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News from ATA

News from ATA

Announcing ATA Committee and Board of Directors Changes

It is with regret that we announce that Dr. Jim Jacobi has stepped down from his position on the ATA Board of Directors as Education Consultant. Dr. Jacobi is a Plant Pathologist/ Diagnostician with the Alabama Cooperative Extension based out of Birmingham Botanical Gardens. He has served us faithfully for many years.

Jim Jacobi

Fortunately, John Nabors, also with Alabama Cooperative Extension, has agreed to fill Dr. Jacobi’s place. In addition to his work with Extension, John is Executive Director and coordinator of the Alabama Green Industry Training Center. We are pleased to welcome John to this position.

John Nabors

It is also with regret that we announce that James Horton, Editor of the Alabama Turf Times, stepped down from this role earlier this year. Under his influence this publication flourished and achieved a level of professionalism we can all be proud of. Thank you for your many years of service in this position, James!

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