/2020 – 01/2021




廣東話及英語 Cantonese and English

SS-PSE 002/ SS-PSI 002

公眾演說培訓 (初級班)/ 公眾演說培訓 (高級班)

Public Speaking Training (Elementary)/ Public Speaking Training (Intermediate) 活動旨在培育參賽者的英語演說技巧及提升他們的自信 心。比賽由專業人士評估參賽者表現,參賽者賽後會即 場獲得評審的意見,比賽勝出者更有機會代表香港參與 全國及國際英語演說比賽。 This Programme aims to cultivate Contestants’ English public speaking skills and enhance their self-confidence. Professionals will be invited to assess Contestants’ performance. Contestants will receive their comments on-site. Winners of the Contest will have the opportunity to represent Hong Kong to participate in National and International Contests. 香港青年協會領袖學院 / 香港青年協會大廈 The HKFYG Leadership Institute / The HKFYG Building S1 – S6 10/2020 – 01/2021 英語 English



Effective Communication Training Series

香港青年協會英語演講比賽 2021

The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups English Public Speaking Contest 2021 活動旨在培育參賽者的英語演說技巧及提升他們的自信 心。比賽由專業人士評估參賽者表現,參賽者賽後會即 場獲得評審的意見,比賽勝出者更有機會代表香港參與 全國及國際英語演說比賽。 This Programme aims to cultivate Contestants’ English public speaking skills and enhance their self-confidence. Professionals will be invited to assess Contestants’ performance. Contestants will receive their comments on-site. Winners of the Contest will have the opportunity to represent Hong Kong to participate in National and International Contests.


Dialogues with Foreigners

Train-the-Trainers for English Public Speaking 課程提供專業演說及導師訓練,培育新一代的青年英語 演說導師,課程亦有實習環節鞏固學習成效。

Through direct interaction and communication with foreigners, participants will have more time and opportunities to apply, practise and enhance their oral English skills.

This Course offers professional public speaking and trainers training to nurture a new generation of young public speaking trainers. Practicum will also be arranged to let participants consolidate and apply their knowledge.

香港青年協會領袖學院 / 香港青年協會大廈 The HKFYG Leadership Institute / The HKFYG Building

香港青年協會領袖學院 / 香港青年協會大廈 The HKFYG Leadership Institute / The HKFYG Building

S1 – S6

S4 – S6

10/2020 – 02/2021

02/2021 – 04/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed)

廣東話及英語 Cantonese and English

廣東話及英語 Cantonese and English


青年國際議會 SC-EIS 001 NEW

S1 – S6

Effective Interview Skills

英語 English


課程主要提升參加者於不同情景中的面試技巧,提升他 們的自信心,並為未來的面試作好準備。 This Course aims to enhance participants’ interview skills in different contexts so as to increase their self-confidence and help them prepare for future challenges. 香港青年協會領袖學院 The HKFYG Leadership Institute S4 – S6 10/2020 – 12/2020 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed) 廣東話及英語 Cantonese and English



透過與外籍人士直接溝通交流,參加者能有更多時間運 用英語溝通,增進英語說話技巧。

香港青年協會領袖學院 / 香港青年協會大廈 The HKFYG Leadership Institute / The HKFYG Building 10/2020 ( 報名日期 Date of Registration) 01/2021 – 02/2021 ( 比賽日期 Date of Contest)

Professional Speaking Training Series



SC-EPS 2021


Youth Global Council 以不同學習模式、參加者的互相討論及與不同地域和專 業的傑出青年分享,啟發參加者以創新精神提出改變社 會的方案,並提升他們有效溝通、慎思明辨及創意解難 等未來技能。 Through different learning modes, discussions among participants and sharing sessions by global young leaders from different fields, participants will be inspired to create innovative solutions to improve the society. Their future skills, such as effective communication, critical thinking, creativity problem solving will be enhanced as well. 香港青年協會領袖學院 The HKFYG Leadership Institute S3 – S6 04/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed) 廣東話及英語 Cantonese and English



Key Achievements 超過 Over



環球領袖發展院校 ( 香港青年協會賽馬會環球領袖訓練計劃 )

名香港青年曾參與院校活動 Hong Kong young people participated


Global Leaders have been invited since 2016


參加者建議其他人參加 Participants recommended their friends to join the event organised by the School

School of Global Leadership

(The HKFYG Jockey Club School of Global Leadership) 培育環球青年領袖,不僅認識世界、就共同議題探索全球性的解決方案,並可不分國家、種族、宗教,以及語言 障礙,建立更具包容度的全球視野。 To understand the world, to seek global solutions for common issues, to develop an inclusive perspective that cuts across national, ethnic, religious and linguistic boundaries is what the School stands for.




Outstanding Alumni Testimonials 林善雅

Cynthia Lam 香港大學內外全科醫學士五年級 Year 5, The Faculty of Medicine, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, The University of Hong Kong


Participated in the following training by the HKFYG Leadership Institute 2018

Leaders to Leaders 海外學徒計劃 Leaders to Leaders Overseas Apprenticeship

很榮幸青協領袖學院讓我有機會到加拿大的 Lucky Iron Fish 擔任海外學徒。透過 Leaders to Leaders 能夠與環球青年領袖對話,我學會了很多關於營運一個社會企業的竅門,如何評核 成效的技巧,這是一個很值得的經驗。 I am very grateful to be chosen by the Institute to be an overseas apprentice in Lucky Iron Fish, a renowned social enterprise in Canada. It has been a rewarding experience participating in the “Leaders to Leaders” programme because we got to talk to global leaders and learn so much about entrepreneurship and impact assessment.


Global Leaders Exchange Series SGL-OW 001 NEW


Global Leader Online Webinar


Nathaniel Chan 項目經理—亞洲協會香港中心

Programme Manager – Asia Society Hong Kong Center


Participated in the following training by the HKFYG Leadership Institute 2019

全球論壇 Global Seminar

全球論壇連繫全球跨界別的青年領袖,於「和平號」上探討聯合國可持續發展目標的不同 議題,我被選為其中一名香港代表,參加了一系列由聯合國世界糧食計劃署前管理層及年 輕創業家等主持的研討會,內容由有效談判至系統思維等,讓我在現職國際非政府組織中 發揮所長,並應用所得到的啟發和知識於工作中。我會向所有有抱負的香港年輕領袖推薦 全球論壇,因為論壇不僅能培育香港的未來棟樑,更能在現在國際間緊張的氛圍推動全球 協作的正面意識。 The Global Seminar connected global young leaders from different sectors with one another to discuss various issues of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals on Peace Boat. I was chosen as a delegate to represent Hong Kong and participated in a series of seminars conducted by professionals such as the former executive from the United Nations World Food Programme and some leading young entrepreneurs, as well as workshops ranging from negotiations to systems thinking. The key takeaways from these learning sessions greatly strengthened my abilities and are still keen insights I utilise and apply today in my work at an international NGO. I would highly recommend the Global Seminar to all aspiring young leaders in Hong Kong as it not only nurtures the movers and shakers of Hong Kong's future, but also fosters an atmosphere and mentality of global cooperation at a time when our globe is being pulled apart at the seams by nationalistic tensions.

由環球青年領袖啟發參加者理解環球最新的趨勢及正面 的社會影響,讓參加者反思現時如何在本地和國際間不 同範圍下帶領及實踐可持續發展,例如社區,生活、商 業及社會價值。網絡研討會後設有後續練習鞏固參加者 的學習進度。 Participants will learn from global young leaders to acquire an understanding of the latest global trends and positive social impacts. Participants will reflect on how to lead and practise sustainable development in local and international contexts and from different perspectives such as community, daily living, commercial and social values. 香港青年協會領袖學院 / 香港青年協會大廈 The HKFYG Leadership Institute / The HKFYG Building S1 – S6 11/2020 – 03/2021


Leaders to Leaders 由具影力的環球青年領袖介紹不同本地及國際例子,提升 參加者的國際視野、創新思維、創意精神及對社會的責任 感,並聯繫環球與本港的青年領袖,互相啟發及協作。 Influential global young leaders are invited to share different local and international examples which enhances participants’ global vision, creativity, innovation and social responsibilities. The Programme also connects global young leaders with local young leaders in order to collaborate and co-create. 香港青年協會領袖學院 / 香港青年協會大廈 The HKFYG Leadership Institute / The HKFYG Building 公眾 Public 11/2020 – 01/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed) 英語或普通話 English or Putunghaua

英語 ( 附中英文字幕 ) English (With Chinese and English subtitles)



Global Issue Forum Series 由國際關係專家教授,透過不同最新議題讓參加者探討 和了解國際關係,鼓勵參加者成為良好及有責任感的世 界公民。


Understanding Global Issue Series 28

SS-MCT 001

Led by experts in International Relations, participants will discuss various international issues and acquire an understanding of international relations so that they can be encouraged to be good global citizens with social responsibilities. 香港青年協會領袖學院 / 香港青年協會大廈 The HKFYG Leadership Institute / The HKFYG Building S3 – S5 02/2021 – 03/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed) 廣東話或英語 Cantonese or English * 此課程並不屬於香港賽馬會信託慈善基金贊助項目 This Course is not included in the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Sponsorship Project



Outstanding Alumni Testimonials 王耿城

James Wong 香港大學歷史和翻譯系四年級

Year 4, Faculty of Arts (History and Translation), The University of Hong Kong


Participated in the following training by the HKFYG Leadership Institute 2014- 2015

總領袖生訓練證書課程 Certification Course for Head Prefects


文化保育大使計劃 Cultural Ambassadors Programme

文化保育大使的訓練能夠讓我提升口才,也讓我發揮所長,用歷史研究的手法準備景點的 資料,又可以從翻譯學到的技巧包裝自己的內容,切合不同的聽眾。這計劃亦讓我有份令 法院重生,令更多人認識、記得和欣賞這棟建築。 Being a cultural ambassador enhanced my speaking skills and allowed me to prepare information of the site from a historical research perspective. I also learnt how to utilise translation skills to refine the content to suit different audiences. I am so grateful to be part of the revitalisation project that lets more people understand, remember and admire this historical building.


School of Public Engagement 凝聚青年領袖發揮積極影響力,並以身作則成為楷模,鼓勵其他青年合力改善社會。 The School engages young people to make a positive social impact, serve as role models, inspire others' efforts and improve society.

Debbie Wong 香港中文大學政治及行政學系二年級

Year 2, Faculty of Government and Public Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Participated in the following training by the HKFYG Leadership Institute 2018 2018


Special Achievements 接觸超過 Over


27 2,000

名市民 citizens reached out

位本地年輕新晉領袖受嘉許 Young Emerging Leaders Honoured

超過 Over



文化保育大使計劃 Cultural Ambassadors Programme 《香港 200》領袖計劃 “Hong Kong 200” Leadership Project

我學到要細心考慮導賞對象的需要及靈活運用表達技巧,提高參與導賞團的家庭、學生及 成年人的興趣,讓他們更認識這所前粉嶺裁判法院。例如對小朋友同家庭,我會簡化用字 及歷史部分,用相對生動的故事及語調去介紹,而學生和成年人就會分享多點學術性的內 容,例如法院的建築特色及歷史等。 I learnt to thoroughly consider the target of guided tours and to flexibly utilise presentation skills to arouse the interest of visitors such as families, students and adults in learning about the revitalised former Fanling Magistracy. For example, I would simplify the wordings and historical facts when serving children and families and replace complicated information with interactive stories told in a more interesting tone; whereas for students and adults I would share more from an academic point of view and cover content such as the building characteristics and history.

人參與導賞服務 people joined our guided tour services



Cultural Leaders Series SPE-CAP 002


Cultural Ambassadors Programme 透過系統化的培訓及文化保育,鼓勵青年為社區做出貢獻,傳承香港歷史及保育傳統文化。計劃 亦培養參加者對不同對象的談吐、口才和應變力,提升他們的演講和溝通技巧。 Through systematic training and cultural preservation, young people will be encouraged to promote Hong Kong history and preserve traditional culture. The Programme also focuses on participants’ talking style and adaptability to changes so as to enhance their speaking and communication skills. 香港青年協會領袖學院 The HKFYG Leadership Institute S4 – S6


School of China Studies

11/2020 – 01/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed)


廣東話 Cantonese

The School offers young people a window on development and opportunities in mainland China while placing the role of leadership for national development within a global context.



Youth Diplomat Programme 讓青年領袖認識外交事務,加深認識中國在全球影響下 的發展格局。


Volunteer Training Series SPE-VLT 001 NEW


Volunteer Leadership Training Programme 透過多元和專業培訓,推動參加者社會服務學習,讓參加者主導設計及執行社會服務。參加者 更可從中提升未來技能及就業能力。 The Programme encourages young people to acquire learning experience through proactively designing and executing social service projects through multi-perspective and professional training. Participants will also enhance their future skills and employability.

The Programme introduces young leaders to foreign affairs to help them gain a deeper understanding of China in the world. 香港青年協會領袖學院 The HKFYG Leadership Institute S1 – S5 03/2021 廣東話 Cantonese



Mainland Exchange 讓青年通過親身體驗,探索內地發展機遇和挑戰。 The Exchange provides the platform for direct visits and experiences, to see the opportunities and challenges offered by the Mainland and Hong Kong. 內地 Mainland S1 – S5 04/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed) 普通話 Putonghua

香港青年協會領袖學院 The HKFYG Leadership Institute S3 – S6 10/2020 – 02/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed) 廣東話 Cantonese




Professional Training for Youth Leadership Trainers Series SLS—TTT 006


Train-the-Trainers Programme


Courses for Tertiary Students

課程旨在認識不同種類的領袖理論及課程設計,培訓參 加者成為學院的青年領袖培訓導師。課程設有必修與選 修兩部份,讓參加者透過不同學習模式,明白不同課堂 的運作方式、教師風格及學生特色。 This Programme aims to nurture young leadership trainers of the Institute through educating participants on various leadership theories and curriculum design. The Programme consists of compulsory and elective courses to enable participants to understand various types of classroom operation, teaching styles and student characteristics through different learning modes. 香港青年協會領袖學院 The HKFYG Leadership Institute 大專學生 Tertiary Students 09/2020 – 03/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed) 廣東話 Cantonese

SLS—FDS 2020

滙豐未來技能培訓計劃—滙豐財經領 袖對話系列 2020 HSBC Future Skills Development Project – HSBC Financial Dialogue Series 2020

系列透過與知名領袖及財經專家互動,以及通過個案研 究工作坊,認識有關全球金融發展趨勢及獲取其他相關 金融知識。系列更有助參加者慎思明辨、了解商業倫理 和社會責任,藉此解決金融問題,並以專業人士對話互動 方式訓練其溝通技巧及通過個案分析進而實踐相關知識。 The Series will include interactive dialogue sessions with prestigious leaders and financial experts, followed by the exclusive accelerated learning programme. Participants will recognise and acquire the relevant knowledge on global financial trends and issues, apply critical thinking skills, business ethics and social responsibilities to address such financial issues, develop effective communication skills through presenting in front of and networking with professionals, and deepen their knowledge through practical capstone project studies. 香港青年協會領袖學院 The HKFYG Leadership Institute

未來技能訓練系列 Future Skills Training Series 34

主修金融、工商管理及經濟等學系的商科本地大學學生 Local university students and HSBC Scholars in the discipline of finance, business and economics 09/2020 – 03/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed) 廣東話及英語 Cantonese and English




Effective Communication Training Series SS-PSA 001

Global Leaders Exchange Series SGL-LTL F



公眾演說培訓 ( 高級班 )

Leaders to Leaders

Public Speaking Training (Intermediate) 透過多元化教學增強參加者的公眾演說技巧,並提升他 們的英語說話水平,讓參加者可在不同的環境下有自信 地進行演說。 This Course aims to enhance participants’ public speaking and English speaking skills through diversified training. Participants will be able to confidently perform public speaking under different circumstances. 香港青年協會領袖學院 / 香港青年協會大廈 The HKFYG Leadership Institute / The HKFYG Building 大專學生 Tertiary Students 10/2020 – 01/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed) 英語 English

SC-TTT 001

由具影響力的環球青年領袖介紹不同本地及國際例子,提升 參加者的國際視野、創新思維、創意精神及對社會的責任 感,並聯繫環球與本港的青年領袖,互相啟發及協作。



Train-the-Trainers for Speaking 課程旨在認識不同種類的領袖理論及課程設計,培訓參 加者成為學院的公眾演說培訓導師。課程設有必修與選 修兩部份,讓參加者透過不同學習模式,明白不同課堂 的運作方式、教師風格及學生特色。 This Programme aims to nurture young public speaking trainers of the Institute through educating participants on various leadership theories and curriculum design. The Programme consists of compulsory and elective courses to enable participants to understand various types of classroom operation, teaching styles and student characteristics through different learning modes. 香港青年協會領袖學院 The HKFYG Leadership Instituteg

SC-EIS 002



Effective Interview Skills 課程主要提升參加者於不同情景中的面試技巧,提升他 們的自信心,並為未來的面試作好準備。 This Course aims to enhance participants’ interview skills in different contexts so as to increase their self-confidence and help them prepare for future challenges. 香港青年協會領袖學院 The HKFYG Leadership Instituteg 大專學生 Tertiary Students 10/2020 – 12/2020 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed) 廣東話及英語 Cantonese and English


大專學生 Tertiary Students

Influential global young leaders are invited to share different local and international examples which enhances participants’ global vision, creativity, innovation and social responsibilities. The Programme also connects global young leaders with local young leaders in order to collaborate and co-create. 香港青年協會領袖學院 / 香港青年協會大廈 / 到校服務 The HKFYG Leadership Institute / The HKFYG Building / School visits 公眾 Public 11/2020 – 01/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed) 英語 English


Understanding Global Issue Series

09/2020 – 03/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed)


英語 English

Global Issue Forum Series


由國際關係專家教授,透過不同最新議題讓參加者探討和了 解國際關係,鼓勵參加者成為良好及有責任感的世界公民。 Led by experts in International Relations, participants will discuss various international issues and acquire an understanding of international relations so that they can be encouraged to be good global citizens with social responsibilities. 香港青年協會領袖學院 / 香港青年協會大廈 The HKFYG Leadership Institute / The HKFYG Building 大專學生 Tertiary Students 02/2021 – 03/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed) 廣東話 Cantonese



Creative Team Experience Series TT-SLS-LSP 001


LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Experience Workshop 透過了解和體驗最新的創意啟發工具,學習自省過程, 並提升教師的解說技巧。

全新教師專業發展課程系列 All-new Teacher Professional Development Training Series

21 世紀的社會,教師在教學及個人發展上均面對不同類型的挑戰,對於各項培訓的需求日增。香港青年協會領 袖學院特別推出全新的教師培訓課程系列,擴闊教師的教學視野,鞏固專業知識、提升教學技巧、並發揮領導才 能,以配合學校教程和照顧學生需要。 學院的培訓課程系統化及多元化,結合理論學習和實踐活動,生動有趣,靈活多變,適合不同年資的教師:從建 立目標、提升創意思維、形象樹立及團隊合作等方面,進行有系統的指導和訓練,全方位增強教師的心理素質和 實際操作的能力,令到他們在學校的教學更有成效。 Teachers are facing different challenges in teaching and personal development in the 21st century which have created a huge demand for different kinds of professional training. The HKFYG Leadership Institute has launched the all-new Teacher Professional

Development Training Series to broaden teachers’ horizons in teaching, consolidate professional knowledge, enhance teaching skills and nurture leadership talents to match current schools’ curriculum and students’ needs.


Participants will learn how to conduct self-reflection through understanding and experiencing the use of the latest creative inspiration tools. Their debriefing skills will therefore be enhanced. 香港青年協會領袖學院 / 香港青年協會大廈 / 到校服務 The HKFYG Leadership Institute / The HKFYG Building / School visits 教師 Teachers 10/2020 或 or 03/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed) 廣東話 Cantonese



LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Experience Team Building 透過體驗最新的創意啟發工具,建立教師團隊,提升參加者 的溝通和聯繫技巧。



Financial Planning and Management for Teachers 課程提供實際及有效方法,協助參加者重新整理及計劃 自己的財務管理。 This Training will provide practical and effective ways to assist participants in rearranging and planning their personal finance.

The training courses offered by the Institute are systematic and multi-dimensional which combine theoretical learning with practical, flexible and interactive exercises. From goal setting, creativity enhancement, rapport building to team collaboration,

香港青年協會領袖學院 / 香港青年協會大廈 / 到校服務 The HKFYG Leadership Institute / The HKFYG Building / School visits

these training courses are tailor-made for teachers of different seniority to boost teachers’ competencies and psychological

25 至 35 歲教師 Teachers aged from 25 to 35

qualities, thereby increasing teaching efficiency and effectiveness.

11/2020 或 or 03/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed)

This Course aims to build a teaching team by using the latest creative inspiration tools. Participants‘ communication and networking skills will also be enhanced. 香港青年協會領袖學院 / 香港青年協會大廈 / 到校服務 The HKFYG Leadership Institute / The HKFYG Building / School visits 教師 Teachers 10/2020 或 or 03/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed) 廣東話 Cantonese

廣東話 Cantonese




Meditation for Teachers 課程透過認識和體驗冥想,調整參加者的情緒和思想, 繼而改善其情緒管理及全健思維。 Participants can adjust their emotions and thoughts through understanding and experiencing meditation. Their emotion management and wellness will thus be improved. 香港青年協會領袖學院 / 香港青年協會大廈 / 到校服務 The HKFYG Leadership Institute / The HKFYG Building / School visits 25 至 35 歲教師 Teachers aged from 25 to 35 11/2020 或 or 03/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed) 廣東話 Cantonese


School Management Training Series TT-SLS-ERM 001


Effective Risk Management in Schools 透過認識學校所面對的風險及不同情景的個案方析,啟 發參加者如何作出平衡各持份者的決定,並且協助參加 者建立與風險管理相關的計劃及措施。



How Design Thinking Innovates a School? 課程為學校管理人員和老師間提供空間和指導,帶來正面改 變,燃點教育熱誠,積極面對教育工作的挑戰。


Professional Certification Courses TT-SLS-CLA 001


Certificate for Low-Event Adventure-based Training 透過認識及掌握不同種類的低結構歷奇訓練,提升參加者低結構歷奇活動活動設計及帶領的 技巧,並學習以解說技巧啟發學生,反思及改善其團隊合作及領導的風格。 Through understanding and mastering techniques of different kinds of low-event adventurebased training, this course aims to enhance participants’ activity designing and leading skills. Participants can also enhance their debriefing skills devised for encouraging students to reflect upon ways to improve their style of teamwork and leadership. 香港青年協會領袖學院 The HKFYG Leadership Institute 教師 Teachers 10/2020 - 03/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed) 廣東話 Cantonese


This training aims to create spaces and provide guidance for school management and teachers to bring positive changes to their schools. It also aims to ignite their passion for education where they will be able to face future challenges in education work positively.

Through understanding various risks at schools and analysing numerous cases studies, participants will learn how to make decisions which balance different interests among stakeholders, as well as to lay down plans and measures related to risk management at schools. 香港青年協會領袖學院 / 香港青年協會大廈 / 到校服務 The HKFYG Leadership Institute / The HKFYG Building / School visits 學校管理人員 School Management 03/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed) 廣東話 Cantonese

香港青年協會領袖學院 / 到校服務 The HKFYG Leadership Institute/ School visits 教師 Teachers 全年進行 All-year round 廣東話 Cantonese



Effective Complaints and Public Relations Management in Schools 課程提供投訴個案管理分析啟發參加者正確處理有關投訴及 公共關係的態度,並提供有效處理線上及線下投訴及媒體報 道的技巧。 This training provides various case studies to stimulate participants to adopt the correct attitude whilst handling issues related to complains and public relations. We will also provide training to help participants develop effective online and offline media and complaint handling skills. 香港青年協會領袖學院 / 香港青年協會大廈 / 到校服務 The HKFYG Leadership Institute / The HKFYG Building/ School visits 學校管理人員 School Management 01/2021 或 or 05/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed) 廣東話 Cantonese



Advanced Communication Training TT-SC-SST 001


Speaking Skills Training for Teachers 透過多元化教學增強參加者說話及溝通的技巧,並強化 知識傳遞效能,優化教學質素。 Participants will enhance their speaking and communication techniques through multi-dimensional training. Teaching qualities will also be optimised by strengthening participants’ effectiveness in knowledge transfer. 香港青年協會領袖學院 / 香港青年協會大廈 / 到校服務 The HKFYG Leadership Institute / The HKFYG Building / School visits 教師 Teachers 11/2020 – 03/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed) 廣東話 Cantonese


如何在學校善用 NLP 技術

How to Utilise NLP Techniques in Schools 透過認識 NLP 的概念和技巧,參加者會學習如何在學校的不 同環境中應用相關技巧,提升教學質素。 Participants can apply NLP techniques in the classroom in order to enhance teaching qualities through understanding relevant concepts and techniques. 香港青年協會領袖學院 / 香港青年協會大廈 / 到校服務 The HKFYG Leadership Institute/ The HKFYG Building/ School visits 學校管理人員 School Management 01/2021 或 or 05/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed) 廣東話 Cantonese


Lodge Activities and Training 香港青年協會領袖學院營舍是結合歷史建築及領袖培訓的多功能營舍。營舍設有 85 個宿位,可供訪客一起學習、 工作和生活,感受周邊自然氣息及北區的風土人情,連繫社區。 營舍配合多元的培訓活動,切合學校、企業或團體需要,提供指定訓練套餐或自訂活動內容,為老師、學生或僱 員等提供不同類型的體驗及培訓。



Leaders to Leaders 由具影響力的環球青年領袖介紹不同本地及國際例子, 提升參加者的國際視野、創新思維、創意精神及對社會的 責任感,並聯繫環球與本港的青年領袖,互相啟發及協作。 Influential global young leaders are invited to share different local and international examples which enhances participants’ global vision, creativity, innovation and social responsibilities. The Programme also connects global young leaders with local young leaders in order to collaborate and co-create.

環球領袖交流系列 Global Leaders Exchange Series 42

The HKFYG Leadership Institute Lodge is a newly launched multi-functional lodge which combines heritage with leadership training. The Lodge can accommodate 85 residents, where people can live, work and study together, giving residents a unique chance to develop closer ties with each other and indulge in the nearby North District community. With diversified training activities, the Institute can offer teachers, students or employees with great varieties of experience and training from either the training packages designed by the Institute or tailor-made contents.

香港青年協會領袖學院 / 香港青年協會大廈 / 到校服務 The HKFYG Leadership Institute / The HKFYG Building / School visits 公眾 Public 11/2020 – 01/2021 ( 詳細日期待定 To be confirmed) 英語 English



Colour on Leather 讓參加者初嚐在皮革染色的技巧,在預製皮革 卡片套中上色。 Participants can try leather dyeing and re-colouring pre-made leather cardholders. 高中或以上人士 / 團體 Senior Secondary School Students and above/ Groups 10-20


Thematic Workshops Series


Professional Craftsmanship Series

吾知 DiSC 行為取向

Behavioral Analysis Questionnaire 透過「DiSC 行為分析問卷 ( 學生版 )」,了解自己和別人 的行為及溝通模式。 Participants can gain an understanding of self and other people’s behaviour and communication styles by completing the DiSC behavioural analysis questionnaire. 中學生 Secondary School Students


Wood Dyeing 通過簡單打磨及上色木材,訓練參加者耐性。 The Course aims to nurture participants’ patience through polishing and dyeing wood. 高中或以上人士 / 團體 Senior Secondary School Students and above/ Groups 10-20


「我唔係垃圾」 — 創意發明家 入門瑜伽練習

Fundamental Yoga Training 學習基本瑜伽技巧,例如呼吸、靜坐及伸展等訓練養身功 法,放鬆身心。 Participants can learn fundamental yoga techniques, such as breathing, meditating and stretching, to relax the body and mind. 中三或以上 / 團體 Secondary 3 students or above/ Groups

運動與心靈健康系列 Sports and Wellness Series 44


“I am not Rubbish” – Creative Inventor

讓參加者認識聯合國可持續發展目標,並將紙包 飲品盒 / 薯片袋製作銀包或卡片套等,從而思考 日常生活中如何廢物再造。 The Course aims to nurture participants to gain an understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nations and to upcycle soft drinks paper packaging or potato chips packaging into useful tools such as purses and cardholders so that participants can reflect on the concept of recycling in daily lives. 初中或以上人士 Junior Secondary School Students or above 15


Environmental Series

* 營舍尚有多項系列課程,包括:手工藝、親子、社區遊蹤、音樂、創意、協作和解難、企業等,合共超過 45 個活動,詳情可瀏覽學院網站。 Our Lodge also offers over 45 programmes involving various series such as handicraft, parent-child, community engagement, music, creativity, cooperation and problem solving, professional series, etc. For details, please visit the Institute website



All-new Corporate Training Courses 香港青年協會領袖學院擁有超過 20 年培訓領袖人才的經驗。學院可按不同客戶要求,提供現成的或度身訂造 各種企業培訓課程,以提升員工的專業知識、創意解難能力和生產力,從而增加機構的競爭力。建基於多年的 豐富經驗,學院的培訓方案均由相關學歷和專業經驗的教學人員設計,以及由富有專業和教學經驗的導師教授。 如對企業培訓課程有任何查詢,請與青協領袖學院聯絡。 The HKFYG Leadership Institute has accumulated over 20 years of experience in nurturing young potential talents. The Institute offers regular courses or tailor-made training solutions according to the requirements of clients so as to enhance their employees’ professional knowledge, creativity and productivity, which ultimately increase the competitiveness of the client’s organisation. Drawing on our extensive experience, our training solutions are designed by our experienced and professional staff, while our training courses are also conducted by experts from respective fields.


Application Information 報名手續 Enrolment Procedures 本概覽只列舉部份於 2020 年 9 月至 2021 年 5 月舉辦之培訓項目。詳盡內容及課程報名可瀏覽香港 青年協會領袖學院網站或相關之宣傳單張。 This Prospectus highlights some of the training programmes to be organised from September 2020 to May 2021. Please refer to the official website of The HKFYG Leadership Institute or promotional materials for more detailed information on course registration and syllabus.

If you have any enquiries related to our corporate training courses, please do not hesitate to contact the HKFYG Leadership Institute.




Arrangements in case of Bad Weather 戶外活動 學院內課程 天氣惡劣指引 學院服務 或活動 Weather Condition Institute Service

Indoor Activities


Typhoon Signal No.1


Typhoon Signal No.3

照常開放 Open

照常開放 Open

八號或更高颱風信號 暫停開放 ^ Typhoon Signal No.8 or above




Amber Rainstorm Warning

紅色暴雨警告 Red Rainstorm Warning


Black Rainstorm Warning



照常開放 Open

暫停開放 + Close


照常進行 Continue

取消或立即停止 ^ Suspended or cancelled

照常進行 Continue

照常進行 Continue


General Outdoor Activities



Water and Countryside Activities

立刻停止或取消 ﹡


取消或延期 ﹡

Depends on weather conditions Depends on weather conditions

取消或延期 ﹡ Suspended or Postponed


Depends on weather conditions

取消或延期 ﹡ Suspended or Postponed

取消或延期 + 取消或延期 ﹡ ( 如課程或活動已開 Suspended or Postponed 始,照常進行 )




Suspended or cancelled (If courses or activities already started, continue)

Thunderstorm Warning Open



Outdoor Activities

Suspended and cancelled Suspended or Postponed

取消或延期 ﹡ Suspended or Postponed


Depends on weather conditions

取消或延期 ﹡ Suspended or Postponed

取消或延期 ﹡ Suspended or Postponed

備註 Notes 當信號 / 警告懸掛,而活動照常進行時,家長可自行決定是否讓子女繼續參加活動,唯若參加 者缺席活動,本學院將不會辦理退款。 If Typhoon Signal / Rainstorm or Thunderstorm Warning is issued and the activities continue to run, parents can decide whether or not their children are allowed to keep participating in the activities. No refunds will be given if participants are absent from the activities. ^• 如信號在香港青年協會領袖學院開放前發出,香港青年協會領袖學院將暫停開放。學院會在天文台除 下信號兩小時後恢復開放。若信號在中午十二時後才除下,當天學院則仍停止開放。 If Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is hoisted before the opening hours of The HKFYG Leadership Institute, the Institute will be closed. The Institute will resume operation within two hours after the Hong Kong Observatory has lowered the Typhoon Signal. If the Typhoon Signal is cancelled after 12 noon, the Institute will remain closed.

• 如信號在香港青年協會領袖學院開放後發出,請家長儘快到學院接子女回家。 If Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above is hoisted when the activity is in progress, parents are advised to pick up your children immediately.

+• 如黑色暴雨警告在香港青年協會領袖學院開放前發出,學院將暫停開放。在天文台除下黑色暴雨警告 兩小時內恢復開放。若黑色暴雨警告在若信號在中午十二時後才除下,當天學院則仍停止開放。 If Black Rainstorm Warning is issued before the opening hours of The HKFYG Leadership Institute, the Institute will be closed. The Institute will resume operation within two hours after the Hong Kong Observatory has cancelled the Black Rainstorm Warning. If Black Rainstorm Warning is cancelled after 12 noon, the Institute will remain closed.

• 如黑色暴雨警告在香港青年協會領袖學院開放後發出,學院將讓學員留於單位內,確保安全情況下離開。 If Black Rainstorm Warning is issued when the activity is in progress, participants will be asked to remain in a safe place inside the Institute until it is safe to leave.

﹡• 若上午七時已發出上述信號,上午或全日舉行的戶外活動取消或延期。 If the above signal is in force at 7 am, all morning and full-day outdoor activities will be suspended or postponed.

• 若中午十二時已發出上述信號,下午舉行的戶外活動取消或延期。


Depends on weather conditions


Depends on weather conditions

If the above signal is hoisted after 12noon, all afternoon outdoor activities will be suspended or postponed.

請瀏覽學院網頁或社交平台發布最新的惡劣天氣安排。 Please visit the Institute’s website or social media platform for the latest arrangement in case of bad weather.



The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups

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香港青年協會 ( 簡稱青協 ) 於 1960 年成立,是香港最具規模的青年服務機構。隨著社會瞬息萬變,青年 所面對的機遇和挑戰時有不同,而青協一直不離不棄,關愛青年並陪伴他們一同成長。本著以青年為本 的精神,我們透過專業服務和多元化活動,培育年青一代發揮潛能,為社會貢獻所長。至今每年使用我 們服務的人次達 600 萬。在社會各界支持下,我們全港設有 80 多個服務單位,全面支援青年人的需要, 並提供學習、交流和發揮創意的平台。此外,青協登記會員人數已逾 45 萬;而為推動青年發揮互助精神、 實踐公民責任的青年義工網絡,亦有逾 23 萬登記義工。在「青協 ‧ 有您需要」的信念下,我們致力拓 展 12 項核心服務,全面回應青年的需要,並為他們提供適切服務,包括:青年空間、M21 媒體服務、 就業支援、邊青服務、輔導服務、家長服務、領袖培訓、義工服務、教育服務、創意交流、文康體藝及 研究出版。 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) was founded in 1960 and is now the city’s largest youth service organisation. For the six decades, it has been committed to serving the youth of Hong Kong through the provision of

a variety of services, activities and programmes, which have an annual attendance of nearly six million. We encourage

youth to reach their fullest potential and with community support, we now have over 80 service units. We also have

12 core services, which include the Youth S.P.O.Ts, M21 Multimedia Services, Employment Services, Youth at Risk Services, Counselling Services, Parenting Services, Leadership Training, Volunteer Services, Education Services,

Creativity Education and Youth Exchange, Leisure, Cultural and Sports Services, and Research and Publications.

We encourage young people to grow into responsible and dutiful citizens and we now have over 230,000 registered volunteers and over 450,000 registered members. We believe that our motto HKFYG • Here for You reaffirms our commitment and dedication to the young people of Hong Kong.



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