Leadership Ballarat & Western Region
Yearbook 2013
Contents 2013 Leaders Forum Participants
Participant Reflections
Executive Officer's Message
Leaders in Action - Shape the Future
LBWR Committee
Roll Call 2006 - 12
2013 Program Schedule
A Year in Review
Leadership Ballarat & Western Region Yearbook 2013
2013 Leadership Program Participants
Chris Alcock National Logistics Manager MARS Chocolate Australia
Ashley Barker Construction Supervisor JG King Homes
Anna Doughan Lawyer Nevett Ford Lawyers
Kylie Long ICT Project Manager City of Ballarat
Corina Kozaris Supply and Export Manager Selkirk Brick Pty Ltd
Adrian Misseri Senior Podiatrist Ballarat District Nursing & Healthcare
Jodie Kennedy Volunteer Development Officer City of Ballarat
Kate Burrows Co- Director / Director Ballarat Beer Festival / Eventique
Daniel Jones Business Analyst McCain Foods (Aust) Pty Ltd
Samantha Mackley Marketing & Sales Executive Sovereign Hill
Ross Huntington General Manager Gold Bus Ballarat
Trent Bursill Project Manager, Major Projects City of Ballarat
Mick Gorfine Building Assets Coordinator Moorabool Shire Council Katrina Beer Managing Director Yanikan-Werritj Vocational Training ng and Employment Centre Kathie Taylor Local Business Development Specialist pecialist Telstra
Anthony Riding Financial Planner, Head of Financial Services RSM Bird Cameron
Steph Wallace Owner Red Brick Community Gallery
Greg Murray Regional Manager/Partner Lake Imaging
Taya McPhee Customer Relationship Manager Bendigo & Adelaide Bank Ltd
Fiona Whatley Business Development Manager Springhill Farm
Robert Ladd Manager Engineering, Waste Operations and Contracts Pyrenees Shire Council
Sandi Murphy Spares and After Sales Manager Gekko Systems Jaclyn Reriti am Manager Program en's Health Grampians Women's Chloe Biggin Custom m Publications Coordinator The Courier ourier
Matt Vallance Business Development & Marketing Manager UFS Dispensaries Ltd Carolyn Robertson Nurse Unit Manager, Maternity Clinical Services Ballarat Health Services
Leadership Ballarat & Western Region Yearbook 2013
Michael Flynn Executive Officer Sports Central
Executive Officer's Message
Leadership Ballarat & Western Region Yearbook 2013
A wise person once said “life is a journey with problems to solve, lessons to learn, but most of all, experiences to enjoy” and this is a perfect way to reflect on a year at Leadership Ballarat & Western Region from the participants who undertake our leadership program, to our fabulous Leaders in Action who volunteer to create a positive future for all and to the wider community who have attended our community forums and rippled important messages back into their community.
2013 was an inspiring year at LBWR as we embraced Father Bob Maguire’s mantra of, “give what you can, time, money, care…” We were recognised as a finalist in the CGU Commerce Ballarat Business Excellence Awards Finalist in the Bank of Melbourne Not-For-Profit category, finalist in the United Way Volunteer Awards and received an award for Great Grant of the Year from the City of Ballarat Community Impact Grants for our Year 12 Leaders Forum.
We will continue to say "thanks a million" to our volunteers and use the great stories of our Leaders in Action to showcase to the community what people can do to make a difference, the impact of volunteering, the legacy and the joy that comes from giving. Thank you to the organisations with whom we partnered this year to raise awareness about the importance of knowing your neighbour, not being a bystander to violence against women, investing in our Year 12 school leaders and supporting Samuel Johnson in his Love Your Sister campaign. We continue to be inspired by community leaders who willingly give their time and share their learnings to encourage us to think about the big picture of how we connect as a community. I am forever grateful to the amazing speakers, sponsors and employers who enable us to provide experiences that challenge our thinking, our values and call us to action.
The jewel in the LBWR crown is the quality of our leadership program, it exposes us to both the economic and social value of fostering a vibrant community that invests in the capacity of its emerging leaders.
As Anthony Schreenan (LBWR11, City of Ballarat) said “The program is about developing community leaders over time, not making them in one year.”
Equipping leaders for the future with skills, knowledge and a desire to make a difference is crucial.
Thank you all for your commitment to creating a positive and sustainable community in which we live, work and play.
Sofia Fiusco
LBWR Committee Name
Organisation Director - Scott Williams Consulting
Scott Williams (Chair) Michael Boatman (LBWR 2009)
Manager Community Safety - CFA
Angela Carey (LBWR 2006)
Head of Content (Features) - Fairfax Regional Media
Tony Chew
Learning Partner - LBWR
Andrew Henwood (LBWR 2009)
Finance and Quality Manager - B&E Trevena
John Kilgour (Ex-officio)
CEO - Committee for Ballarat
Kay Macaulay
Regional Manager - Australian Industry Group (Ballarat & Wimmera Region)
Karen McCraw (LBWR 2007)
CEO - Karden Disability Support Foundation
Lynne McLennan
CEO - UFS Dispensaries
Norman Prueter (LBWR 2012)
Beaufort Community Resource Centre & Library Services Coordinator Pyrenees Shire Council
Adam Rogers (LBWR 2010)
Regional Director West - Worksafe Victoria
Nicole Roberts (LBWR 2011)
Manager | Retail Operations - Sovereign Hill
Rodney Walton (Ex-officio CfB)
General Manager - Haymes Paint
A priority in 2013 was to develop a strategic plan for LBWR. The process forced us to think about what we do best and what we need to focus on to be successful. Despite some very divergent thinking about activities we might undertake, and how we might fund those, we realised that the Leaders Forum is what makes LBWR special and it must form the core of what we do. We appreciated the skilled assistance of Claire Sandford and Kieran Murrihy at Foresight Lane in guiding our thinking. During the year, Lynne McLennan stepped down as Chair of the LBWR Committee. Lynne was the inaugural Chair of the LBWR Committee and had agreed to take the reins for twelve months following Bill Wood’s departure. She did a wonderful job once again, for which the Committee is grateful. My personal thanks go to the staff of LBWR, the Committee members, Committee for Ballarat, and, above all, the participants, sponsors and alumni who made 2013 such an enjoyable and stimulating year.
Scott Williams Chair
Thank you for inspiring the development of innovative community leaders.
Leadership Ballarat & Western Region Yearbook 2013
2013 was another successful year for LBWR. Sofia is energetic in discharging her responsibilities and organising numerous events in addition to running the Leaders’ Forum which has raised LBWR’s profile in the community quite considerably.
2013 Leaders Forum Program Schedule Date
March 27
Our Region To understand our region through vision and strategy, considering the question what does make a great place to live and how do we engage with the community.
Jeremy Reynolds Manager of Demographic Research DPCD
Sponsor City of Ballarat
Anthony Schinck CEO City of Ballarat
Nick Grylewicz Managing Director Integra Land
Maryann Martin Director People Pathways
Social Connectedness To understand the social determinants of health and the disadvantage faced by community members.
Olivia Brown YMCA Open Doors
Simone Gilbert Student Engagement Officer, Yuille Park
Leadership: Attitude & Expectations
Kelvin Anderson Well-being Officer, Yuille Park
Personal: Trust & Connectedness
Deborah Greendslade PHD Student University of Ballarat
Clair McKenna Central Highlands Primary Care Partnership
Leadership To understand the levels of government and to consider the impact that gender has on leadership and the influence of the media.
Judy Verlin Chair Committee for Ballarat
Andrew Eales Editor The Courier
Leadership: Authentic
Patty Kinnersley CEO Women’s Health Grampians
Kraig Grimes Director Leading Teams
Leadership: Vision & Strategy Personal: Big Picture Thinking
April 17
May 1
Venue Ballarat Town Hall
Sponsor UFS Dispensaries Venue Yuille Park P – 8 Community College
Venue BEST Banskia Room
Personal: Stereotyping
May 15
Leadership To reflect on our leadership qualities and how we motivate ourselves and others to lead. Leadership: Capacity Building
Leadership Ballarat & Western Region Yearbook 2013
Personal: Motivation & Inspiration
Sponsor Moorabool Shire Venue Ballan Council Offices
May 27
Decision Makers - Canberra To understand operational leadership and the making of leaders.
Lt Col Jason Groat Australian Defence Force
Venue War Memorial
To understand the systems and processes in place for working with the Government and other organisations to champion and lobby a cause that will support sustainable communities.
Minister Peter Garrett Minister for School Education, Early Childhood and Youth
Sponsor Catherine King Federal Member for Ballarat
Senator Stephen Parry Deputy President of the Senate
Leadership: Government & Lobbying
Anna Burke Speaker House of Representatives
Personal: Advocacy & Diversity
Rob Oakshott Independent
• • •
Nicola Roxon
Julie Bishop Deputy Liberal Leader
Paul Bongiorno National Affairs Editor Network Ten
Tony Maher General Manager National Farmers Federation
Ron The Big Issue
Aaron, Debbie, Pam The Big Issue Vendors
• • • • • • •
Marianne Hubbard CEO Pinarc
• •
Peter Sporton BRI
Leadership: Role Clarity Personal: Responsibility
June 12
Accessibility V's Disability To understand the social and economic barriers and opportunities for people with a disability to access resources in the community. Leadership: Collaboration Personal: Relationships
Venue Parliament House Forrest Hotel Conference Centre
Prime Minister Julia Gillard Catherine King Federal Member for Ballarat
Sandy Facey Pinarc Andrea Curran-Bennett Pinarc
Venue Pinarc Ballarat Specialist School BRI
Kieran Callinan Glimpses Program Neville Hughes Glimpses Program John Burt Principal Ballarat Specialist School Karen McGraw CEO Karden Disability Support Foundation Geoff Russelll BRI
Leadership Ballarat & Western Region Yearbook 2013
May 28-29
2013 Program Schedule Date
June 26
Social Inclusion To develop an understanding of the personal and leadership challenges involving exoffenders and the community following release from prison.
Suzanne Hopkins Programs Coordinator Langi Kal Kal
Sponsor Justice Department
Pat McCormick General Manager Langi Kal Kal
John Parsons Operations Manager Langi Kal Kal
Education & Training To understand the opportunities of being a resilient and motivated leader within a responsive learning environment.
Suzanne Hopkins Programs Coordinator Langi Kal Kal
Hayley Moloney Programs Langi Kal Kal
Leadership: Growth
Tony Guest Speaker GLO
Personal: Life long Learning & Resilience
Jake Bridges Director GLO
Ryan Waight Director GLO
Janet Ward Manager Next Steps
• • • • • • • •
Women’s Health Grampians
Youth Mental Health & Well-being To understand the responses in place for improving and supporting the health and wellbeing of young people in the community.
Neil Blick Psychologist
Michelle Harper Project Manager Ballarat Health Services
Leadership: Responsibility
Julie Rowse Ballarat Health Services
Personal: Resilience
Larelle Kuczer Headspace
Micheal Headspace
Emma, Jess, Adrian, Robbie, Steph, Guhlam, Tayla Youth Ambassadors
Leadership: Inclusion & Pathways
Venue Langi Kal Kal Prison
Personal: Empathy
July 17
July 31
Community Diversity To consider are we an inclusive community that celebrates diversity and is welcoming for all. Leadership: Diversity & Inclusiveness Personal: Understanding
Leadership Ballarat & Western Region Yearbook 2013
August 14
Shannon Hill Facilitator
Venue Ballarat South Community Hub
Venue G-Place
Annie Douglas Facilitator Kate Souter Facilitator Igor Zvoko Associate Wedderburg Consulting Bobby Mehta Pharmacist UFS Dispensaries Norman Prueter Coordinator Pyrenees Shire Aldona Kmiec Multicultural Ambassador City of Ballarat Sponsor Ballarat Health Services Venue Ballarat Health Services
Date August 28
Leadership To reflect upon the qualities you possess as a leader and the values that you demonstrate.
Kraig Grime Director Leading Teams
Venue BEST Banskia Room
Environment To understand the impact of environmental sustainability and to consider did curiosity really kill the cat?
Chris Brennan Engineer Acciona Wind Turbine Farm
Sponsor Earth Ed. Centre
Bob Hartmann Assistant Principal Earth Ed. Centre
Leadership: Innovation
Colleen Filippa Teacher Earth Ed. Centre
George Sossi Director Ballarat Regional Tourism
Mark Hogan Regional Development Victoria
Jeremy Johnson CEO Sovereign Hill
Jane Smith Director Museum of Australian Democracy at Eureka
Andrew Rowe CEO Ballarat Health Services
Leadership: Authentic Personal: Transformational
September 11
Venue Acciona Wind Turbine Farm Earth Ed. Centre
Personal: Sustainability
Tourism To consider the economic and social impact of tourism in regional areas in a global context. Leadership: Growth & Development Personal: Lifestyle Leader
October 23
A Year of Learning Reflecting on a year of leadership “past, present, future” to consider how do we create a positive future for all.
Sponsor Sovereign Hill Venue Sovereign Hill
Venue M.A.D.E
Leadership Ballarat & Western Region Yearbook 2013
October 9
Leadership Ballarat & Western Region Yearbook 2013
A Year in Review
Left to Right: CAFS Backyard Blitz, CAFS Charity Match, Year 12 Leaders Forum, Neighbour Day Community Forum, leading@lunch Jeremy Johnson CEO Sovereign Hill, Stephen Mayne Leadership Dinner.
Leadership Ballarat & Western Region Yearbook 2013
Left to Right: 2014 LBWR Launch Pecha Kucha, Phil Cleary Community Forum, CGU/Commerce Ballarat Business Awards, Nelly Thomas Women's Health Lunch. Love Your Sister event.
Participant Reflections Chris Alcock National Logistics Manager | MARS Chocolate Australia I entered the LBWR program with limited knowledge about what successes the region has had and what challenges it faces going forward. The program has exposed me to many things that l normally would not see or consider. So with that in mind, l have learnt more about what the region has to offer and, importantly, what role we as citizens must play within it. The program has challenged my values and thoughts – l leave feeling informed, inspired and engaged to begin contributing more to the wonderful region we live in. Together we can make a difference!
Anna Doughan Lawyer | Nevett Ford Lawyers By taking part in LBWR I have gained an invaluable insight into the Ballarat and surrounding community. This experience has allowed me to better understand the town I call home and to experience all it has to offer in a way I otherwise would not have access to. The course has been an exceptional learning tool that has opened my eyes to local issues and community needs. It has helped me become aware of and truly appreciate the contributions that both local businesses and individuals make within the community. LBWR has also enabled me to gain a greater understanding of how our community works and the opportunities that this region offers. My LBWR experience overall has been enlightening and positive. I have also had the opportunity to share my views and thoughts with a group of wonderful, intelligent and friendly people whom I am sure I will keep in contact with in the future.
Corina Kozaris Supply and Export Manager | Selkirk Brick Pty Ltd What a privilege it has been to be a part of this year’s LBWR program. For me the year has been a process of becoming aware of the diversity and challenges in our community and the positive impact that so many inspiring leaders are making. To experience this journey with such a fantastic group of fellow LBWR-ers was something really special and which I’m sure will last well beyond this year. Thank you to LBWR and my employer Selkirk for giving me this opportunity to learn so much about our community and myself in this context. I’m looking forward to “acting, not just knowing” as a future Leader in Action.
Jodie Kennedy Volunteer Development Officer | City of Ballarat As a relatively new person to the community, being part of LBWR 2013 was a wonderful experience for me. Each of the program days allowed me to learn a little bit more about the issues facing Ballarat and also allowed me to see the strength and resilience of those already working in a range of areas. The leadership components were extremely valuable since they gave me an increased selfawareness as well as the opportunity to get to know the other participants as peers and also as new friends. This program has inspired me to look at opportunities in my community where I can help by using my skills and experience. I believe that as individuals and as a group we will be able to accomplish great things and I look forward to working with LBWR in the future.
Leadership Ballarat & Western Region Yearbook 2013
Daniel Jones Business Analyst | McCain Foods (Aust) Pty Ltd
The LBWR program has been an amazing experience. I’ve learnt as much from my fellow participants as I have from the speakers at each session. I came into the program with little understanding of the work that was being done in our community. I now have a broad understanding of the need in our community and what is being done to address it. Most program days were exhausting. Some days I would come home unable to speak while on other days I needed to share the entire experience all at once. On the best days I would come came away inspired by what an individual can achieve with drive, passion and resilience. The lessons I learnt from the program are simple: there is a lot of need in our community but a single person can help change this; you need to continue to learn throughout your entire life; and it is the responsibility of a good leader to leave this world as a better place.
Ross Huntington General Manager | Gold Bus Ballarat Being a long-time member of Rotary, I came into the 2013 LBWR program with a reasonable awareness of some of the issues facing our community. The program has definitely broadened my knowledge through the many opportunities for face-to-face contact with those at the coalface. This is a fantastic opportunity that I have been granted and I will certainly draw on my experiences to assist the community in the future. The 2013 group contained a very broad and diverse range of people from a range of industries and I feel that we connected very well as a group. I hope that we can continue our friendship once the year has ended and can come together in some way to assist the community down the track. Thank you to everyone involved, from the Board to the participants, for making this year such a rewarding experience. I would also like to thank Sofia for providing a challenging learning atmosphere for the group each program day.
Mick Gorfine Building Assets Coordinator | Moorabool Shire Council My 2013 LBWR year provided me a greater awareness of the needs and challenges within our community. It taught me the true meaning of leadership and gave me the tools and techniques for how to apply these principles. I enjoyed having lively discussions, listening to other people’s opinions and bonding with all my fellow participants and the presenters who taught us so much. I am grateful for being given the opportunity to be part of the LBWR experience.
Katrina Beer Managing Director | Yanikan-Werritj Vocational Training and Employment Centre
Kathie Taylor Local Business Development Specialist | Telstra As part of the 2013 LBWR program I have been provided with an opportunity to experience and understand parts of my community which I have had no relationship with previously. From these experiences I have developed new insights and a greater understanding of the challenges that we face as a community. I have had the opportunity to grow and challenge myself, to meet new and wonderful people who have travelled this experience with me and to find new ways to contribute back to the wider community. It has been a great experience.
l leave feeling informed, inspired and engaged to begin contributing more to the wonderful region we live in.
Leadership Ballarat & Western Region Yearbook 2013
Wow what an amazing journey LBWR has been in 2013. I was hesitant at first about going into the program. As I rocked up to the opening retreat I pondered, “Does this mean that I am now a leader?” And later, “What does leadership mean and will I meet expectation of my community?” This question weighed heavily on me: The LBWR program isn’t about being a leader… it’s about stepping up and showing leadership. It challenges your thoughts and provides you with experiences that you otherwise wouldn’t have. It is a space to grow and learn as a collective and a place to share your passion and vision and be creative and innovative within your thoughts. It encourages you to not be afraid to take on the challenge that sometimes awaits you. I also learnt about many community projects that have been completed or are underway and how to become more involved. I now understand the meaning of the quote by Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” And, most of all, I am inspired. I want say thank you to Sofia and the team at LBWR, my learning partner, my syndicate, the 2013 LBWR group, my sponsor bankmecu (and Greg Veal) and my community for your support. Dream it! Believe it! Achieve it!
Participant Reflections Ashley Barker Construction Supervisor | JG King Homes Being part of LBWR 2013 has been eye opening and challenging. It has made me think outside the square and has broadened my view on the challenges our community faces. The program gives you the opportunity to think about what impact you can have and what you can do to support, develop and sustain as an individual in areas you are passionate about. I am very grateful to my employer and to LBWR for giving me the opportunity to explore leadership with such a diverse range of people and organisations.
Kylie Long ICT Project Manager | City of Ballarat Being part of the Leadership program this year has given me a greater understanding of the challenges faced by different parts of our community. The program days provided an opportunity to discover some of the great programs and support services that are available and to hear from some very passionate people. I have been challenged this year to be more open minded and accepting of people and to work out what issues are most important to me. Getting to know the other members of the program group has been rewarding and has given me some great new friendships. I have learnt so many things this year, but most of all how little things really can make a difference.
Adrian Misseri Senior Podiatrist | Ballarat District Nursing & Healthcare I came into the Leaders Forum expecting to develop my management and leadership skills and expand my professional network. I walk away with so much more. Over the past year, I have experienced social and cultural diversity, disadvantage and opportunity, and challenges and innovation. I have had the ability to develop as a person and as a leader, and to contribute to our community. My biggest learning has been the understanding that one person can make a difference, but not without being able to engage and motivate others around them by staying true to their own core values and drawing on the strengths and experience of those who came before them. Through the program, I have grown as a manager in my organisation and grown in my social awareness. I have also grown as a person and now have the tools to be able to stand up for my values and make a difference in my community. The program days have given me a taste into other areas of the Ballarat community that I normally wouldn’t have been exposed to, giving me an open view into the world outside my own. Being part of a group of dynamic and equally motivated people from so many different backgrounds led to further learning thanks to taking part in healthy debate and hearing different opinions and values – always underpinned by mutual respect which meant we all benefited. I can’t thank LBWR, Sofia, my group and my learning partner enough for my learning, experience and growth throughout this program. It has been invaluable – the most successful professional and personal development program I have undertaken.
Kate Burrows Co-Director / Director | Ballarat Beer Festival / Eventique
Leadership Ballarat & Western Region Yearbook 2013
Being the LBWR Peter Davies Scholarship recipient in 2013 has been a positive and stimulating experience. I have mixed with so many diverse and dynamic leaders and learnt things that have been engaging and challenging and also very thought provoking. I have learnt so much about myself as well as the Ballarat region. LBWR has opened up many avenues through which I can further contribute to the community. Through this diverse group of participants I have made valuable friendships. This time has allowed me to grow and learn and the learning will be life-long.
Being part of LBWR 2013 has been eye opening and challenging.
Samantha Mackley Marketing & Sales Executive | Sovereign Hill In the 2013 LBWR program I have discovered some great organisations that I otherwise wouldn’t have known existed and have heard from some passionate and inspiring people in our community – including my fellow LBWR participants! I thought I had myself figured out but have learnt a lot about myself over the year, things that I never would have discovered if I hadn’t participated in the program. Thanks for the amazing opportunity to hear from the speakers and participate in the program days and nights. I now feel very empowered to go out and try and make a difference!
Trent Bursill Project Manager, Major Projects | City of Ballarat What other program provides participants with the opportunity to meet the Prime Minister, discuss critical issues with local and national leaders, explore the broad societal challenges facing those living within our own community, hear firsthand experiences from new Australians and sit next to a convicted murderer, all as part of a standard program day? The 2013 LBWR program has provided so many opportunities and challenges that I never would have been lucky enough to experience otherwise. While I may not have always agreed with the views and opinions being presented, I couldn’t help but be intrigued and inspired by the passion and commitment shown by both presenters and participants. The diversity of topics and issues covered along with the proud organisations and people we met throughout the year have forced me to think differently about many critical issues and how they affect us all. Importantly the LBWR program has provided me with an increased understanding and appreciation of some of the great work, projects and initiatives that exist within our community. I’m extremely grateful for my LBWR 2103 experience and for the opportunity it has given me to explore the notion of leadership along with such a motivated and engaged group. I’m particularly thankful for the personal connections I have made with my fellow LBWR participants.
Anthony Riding Financial Planner | Head of Financial Services RSM Bird Cameron The 2013 Leadership program has given me a fantastic opportunity to become more aware of the range of different challenges, issues and opportunities being faced by our local community. Through the well structured program days, quality speakers, the Canberra excursion and the open and thought provoking discussions provided by other program participants, I found the program repeatedly challenged my perceptions and views on particular topics and offered great insights into methods and techniques available to enhance my leadership skills. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to have been involved and look forward to further developing my new knowledge and friendships.
Greg Murray Regional Manager/Partner | Lake Imaging
Fiona Whatley Business Development Manager | Springhill Farm Being part of the LBWR program in 2013 has been a wonderful experience both professionally and personally. It has provided an insight into areas of our community that previously were unknown to me and an appreciation of the many people striving each day to make the lives of others better. Personally, it has opened my eyes to my style of thinking and has made me a more active listener and questioner, while allowing me to meet a wonderful group of like-minded people within the Ballarat and Western Region community. I am sure that many of these friendships will continue and that our paths will continue to cross as we become more involved in the great Ballarat community.
Leadership Ballarat & Western Region Yearbook 2013
This year challenged me and gave me a greater insight into what we refer as Our Community. Having worked in the health sector for over 30 years, I thought I had seen it all – how wrong I was. The Canberra experience was amazing, the Wendouree West Community Hub was a revelation and our sessions with Leading Teams were thought provoking and challenging. I had the privilege to be in the presence of younger leaders and admired their thoughts and actions. I am very grateful for my LBWR experience and for the opportunity to explore leadership with such a great group of people – thank you to Sofia and her team.
Participant Reflections Michael Flynn Executive Officer | Sports Central LBWR has provided me with a unique and thought provoking experience that I would highly recommend to anyone with an open mind who wants to know more about their community and how they can make their mark. The people I met and the stories I heard have given me a deep appreciation for my duty to contribute back to our community in a meaningful way. The program has reinforced my desire to make a difference and has given me a new perspective on where that impact can be felt. What makes the program so different to anything I have been part of is that it gives a glimpse into the challenges that our community faces while also shining a bright spotlight on its many assets. Thanks to everyone who has given their time, effort and ideas during the program, from Sofia and the team, to the presenters and, most importantly, to my LBWR13 peers – I look forward to seeing where we will make our mark.
Sandi Murphy Spares and After Sales Manager | Gekko Systems Thank you for allowing me to be part of this, insightful and emotional journey from the black and white I saw in my world to varying shades of grey in the wider community throughout Ballarat and Western Region. This forum is done well –by not persuading you how to choose how and when you contribute to the community but by providing you with a mental toolbox to make your own decisions. From local council to Canberra to looking at the social demographic and disability needs of our community, there are so many opportunities to make our region a better place. I feel if I can share my experiences to help open the minds of others so that they can make choices that they otherwise would not known existed I have achieved some good. With a less judgemental attitude now I ask myself, “Can I be an advocate for our community through my networks, family, friends and workplace?” “Can I be an inspiring leader both in my workplace and the community by sharing what I have experienced and helping others become more aware of what is going on in our community?” “Yes I can, both as an individual and as part of a group.”
Jaclyn Reriti Program Manager | Women's Health Grampians It has been privilege and an honour to be part of the 2013 LBWR group. This year we have been presented with a range of issues and challenges within our community that test our thinking. To learn and grow with such an eclectic group of intelligent and professional individuals has been an amazing experience. In moving forward, we as a group or as individuals can be more aware of the issues in our community. We can provide our time, our expertise or our talents or we can be united in change. I am brought back to a quote from Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Chloe Biggin Custom Publications Coordinator | The Courier
Leadership Ballarat & Western Region Yearbook 2013
For me, LBWR 2013 has taught me not only more about my community but also about myself as an individual and an employee. The experience has opened my eyes to what makes this region tick. The dedication and passion of the community members and organisations I have been exposed to through the program have been nothing short of inspiring. To this year's LBWR participants, I thank you for sharing this journey with me and I look forward to seeing how each and every one of us can become more active members of the Ballarat region.
Steph Wallace Owner | Red Brick Community Gallery Before participating in the Leaders Forum it was hard for me to identify myself as a leader at all... being part of the local arts community I was just 'doing my thing' in a sector I felt passionate about. Throughout the course of the program I have been able to identify what it truly means to be a leader as well as a deeper understanding of the role I have as a leader in my community and beyond. Through the Leaders Forum I came to realise how 'silo-ed' our community can be. The program opened my mind to others’ agendas and allowed me to share mine. I genuinely believe my city is a better place because of the Leaders Forum... it fosters great learning, collaboration and sharing of resources. Through the relationships I’ve developed as part of this program, I now have access to a highly knowledgeable ‘bank’ of people whose expertise I have been able to call upon to gain insight into a number of challenges. The forum has enabled me to develop real tools to make a real difference both personally and professionally. As a direct result of this program I have made significant changes in my life to create the future I feel is important for my community.
Taya McPhee Customer Relationship Manager | Bendigo & Adelaide Bank Ltd The 2013 LBWR program has been a fantastic experience and has opened my eyes to the opportunities and issues we face in our region. Throughout the year I have met many like-minded people and also many who have challenged me to re-evaluate my views and consider the whole picture before forming an opinion. I have thoroughly enjoyed the program and feel that it has contributed to a huge year of learning and growth both personally and professionally.
Robert Ladd Manager Engineering, Waste Operations and Contracts | Pyrenees Shire Council The year has shown me how to refine my leadership skills and has challenged my preconceived ideas of what issues a community actually faces such as disability, social economics, affordable housing and access to medical professionals. The diversity of the participants, with people from so many different backgrounds and professions, meant that every session was like an in-depth review of the issues being explored. The program is a must for anyone who wants to give back to the community and develop as an up-and-coming leader.
Matt Vallance Business Development & Marketing Manager | UFS Dispensaries Ltd The 2013 Leadership Program has been an incredibly worthwhile and thought provoking experience. Each program day presented a challenging community issue that we, as a diverse group of individuals, shared our thoughts and opinions on, exposing us to concepts and ideas that we previously may not have considered. The program allowed us access to some very intriguing and informative sessions that otherwise may not have been available to us. The year has allowed me to forge many great connections and friendships that I look forward to continuing in the future.
Carolyn Robertson Nurse Unit Manager, Maternity Clinical Services | Ballarat Health Services
Leadership Ballarat & Western Region Yearbook 2013
I knew when I accepted the offer of a place in LBWR 2013 I would be embarking on a life-changing experience, but I did not realise the extent. I have learnt so much about the community where I have chosen to live and work and which I am extremely proud of. I have experienced both personal and professional growth and have built some solid networks in the community. The 2013 group is a dynamic group of intelligent, caring individuals who have been a pleasure to spend time with and get to know. The exposure to so many fantastic groups has opened my eyes and made me realise how much my life revolves around such a small part of the community I am part of. It has really pushed me out of my comfort zone on many occasions and I have enjoyed the challenge. Seeing so many wonderful groups and individuals in our community doing great things has been very insightful for me. As a group we now need to decide what project we will work on next year and what other contributions we can make to the community. I am committed to not let this experience end in November, but to further develop my community knowledge and input and to use it as a base for continuing to develop both personally and professionally. I thoroughly enjoyed the company of my learning partner and really valued this as part of the program.
Leaders In Action - Shape the Future
Leaders in Action (LIA) members are graduates of the Leaders Forum program who are committed to shaping the future of our regional communities by volunteering their services.
Leadership Ballarat & Western Region Yearbook 2013
LIA members:
Collaborate with alumni, agencies and community groups to form networks.
Lead by inspiring participation and connectedness within the community.
Engage in community initiatives that strengthen our communities.
Contribute creative and informed thinking to help find solutions that support a sustainable future.
Volunteer advice and contribute to making a positive dirrerence.
2 0 1 2
Jeff Ashmore Tim Atkinson Jo Brennan Belinda Burley Andrea Carroll Angela Connor Andrew Eales
Dr Nina Fotinatos Leeanne Greenwood Michelle Harper Barry Kay Marnie Kerridge Larelle Kuczer Beth Lamont
Andrew McManus Bobby Mehta Simone Noelker Tim Owen Jodie Perry Jo Powell Norman Prueter
Jodie Rykers Sean Simpson Christopher Stevens Dawn Tschujasehenko
2 0 1 1
Nadia Attar-Bashi Jo Curkpatrick Wayne Gason Sam Gent Mona Hatwal Ashley Heenan Bianca Jones
Rhonda Lowe Sarah Lum Matthew Lyttle Simon Manterfield Peter McConvill Mark Powell James Riggs
Steve Roberts Peter Rutley Frances Salenga Anthony Schreenan Nicole Roberts Jude Sobey Daniel Sutton
Nathan Thorp Tim Waller Chris Waters Annie Young Igor Zovko
2 0 1 0
Shane Armstrong Jane Barclay Denielle Beardmore Andrew Brisbane Olivia Brown Sheree Collins Brett Davis Serena Eldridge
Pauline Fay Karin Franck Katherine Gillespie Lynette Heenan Anita Holdsworth Geoff Johnson Wayne Jones Kylie Lang
Sheree Lowe Jed Manley Jade Morrison David Moyle Judy-Ann Quilliam Mel Razmjoo Ben Reeve Adam Rogers
Mark Simpson Gabby Spiller Greg Stewart Gavin Svanosio Mark Thornton Charles Zhang
2 0 0 9
Chev Chevalier Angela Clough Karl Curran Glenn Drew Karen Eaton Ewen Fletcher Sue Flockhart
Carmel Flynn Andrew Henwood Mick Hynes Cassie Lindsay Heather McBean Adam McSwain Shannon Meadows
Chris Moors Lydia Mzondo Sean O'Keeffe Jarrod Page Krys Pekin Melissa Polkinghorne Maria Rice
Paul Wallace Andrew Wallace Leanne Wilson Fleur Baker Michael Boatman
2 0 0 8
Jodi Barclay Rachel Browning Andrew Burgess Nicole Cassells Matt Chapman Bronwen Clarke Luke Cooper
Matthew Dawson Brett Edgington Debbie Fankhauser Todd Fletcher Bernie Fradd Amanda Kay Lauren Mann
Chris Martin Genevieve Martin Rachaele May Sharine Shaw Stuart McKee Katie Morris Kurtis Noyce
Catherine Riddoch Paul Rogan Lu Scott Maree Stevenson-Chamings Chris Wright
2 0 0 7
Tavis Baker Peter Boadle Gayle Boschert Ben Brown Vikki Chaffey Kate Diamond-Keith Troy Everett
Peter Forbes Belinda Fyffe Kerri Gordon Douglas Gowans Narelle Hibberd Chris Hutton John King
Karen McCraw Jennifer McPherson-Berry Andrew Nuske Tony Redmond Caius Ryan Arti Shaw Claire Stafford
Robyn Stevens Michelle Symes Kath Venters Tracey Wilson
2 0 0 6
Natalie Abbott Carolyn Barrie Olivia Bates Tamara Boyd Ange Carey Colin Dorn Karen Doyle
Luke Dunne Jenny Fitzgerald Robert Gibson Scott Hebbard Naomi Irvin Liz Leorke Kym Ludbrook
Tennille McLauchlan Luke Mullane Paul Murphy Travis Polkinghorne Tania Rigby John Ruyg Michael Smith
Mark Spenceley Matt Stevens Marietta Thompson Adam Wiseman
Leadership Ballarat & Western Region Yearbook 2013
Roll Call 2006-12
Proudly sponsored by:
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Proudly supported by Regional Development with funding from the Victorian Governments Regional Growth Fund
Level 4, 17 Lydiard Street North, Ballarat, 3350 PO Box 743, Ballarat 3353 Executive Officer: Sofia Fiusco eo@lbwr.com.au / 0400 059 104 www.lbwr.org Leadership Ballarat & Western Region @LeadershipBWR #lbwr