4 minute read
From the President’s Pen
Hello fellow ATA members, my name is David White, and I will be serving as the ATA President for 2024. It is an honor to serve our great association. The state of Alabama is blessed to have so many dedicated turf mangers and educators.
As we head into 2024, I reflect upon the successful year our association had in 2023. Ben Williams led our association with great passion, and I want to take a moment to thank him for his leadership. Ben has been a good colleague over the years, and I am glad he is a part of ATA, as well as working in our industry.
I do want to encourage all of you to maintain your ATA membership heading into this next year. The Road Shows, Poa annua Classic, Auburn Turfgrass Research Field Day, Sports Turf Field Day, Lawn and Landscape Workshop, to the Deep South Turf Expo, offer many great events and educational opportunities to stay abreast of the latest trends in our industry. In addition to taking part in networking and spending time with colleagues, you have a vast array of tools at your disposal to help navigate the challenges that will arise from season to season. Your membership will give back what you put into it, so I hope you prioritize our events this upcoming year as a part of your job.
Go ahead and plan your year with our events, starting off with the Road Show series. This is a good time to take a day during the dormant season to hear the latest trends, get good educational advice, and grab pesticide points. Then in the spring look for the Poa Annua Classic, as we raise money for the Alabama Turfgrass Research Fund. In the summer of 2024 we will host the Sports Turf Field Day, which is always enjoyable, and next fall we will convene for the Deep South Turf Expo once again. The calendar on our upgraded website will be updated as we head into 2024 so you can plan accordingly.
I also would like to take a moment to thank our Board Members, as well as Kayla Cook, Melanie Bonds, and Tricia Clem. Kayla, Melanie, and Tricia do an excellent job of keeping us Board members on task, as well as setting up, operating, and tearing down at our events. They truly do make sure the train runs on time!! Our Board members are constantly working to make our association better and provide quality content and information.
For many years, James Horton volunteered to edit the ATA Turf Times. James decided earlier this year to step away and enjoy retirement. I cannot thank James enough!! He is a long-time member who is a valued friend and mentor in our industry, and he has served ATA with great passion over the years.
It is also with regret that we announce that Dr. Jim Jacobi has stepped down as one of ATA's education advisors. We would like to welcome John Nabors as he has agreed to serve on this committee.
To our sponsors, I say thank you, and we value our partnership. Our great sponsors give so much to our association, and really fuel a lot of what we are able to do. Be sure to thank our sponsors as you interact through business with them. I look forward in 2024 to working with those who get us the products and equipment we need to operate and make our jobs easier.
Lastly, as we head into the dormant season (let’s face it, there is really no offseason anymore) make time to relax and enjoy family and friends. Allow yourself to recharge. Looking forward to a great 2024 with you all, and as always, I am available to address any concerns or questions you may have.
Thank you and God Bless!!
David White
ATA President