PASC News, January 2012

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PASC News Inside This Issue News & Notes...................... 2 • PASC Executive Board Positions Open Boyertown High School to Host 2013 PASC State Conference ................................... 2 76th PASC State Conference to Be Held in New Castle............................ 3 Kristina Riggans Begins 2012 Presidential Term.................. 4 Looking for a New Student Council Project?................... 4 Mark Your Calendar for PASC Summer Leadership Workshop Dates.................. 5 Staff Applications Now Available for Workshops............. 5 SBE Student Reps Attend January Meeting.................... 6 “Keep It!” Campaign for Ivory Park Makes a Difference......................................... 6 Junior Member to be Selected for Pennsylvania State Board of Education.............. 7 PASC Hoofs It West for the 2012 NASC Conference.... 8

Volume 36 Issue 5 January 2012

PASC to Host Activity Advisor Seminar in June Under the leadership of PASC Workshop Directors Andy Costanzo and Kathy Coll, PASC will sponsor a seminar that will reach out to student council advisors, class advisors, NHS advisors, and club advisors. In 2010, advisors attending the state conference in Scranton asked PASC to create opportunities for advisor training and networking. In a survey of advisors at the 2011 state conference in Altoona, advisors asked for a 1–2 day summer program and suggested workshop session topics. Thus, this new seminar was approved by the PASC Board at its January meeting. Details will be developed during the next six weeks and will be presented to the

Board in early March. What can we tell advisors now?

Kathy Coll, left, will co-direct with Andy Costanzo a seminar for all types of activity advisors in June at Sussquehanna University.

Dates • Beginning Wednesday, June 27 at approximately 11:00 am • Ending Thursday, June 28 at approximately 4:00 pm Site • Susquehanna University, located 50 miles north of Harrisburg. • Air-conditioned classroom and accommodations Registration Cost: $75 Meals: $33 Lodging Packages • $18 per person double occupancy

• $27 single occupancy Act 48 Credit will be Granted Workshop program details including titles and descriptions of large sessions and small group breakouts will be posted on the PASC website in March and April and through a special email and mailing to advisors this spring. Please mark your calendars now. Start talking with other advisors in your school or area school districts about car-pooling to attend. We look forward to seeing you there!

Highlights of January PASC Board Meeting The PASC Executive Board began its work for 2012 at the first of four meetings for this year.

their dedication and service to the students and advisors of the schools of Pennsylvania.

The meeting saw the conclusion of the two-year terms for three student board members:

Six new members assumed their Board positions at this meeting:

• Cody Kiser (Region C Rep—Shade HS)

• Kristina Riggans—President, Union MS-HS

• Sarah Ebner (Region F Rep—Interboro HS)

• Mitchell Kovel—Region C Representative, Everett HS

• Sallie McCann (Region G Rep—Boyertown HS). PASC thanks each of these board members for

• Maura Gouak—Region F Representative, Bishop McDevitt HS continued on page 2

News & Notes PASC Executive Board Positions Open There are several ex officio positions on the PASC Executive Board that are vital to the success of the organization. Each position has a three year term. In 2012, the terms of Middle Level Coordinator and Web Site Coordinator expire and the positions become open. The job descriptions for these positions can be found at or a copy can be obtained by emailing In each case an application and resume will be due from each candidate by Wednesday, February 15. Interviews will be conducted on Friday, March 2 prior to the beginning of the PASC Executive Board meeting in New Castle. In brief, the duties of each position are listed below: Middle Level Coordinator: 1. Communicate with junior highs/middle schools/intermediate schools. 2. Act as a liaison between those schools and the PASC Board. 3. Produce a junior high/middle school/intermediate school column for each PASC newsletter. 4. Promote Blue (grade 7–9) Summer Leadership Workshops. 5. Serve as a consultant and advisor to the two student middle level representatives and their advisors on the Executive Board 6. Attend meetings of the Executive Board in January, March/ April, August. Attend the state conference as a member of the Executive Board. Work with PASC Executive Board members regarding programs and opportunities provided to middle level students and their advisors. Web Site Coordinator: 1. Serve as the clearinghouse for all documents that are to be posted on the website. 2. Check website to verify that items are posted in a timely manner and to remove outdated information. 3. Post additional articles to the website on current PASC and leadership topics. 4. Attend meetings of the Executive Board in January, March/ April, August and at the state conference as an ex-officio member of the board. Work with PASC Executive Board members on the posting of state, district, and regional information. 5. Maintain current online resources used by PASC, which may include training the Executive Board, staying current on new technology, and acting as a technology resource to the Executive Board. 2

PASC News • January 2012 •

PASC Board (cont’d from page 1) • Elizabeth Bina—Region G Representative, Bangor HS • Molly Hundertmark —Middle Level Representative, Emory H. Markle Int. School • Brynn Martin—Middle Level Representative, S.R.U. MS

Middle Level Rep Term Extended In an outstanding cooperative effort, 2011 and 2012 Middle Level Representatives worked to develop a proposal and gain support from adult board members and from high school student board members to modify the Middle Level Rep term of office for a oneyear pilot program. High school Regional Representatives serve for a two-year term while Middle Level Reps have served a one-year term. The PASC board has not wanted the Middle Level Reps to complete their term as a high school student and thus, up until this year, Middle Level Reps have been selected by seventh graders and complete their term in January of their eighth grade year. Over the last six years when Regional Representatives began serving two-year terms, it has become evident that their growth as leaders and influence in decisions made by the PASC Executive Board has greatly increased. The Middle Level Reps searched for ways to attain the same growth and influence as the high school reps. They lobbied that 40% of PASC membership is at the middle level and thus that age group should have increased representation. As they worked thorough challenges and options, they developed a proposal that they presented as a pilot program for 2012. The 2011 Middle Level Reps will serve until August, 2012, thus attending the board meetings in March and August along with the 2012 Middle Level Reps. If the pilot program is successful, this could create a term of 20-months for future Middle Level Reps. The Middle Level Reps deserve huge credit for creating a well crafted proposal and “selling it” to the PASC Board, which accepted it unanimously.

Boyertown High School to Host 2013 PASC State Conference Students from Boyertown HS (District 13), Halifax HS (District 8) and Norwin HS (District 4) presented bids to the PASC Executive Board to host the 2013 State Conference. It was the first time in more than 20 years that three schools sought to host the same conference. After careful deliberation by the PASC Executive Board, Boyertown High School was selected to host the 2013 State Conference. Boyertown HS will now proceed to name the PASC PresidentElect and 2013 conference chairs and begin their detailed planning process as they point toward November 7–9, 2013. We congratulate Boyertown HS and looks forward to working with their students, staff, and administration. PASC thanks the students and advisors from Halifax HS and Norwin HS for their desires to host the 2013 conference and we look forward to bids from one or both of these schools in the future.

76th PASC State Conference to Be Held in New Castle Laurel Junior-Senior HS and Union MS/HS invite students and advisors from PASC member schools to attend the 2012 State Conference in New Castle, PA (District 2). New Castle is truly the Fireworks Capital of the World, with two major internationally-known fireworks companies based there. Thus the state conference theme is “Ignite Yourself, Your School, and Your Community to Serve Others.” It captures the essential elements of personal growth and motivation and the goals of student councils. Here is a preview of plans for 2012 that the “New Castle Team” has developed: The Conference will be held Thursday, November 1 through Saturday, November 3, 2012. Conference general sessions will be held at the historic Scottish Rite Cathedral in downtown New Castle. Workshops will be held on the campuses of both Laurel JSHS

and Union MS/HS. Registration and welcome activities will be held Thursday afternoon at the Scottish Rite Cathedral. A free dinner for advisors and the evening opening General Session will be held at the Cathedral. Student delegates will go to host homes for dinner and will return to the Cathedral for the general session. The evening will conclude with a fireworks display at the Lawrence County Fairgrounds. On Friday, an advisor breakfast will be held at the Scottish Rite Cathedral while students eat at host homes. The second general session will be held at the Cathedral. Students will then be bussed to Laurel JSHS or Union MS/HS for workshop sessions and lunch. The Friday advisors’ program will include roundtable sessions and lunch and will be held at the Cathedral. On Friday night, students and advisors will return to the Scottish Rite Cathedral for the

banquet and separate middle level and high school dances. On Saturday morning, regional caucus meetings and the third general session will be held at the Cathedral. The conference will end on Saturday morning by 11:00 AM. Exciting and talented keynote speakers, Matt Emerzian, Heather Schultz, and Ian Tyson, have been chosen and they will be featured in a spring issue of PASC NEWS. In 2012, PASC will again use host homes for student delegates, but will also provide an option for schools that require that their students be housed in hotels. Please note however that the number of hotel rooms for the housing of both advisor and student delegates will be limited. The February edition of PASC NEWS will provide hotel information. Reasonable

hotel rates have been negotiated and will be published at that time. Conference information will also be available at www. and at the conference website as of February 1. Details of the registration process and per delegate fee will be announced in March. Mark your calendars now and join us in New Castle November 1–3, 2011 for the 76th PASC State Conference.

Join PASC in welcoming New Members to the Board Welcome to new PASC Board Regional Representatives Elizabeth Bina from Bangor HS, Mitchell Kovel from Everett HS, and Maura Gouak from Bishop McDevitt HS (left), and new Middle Level Representatives Molly Hundertmark from Emory H. Markle Int. School and Brynn Martin from SRU MS (right).

PASC News • January 2012 •


Kristina Riggans Begins 2012 Presidential Term At the PASC Executive Board meeting at Altoona High School on January 13, 2012, Kristina Riggans of Union MS/HS, assumed the position of PASC President. PASC welcomes her to this new role and wishes her success as she works with state conference chairs, Christina Noble (Union MSHS) and Marlon Tanner (Laurel JSHS), in planning the 2012 PASC State Conference in New Castle.

student members of this organization as we strive to carry forward the mission of PASC.

“This journey will also present many challenges along the way. Every school district in Pennsylvania is suffering financial hardships, which affect our programs and those of our member schools. Rising expenses of travel and fees are sometimes the cause of low participation. We need to assist As PASC President, Kristina will be the student our Membership and Recruitment Committee to spokesperson for PASC, will lead PASC delegacome up with new, creative ideas to overcome that tions to the NASC Region 2 meeting in Annapolis, obstacle. These financial issues, our busy schedMaryland, in April and the NASC National Conules, and those unexpected bumps in the road that Kristina Riggans ference in Oklahoma City in June. She will work often appear out of the blue are just a few of the PASC President with the Regional Reps and Middle Level Reps and curve balls coming toward us. Sometimes our role their committees during 2012. She will serve on the changes and we have to be willing to step-up to interview committee that will select the next student member of the plate and do our best to knock it out of the park. We are a the Board of Education. “union” of dedicated and determined problem solvers. I know that together we can overcome any difficulties and continue Kristina addressed the adult and student members of the PASC to promote an impressive slate of leadership development opExecutive Board. Following is her “Inaugural Address” articulating portunities. We have so many resources available to us through her hopes and expectations for PASC. the history and members of this board. Together we can use “It is an honor to stand before you this evening looking forward those resources to our benefit, and create new ideas that will to what I’m certain will be a year full of great opportunities and blossom into something amazing. great challenges. “Throughout my term, I will maintain open lines of commu“I look forward to the opportunity to travel and bring the nication with the students and adults of this organization and experiences and lessons learned on those adventures back to through Facebook with student leaders throughout PennsylvaPennsylvania to share at workshops, conferences, and meetings, nia. I encourage everyone to do the same. I know I have sevmaking our organization, its members, and my own council eral mentors in this room to learn from and lean on, and I will. stronger and more advanced. I look forward to the opportunity “If I can ever be of assistance to you, my door is always open, to meet new people, both in and out of Pennsylvania, forgand my phone is always on, and my email is pascpres2012@ ing friendships and networks that will last a lifetime. I look I know this is going to be a super-awesome-fantastic forward to the opportunity to learn with, and from, the other year.”

Looking for a New Project for Your Student Council? Check out some of these upcoming events for ideas on new projects to sponsor. Souper Bowl of Caring The number of Americans living in poverty is the highest it has been in 52 years. One in seven households in our nation are food insecure, which affects more than 16 million children. That’s why Souper Bowl of Caring mobilizes young people each year to collect dollars and cans of food during Super 4

Bowl weekend, then donate 100% of their collection to hunger-relief charities in their own communities. For more information visit No Bull Challenge Create an anti-cyberbullying movement in your school and produce a 2–5 minute documentary style short film that documents the movement. Upload your video to the No Bull Challenge website

PASC News • January 2012 •

between January 15–March 15, then rally your school and community to vote for it to possibly win big prizes! Check out details of how to enter at

Kick Butts Day

Slice of Pi

Global Youth Traffic Safety Month

Work with your math department to celebrate National Pi Day, March 14 (or 3.14) with some lunchtime math games. Serve a free piece of pie to any student who participates.

Organize an awareness project on the dangers of cigarette smoking for Kick Butts Day, March 21. For activity ideas and resources visit

Plan a project to put the brakes on impaired driving during May. Visit to for ideas and resources.

PASC NEWS is published monthly during the school year. To submit announcements, articles, or corrections for newsletters, please email the Executive Director or Assistant Executive Director. Articles or information from PASC NEWS may be reproduced for use, with appropriate credit. Executive Director Jim Finnemeyer North Penn HS 1340 Valley Forge Road Lansdale, PA 19446 215-280-9299 215-855-0632 (Fax)

Mark Your Calendar for These PASC Summer Leadership Workshop Dates for 2012 Share these dates with underclass members of your student council, class governments, NHS, and other student organizations so that they may plan now for a week of learning, fun, and personal growth this summer. Blue workshops are for middle level students in grades 7–9 while Gold workshops are for high school students in grades 9–12 (2012–2013 school year). Costs listed below include registration, room, and meals. The 2012 PASC Workshop Brochures will be emailed to PASC member advisors and students who receive PASC NEWS during the first week in February. The hard copy of the brochure and application will be mailed to advisors as of March 15th. Please note the following dates and locations and begin planning now for students to attend in July. Costs & Deadlines: Blue (Grades 7–9) Grove City College July 8–12 Lebanon Valley College July 29–Aug 2 Gold (Grades 9–12) Grove City College Susquehanna University Advanced Gold (Grades 11–12) University of Pittsburgh/Johnstown

Early Bird (May 11th)

Regular ( June 8th)

$340 $340

$365 $365

July 15–20 July 29–Aug 3

$365 $365

$390 $390

July 15–21



Assistant Executive Director Kathy Ann Coll 174 Link Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15237 412-366-5744 PASC President Kristina Riggans Union MSHS 2106 Camden Avenue New Castle, PA 16101 PASC President-Elect To Be Named Boyertown High School 120 N. Monroe Street Boyertown, PA 19512 PASC News Editor Lyn Fiscus Leadership Logistics PASC Email: PASC Website:

Staff Applications Now Available for Workshops PASC is seeking students who will graduate from high school in 2012 (or have graduated in 2010 or 2011) to serve as group advisors for one of the five PASC Summer Leadership Workshops.

Additionally, advisors, other teachers, or individuals with experience in leadership development are encouraged to apply for teaching positions at the PASC Blue Workshops (grades 7–9) or the PASC Gold Workshops (grades 9–12) for the

summer of 2012. Applications are now available at www.pasc. net, by contacting the PASC Office at PASCInfo@aol. com, or calling 215-280-9299. Deadline for submitting applications is February 20, 2012.

PASC News • January 2012 •


SBE Student Reps Attend January Meeting By Shannon Sullivan, SBE Senior Rep, North Allegheny HS The January meeting of the Pennsylvania State Board of Education convened in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on the twelfth of January 2012. Due to a light agenda, the meeting was condensed to one day. During the meeting, Deputy Secretary Carolyn Dumaresq reported that the Assessment Anchors for English Language Arts and Mathematics have been rewritten to match both the content and the rigor of the Common Core. The Bureau of Assessment also reported that they have a draft of anchor and eligible content for writing that will be reviewed in early January. In December, Pennsylvania won a grant worth more than $41 million in the third round of the United States Department of Education’s “Race to the Top” competition. The Department’s “Race to the Top” competition was designed to reward states with $4.35 billion of educational funds to implement innovative reforms in K–12 education. Pennsylvania plans to use the funds for full implementation of a new teacher evaluation system. One hundred thirteen school entities have volunteered to participate in the pilot of the new teacher evaluation tool, which fo-

cuses on evaluation elements of professional practice—including traditional public schools, Career and Technical Centers, Intermediate Units, and charter schools. The department is in the process of training more than 530 administrators and more than 7,000 teachers and ensuring the training is effective. The primary focus of the initiative is to learn what teacher behaviors drive student achievement. A 2009 report suggested unusual increases in scale scores for the PSSA tests across the state—the Department stepped in to investigate the cause of the change. Extensive data has revealed that changes made within the curriculum of 26 of those schools justified the increase of scores and there is no reason to believe professional misconduct was present. The department continues to investigate the remaining schools. The board spoke about the unfortunate situation in the Chester Upland School District; the district is out of money and the students are suffering. Because of legal stipulations, the school does not legally qualify to be considered fiscally distressed, so the Department has no basis to intervene. To legally qualify, 90 days must pass with the failure

to pay teacher salaries. Some believe stronger accountability is needed because money will not make the change itself. The Chester Schools have the largest amount of students enrolled in charter schools in the state—over 40%—therefore, most of their funding goes to the charter schools. The situation has now been taken to Federal Court to determine a solution. Secretary of Education Ronald Tomalis reported concerns with the No Child Left Behind Act. Recently, he traveled to Washington to privately meet with United States Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. Secretary Tomalis is concerned with the waiver proposal exempting states from the Federal Law; he requested that Pennsylvania be allowed to amend our accountability workbook instead of applying for the waiver. Pennsylvania would need to freeze our AYP targets while we wait for a new law to be enacted. Regardless of what happens to AYP targets, Pennsylvania still plans on moving forward with the Common Core. A team of educators from across the state will convene at Harrisburg this month to revise the existing Pennsylvania Academic Standards. The proposed timeline for the

Shannon Sullivan, SBE Senior Rep

implementation of the Common Core Standards began in October 2011 and will continue through the spring of 2015 with the implementation of the Common Core Aligned PSSA tests grades six through eighth. After the State Board met, Erin and I traveled to Altoona to meet with the Executive Board of PASC. We met with student board members to discuss current educational issues. Among the issues, students felt the greatest concern over budget cuts, student stress and pressure, and testing. We hope to continue the conversation online through our blog (http://pastudentrep. and on Twitter (@TalkaboutHS). We encourage all of you to engage in our meaningful discussion regarding education. Please do not hesitate to contact us with your concerns: I may be reached at and Erin may be reached at agnew.

“Keep It!” Campaign for Ivory Park Makes a Difference Since January of 2009, PASC member schools, other state student council organizations, PASC alumni members and outside donors have contributed more than $50,000.00 toward the development of a comprehensive community center in Ivory Park, South Africa. Working together, patiently but persistently, by acting locally while reaching globally, we have reached our original fundraising goal! The funds have been used to implement several 6

PASC News • January 2012 •

life-changing projects in a South African township where more than 1,000,000 people live in life-threatening poverty. PASC made the commitment, we have been telling the story, and we have kept it going for three significant years. To read about recent developments and see photos of the sustainable legacy we have built halfway around the world, download the Keep It Campaign for Ivory Park update in the e-mail version of this newsletter.

Junior Member to be Selected for Pennsylvania State Board of Education Since September 2008, a senior and a junior student have served on the Pennsylvania State Board of Education. TThe term of Senior SBE member Shannon Sullivan of North Allegheny HS will end with the SBE meeting of May 9–10, 2012. PASC is happy to announce that Erin Agnew, Junior SBE member from Springfield Twp. HS, will be appointed to serve as the next Senior SBE Member. Thus, PASC has been charged with the responsibility to select the next Junior SBE Member. This student will be named this spring and will begin his or her term as of July 1. However, Erin and the new Junior Member will attend their first meeting together in mid-May. What Is the State Board of Education? The State Board of Education sets all policies regarding public school education in the Commonwealth. It consists of Councils of Basic and Higher Education. The Board of Education has 17 adult members selected by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. The chair and minority leader of the House and Senate Education Committees serve as well. The board meets in Harrisburg on Wednesdays and Thursdays in July, September, November, January, March, and May. A

detailed job description is available at or by contacting PASC at

13 states in the nation have student representatives on their State Boards of Education.

What Are the Duties of Students on the Board of Education?

PASC is seeking to name a present sophomore to the Junior SBE Member as of July 1. The process will be implemented in the spring of 2012 to select the next Junior SBE Member whose term will begin on July 1, 2012. Any sophomore in a public high school in Pennsylvania may apply for the position in the 2012–2013 school year. Students do not have to attend a PASC member school to apply. Travel, meals, and lodging in Harrisburg or other meeting sites in the state will be paid for by the State Board of Education. Travel, meals, and lodging for the required meetings of PASC will be paid by PASC.

The new Junior SBE Member of the Board of Education will join Erin Agnew in representing the 1.8 million K–12 public school students in the Commonwealth. Although they can not be an expert on every issue or idea coming before the Board of Education and its committees, they will be expected to do their “homework” to become knowledgeable about topics of interest to Pennsylvania students including special needs students and vocational and technical school students. Working with PASC, the student members will use the PASC NEWS communications system, the PASC website, and PASC survey tools to communicate with their constituents. The students will report periodically to the PASC Executive Board and attend the state conference and January Executive Board meeting for face-to face reporting and feedback. Being the “student voice” on the Pennsylvania Board of Education is an incredible opportunity for the students involved as well as for all Pennsylvania students. Only

Who May Apply?

Application Includes • Basic contact information • Student resume • Two essays • Three letters of recommendation • Signatures of approval and support from the student, parent/guardian, school administration Download the information cover letter, application, requirements and expectations, and overview of the State Board of Education at www.

Advisors: Please share this important information with your student leaders right away! Application deadline by mail or fax is Friday, March 14, 2011.

Selection Timeline March 14: Postmark or FAX deadline for all application information and letters of recommendation. March 20–24: Review of all applications by an adult and student screening committee of the PASC Executive Board. March 26: Contact with the finalists for the Junior Member position regarding the interview process. April 28: Interviews in Harrisburg with finalists for the Junior Member position; PASC makes recommendations to the State Board of Education May 1: Notification of student selected as State Board of Education Junior Member May 9–10: First meeting of the State Board of Education for new student member. Please direct any questions regarding these positions and the application process to 215-280-9299 or Fax 215-855-0632 Attn: Jim Finnemeyer

PASC News • January 2012 •


PASC Hoofs It West for the 2012 NASC Conference PASC will be “Blazing the Trail of Leadership” as we put on our boots and cowboy hats and head West to the 2012 NASC Conference. The spirited PASC delegation will fly to the western heritage city of Oklahoma City on Thursday, June 21.

many advisors may attend per school • Trip/conference chaperones are Jim Finnemeyer, PASC Executive Director, and Kathy Coll, PASC Assistant Executive Director. Other advisors attending the conference will assist. • Accepted workshop presenters do not count against your school’s limit.

Activities Pre-conference activities include: • No visit is complete until we head to the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum, America’s premier institution of Western history, art, and culture. • Team-building activities at Arcadia Lake, for a chance to meet the delegates in your PASC squad. • Another day spent at Stockyard City, a “must see” when visiting Oklahoma City. It’s a place where the cattle and horse people can get what they need, have a good meal and enjoy each other’s company, and have a great time shopping. • A fun dinner and entertainment with all Region 2 delegates (from NY, NJ, MD, and DE) on Friday night on the Bricktown Riverwalk, as we enjoy the water taxi along the brightly lit riverfront.

Blazing the Trail of Leadership After the pre-trip, we will head to Yukon High School in Oklahoma City for two and a half days focused on leadership and service starting on Saturday, June 23.

Registration Details

PASC delegates to the NASC conference enjoy a few days of sightseeing and teambuilding prior to the conference each year. Join us this year as we head to Oklahoma.

• Numerous settings for collaboration, networking, and idea sharing • Student-led workshops • National speakers • Opportunity to meet students and advisors from around the states, Canada, and Puerto Rico.

Present a Workshop at NASC If you are interested in taking your presenting skills to the next level, apply to be a workshop presenter at the national conference. To apply, you must: • Have presented at a state or LEAD Conference • Complete the PA Rubric for workshops (found online at and submit a booklet also • Send completed rubric outline and booklet to Kathy Coll, PASC Assistant Executive Director, by February 1 for review. When accepted on the state level, potential

presenters will receive an application to complete for NASC and their review.

Conference Fees The cost for the pre-trip and conference is $1,400 which includes: • Roundtrip airline flight from Philadelphia or Pittsburgh • Four-night hotel stay at the Marriot Residence Inn in Bricktown • Transportation during pretrip • All meals except four lunches • Tickets and entrance fees to all venues • Conference registration fee ($365) • Four PA delegation t-shirts

Go to http://unicorn1.wufoo. com/forms/pasc-registrationform-to-2012-nasc-conference/ to complete the PASC online registration. Print out a copy of the registration information sheet and send it with a $500, nonrefundable deposit made out to PASC. Please have a parent/ guardian sign the form next to their email address. Send the check and form to Kathy Coll, 174 Link Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15237. Registration is open now and continues until the February 15, deadline. Kathy would like to get airline tickets early to keep prices down. If you have any questions, email Kathy at kcoll1@comcast. net or call (412) 445-4193.

Who may attend? • Any student in grades 7–12 (in Sept. of 2012) may attend. You do not need your school advisor to be attending. There is a limit of six students per school. • There is no limit on how

Join us for Blazing the Trail of Leadership as we head west to have the experience of a lifetime at NASC 2012! 8

PASC News • January 2012 •

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