PASC News Inside This Issue News & Notes...................... 2 • Student Finalists for State Board of Education Announced • Membership Coordinator and Treasurer Positions Available on PASC Executive Board Present a Student-Led Workshop at the State Conference This Fall ................................. 2 Spring Fundraising Ideas for PASC State Charity:VH1 Save the Music................................ 4 Mark Your Calendar for a 2012 Summer Camp Experience with PASC ................... 5 Blue Workshop In Eastern PA Moves to Alvernia University............................... 5 Prudential Spirit of Community Awards Announced...... 6 Student Summit Proposals to Be Shared With Educational Leaders.................................. 7 Congratulations to NASC Region 2 Advisors of the Year......................................... 8 How to Host a Chili CookOff Fundraiser....................... 9 Snow Buddies (No Puppies Involved)................................. 9
Volume 37 Issue 7 March 2013
Principal-Advisor -Leaders (PAL) Conferences Planned for Fall PASC will sponsor three principal-advisor-student leader (PAL) programs this fall. The conferences aim to provide an opportunity for principals, advisors, and student leaders to share ideas, to set goals, and to begin a working relationship for the new school year. The program will provide time for participants to interact as school teams as well as separate opportunities for principals, advisors, and students to meet
in small group breakout sesPrincipals, advisors, and student leaders have an opportunity to sions. work as a team to develop plans for the school year at the Principal-
Locations: Advisor-Leaders (PAL) Conference held in the fall. Each site is in Selinsgrove within 120 miles of all PASC • Thursday, September 26— member schools. PAL ConferPluma Conference Center in ences are scheduled to be held Irwin in 2013 at: Our featured presenter and fa• Tuesday, September 24— cilitator will be Terri Johnson, Crowne Plaza Hotel in executive director of the MisReading souri Association of Student • Wednesday, September Councils. Terri has presented 25—Susquehanna University numerous programs across the continued on page 3
PASC To Create Technology Task Force PASC is seeking four educators and four students who have expertise with communications technology to form a task force to explore a variety of technology options. The goals of the task force are: • To expand the use of technology for communication with advisors and student leaders. • To create technology resources to share with advisors and student leaders that will help councils: • Be better organized • Communicate better with their members and with the student body • Increase the use of media for in school and community
access • To create presentations for conferences and summer workshops on technology related topics • To create resources to placed on the PASC website or linked to the website • To consider webinars for use with students and advisors who find it difficult to leave their schools.
in the use of communications technology. In addition, PASC the task force will include four underclassmen students who have expertise with communications and technology who would provide a student voice to the task force’s efforts. It is the expressed goal of the PASC Executive Board to reach out to involve non-board members in this volunteer opportunity.
Task Force Membership
The task force will be made up of four advisors or teachers who may or may not be student council advisors but who have expertise and interest
The Task Force will be chaired by Kyle Kauffman, advisor South Western HS in York County. Kyle teaches a unit on the use of technology at the PASC Advanced Gold Workcontinued on page 3
News & Notes Student Finalists for State Board of Education Announced The Pennsylvania Association of Student Councils is pleased to announce that the following students have been selected as finalists for the State Board of Education Junior Member position. These finalists will be interviewed in Harrisburg on Saturday, April 6, 2013. One sophomore will be selected for this position. The SBE Selection Committee appreciated the submission of application packets (which included resumes, essays, and recommendations) from each of the excellent candidates from across the Commonwealth. The selected student will join Emily Clark of Seneca Valley HS on the State Board. Emily has served this past year as the Junior Student Member and will become the Senior Student Member at the conclusion of the board’s May 8–9, 2013 meeting in Harrisburg. Best wishes to the following finalists as they move forward in the selection process to be named as a student non-voting member of the Pennsylvania State Board of Education. Nicholas Kalams
Pennridge HS
Lauren Mellott
Chambersburg HS
Kevin Myers
Governor Mifflin HS
Omobolanie Odusoga
Penn Wood HS
Justin Reynolds
Pennridge HS
Danielle Somerville
North Penn HS
Membership Coordinator and Treasurer Positions Available on PASC Executive Board There are two ex officio positions on the PASC Executive Board that are vital to the success of the organization. Each position has a three year term. In 2013, the terms of Membership Coordinator and Treasurer expire and the positions will be open. The Job Descriptions for these positions can be found at or a copy can be obtained by contacting In each case, an application and resume will be due from a candidate by Friday, June 14. Interviews will be conducted on Friday, August 2, as a part of the PASC Executive Board meeting at Halifax HS. In brief, the duties of each position are listed in a continuation of this article on page 3. 2
PASC News • March 2013 •
Present a Student-Led Workshop at the State Conference This Fall By: Courtney Black and Julie Gehret, Workshops Committee Chairs Feel the Rhythm of Leadership! Boyertown is buzzing with excitement about the 2013 State Conference! In preparation for the conference, the workshops committee has been working to improve the efficiency and organization of the sign-up process. In the past, workshops were graded by hand. In order to decrease the time it takes to grade each workshop, the committee created an online process. Student delegates can find the link to the workshop application upload under the workshop tab at http:// This new process is not only less of a hassle for you, but it is much more environmentally friendly as well! By going online, packets no longer need to be mailed. Instead, they can be uploaded directly to the 2013 State Conference website. When applying, make sure that you have your personal information (school, cell phone number, and email address), your partner’s information, and your advisor’s email handy. From there, applicants will upload a sample of the packet (the information to be distributed to the delegates at the conference), the justification/reasons for doing the workshop, and a list of the items needed to perform the workshop. For more detailed information on the guidelines and requirements for the workshops and justifications, make sure to check out the rubric on the conference website: Both the samples of the packet and the justification must be uploaded to the website. Make sure to upload each item as two different documents! Workshop committee personnel will then download this information and score it. The opening date for uploading workshops applications is Wednesday, May 1. Anyone interested in submitting a workshop must do so online between then and no later than Friday, August 9. Once your workshop is submitted, your advisor will receive an advisor sign-off email. Advisors are still required to sign off on workshops, however instead of sending the sign-off sheet in by mail advisors now sign off via email. Make sure that your advisor is aware of your application so he or she can respond promptly. Workshops without advisor sign-offs WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. By August 19, all applications will be scored and the workshops will be chosen. Delegates and their advisors will be notified with a confirmation email on the 19. Boyertown is thrilled to host the 2013 PASC State Conference! We cannot wait to see you there!
PAL Conferences Planned for Fall nation for student leaders and educators. She will be bringing with her an array of books, leadership games, activities, and other resources that will be available for purchase or order. Your school is invited to bring an administrator, advisor(s), and four student leaders as a team to this one-day PAL conference. In addition, a second set of student leaders and an
advisor from another school leadership organization (class government or NHS) l could also attend. This fall, join other schools in your area to experience this nationally recognized leadership program. Time: 8:15 a.m.–9:00 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast 9:00 a.m.–2:30 p.m. Program • Opening Keynote Address by
(cont’d from page 1)
Terri Johnson • School Team-Building Activities • Small group sessions for administrators, advisors, students leaders • Luncheon and visit to the Resource Extravaganza • School team sessions Cost: Includes a continental breakfast, buffet lunch, and conference materials. Register
early and save $5 per person. • Early Bird postmark deadline (with or without names) is August 1—$45 per person • Regular deadline is September 15—$50 per person Registration materials will be posted on and emailed to advisors by April 15. Look for more program details in the April issue of PASC News.
PASC To Create Technology Task Force (cont’d from page 1) shop and wrote a series of articles for PASC News in 2010. These articles are found on the PASC website under Resources. Under Kyle’s leadership, the Task Force will be formed by mid-April. The members will communicate electronically. The members will be asked to meet one time at Halifax HS (20 miles north of Harrisburg) on Friday, August 2 and Saturday, August 3. (PASC will pay for travel and lodging for this meeting.) Additional work of the Task Force will again be done electronically after that meeting. It is the goal for the Task Force to report to the PASC Board on August 3 and to complete their recommen-
dations prior to the PASC Board meeting in January 2014. How to Volunteer Please send an email expressing interest in serving on the Task Force to by April 10, 2013. In that email, provide your name, school, and contact information. Write 250 words or less sharing your interest in serving and providing specifics regarding your experience and/or expertise that you would bring to this PASC Task Force.
PASC Executive Board Positions Available (cont’d from page 3) In brief, the duties of each position are listed below: Treasurer Position The responsibilities include: 1. Being authorized to sign checks as well as the Executive and Assistant Executive Director. 2. Paying all association bills. 3. Keeping receipts and all financial records. 4. Recommending to the Executive Board placement of funds for best available savings. 5. Creating financial report for each Executive Board meeting ( January, March, August). 6. Distributing percentage of membership dues to District Associations in March.
7. Providing all financial records and documentation to Executive Board for annual internal or external audit of previous year’s accounts. 8. Working with Workshop Registrar for the accounting and deposit of workshop funds. 9. Maintaining a record of all accounts in the name of PASC, including its workshop accounts and district accounts. Include accounting for these records as part of the Financial report at the January Executive Board meeting. 10. Preparing nonprofit account tax returns for the Internal Revenue Service
by May 1 and maintaining non-profit association tax exemption documents. Membership Coordinator Position The Membership Coordinator has specific tasks to be completed each month from August through July. These ongoing tasks include: 1. Sending invoices to member schools with follow up notices to schools whose dues are unpaid 2. Preparing membership reports by district for the Executive Board 3. Printing labels for District Directors’ mailings to member and nonmember schools as requested.
4. Sending out new membership certificates with materials about conferences and PASC programs. 5. Sending the New Advisor Handbook to new advisors. 6. Depositing funds from dues into the PASC account and preparing financial reports on dues for the Executive Board. 7. Attending three board meetings per year ( January, March, August) and serving on the Membership and Outreach Committee and one additional standing committee as assigned. 8. Assisting the District Directors and Regional Representatives with membership recruitment.
PASC News • March 2013 •
Spring Fundraising Ideas for PASC State Charity:VH1 Save the Music The PASC 2013 state charity, VH1 Save The Music, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to restoring instrumental music education programs in America’s public schools, and raising awareness about the importance of music as part of each child’s complete education. More than 15 years in existence, it is their renewed commitment to donate one hundred million dollars’ worth of new musical instruments to schools in need to ensure that an even greater number of students receive a comprehensive music education over the next 10 years! For more information on the good work of the Foundation, please visit: www. Listed below are some fundraising ideas brainstormed by members of the PASC Executive Board at their March meeting. Your Student Council can create or adapt these ideas to raise funds as a council, in cooperation with music and fine arts students and faculty members in your school, or by working with organizations in the elementary schools or middle schools of your district. n Set up a table and advertise the Save the Music charity and collect donations at band, jazz band and choir concerts or any other school music programs this spring. n Talk with churches and local bands about collecting donations to “Save the Music” in schools. n Hold a band concert using a teacher band and a student band. All money raised with 4
the entry fee will go toward donations. Two bands will give each band a break. n Use county or district band concerts as advertising opportunities. n Encourage choirs, bands, and orchestras in all of the schools of your school district to collect donations at spring concerts. n Get a local band to hold a free concert at a local venue. Have collection bins. Leechburg HS raised $500 at $5 a ticket for a concert with ten local bands. n Hold School Riff-Offs and collect donations at the event. n Hold an open-mic night and collect donations. n Hold a “Dancing with the Stars” (Teachers) program and use the profit from tickets and donations for “Save the Music.” n Hold a Battle of the Bands and use the profit from tickets plus donations for “Save the Music.” n Hold a High School Idol program—or a Teacher Idol event—and use the profit from tickets plus donations. n Hold a talent or variety show. n Hold a “Think You Can Dance” Competition. n Hold a “coffeehouse” night with poetry reading, songs, and instruments and use the profit plus donations. n Hold a karaoke night; charge to attend and collect donations. n Ask the school to collect a dollar or two at spring concerts with the proceeds going
PASC News • March 2013 •
to “Save the Music.” n Set up a food booth at concerts or set up a “Save the Music” booth to collect donations. n Local school choirs perform individually and as a total group for an evening of entertainment—just done at New Castle HS to collect donations for “Save the Music.” n Organize a singing telegram program at school. Charge $1 for “telegrams” to recognize birthdays, anniversaries, or holidays. n Work with the drama department, choir, or band and hold a dinner before the school play or spring concerts. Use the profit from the dinner for “Save the Music” and collect donations. n Hold a teacher contest. Collect money in buckets. The teacher with the most money collected sings the Alma Mater in an assembly or over the intercom. Send the funds collected this spring and next fall to PASC State Charity c/o Boyertown HS Student Council, 120 North Monroe Street, Boyertown, PA 19512
PASC NEWS is published monthly during the school year. To submit announcements, articles, or corrections for newsletters, please email the Executive Director or Assistant Executive Director. Articles or information from PASC NEWS may be reproduced for use, with appropriate credit. Executive Director Jim Finnemeyer North Penn HS 1340 Valley Forge Road Lansdale, PA 19446 215-280-9299 215-855-0632 (Fax) Assistant Executive Director Kathy Ann Coll 174 Link Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15237 412-366-5744 PASC President Danielle Croner Boyertown High School 120 N. Monroe Street Boyertown, PA 19512 PASC President-Elect Courtney Detwiler Altoona Area High School 1415 6th Street Altoona, PA. 16602 PASC News Editor Lyn Fiscus Leadership Logistics PASC Email: PASC Website:
Underclassmen: Mark Your Calendar for a 2013 Summer Camp Experience with PASC The 2013 Summer Leadership Workshop brochures and applications were mailed by March 9 to all student council advisors. Please email if you did not receive that mailing. The application, frequently asked question sheet, sample daily schedule, and curriculum benchmarks can also be found on the PASC website. The Blue and Gold brochures are also posted at www.pasc. net. Share these dates with underclass members of your student council, class governments, NHS, and other student organizations so that they may plan now for a week of learning, fun, and personal growth this summer. Blue workshops are for middle level students in grades 7–9 while Gold workshops are for high school students in grades 9–12 (2013–2014 school year). Costs listed below include registration, room, and meals. Please note the following dates and locations and begin planning now for students to attend in July. Costs & Deadlines: Blue (Grades 7–9) Grove City College July 14–18 Alvernia University July 28–Aug 1 Gold (Grades 9–12) Grove City College July 7–12 Susquehanna University July 28–Aug 2 Advanced Gold (Grades 11–12) University of Pittsburgh/Johnstown July 14–20
Early Bird (May 10th)
Regular ( June 7th)
$345 $345
$370 $370
$375 $375
$400 $400
Workshop Scholarships Available Many of the PASC District Associations have scholarships available to attend a Blue or Gold PASC Summer Leadership Workshop. Now is the time to contact YOUR District Director to see what is available in your area or go to and check out scholarship information on your District Association’s page. Don’t delay, deadlines are fast approaching in many districts.
Blue Workshop In Eastern PA Moves to Alvernia University We’ve made a move! PASC Blue workshop is happy to announce that we have moved our eastern site to Alvernia University beginning this summer. Alvernia University
is located in a secure, residential area outside of Reading in historic Berks County. The small, unique campus provides students the possibility to experience college campus
life while engaging in memorable leadership opportunities. This campus is the ideal setting to facilitate our middle school students to grow and to develop skills that will
benefit their student council, school, and community. Alvernia University is excited to host PASC Blue Workshop from July 28–August
PASC News • March 2013 •
Prudential Spirit of Community Awards Announced Students from Mechanicsburg earn $1,000 awards, engraved medallions, and a trip to the nation’s capital. Honors also bestowed on youth volunteers from Maple Glen, Villanova, Ligonier, Lower Gwynedd, Bala Cynwyd, Moscow, Harrisburg, and Wexford. Adam Breneman, Cedar Cliff HS senior, and Devon Rodriguez-Cayro, an eigth grader at Mechanicsburg MS, were named Pennsylvania’s top two youth volunteers for 2013 by the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards, a nationwide program honoring young people for outstanding acts of volunteerism. PASC annually promotes this awards program in our September issue of PASC NEWS. As state honorees, Adam and Devon will each receive $1,000 and will attend a national awards program in Washington, DC, in early May. Adam launched a fundraising effort called “Catch the Cure” and designed a website to solicit donations. To promote the site, he used social media, reached out to news media contacts, and sent emails to friends. He also sold Catch the Cure T-shirts and bracelets in his community, spoke to local football teams and civic organizations, and arranged to have a football game at Cedar Cliff HS declared Catch the Cure Night. Thousands of dollars were raised that night alone. Adam’s initial goal was to raise $20,000, but by the end of October, his charity had collected more than $150,000 for Project ALS, which recruits doctors and researchers to find the cure for ALS. Devon raised more than $12,00 as an eighth grader for homeless pets by participating in the Harrisburg Humane Society’s annual river plunge known as the “Penguin Plunge,” She began her own fundraising PASC News • March 2013 6
page of the Humane Society’s website to solicit donations in advance of jumping into the icy Susquehanna River. Then she started making and selling a variety of treats to students and teachers at Mechanicsburg Middle School and at craft shows while dressed as a penguin to draw attention to her fundraising mission. The money she raised has helped the Humane Society of the Harrisburg Area add onto its building and pay for animal care. “You need to find your passion and volunteer for what you believe in,” says Devon.
Distinguished Finalists In addition, eight other Pennsylvania students were named as Distinguished Finalists for their service activities.
n Julie Badassamo, a junior at Upper Dublin HS, has knitted 280 hats and sold them through a website she created called “Hats for Homes,” making more than $2,800 to support the Delaware Valley Golden Retriever Rescue. Julie also knits with residents at a local nursing home and created a knitting club at her school.
n Abriana Bernstein, a junior at Harriton HS, has helped to raise $10,000 for the construction of a high school in Darfur as president of the club “Gems Not Genocide” (GNG). She began her efforts in seventh grade after watching a documentary about genocide. Her club has 100 active members •
and raises awareness and money for the organization Darfur Peace and Development.
n Catherine Clements, a senior at Ligonier Valley HS worked with the Girl Scouts to design a playground at the Darlington Baseball Fields after writing and receiving a grant of $8,000 to support equipment and installation. She also organized an Easter Egg Hunt and ribbon cutting ceremony for the new facility.
n Calista Frederick-Jaskiewicz, a junior at the Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School founded “Origami Salami Alpha and Folding for Good,” an organization that enhances science and technology lessons through the art of origami folding. Calista oversees seven chapters of the organization across the country, has published an online course, and conducts folding for the elderly and students with attention disorders.
n Meghan Harrison, a senior at Buxmont Christian Educational Institute, has raised more than $20,000 to support Lyme disease education and research through her “Lyme Light Fashion Show,” featuring patients who have the disease and models.
n Julia Kramer-Golinkoff, a senior at Lower Merion HS,
has joined her family to create “Emily’s Entourage,” a nonprofit organization that has raised more than $200,000 to support awareness and research for a cure for cystic fibrosis, a chronic lung disease from which her sister Emily suffers.
n Emily Morgan, a senior at North Pocono HS, raised $24,000 and distributed 1,700 books and materials to create six literacy centers at the local Boys and Girls Club, a school for the deaf, homeless shelters, and a women’s resource center. Emily who calls her project “How to Eat a Book,” teaches a free reading course and taught at two summer reading camps.
n Katye Trexler, a senior at Harrisburg’s Bishop McDevitt HS, founded “Katye’s Helping Hands” and has donated stuffed animals and blankets to more than 1,500 “hero” children whose law enforcement and fire fighter parents have been killed in the line of duty. Katye’s father, who is a police chief, raised more than $25,000 thorough individual donations, motorcycle run events, and art auctions to support the project. PASC recognizes and honors these outstanding community volunteers, and we hope that PASC students and advisors can find inspiration in the projects noted above. The 2014 Prudential Spirit of Community Award applications will be due in late October 2013. Look for details in the September issue of PASC NEWS or contact the Prudential Foundation directly at www.spirit.
Student Summit Proposals to Be Shared With Educational Leaders Students who attended the PASC Student Summit on Educational Issues in Harrisburg on February 21 adopted four proposals that will be shared this spring with Pennsylvania’s educational leaders. The proposals came from essays written in advance of the Summit by the student participants. During the morning work session, four student committees worked with volunteer facilitators to refocus the essays and to formulate them into specific recommendations that could be discussed during a general session that afternoon. Following debate and a question and anStudent leaders present their proposals on the floor of the House of Representatives as part of PASC’s annual Student Summit on swer session on each committee Educational Issues. proposal, the student delegates exception or alternative form of testing. cast their yes/no vote for the • The State Board of Education should establish guidelines that written documents. Delegates also submitted additional recomwill provide for an explanation of who qualifies for an exemption mendations to the committee for amendments to the proposals. of the Keystone Exam. Following the general session held in the House of RepresentaEquitable School Funding tive’s Chamber, an afternoon work session was held to refine the • We propose a shift of financial responsibility gradually from loproposals based on the discussion, votes, and written notes made cal districts to the state, a system of graduated goals for districts by the participants. The revised proposals were sent electronically to meet, and consistent auditing to account for spending. to all participants. They were given one week to revote on the final • Per pupil expenditures, including those given to charter schools, documents. with the exception of cyber schools, in districts must meet a A summary of the four documents that were accepted by that vote given limit comparable to the current state average as of the are found below. The proposal related to community service as a 2012–2013 school year. graduation requirement was not adopted. All student delegates • Pennsylvania should establish a series of progressive goals, based were urged to present the proposals and their personal viewpoints upon the performance of individual districts, which shall be meaon the four educational issues to members of their school adminissured by a combination of test scores and graduation rates. Once trations and School Boards. a school reaches its goal, it will be granted additional funding The full proposals that were adopted can be found at above and beyond any other necessary subsidy to ensure further The following proposals were adopted: success and growth. Academic Accountability Committee Proposal: • An organization of state officials should be created to act as Special Education Standardized Testing multiple reporting oversight committees to a central oversight • Standardized testing in regard to special education students is in committee. Oversight committees will be responsible for processgreat need of reform and should be modified. Special education ing the audits of the districts in their jurisdiction. students are held to the same standards as the rest of the student Teacher Evaluation and Professional Development population. • We believe that teacher evaluations should be divided into three • In the past system of standardized testing (PSSA), there was aspects, each weighted equally. an alternative test given to individuals who had previously been • 50% professional observation characterized as learning support, the PSSA-M exam. We pro• 50% elective data pose that an exemption or alternative form of Keystone testing • 20% local school assesment tools, including student feedbe given to students requiring learning support, who have been back (less than 5%) proven, in a legitimatized manner, that he or she truly needs this continued on page 8
PASC News • March 2013 •
Student Summit Proposals Sent to Elected Officials (Continued from page 7) • 15% school report card • 15% standardized scores for teachers with tested subjects • When Act 48 was put into effect in 1999, it required that the teachers should continue their education with a broad 180 hours spent on Professional Development every five years. We believe that the 180 hours should include 25 hours spent on general teaching skills, 50 hours dictated by the district based on teacher evaluations, and 105 hours unprescribed. • We believe that college students should take two rather than one semester of student teaching in preparation for a teaching degree. Presently many student teachers spend 25% of their time teaching, while the rest is spent on observation. By having two semesters, it enables the student teachers to take more part in the teaching aspect. Co-Curricular Activities • The US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics stated that involvement in co-curricular activities makes students 14% more likely not to have any unexcused absences, two times more likely to be in the highest 25% of their class, and three times more likely to have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. With the fact that every thirty-four seconds someone drops out of high school, it is undeniable that this statistic would decrease with more involvement in co-curricular activities. • Our first step to solving the issue of keeping co-curriculars in schools is to create a system of allocating co-curricular funds based on three points, which are the amount of participants, revenue, and cost of the activity. • Our second step to solving the issue of inadequate co-curricular
funding is to have a “committee of funding” in each school district. This committee would consist of advisers to clubs, coaches, and a student representative or representatives from each Student leaders debate their proposals at the PASC Student co-curricular. Summit on Educational Issues. This committee would be in charge of evaluating the school district’s funds for co-curricular programs and activities with input from these groups and making recommendations to the school board of the school district of how funds for co-curricular activities should be allocated. • One of the committee’s main objectives would be to make sure as many activities as possible are kept in each school environment. By ensuring that co-curriculars remain in a school environment, Keystone test scores, as well as grade point averages (GPAs) would remain higher. Share your thoughts on these issues and student proposals by joining the PASC Facebook Group. For a full copy of each of the adopted Student Summit proposals go to
Congratulations to NASC Region 2 Advisors of the Year NASC recently announced that PASC Advisors of the Year R. J. Long, of Quaker Valley MS, and Nancy Brady, of Governor Mifflin HS, have both been named as the Mid-Atlantic Regional Advisors of the Year. As regional advisors of the year, they will be recognized at the NASC National Conference at Sunrise Mountain HS on Sunday, June 23 and are now finalists for the national recognition. The Warren E. Shull Advisor of the Year Award was created in 1989 to honor Mr. Shull who founded the National Association of Student Councils 8
R. J. Long, student council advisor at Quaker Valley MS
in 1931 as a high school student. The Advisor of the Year award was established to recognize student council advisors of
PASC News • March 2013 •
Nancy Brady, student council advisor at Governor Mifflin HS
NASSP Associate Director Jeff Sherrill wrote to both R. J. and Nancy that,” Your dedication to the leadership development of our nation’s youth and the many positive contributions you have made as student council advisors are greatly appreciated, not only by your fellow teachers and advisers, but also by the many students whose lives have been guided and improved by your leadership.”
exemplary character, leadership, and commitment to young people and their development as student leaders.
Both R.J. and Nancy Good Luck R.J and Nancy! We wish you well in Las Vegas, where the National Advisors of the Year will be announced.
How to Host a Chili Cook-Off Fundraiser By Joe Dubinski, advisor at Hanover HS At Hanover High School (District 9), a chili cook-off contest started a few years ago as a very small chili event. In recent years both soups and chowders have been incorporated and the contest has expanded from a dozen to 20 contestants. In 2013 they are looking toward having even more participation. The event has even grown to include a bake sale and Chinese auction. Student Council members solicit prizes from area businesses to use as gifts for the winners, and auction prizes as well. It has become a very enjoyable community event, and our kids and contestants love it! Some of our administrators and a few local restaurateurs serve as judges and have come to look forward to the event each year. For the past several years, the Chili Cook-Off has raised more than $1,000. The Student Council voted to donate all of the proceeds this year to the Ashley Food Bank located in the Wilkes-Barre area.
Sample Timeline
November: Student Council members approach local businesses for donations
Fliers get posted in local businesses
December: Advertise: Fliers, newspaper article and photo, radio and TV station PSAs (Public Service Announcements)
Final preparation with maintenance staff for event: any electrical concerns
Junior Student Council commitment for workers/ bake sale
Troubleshooting, staffing needs
Picture frames for winners’ certificates, designation of prizes for winners and Chinese auction
Thursday, January 3: Deadline to enter a Chili, Chowder, Soup. One entry: $10, Two entries: $18, Three entries: $21
Winners, bake sale finalized, purchase supplies
Sunday, January 13, 2013 noon to 2:00
September: Schedule the event
Celebrity Judging: 11:00 a.m. to Noon
October: Plan the event with the student council and select an event chairperson
Cost: Adults: $5; Kids (6–12) $3; 5 and under free
Run the event! Have fun! Make lots of money!
Here is the timeline we follow when planning this event:
Snow Buddies (No Puppies Involved) By Noah Pollio, Middle Level Representative, Union MS Living in Pennsylvania, I’m sure all of you know about the less than-picturesque weather we have grown accustomed to. My council embraces this as yet another opportunity to serve the community with a project we call Snow Buddies. It is a wonderful way for us to lend a hand to our friends and neighbors. It truly has had a positive impact on our community. Snow Buddies, in essence, is a service project in which delegates get into buddy groups and compete to see who can shovel the most driveways. We normally give the signature forms out right before winter break, and extend the project well into January and February.
During this time, participating students travel to different houses in their neighborhoods to shovel driveways. When they have completed the work, a member of the household simply has to sign the form. No payment should be accepted by the students! This project is for service, not fundraising. The signatures are counted at the project’s end, and the buddies with the most signatures receive a gift from Student Council. We normally have them split a movie theater gift card amongst themselves. This adds another challenge to the competition. Larger groups will be able to shovel more driveways, but the individual split of the gift card will be significantly slower. However,
no matter how big the prize, every participating student in Snow Buddies will take pride in the fact that they helped their neighbors greatly and spread important values such as citizenship and teamwork throughout the community. I have found Snow Buddies to be one of our most educational and impactful projects that my council undertakes for many reasons. First, the competition and reward gets our delegates extremely excited to get involved in community service. Also, the physical task itself is one that requires all participants to work together to finish the job at hand. Finally, and most importantly, it teaches our council the value of reaching out and helping
others. We all live in a society in which communities are becoming less and less of, well communities, and it is our mission as student leaders to reverse that trend. Therefore, I find a service project like this to be truly wonderful in creating a virtuous and more compassionate ethical background for our generation. I hope that you agree with this, and that you will consider proposing this as a future service project in your councils. Please feel free to contact me at if you have any questions about Snow Buddies or the middle level in general, and please tell me about how the project goes if you decide to go through with it.
PASC News • March 2013 •