The Hong Kong Youth Service Award 一筆,看似微不足道。 然而,無數的一筆拼合起來,卻可成為動人心弦的圖畫。這猶如熱心服務,委身奉獻社群的青年 ; 他們為社會默默付出,積少成多,讓社會更添姿采和向前的動力。 每一筆,都蘊含它深遠和豐富意義。 香港青年協會成立 ,旨在表揚願意為香港無私奉獻、持續熱誠投入,並且身體力行, 以服務香港為己任的青年。我們期望透過頒授是項榮譽,鼓勵和啟發更多青年以獲獎者為榜樣,勇於 承擔和貢獻,為香港未來添上精彩一筆。 Every painting is made up of a series of brush strokes, each adding colour and definition to a common canvas as slowly the total image appears. These individual strokes are similar to the dedication and commitment of young people, who with enthusiasm and passion, collectively brush colour to our community by their individual acts of service. The Hong Kong Youth Service Award, an initiative of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, is being established in order to honour, acclaim and encourage outstanding young people who through their commitment, dedication and integrity, exemplify the true spirit of service to the community, brushing colour into Hong Kong’s future and giving ample encouragement and support to a new generation of young people who are committed to serving others.
目標 Objectives 旨在: The objectives of The Hong Kong Youth Service Award are: 1. 表揚以香港為家,持續以捨己為人的精神,透過具體行動服務香港社群的青年; To go beyond individual achievement and honour those who exemplify the core values of service; 2. 鼓勵並啟發更多青年以得獎者為榜樣,勇於為香港未來作出承擔和貢獻。 To publicly encourage those individuals to become role models, particularly to their peers, inspiring others to follow in the footsteps of service.
參選資格 Qualifications
• 年齡介乎 18 至 35 歲的青年,持續付出時間及貢獻才能,不計回報地服務香港社會。 Young people aged 18 to 35 years old, who have a track record of community service.
提名辦法 Nomination Procedure • 參選人必須獲得至少一名提名人提名,自薦將不獲受理。 To be nominated by at least one nominator. Self-nominations will not be entertained. • 提名人及參選人需填妥提名表格,提名人需詳細說明參選人的服務事跡及提名原因。 Nominators and candidates should complete the standardised form and provide details of candidates’ record of community and public service which exemplify the core values of service and commitment to Hong Kong; evidence of measurable impact in meeting a community need and support indicating candidates’ potential leadership skills and competencies and reasons for the nomination.
評選準則 Selection Criteria • 參選人須具備充分的服務紀錄,反映是項大獎的核心價值和信念,當中包括對香港的承擔,以及願意為香港 作出貢獻等; Detailed record of candidates’ community and public service, exemplifying the core values of service, which include dedication and commitment to Hong Kong; • 參選人須以實證說明對社會的裨益,以及如何回應社會的需要; Evidence of measurable impact in meeting a community need ; • 參選人須擁有領導才能及良好品格,值得青年學效。 Support indicating candidates’ potential leadership skills and competencies, including abilities to be a role model to others.
獎項殊榮 Service Awards ,每位得獎者獲頒港幣 HK$20,000 獎金、獎座及證書。
獲獎青年服務香港的經歷、學習和得著,將拍成短片並於不同媒體播放;另外,亦將安排獲獎青年於其他媒介 分享其親身經驗,以啟發更多青年投身服務社會,為香港作出承擔和貢獻。 The Hong Kong Youth Service Award will honour the five most outstanding Hong Kong young people every year. Each winner will receive a HK$20,000 cash prize, a trophy and a certificate. The service experience and commitment to Hong Kong of the five award winners will be recorded and broadcast through different media. Award winners will be invited to share their experience through video shorts and other broadcasts, so as to inspire others to serve Hong Kong.
評審辦法 Selection Process
符合資格的參選人將於 2013 年 10 月 12 日(星期六)獲邀與香港青年協會代表會面,進行首輪甄選。 經首輪甄選後的參選人將獲邀出席 2013 年 10 月 26 日(星期六)舉行的評審團甄選面談。參選人若未能出席 上述任何一次會面均作棄權論。 Eligible candidates will be invited to attend an initial Selection Session on Saturday, 12 October 2013 with representatives from The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups. Short-listed candidates will then be required to attend an interview session with the Selection Panel on Saturday, 26 October 2013. Those who fail to attend the interview session will be considered as having forfeited their right of continued participation.
評審團名單 Selection Panel
主席 Chairman:
夏佳理先生, 大紫荊勳賢, CVO, GBS, OBE, JP
成員 Members:
陳智思議員, GBS, JP
Senior Partner, King & Wood Mallesons
The Hon. Bernard Charnwut CHAN, GBS, JP
Non-Official Member of Executive Council, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
鄭慕智博士, GBS, OBE, JP
Dr. Moses CHENG Mo-chi, GBS, OBE, JP
Chairman, Education Commission
蘇澤光先生, GBS, OBE, JP
Mr. Jack SO Chak-kwong, GBS, OBE, JP
Chairman, Hong Kong Trade Development Council
鄭維志先生, GBS, JP
Mr. Christopher CHENG Wai-chee, GBS, JP
Chairman of Human Resource Policy Committee, The University of Hong Kong
李麗娟女士, GBS, OBE, JP
Ms. Shelley LEE Lai-kuen, GBS, OBE, JP
Director, Dragon Foundation
王䓪鳴博士, DBE, JP
Dr. Rosanna WONG Yick-ming, DBE, JP
Executive Director, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
活動日程 Programme Schedule
提名日期 Nomination Period
2013 年 7 月 31 日 ( 星期三 ) 至 9 月 30 日 ( 星期一 ) Wednesday, 31 July 2013 – Monday, 30 September 2013
截止日期 Application Deadline
2013 年 9 月 30 日 ( 星期一 ) Monday, 30 September 2013
首輪甄選 Initial Selection
2013 年 10 月 12 日 ( 星期六 ) Saturday, 12 October 2013
評審團面談 Selection Interview
2013 年 10 月 26 日 ( 星期六 ) Saturday, 26 October 2013
頒獎典禮 Awards Ceremony
2013 年 11 月 12 日 ( 星期二 ) Tuesday, 12 November 2013
查詢及遞交辦法 Application and Enquiries 請電郵或郵遞至 秘書處: Please send the nomination form to The Secretariat of The Hong Kong Youth Service Award by email or post to the contact information below, where enquiries should also be made: 地址 Address : 香港青年協會青年領袖發展中心 香港中環皇后大道中 99 號中環中心地下 6 室 Leadership 21, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Unit 6, G/F, The Center, 99 Queens Road Central, Central, Hong Kong 電郵 Email
: leadership21@hkfyg.org.hk
電話 Tel
: (852) 2169 0255
傳真 Fax
: (852) 2169 0603
香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups 香港青年協會 ( 簡稱青協 ) 於 1960 年成立,致力服務全港青年。隨著社會不斷轉變,青年所面對的機遇和挑戰時有 不同,而青協一直不離不棄,關愛青年並陪伴他們一同成長。本著以青年為本的精神,我們透過專業服務和多元化 活動,培育年青一代發揮潛能,為社會貢獻所長。至今每年使用我們服務的人次已達 500 萬。在社會各界支持下, 我們全港設有 60 多個服務單位,全面支援青年人的需要,並提供學習、交流和發揮創意的平台。此外,青協 u21 青年網絡會員人數已超過 35 萬;而為推動青年發揮互助精神、實踐公民責任的青年義工網絡,亦有逾 16 萬登記義工。 在「青協 ‧ 有您需要」的信念下,我們致力拓展 12 項核心服務,時刻回應青年的需要,並為他們提供適切服務,包括: 青年空間、M21 媒體服務、就業支援、邊青服務、輔導服務、家長服務、領袖培訓、義工服務、教育服務、創意交流、 文康體藝及研究出版。
The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) was founded in 1960 and has been committed to serving the youth of Hong Kong. Our care for the young is provided through a variety of services, activities and programmes, which have an annual attendance of five million. We encourage youth to reach their fullest potential and with community support, we now have over 60 service units. We also have 12 core services, which include the Youth S.P.O.Ts, M21 Multimedia Services, Employment Services, Youth at Risk Services, Counselling Services, Parenting Services, Leadership Training, Volunteer Services, Education Services, Creativity Education and Youth Exchange, Leisure, Cultural and Sports Services, and Research and Publications. We encourage young people to grow into responsible and dutiful citizens and we now have over 160,000 registered volunteers and 350,000 enrolled members of our u21 youthnet. We believe that our motto HKFYG • Here for You reaffirms our commitment and dedication to the young people of Hong Kong.