LEE DEC 2010

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SALE ENDS 24.12.2010

! s a m t s i r h C y r r e M

lectronics E e g d E g in from Lead

Bathurst 2010 Winners!

Vodafone 888 Racing Remote Control Car


Detector Bag!


$ 1/10th 4WD Electric Shaft drive Vodafone V8 Supercar. Remote control version of the Lowndes and Whincup car. Includes batteries, charger and wheel remote control. COEVODA


AnyBook Reader

Laser Challenge Annihilator Pack



The advanced technology system lets you battle wirelessly and gives you unprecedented features like radar detection, skill selection, multiple firing modes and multifunction scope. Includes 2 sets of pistols. 76432

Your child or grandchild can listen to you read all their favourite books, even when you're not there. The adult reads and records each page with a special sticker. Child touches the sticker with the AnyBook Reader to hear their parent/grandparent reading the story. 15 hours record and playback time. No software, no programming or special books required. DRP-3000



X-TERRA 305 Metal Detector Strong, deep detection with 12 segment discrimination to eliminate the rubbish. Rapid recovery Pin-Point with variable tone and graphic indicator. Target volume adjusts, allowing you to get more definitive audio information on each target. 3704-0101

SAVE $100



PowerShot A495 10MP, 3.3x Optical Zoom, DIG!CIII processor, 2.5"LCD, automatically selects up to 18 different scenes for great shots, records video with sound. CAN3017



For details on Canon competitions and to see terms & conditions please visit www.canon.com.au

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